Resolution 561 - Assessment - SID 156R 7 S 0 L U T 1 0 N NO. 561 # A R7SOLUTION LEVYING AN ASS72SIMTIT ON C7RTAIN PR0Pr,,1R,TY IN SP7X14P1AL 11CPROV.7411171137T DISTRICT NO. 156 OF TTIN CITY OF KALI SPELL !ELONTAI'A, FOR, T17 PIMP0603h' OF DEFRAYING THrl. COST OF LAYING A 11WAT7,R IWIT ON IFIROST A117NU7, P5AS' ' r FROM THR T7RIZINUS 01" TH7 VNFAT:713 ',4j7[,.AJN AT TWELFTH STR ' 7FT TO THIRT77ENTH STR72,T ,A�ND SF41-IVING BLOCKS 214 and 215 IN SAID DISTRICT, BE IT REPS01j"IrED BY TH:T CITY COUNCIL OF' TH3T CITY O 0 F KALIS)PELL, 1JONTANA4 WHER'PiAS, the City Council of aie City of Kalispell,Montana, has heretofore pa-esed a resolution by the terms of which the laying of a water main on First Avenue 'Fast from the present terminus of the water main at Twelfth Street to Thir- teenth Street and serving Blocks 214 and 215 Of Addition Number Three, to the City of Kalispell was authorized and provision made therein for the payment of the cost of sadd, water in by levy. in against the property wit�iin said district the cost of said improvements, being the s= of t578.04; I T. 2, IT R T 6117,, 11 7 3 7f S 0 L I TTP, .1 That a levy be made against all the proT,.erty embraced within said Special Improverrient District .0 No. 156 as follows., ADDITION NO. 3 TO KALI SP*T_T_1 BLOCK 215 Teo t Assn.' t Ins tnk It Owner 1 48.17 9.63.f Griffin, 111. H. 2 48.17 9.63 Bishop, Virginia 11. 3 48.17 9.63 ucvey,-Charles W. 4 48.17 9.63 Hors tman, Eessie A. 5- Bales, 1 48,17 9.6,3 Heber L. 6 48.17 9.63 Bales, Heber L. BLOCK 214 7 48.1.7 9.63 Benn, R. i 8 48.17 9.63 Benn, R. J. 9 48.17 9.63 Amesblur y, H. Clyde 1( 48.17 9,63 Aer, C. R. (E. B. Knott) 11 48.17 9.63 Akers C. R. (F. B. Knott) 12 1 . 74..F-- 9.63 Rizor, Mary 578.04 The aforesaid sums shall'be paid as above set forth with interest on deferred payments at the rate of six per cent per annurn, payable annually on or before the 30th day of November of each and every year; the first of which payments shall be made in the year 1914. Payments lecome delinquent at 6 otclock P. Ivr,. Novi mber Wth of each yetar. Introduced this 17th day of August, 1914, and set for hearing on the 24th day of August-, 1914 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. A I rAYOR. ATT7Sr'Ll: CITY CLERK. Passed and approved this 24th day of ro A4i44�­:'not 1914. X , 111AYOR, A "ITFST: l� -CITY CLVR.K. m STATE OF 'IVONTANA, ( TT� 7"kn COUN"I'Y OF FLA I I ) SS. CITY OF XALISM-PLIj. ( I, C. J. McAllister, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Nriontana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and exact copy of a Resolution passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, 'Montarla, on the 24th day of August, 1914. Dated this 4th c1ay of September, 1.9 7 CITY CL71K.