01-19-06 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION First & Main Building, 4 - Is'Street East, Suite. 102 / P.O. Box 105 Kalispell, MT 59903 (406) 755-5305 MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: Thursday, January 19, 2006 Location: Conference Room, KPC Office Called to Order at: 7:55 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairman All present were: Mark Pirrie, Chairman, Janet Clark, and Richard Nelson, Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager 1. Approval of minutes from the December 15, 2005 Board Meeting Moved to approve Janet Clark, Richard Nelson seconds, Approved by all present. 2. Hearing of the Public: No One present 3. Approval of Financial Statements from December 15 2005: Moved to approve Janet Clark, Richard Nelson seconds, Approved by all present. 4. Updates from KPC office: TICKETS; Jack wrote 147 tickets in December and 70% were collected (down due to the Holidays) Last year KPC wrote 76 tickets and 70% were collected KPC wrote off $75 in tickets this month NOTICES: Big load caught up still working on this month should be caught up by the end of the month. SUMMONS& COMPLAINTS; Overloaded w/ current summons — a work in progress PARKING PERMITS; Parking Permit Revenue this month was $9,316.00. Permits are up $1,190.00 this month Parking Permit Revenue last month was $8,126.00 Parking Permit Revenue last year at this time was $6,099.00 CONTRACTOR PERMITS; No Contractor permits revenue this month — Nothing to Report METERS. Meter collection was $1,765.04 .Meters were up $202.65 Meter collection for last month was $1,562.39. Meter collection for last year at this time was $1,404.24. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE; $10,245.74 S. Unfinished Business: A. Centre Court -Tom Hamilton — Not Present B. Lot Management for Karen Davidson — Mark still working on this project will meet with her and try to get lease done so we can start ticketing the first of February. C. Library/ Sidney Letter — Rachel will work on this for board approval next meeting. D. Red Cross Invoice/Direct Billing Letter — Approved by all present E. Parking Permit Policies Letter — Approved by all Present F. Goose Bay Sand - $75 hr. plus cost of sand — Spending Update for Snow Plowing & Shoveling. ( See attached handouts) G. Previous Work Orders have not been done for ....2 hr sign between Wells Fargo bank and Strand Theatre or 2 Hr parking sign by Epworth Church. Rachel will call and check on this. H. New work order was put in for moving current handicapped sign and adding another in Eagles Lot so there is one for each space. This has not been completed yet either. 1. New Business: A. Ordinance Changes? 17-90, 17-89, and 17-92/ Charlie? Rich? Signs and Coinage are different than the city ordinances state. Could we get these amended? This was brought up a year ago and the board decided to move forward with new signage. The new signage has been on hold for the last few meetings due to other issues. All 3 of this ordinance will be changed at the same time when KPC puts up new signs. Approved by all. B. Barber shop Quartet — Approved by the Parking Commission. Rachel will send out thank you letter and approval. We will not ticket them that day. C. Old Parking Meters — Charlie Rate. Parking Commission is unwilling to sell or get rid of our meters at this time. Rachel will call and let him know the boards answer. Approved by all present. D. Faith Alliance Church - Approved by the Parking Commission. We will try this and if it gets over full we will reconsider at that time. Rachel will send out thank you letter and approval. They will not be charged. Approved by all present. E. Change of Billing Address — Change address due to late fees on bills. They sit in the PO Box for a week. PO Box will still be listed on tickets. Do we need a mail slot? Mail box? What about weekends? Bonding Rachel? Stop mail order for Saturdays and Sundays? Rachel will check into these options and will report back to the board. F. Minutes Project — Teresa White has let me know that we need to give her copies of our minutes. How far back? Rachel will give a copy of all that are backed up on CD's. Board was not aware of this, but we will E-mail them to her from now on. Approved by all present. G. Fire Inspection letter — Nothing major but we have fixed all the violations. Rachel will give you copies of fire inspection and letter for your records. H. New Permits - $238.50 for $1000 need to order more — 5,000 Price Break? Rachel will re -order another 1,000 and we will see how long they last. Approved by all present. I. Complaint about bird droppings in Skyline Lot — Rachel will get the number and refer Larry from Music One to the City Tree Commission. ALL EVENTS LISTED BELOW WERE POSTPONED FOR THE NEXT MEETING J. New Chairman — Election 1st Mtg of New Yr, Re-election for Offices in March - Campaign? What needs to be done? Change of Officers, Budget 2006. The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.