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3. Ordinance 1641 - Yield SignKALISPELL POLICE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE (406) 758-7780 - FAx (406) 758-7799 REPORT: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Roger Nasset, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Yield Sign Request MEETING DATE: June 16, 2008 BACKGROUND: Requests have been made to study the intersection of 6h Avenue W.N. and W. Washington to determine if this uncontrolled intersection should be signed for improved vehicle and pedestrian safety. The intersection is on the southwest corner of Washington Park. Several children live in the area and use the intersection as a means of commuting to and from Trinity Lutheran School and the park. KPD records indicate there have been seven accidents at this intersection since 2004. A traffic study conducted by KPD indicated high traffic flows through the intersection with 945 vehicles using the intersection over a two day period. Public works conducted a study and determined yield signs for Forth and South traffic is warranted at the intersection. See attached traffic study. RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Council should adopt the attached ordinance. FISCAL EFFECTS: As described. ALTERNATIVES: As recommended by council. Respectfully submitted, 77- loa Ro r Nasset:4mes H. Patrick Chief of Police City Manager ROGER N SSET, CHIEF" OF POLICE ROGER KR uss, AssiSTA T CHIEF OF POLICE ORDINANCE NO.1641 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PLACEMENT OF YIELD SIGNS ON GTH AVENUE WEST NORTH AT THE INTERSECTION OF WEST WASHINGTON STREET, PURSUANT TO KA.LISPELL CITY CODE 17-15, AUTHORIZING THE KALISPEI. L CITY ATTORNEY TO RECODIFY SUCH CODE AND DECLARING- AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, residents of the area of 6th Avenue West North and '"Lest Washington Street have contacted the City to express concerns about traffic safety at that intersection; and WHEREAS, the Kalispell Public Works Department studied the traffic in that area and proposed that yield signs be installed on 6th Avenue W N at the intersection of West Washington Street; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the proposal and finds this pleasure to be in the best interests of the safety and welfare of the City of Kalispell. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Kalispell City Police Chief is hereby authorized, pursuant to Kalispell City Code 17-15, to place and enforce yield signs on 6th Avenue West North at the intersection of West Washington Street. SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final passage and approval. PASSER AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR. THIS 7TH DAY OF JULY, 2008. Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk Date: 3/2W2008 03:20:54 Pm Start Date: 3/26l2008 07:00 am End Date., 3/2812008 10:00 am Time Interval: 60 min u t es Speed Interval.. 5 mph Posted Speed Limit:" 25M ph ' Average Speed:.... 1.6' mph.. Highest Speed. 35 mph. 50kh. Nrcenkij�: 17. mph 85th Percentile:. 2:2 mphSt N umber Above peedt)mi.. 43 Total Number"df VehiGl6s: 945 'Soo Soo 700 PIP, 0 .0 Comments: