Resolution 556 - Assessment - SID 152Is RE,S OLU T I OTT ITo. 556 A REC-OLUT101, 11.11111111TC, U] ON 01, WAIN PRO P"PATY IN SPI-ICIAT, iMPROVE"T'lliT )ISTRICT 1,110. 152 OF THE CITY OF %1111SPEILT, "01--i"A FOR THIE, of DEFRAYING THE COST OF CONPTFTICTIIIG A 1112ALRY 101-111-]V.`�,R RROIA T1117 CE3)T`A CP ',',lA,7,hllTMrT0N eM".`ET TO 'PlE, C'P11"I'�' 011 -,O)WIlANA :MTl:!�?.Elr,, 'liAIIE 'S)TIU',T hil.7D PIR2T AV7,AME 'ifll,,T Allm S111vilIT11 PLOCT'll 6 firld 15 OF 'TITT,' ('11,1GIlTAL T0VTl,SIT'7 Olo' KALlUT31.1, 1113 S S AID 'DlRICT, BE IT BY T!'r CITY' COUI.CIL OF CITY OF KllldISPLLL, MONTAINA, !,',q7PR:7AS,, the City Council of the City of Kali,�,pell, has beretafore paq$ed q resolutiQn by the ter�-ls Of which tb.e (,,om3truction of R s,-init 7�ry sev,,Ter between :,jirRt Avma(,. �YE"St m "'ontarm Str(---ot to Washington Street kn(l ind �ain Street from ,q(-Wvirw, ]>locku () and 25 of the Orl4gimal Townsite of VMS alithorized and provision made therein for the pVment of tyie coot of Sewer by lc7ying the pro-"")erty within s'ad'! 4 r i C t , the. cost of said improlvoments beinF�, t1no :Ti,vn of IT IT,,11THEIR 1 !�' �" QL lv'-%CM the property embr,aced rri thin 152 $is fallors. C)TRIGIll'id, OF KALISI"EML: Bl'oc'e; 6 11 11) t ASOM, t I notm I t 1 ") "2 . 8 o 4.56 2 ? . 80 4.56 3 2L, 4.56 4 2280 4.;6 22 80 41 6 6 22.80 4: 7 '21" 920 4 56 2 7- 0 4 56 :)2.80 4,56 10 BO 4.56 21 2280 4:56 12 D2 :8o 4,56 1) 4. 14 ?-:' 4 r6 I; 2,?. 8 1 4.56 16 21.31 4.56 17 2 1 4 . IS S 22. 81 4. ,6 1 '-'6 1 20 .81 4 � 6 21 ?2 81 4.56 22 -� ,2 . �1 4:56 "23 "R I A- 56 24 "2 . � l 4: 56 Th? t sa 1. evy be made q,T ' i i n,:� t q,-i iid Soecnl Improvem.ent DMstvict , ')v;r ner Whitc "- "A"'Irion 1" China . n. McPxthur) ''h i to Tlarion '11 . � M,- p . T, M cAr t h ur TI e d or., Denton P. �'edon, % , ­� 1I - 1 - e, "a, ion L. c/o 'N. I!. TToig P ''.h i t a, D'-irl on 1, c/o Itoif;es , T r 1 (_1 t C/o I,el s iletersun 7e r v i I H wr r i e t T c/o IT e 1, o P e t cr 9 (:)Il YJ awk es, D,)n j e 1. hwwkes' D'FlIllel Lamb, J, Arthur Bartleeon, 7,,nmq T. T.mb, J. Arthur U&Irtl'C"son, Elm"'Irl J. Truesdell, !"Ary L, Truesdell, Mary L. Proctor, J,3.meq A. Proctor, James A. A. Pr oc tor, J arle El je-Pforieo, Ch�,rlen A. lefferict", (Ill'irleo A, 'Knlisr,el2l Townsite Co. (Lylia Nylen) Nylen, Lyr1i"I Yylen, lydia, Nylon, Lydia m noca '15 1 22.81 4.56 Whi te, ':,"vrjon 1,. 2 22 .81 4, 56 7,71ii te, 11,ari on J,, 3 ?? .82 4.56 Walker, Annie 4 o? .81 4.56 Vfr-ilkr.r, Annie 5 6 22.82 4.56 White, Marion 1, 2 . 8 4.56 VVhite, :vj�rjcn I ,)2.83 4,56 3-cGovorn, James 83 4.56 11cGovern, JRmes 9 2?.�5 4.56 F. 13, & L. A. (MR-oy 10 22.83 4.56 K. B. & L. A. JX, -,r y 11 22 .83 4.56 Shell ey, Mary 12 22.83 4.56 Shelley, Yary 15 22.83 4.56 J.ictle, John R. 14 22.83 4:56 Li'stle, John 11. 15 22.83 4.56 3 istle, John R. 16 22.83 4,56 Listle, John 17 22.83 4.56 Lake, Sybil 18 .83 4.56 Leke, Sybil 19 8,5 4.56 Y, ar C ot t e, 1, ou i q 20 2.83 4.56 1"la r C 0 t t e, L Ou i ,s 2 1 22.q3 4.56 URr C 0 t t e, 1, Ou i s 22 2?.83 4.✓6 -,1A n r co t t e , 1, ou j s 23 2?.83 4,56 !"!Rr C 0 t t e, Lour 24 ?? .8) 3 4,56 T"'!ar C 0 t t ��, Loud s Sh e 11 ey) S I h C2 1 ey) The aforesaid simis slhlall be paid r.an ibove set forth with interest on deferred p-aymentq st the r, t e of 9 is per cent per annurq P1' able tlnnu,�Ily on or before the 30th d,7ty if rovemb(,-r of e-ich gnel every year, the fl-r'st of which pqyments s1i�Al be nude in the ye-r 1c,11.4. Pnymentc, become delinquey1t -st qjx O'clock P, 11. of Eoveriber 30th of each yQir. Introduced this l7th d=iy of AuFunt, :914, nnej set for he sinter on the 94th. d I qy o4' j�upust, Ic 7:30 o'clock 1'.1A. A 4- CITY Cl, 7'RY ': T .P��TL Passed and ,,ipproved this I �66 A'I'T 10, S T C T "�TATE, OF ,L1 M,011'2111 iA, C OU N T Y OR PI A. Tj i ) s CITY OF Yld�!SPT,111. ( 24th d i of Au�ust, lr)IL4. MAYOR 1, C. J. 1ACAljiF!te-r, �;,11'y Cleric of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the fovcCoin,r° is �i full, true end exact copy of q Resolution ptisqed qrA q-pproved by the City Council of the City of Kilispell, on t4--ie 24V1 driy of hugu.,t, lc)14. 7')�Ited lthiv, 27th (Piy of August 1()14. C, TY CITM,