Resolution 563 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1A RT4.',S0J,1JTI0.1N '111STIN"ItATING TIUE, ODST 01, ING SIPF C I A110 T LIGEMNG ",D,1,STRICT IMIMM 01\1413 OF ThE CITY 0F.KALISP. :L PC) THE 1914 AED L.T1VYING AND ASSTISSINVY ALL TURIPROPEIRTY WIMIN SAID 'a"ISTRICT "WITH TELE COST OF LIIGIEPIEM SAID D10f1l TC1 BE E-OLVED BjY TITE CITY COUECIL 07 THEE CITY' OF IT, RES KALI Sect.,*Mon The cost of lighting 1ightinu Distract Number One of the Clty of YR-lispell faIr the yenr 1914 is e,cstimn.ted to be 03`-16- Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessme d -upon all the property insig.id. Lighting for the amount of the 0stimp ted coqtof I.ightirig the avenue there- in by np 'ortioning- to P the sever a2 lots and pnarcels of. land within t�e said district 's to -wit: as folloi�. T BLOCK 36 1,Lei t Width Assm"t Owne. r t 2 25 -Pt. 7 62 Dghlberg, S. T 3 25 ft 7.62 Dahlb erg, , S T u " 4 25 ff t 7.62 KnIght iwining 5- *`to r7 62 Knlgl,,t Twining, 7,62 McCoy, Jw1nrtin 2 1� ft' 7 - 2P McCoy, 111'artin 25 ft. 7.62 McCoy, Martin 9 25 2 n tl e Jr ohR i c, Nw 17'X35' HoutzG, IL 10 25. ft. 7 .02 Whitep 11, ra r y 11 25 f 1; 7.62 hi t P, Y ary 12 -F f t . 7.62 wit B L 4.5 1 25 ft. 7.62 A. D. Conrad, T ru s to e 2 25 Jr'ta 7.62 A. D,. ConrRd, Trustee 3 25 frt 7.(?- A. D. Conriid, Trustee 4 25 Pt 7 - A. D,,, Conrad n r,-,, d Pr *r u s, t e e 25 ft. 7 6 (#2 RcdonR alrl, W. B 6 2`5 ft. 7.62 Soralithg Do F* 25 ft 7*62 Tri State 7. Rnrl Co. 8 2 15 ft 7.62 Z alln. 9 25.ft. 7.62 Zahn, C* A* .10" f t . 70, n Benn, R * i 11 25 ft. 7 Benn 12 25 ft. 7.62 Be, ni-,i R. A' T i3.Tp cy, 56 25 ff t 7.62 Kal i speIl lv.'I"er cant 11. e Company 2 25 ft, 7 6,?, •TKalispel 1 T,,'ercantil e Cowany 3 5f:� Pt 7 6,o K-12 j spea.1 11ercsintile Comginy- 25 ft. 7,62 Kali.spell llercRntile Compqny 25' ft. 7.62 K9,1 i sp el I Mercantile Com�pf7iny 6 ft. 7 6-), E_ a I i s P el 1. TUreregrAlle Comp�-lny ? P5 ft, 7. c-2 Kalispell 'YorC.,ant-Ile CoT�nzjpany a 25 ft, 7 E5,ON'r." Kali sp e 11. M-Le r cant i I e C on, pony 9 25 ft, ? 61,12 Kali sp el. 1 Ite r can t i I e Company 101 25 ft 7.62 Kalispell Ye'rOloantlle C ompany 11 25 , f -t. 7 . 622W K a 1 i � p � I I Mercan ti le C ompany 25 ft. 7 . 6 2; Kali spell e r c a n t i 1 P, C, omp;_-�ny BLOC-K 65 1 25 f t. 7.62 Cit-v Of K'alispell 2 25 f -t. 7 6,21 . City of Ka-11spell 3 2 t`, f ` t City of 4 25 ftdl 7.62 Conrad National Bank 5 25 f t. 7, 62 Conrad Nationa'.1 2�ank 6 25 f t, 7,62 1 leaney, '%"Jilliam :P1 7 2 5 f to 7 6:2 First National k.. Ban k c/ o H 'V k1wa, rd 8 25 f t 7 rn, 2 Pi rst National B-ank c/o H V. -Al wa rd 9 25 Xt L 7.0 -2 Jili r,, A �; t National Bank (,,/o 'V. V A-1viard 0 25 ft, 7 . C,- le2 171 'rq t Na ti o n a l Bank c'l 0 H. V . Alward il P. 5 ft, 7.62, F i ns t Na ti one, 1 Ba n k cl/O H. V. AI'Mar d 12 25 ft, Fi rts, t Ya ti 6 na 1 '73 a n k n/o T1. V Alward PLOCTT� 37 7 25 t , 7.62-1 Redeker, Frederick 8 25 ft,, 7.62 Redeker, Frederick 9 25 ft. 7, 62 Redeker, Frederick 10 25 f t 7 62 Hy(.,Ie, Sarah ;j 25 ft. 7. 62 THYde, Sarah R. 12 25 t 7.62 A4ams, Alice A. 13 25 :11�'t 7,62 Kalispell IlTercanti ' I e C o-.,-apany 14 25 7.02 Ka,lispe-ll -11ercantile Comp!any 15 25 `PtXallspe_12.11 Mercantile Company 16 25 ft, 7. 62 Xallspell Mercantile Company 17 25 4ft . 7 . (5 2 Sam mi s Fred 11 �, 18 25 ft. 7652 Frecl 71,, O'Cf K 44 7 25 ]r t 7. 62 First -National E�anh 8 25 lrt,. 7.62 Pirst 11ationcal Bank 9 25 ft, 7,,62 Tw1ning,vT.1T1R j 'm. C. 1. 01 25 ft. 7.62 Goohorny Robert M. 11 25 ft m 7.64 Stoop, Frank D, 12 25 ft, 7,64 Paul In e , Rob e v t, 13 25 -.Itl t , 7;, 64 Pauline, Pob P rt 14 25 ft, 7.64 John on 0� P., 15 nrl. . 5 .r t 7 0 64: Johnems}on, 0. P. S,� Ni 16 25 7 . CC, 4 r,,! o r th e r n Idaho A- Yontanrt 10ower Company 1.7 2, .5.1 -A", t 7.64 Tremiblav, lVinifrecl., v 1. R 125 ft, 7. 64 Tremblay, T'inlf-rled 19 L 0 C K 57 7 25 ft, nited States 8 25 ft. 7.64 uni -tea 0 tate'a 1� 23 ft. 7.64 United States 10 25 ft.: 7.64 United States 11. 1215 f t, 7.64 United E!, t a - t rC b s 12 2 5 ft. 7.64 Un 3" t e d States 13 25 ft , v?. 64 Jam e s Oa Lee 14 25 ft. 7 $ 6-4 o n t e a th �,abel f-j. 15 •25 f t 7,64 T�onteath Miabel L. Sj- IffiningorMcClellan Nf 164, 5 7.64 141 ni nge r !IcOlellan 17 25 -[t, 7.64 Vvini nge el' Ian 7-1t Bank of Commerce 491 18 25 ft 7,64 WiningerTvIcClellan 711 Bank of 'Commerce 491 b0l BLOCK 64 7 21 5 f t , 7.6,4 Pucksen, Frederick 1,11, 8 25 f t, 7.64 9,,uckqen, r-'rederic.k IT* 9 25 ft, 7,654 15,o-�-ris, I'leter S. ic ;1711 5 f t 7.64 Jan. P, S 0 z a Le e f2 5 f t, 7 a 5-4 James lMa I in d. a 1. 12. 25 f t. 7.64 Jame s ffi R, s au 13 2,15 101 t . 7.64 Kolle, Chri s F. 14, 25 f t 7.64 4 J01"rmtonj William F. Penrod, Carrie PI.. (Lyman Penrod) 16 2 5 ft, 7e64 Tay I o r George,, Cascwde, 1"�i.olnt. 17 2b ft. 7.64 XLor.rai S ry T Irving Ma 181 2b t 7.64 C on r��4�d National Bank Section 3. The 'tax hereby levied bec.wmes delinquent at six o'clock p, m, on the 30th C'ic-iy of �,Ioveyu�be.r, 1.914, Section 4. Reference is hereby made tothe `�,esol,Ution of Intent. on to 7'reate -Lighting District Number One for further Particulars. Introduced Sentember 3t�, 1'914, a 7,3C o1clock. ff MAYOPt. Ok CITY 0 T 47 R 1 Adopted this 21st day pf Se-p-tember 1914. Approved this 21st day of Serter}k iniber 191,4, MAYOR, ATT-,P,ST.o CITY CLERK, STA,17! OF IMONTT ATTA COUNTY OF 17W-7-17AD, SS CI TY OF 'K �-11 OPFLIJ - (. 1� C, J, 14cAllister, 17ity Clerk of the City '.)f Kcalispell, Montana do hereby certify. t1hat the foregoing, is Lrue and exact copy of a Resolution passed and approved, by the City Council of the City of Kalispell,, Iffontana, on the 21s-t day of Sep tel,Ube r$ 1914 Dated this 221.1nd d.ay of Oc-taberj 1914 I TY C L'FRX.