Resolution 559 - Assessment - SID 153T: 'r i , , 7 �q, "VY13`10 -All 011 CERTA 0 OPI'MA TY I N A L ILL i T OW"Irl 11T DISTRICT 1,110. 153 OF T112, CITY OF KA1-JSP',Pj S "1., `2 C I �11 I '])Jr4FRA.Y11TG THE M�3T OF COTT, STRUCTIIHM '031.-�` A1,41A F01-1 '111H PUTIPOSE OF T) ]D`0UL..1`]VARDcS` A1,1D GRASS PLOTS T15UXE 12,11rW I. -IN' V111TI-1 01T EACIT SIDE OF SEC10111) AV�,1 UE EAST [3AI71 'jI)I'Si1'RICT GRASS SEED AIND PLANT- M C TjjT.T C li,4 ijsRElIq Alf' J14(Y- Cj.TRB S JUTID ME 0 D 1-j Wl'i,'�SDT HIALI' OF BLOCIES' 18, 221� 222 and ?,224- Al�-M ",P1,1-0, MAS)T HALF 2 3 "'Y Ole' M-CK'dlKS 226; 229?309 233, 4q n d 2 4 1 Ir T117.1 17 CIP, 01P KA11`111?1LO IN SAIT.) DISTRIM., rPM BY T1,1..TP4 CITY' COUNCIL OF TIU1 CITY OF IT KALIS'P'21L, 19'0NTJd7A.- � the City Council. of the City of e e 1 Kont,-mR, h-g,s her(,)tofore passed -a resolution by th 4- r.�,j 0 r which the construction of boulevtirds -alid grass plots e t n width on each side of Secontl Avenue in sq,id 7�iSt"Vict, �ovling graot" r3e-,,ed and ' p1rinti-rifT trees therein rind constructirif.,r wooden curbs ind se-rving the 'west alf of Plocks 1 3, IF), 3, ?23 nnrl 7124 eand, 229, 4 the half Of "locks 2262 17 !and 24­,W--7tS authoTized and provision made 'Wherein for t?le, -b'n'YInent 01 the cost Of sRi�" improvements by 1evyin(,,,- ins --ira "t the Property within snip , diel-d,rict the cost of sqid improvements beinr.,' the rurn oil BE IT 7FJRTjj`j1t1 _,-U) That �.). I evy be -mjade �-rni mr, t f)a 2. th.0 .(JV0PeVty embrl'iced tithin sf,,id SPecir).1 I mprov�ament TE),1st -t'ict, S Owe TMv1SIT'J�, OF Kl�-LISPELJj BLOCK 23 Lot Assm, t I n Still t Oviner 7 11.05 .6 KfAlispe2l, 11,thletic Associati or, 81 11 3.68 Kalispell Athletic Assoclezi,tion 9 11,05 3.68 KaliiLipe]-I. Athletic AssocJ.r,.,'Iion 10 12,05 3.68 Kalispell. -I At*hletic P'4. * AnPoci' o1or. ^tS 2 1 . 0 3.68 .i K-,ilispe`l 1-thletjx 15-s -, s oc i ��it j, on 12 11.05 3.68 K a 1 -1 s 11 Assoric�ti()rj. : a,o mm, 18 7 11.04 3.68 1 -r i f f K9, A th 2 e t I c A s -s n fvyt 1 1 k # 11o04 3.68 Cialilandl B. B " .V 11.04. 3,68 Gilli].-Rnd, B. B. 10 111*004 3,6688 Knlvllsveal Tse CO. Wri . T. gle ) 04 , VM4 �M,ith 12J. 112., ,4 ,3.68 1llakdins 1a I e n i a s J. 3, a. , 0 4. 5.68 Anderson, L. B. R. ll..,004 3 herrick, Ne-thq n L 6 10 11. 04- 3.68 73 t e j. n't, 11111 ("IT, A nna' !A. I I 11,04 3.68 Fr ol. i cher , o h n 12 11.04 11T ,alden, h'T'Qth-i, nth 7 '. m ADDITION' 110. 4 TO KA110SPELL EL 221 7 11.0 4 3.68 8 11*04 3 .6 8 Q 11.04. 3 .68 10 11, . 0 4?1. 3,,68 11 11,,04- 3.68 121 11.04 ;.68 TbLOCK 222 r7 11.04 3.68 11.04 3.68 9 11,04 3,68 10 11,a04 3. 6 8 1.1 13:.04 3.68 1 7� 11.04 68. B LOU"K 224 owill er ev ChAtitIckv Herber"t Poole, Georce 0. ZT'r. I,Z,cCarthy, Dq-mel T o vg er o, on., C I -ark Torge.rs)on, Auotiyl Ellyson, A. F. Ellyson� A. TAI* I M I'llyson, A. I-11. B ea tA c h s),mo Cha r I o ""t e '6 White, "Karion L,, (Empi-re Land Co.) 7 11 . 04 3.68 8 11,04 9 11.04 3.68 10 11,04 3.68 1 1. 11.05 3.68 12 11 t, 05 3.68 5 T K i%L I 'IPTML BL 0 CK 22 6 1 11 0 or, 3.68 2 11 *0,; 3.68 3 or, 4 i I. 0E 3 6� 3.68 6 3,,68 13d,OCK 229 0 3.68 2 1100� 1) 11.05 3.68 4 ii.or 6 Pu 12,04 3.68 6 11,04 3.68 2 3 0 I 1',, 0 4 2 11.04 11,,04 4 12.04 5 11 " 0 4- 6 11.04 BLOCK 233 1 11.04- 4- 3 4 3.68 3 .68 3-63 3.68 ,Edmondcs A, I Coeur d,'Alene, Idal-,1,-o Edmaonds A Edmonds, A Eldynond s A* A AV El d m o nA s E, dm o n (I s , A W'hit.-I, Linxion L. �mes Svvcmeyj 'Sh u 1 k i n B.r o s Swan.py, Charles 1-1-1* Smaney, Cht��vlcs H* Sdetne, Pe+L.,rR Aggliher Alf orts AgRther, Alf ons- Kalispell Bul'lrl.ing Loam Associlition Reid, Frn, nk F . r Jr I Grey, G. Frfink Fuller Lem,. 7u 11 er 1, enq. F I R * L E',, Ir G-r P.en tj 6 3 . 6,,8 Berne,Um. C. c/o C. C. 1--TFarp or, llna v r e 11 o n t 3.68 Tord�in, Loyd 3,68 C. o o dvv, -11-1 d 3.68 10 it".""r 1111 d n E F r a nk 3,, 680 And er IS, Orl �t NIISITE 01' Ki",-LISP"ELL hL 0 CK 4 L ot As siji I t In stm t Owner 1 3.68 Cunderson, -11'eter (1E. A. Rose) IT- 10 12 2.21 .73 Gtinderson, Peter M A. Ro'se) S-40t2 8,84 2.94 (,Iunlerson, Peter 3, 1- a. . 0 08 Gunderson, Petel. 4. 11.05 3.68 Irn ?-,d -Lhomas, John JS and -ith 5 11, C5 3 . 6 8 Jefferies, harles A. 6 11.05 30,68 ITAlden, Lars J. BLOCK 17 1 11.015 3.68 Cramer, Barton 2 11.05 3.68 Crwaer, Barton 3 11.05 3.68 Branson, 4.argre 4 11 , -5 3.68 Branson, rg r e to M 5 11.05 3.68 717 o r ton 0 14110 - R. 6 11.C5 3.68 Xalisp'ell Bldg. & Loan Assn, BLOCK 24 1 11.05 .3.68 City of Kalispell 2 t 1 .0 5 3.68 City of Kalizpell 3 11.05 3.68 City of Kalispell 4 11.05 3.68 "h.ur-phy, John J. 5 11.05 3.68 Bjorneby, Mmi 1 (31. arid George 0. 6 11.015 3.68 B*orneby, 7,mil G. and George 06 TOTAL, 861.53 The aforesaid sums shall be paid as aboVe set forth with interest on defe_-.?-ed payment at Vne rate of six per cent per annum, p4"1yable annually on or before the Wth day of November of each and every year; the first of which payments shall be made in the year 1914. Payments become, delinquent at six o1clock Rovember 30th of each year, Introduced this 17th day of August 1914, and set for hearing on the 24t.411 day of August, 1914, at 7:30 �fclq- P. TA. MAYOR. ATT73T: 7P'na. CI TY C LT,'-q K ■ cs s e and approved this 24th day of 4Au x)9, t 1914. MAY R. -ATTV.,ST: .... . ... .. CI TY MTTRK. S TAT'T 0 F MOW T ANA 0 I C. J. McAllister Uity Clerk 1 0 COUNTY OF FLATHEAD, SE3. of the it of Kalispell, do hereby CITY OF 'KALISPM.LL. certify that the fore going is a full, true and exact copy of a Resolution passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, on the 24th day of Augurt, 1914. Dated this 2nd day of Septe-mber, 19 I L�"Z�IIZ2 CITY CL7RK.