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2. Evergreen Sewer Rate for Fiscal Year 2008-2009city of Kali*spell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell., Montana 59903-1997 -- Telephone (406)758-7700 Fax (406)755-7755 REPORT TO: Mayor Kennedy and City Council Members FRONT: Rick wills, Assistant Finance Director James H. Patrick, City Manager SUBJECT: Evergreen Sewer Rate for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 MEETING DATE. August 4, 2008 BACKGROUND: Please find attached several sheets of information. This compilation is for the wastewater Treatment Plant operations only and does not include the billing costs, bad debt expense, depreciation or sanitary sewer expenses. The first sheet is a compilation of the expenses of the WWTP for the fiscal year 2008. our operating expenses increased by about 12% from the prior year. FY2007 expenses are included for comparison. The City spent $420 on the plant expansion/rate study/facility plan. The City also spent $9,835 on consultants regarding the feasibility of extending sewer lines north of Kalispell along Whitefish Stage Road. These expenses were not used in the formula for Evergreen's FY 2009 rate. They do not impact their contract with the City and Evergreen's capacity remains unchanged. Evergreen Sewer District's FY2009 rate is based on our operational expenses for FY2OO8 prorated at the percent of usage based on meter readings at the lift station and the plant. A page is attached with the meter readings and usage. Evergreen's usage is down almost 5%, while the total plant usage is up just over 1 %. As a result, Evergreen's share of the total flows has decreased from 16.97% to 15.99%. This is not a percent of capacity only a percent off lows treated at the plant. The percent of usage (15.99%) is applied to our operating expenses and replacement fund requirements to arrive at the total cost for treating Evergreen's sewage. The cost is then divided by their gallons of usage to arrive at the rate per thousand. This calculates to $1.63 (up $0.16 from FY2008) per thousand and is the new rate for FY2009. The district pays 22% of the debt service costs regardless of the usage. The Evergreen debt service expense for FY09 is $9,655-21 per month, up from $9,615.65 for FY08. The amended Evergreen agreement calls for Evergreen to share in the equity of the WWTP Replacement Reserve account. A reconciliation of the reserve account is included. The items for which replacement funds were used are listed on the reconciliation page. The account earned $ 84,978 in interest. The equipment replacement schedule was adjusted for the items listed on the sheet for the reconciliation of the reserve account. Evergreens total equity in the replacement reserve account is $237!,577. MlVIENDA'I'ION: Approve new rate. Rick Wills Assistant Finance Director Report compiled: July 30, 2008 a H. Patrick City Manager 2008 WWTP...FISCAL YEAR 2008 Prepared: 7/24/08 City Finance Office Wageslfica/medtlwclunemp. $ 445,879.00 Overtime $ 211>111.00 Health Ins. $ 825441.00 PERD $ 2800.00 Office Supplies $ 1,885.00 Small office equip $ 5,039.00 Computer supplies/equipment $ 55586.00 Safety equip $ 5,165.00 Lab supplies $ 5,010.00 Janitorial Supplies $ 77.00 Alum $ 4,202.00 Chemicals $ 16,508.00 Other supplies $ 35948.00 Gas & Oil $ 105597.00 Consumable tools $ 2,461.00 Postage & freight $ 705.00 Memberships & dues $ 949.00 Licenses & fees $ 5,943.00 Electricity $ 2195627.00 Water $ 10,474.00 Natural Gas $ 695499.00 phone lease/charges/pagers/alarms $ 55660.00 Lab Services $ 85,652.00 Auditing $ 23160.00 Contract Sere -Glacier Gold. $ 121,606.00 Other Contract Sere $ 367471.00 Consultants $ 115913.00 Building maint. $ 19991.00 School & Training $ 15,463.00 Medical services/drug testing $ 666.00 Property & Liability Iris. $ 49,351.00 Central Garage $ 39500.00 Admm' . Transfer $ 835786.00 Data Processing $ 12,036.00 Equipment Total Operating Expenses $ 1,2995021.00 x 0.1599 $ 2075671.96 $ 1.250 per thousand gallons Replacement $ 396,227.55 x 0.1599 $ 63,344.13 $ 0.381 per thousand gallons Annual cost to Evergreen $ 2715016.09 $ 1.63 per thousand gallons Debt service 1 Evergreen 22% $ 1151,862.56 annual $ 9,655.21 per month Evergreen Flows 166,156,500 15.99% Total Kalispell Flogs 1,0391335,200 2007 WWTP...FISCA.L YEAR 2007 Wageslf calmedt/wclunemp. $ 3621,616.00 Overtime $ 151,642.00 Health Ins. $ 605883.00 PERD $ 225795.00 Office Supplies $ I,154.00 Small office equip $ 418.00 Computer supplieslequipxnent $ 2,856.00 Safety equip $ 25510.00 Lab supplies $ 51,752.00 Janitorial Supplies $ 508.00 Alum $ 103,578.00 Chemicals $ 813 79.00 Other supplies $ 21)155.00 Gas & Oil $ 11,684.00 Consumable tools $ 1,690.00 Postage & freight $ 367.00 Memberships & dues $ 920.00 Licenses & fees $ 6,6I7.00 Electricity $ 250,239.00 Water $ 7,149.00 Natural Gas $ 5 8,83 3.00 phone lease/charges/pagers/alarms $ 4,667.00 Lab Services $ 65738.00 Auditing $ 2,160.00 Contract Serv-Glacier Gold $ 1155980.00 Other Contract Sery $ 30,003.00 Maint. & Repair $ 31,291.00 Equipment Maintenance $ 5,526.00 Consultants $ 7,753.00 Building maint. $ 2,819.00 School & Training $ 11, 898.00 Medical services/drug testing $ 850.00 Property & Liability Ins. $ 43,889.00 Central Garage $ 3,500.00 Admin. Transfer $ 859421.00 Data Processing $ 85,588.00 Equipment Total Operating Expenses $ 1,166,828.00 Replacement $ 341,951.08 Debt service / Evergreen 22% Evergreen Flows Total Kalispell Flows Prepared: 7/27/07 City Finance Office x 0.1697 $ 198,05 8.92 $ x 0.1697 $ 58,043.23 $ Annual cost to Evergreen $ 115,3 87.80 annual 174,654,019 16.97% 110285942,300 1.134 per thousand gallons 0.332 per thousand gallons $ 256,102.15 $ 1.47 per thousand gallons $ 9,615.65 per month flows 2008 Evergreen Sewer District Flow Data City of Kalispell Flow Data Outflow Meter Reading Evergreen'!� Usage Inflow Meter Reading WVffP Inflow for at the Evergreen for the at the WVff P the Preceedinq Period Date Main Lift Station Preceeding- Period 7/2/2007 43,0541800 15,077,200 6,076,710,400 84,868,400 8/1/2007 56,990,700 1319351900 61164,281,000 87,570,600 9/4/2007 72,395,200 15,404,500 6,260,548,700 96,267,700 10/1/2007 84)2887600 11 ,893s4OO 6, 332, 553, 800 72,005,100 11/1/2007 97,517,400 13,228,800 6,415,554,100 831000,300 12/3/2007 111,207,400 13,690,000 67501$154,900 85,600,800 1/2/2008 123,905,600 12,698,200 6,582,238,100 81,083,200 2/1/2008 136,602,500 12,696,900 6,662,150,600 79,912,500 3/3/2008 149,971,400 13P3681900 6, 749, 949,100 871798,500 4/1/2008 1621344,800 12,373,400 6, 832, 645,400 82,696,300 5/1/2008 175,029,500 12,684,700 6,917,571,300 841925,900 6/2/2008 1927037,800 17,008,300 7, 016, 326,400 9817551100 7/1/2008 209,211,300 17,1732500 7,116,045,600 991719,200 Evergreen's Annual % of total flows 16.99% FYI % change Evergreen 2007 174,654,019 -4.87% City plant 2007 11028,9429300 1.01% WWTP EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT -CITY & EVERGREEN FUNDS Cash YEAREND % FLOWS EVERGREEN's DATE ADDITIONS (SPENT) BALANCE EQUITY 12/31/1994 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 8.86766% $26,085.00 12/31/1995 $300,000.00 $450,000.00 16.84724% $64,350.00 6/30/1996 $150V000.00 ($91,113.77) $508,886.23 17.39000% $14,103.25 6/30/1997 $333,387.13 ($5,190.98) $837,082.38 21.45% $70,398.07 6/30/1998 $354,574.38 $ (66,485.84) $1,125,170.92 23.95% $68,997.21 6/30/1999 $370,106.34 $ (405,397.00) $1,089,880.26 24.66% ($8,702.68) 6/30/2000 $377,442.66 $ (19,802.49) $1,447,520.43 23.31% $83,365.92 6/30/2001 $413,573.77 $ (11,232.36) $1,849,861.84 20.82% $83,767.48 6/30/2002 $367,774.86 $ (85,324.27) $2,132,312.43 16.94% $47,847.13 6/30/2003 $343,745.53 $ (184,265.77) $2,291,792.19 18.75% $29,902.46 6/30/2004 $331,060.19 $ (93,998,72) $2,528,853.66 16.78% $39,778.91 6/30/2005 $ 377,724.13 $ (339,009.01) $2,567,568.78 16.68% $6,457.68 6/30/2006 $ 375,750.10 $ (469,988.70) $2,473,330.18 16.07% ($15,144.14) 6/30/2007 $ 483,416.00 $ (241,979.42) $2,714,766.76 16.97% $40,971.79 6/30/2008 $ 426,929.00 $ (2,394,413.11) $747,282.65 15.99% ($314,600.71) subtotal $237,577.38 Evergreen's Total Equity as of 6/30/08 Auam Additions include: $ 341,951.00 from operating revenue $ 841,978.00 interest earnings $ 426,929.00 Funds Spent: B. O. D. Refrigerated Sampler $ 4,672.10 Main Plant Compressor $ 22,317.48 Aluminum Truck Body for 1992 KW $ 30,385.00 Plant equipment replaced for upgrade/expansion $ 2,275,205.00 Misc. Replacement Equipment $ 61,833.53 $ 2,394,413.11 CITY OF KALISPELL-'WWTP REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Fiscal year ending 6/30: 2005 DELETES 2005 ADDS 2006 DELETES 2006 ADDS 2007 DELETES 2007 ADDS 2008 DELETES 2008 ADDS 1985 Facility -Equipment -15000 19822.76 -37827 42502.47 Refrigerator sampler -2730.37 4672.1 IBM Computer/ printer/ monitor Jar Test Apparatus -multiple stirrer BOD incubator model 210 1983 Jeep/with plow 1988 Chevrolet pick up 1999 Dodge 1/2T, 2wd PU -13800 1999 GMC 3/4T,4wd, plow & liftgate -25981 2005 GMC 3/4 TON P/U 18243.28 2005 GMC 3/4 TON P/U W/ PLOW 25330.27 Interim Phosphorus equip Moisture balancer -lab equip Portable calibrator Portable sampler ISCO model 3700-01 Tarpaulin system for sludge hauler Equipment, etc. 1994 Plant: -1148761.24 2297522.48 Yard piping Misc. metals -7500 10520 Process piping Electrical -20000 24801.45 -23454 26352.78 Mechanical HVAC & plumbing -33935 38129 Specialties Misc. process equipment Mechanical Bar Screen Hydraulic screenings test Grit removal & dewatering Lift station pumps, motors & controls Prim. Clarifier sludge collecting equip Prim. Clarifier scum collecting equip Bioreactor mechanical mixers Final'clarifier Rim Drive, mechanism,etc. -170000 231347.69 -15000 288569.23 Rim Drive Improvements, piping & boiler -33472.5 Dissolved Air floatation Belt filter press Chemical feed system -3000 3515 Effluent filters UV Disinfection Process air equipment -73 86 8298.63 Cont. 2005 2006 2007 2008 Fermenter mixers Odor Control scrubber Slide and stop gates Emergency power generator Sludge belt conveyor Cranes, hoists & trolleys Pumps -primary sludge, primary & final scum Pumps-WAS,Fermenter Supernatant,RAS Pumps-DAF float,Digested sludge,Fermenter recycle Pumps -filtrate waste return Pumps -non -potable water Pumps -anaerobic and Denitrification recyc -5000 $ 5,428.56 Laboratory equipment Sludge hauling truck 30385 Scum pumps(moyno pumps)-2 Electric for digester to main building 2 transformer surge protectors Gas detection system Center drive unit gravity thickener Aluminum walkway of scum troughs non -potable water line Gorman -Rupp 4" trash pump/trailer John Deere tractor mower Gas Monitor Generator Project Kenworth Sludge Truck Utility Tractor w/60" mower/loader Programmable Logic Control Unit 166670.05 Laboratory Steam Scrubber 5646.33 Move Fence to E Boundary 7060 Polymer Pump 5097.27 misc. replacement equipment -58862 66136.59 -51180 $ 57,505.77 -55032 $ 61,833.53 $ (293,753.50) $ 339,009.01 $ (176,463.57) $ 469,988.70 $ (51.,180.14) 241979.42 $ (1,206523.45) $ _ 2,394,41,3.11 $5,913,327.96 $6,252,336.97 $6,075,873.40 $6,545,862.10 $6,494,681.97 $6,736,661.39 $5,530,137.94 $7,924,551.05 $ 295,666.40 $ 312,616.85 $ 303,793.67 $ 327,293.11 $ 324,734.10 $ 336,833.07 $ 276,506,90 $ 396,227.55 Original notes: *note: 1985 facility equipment amount reduced to arrive at replacement value of $300,000. The $31,000 from the original contract is removed by the demolition from the 1985 plant. FY2000 Notes: A Kenworth sludge hauling truck was added to the fleet. No truck was taken out of service. Added to the equipment list for future replacement. Original purchase not taken from City/Evergreen replacement funds. The Generator Project is new equipment designed to keep the system on line during power outages. FY2001 Notes: No changes to list. FY2002 Notes: A Kubota Tractor model BY2200D added to equipment. All other additions replaced worn out equipment. Replaced/worn out equipment deducted from worksheet in year of acquisition. FY2005 Notes: No additions, everything replaced worn out or obsolete equipment. FY2006 Notes: No additions, everything replaced worn out or obsolete equipment. FY2008 Notes: Unidentifiable replacement equipment -original cost estimated Prepared by: Rick Wills, Assistant Finance Director 7/24/2008 EXPENDITURE DETAIL: FY081tVWTP REPLACEMENT FUND 5310r455-430645-362 P.D. # Date Vendor Item -Description Amount 69651 6/26/2007 HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. Gaskets for L.S. pumps 31.38 69655 7/11/2007 Grainger Boiler Room vent fan V belt & pulley sheave 9.08 68364 6/25/2007 CED 5 - 12 amp fuses for lab still 6.45 69656 7/11/2007 Grainger Dialer battery 47.84 69653 7/9/2007 Grainger Digester fan repair: V belt, electric motor, sheave 70.21 69665 71212007 White Stone Industrial Clean 2 blower filters 72.00 69666 7/20/2007 Teledyne Isco Effluent sampler door gasket 160.20 69685 7/31/2007 Kaman Hitachi chain, paddles and pins for primary clarifier 6304.10 68388 8/22/2007 Northwest Automation Allen Bradley Analog Input Modules P/N 1762-IF20F2 620.32 69701 6/20/2007 Kalispell Electric Vlore laboratory dishwasher ($552.50) + parts ($280.00) 832.50 68387 8/16/2007 USF Reddaway Ship bioreactor gear box for warranty work 420.48 69678 9/512007 McMaster Carr 2 oiler brushes for sludge conveyor belt 27.84 69673 8/22/2007 Grainger 9 v-belts 289.62 Petty cash 9/25/2007 Curriers, Lowes 1 qt fluid, biocell DO box cover 34.97 69677 915i2007 Waterworks Ind. 2 flap valves; 2 retainer bolts for valves 441.88 69675 8/31/2007 Sunshine Filters 6 blower inlet filters 683.82 68397 9/21/2007 Western Building Center Door caulk for primary clarifier building doors 14.58 69681 911912007 'western Building Center Fiberglass resin repair kit for primary clarifier 14.79 69680 9/18/2007 Western Building Center Fiberglass resin repair kit for primary clarifier 14.79 69696 10/10/2007 Kalispell Auto Parts Hose crimp coupler for pressure washer 4.99 68370 7/612007 Gardner Denver Temperature probe 00809110AA4 141.28 69703 10/812007 Cardinal True Value 60' 5116" tubing for sandfilters 15.00 69697 9/24/2007 White Stone Industrial 3 round filters cleaned 108.00 68392 9/12/2007 Border States Compact flash card 97.35 69708 10/22/2007 Grainger 2 belts (6A155-G) for heat exchanger 19.98 69669 8/15/2007 Kalispell Electric Replace #3 LP 40 HP drive 1069.00 69700 10/16/2007 Vaughn Company Ferrnenter recirc pump: Parts, kit & mechanical seal ($885.00) 1047,00 69698 10/15/2007 MSA PC board, H2S sensor 871.80 69707 10122/2007 Vaughn Company 2 cutter bar shim kits, restrictor bushing 93.00 69706 10/22/2007 Reibe's Machine Works Rebuild fermenter recirc shaft 95.00 69709 10/23/2007 Grainger 4 timers; 1 tire gauge/inflator 154.89 69699 10/15/2007 Applied Industrial Tech 2 CR 17443; 2 CR16048; 2 SKF 7308 bearings 214.54 69755 1111l2007 Columbia Paint 92 KW box: MEK & brushes 81.26 6971 ❑ 10/25/2007 Kirst Engineering Flygt G-Rings 34.00 69715 1111/2007 Kalispell Auto Parts 92 KW box 11.90 69754 11/1/2007 Kalispell Auto Parts MEK & floor dry 26.39 69711 10129/2007 Grainger Activator & paint for 92 KW box; hour meters 692.26 69757 11/2/2007 Northwest Parts & Equipment 2 nonstick 118" bleeder valves 4.20 69756 1111/2007 Applied Industrial Tech 2 pillow black bearings for 92 KW box 78.60 69752 10/31/2007 Pierson's Truck Parts 2 sail frames for 92 KW mud flaps 43.96 Petty cash 11/13/2007 Misc. Plugs, valves 32.60 VISA 10/31/2007 Sears Filter 45.98 69716 1116/2007 Grainger ON/OFF Switches 82.80 69727 11 /13/2007 Johnson Controlls Service roof top M. U.A 187.50 Petty cash 11129/2007 Misc, Misc. 33.24 69730 1112812007 Pierson Truck Parts Wiper Nose] & Blades 40.34 69729 11/27/2007 Applied Industrial Tech Bearings-BarScreen 30.00 69721 11 /19/2007 Sunshine Filters Blower Inlet Filters 912.08 69725 11/19/2007 McMaster Carr Water/oil Traps -standby air compressors 335.35 69731 11/28/2007 Fastenal S.S. Screws - 92 kw 16.20 69732 11 /30/2007 Applied Industrial Tech Pillar Block Bearings -B.F.P. 380.75 69744 1211812007 Erickson Pool Supply Pool Skimmmers 22.40 69748 12/21/2007 White Stone Industrial Blower Filter Cleaning 108.00 69768 12/10/2007 Northern Technologies Intl. Coop Zeruct Caps 789.37 VISA 12/17/2007 Allied Electronics 5-Port Switch for P.L.C. 117.96 69740 12/18/2007 Northern Technologies Intl. Coop Zeruct Caps 104.39 69769 12/19/2007 USA Bluebook Pipe Repair Kit 64.34 69746 12/20/2007 Grainger MUA Air Filters 498.60 69739 12/14/2007 Applied Industrial Tech Bar Screen Parts 361.3E 69772 12/26/2007 Murdocks Caster Wheels for Cherry Picker 77.94 VISA 12/20/2007 Blacks Wholesale Digester Gas Meter 76.39 71405 12/21/2007 White Stone Industrial Blower Filter Cleaning 36.00 69775 1/2/2008 Bud Black Repair effluent sampler 488.50 69776 1/2/2008 Grainger R.A.S. pump repairs 131.26 71401 113i2008 Teledyne Isco Sampler Batteries 491.00 71403 1/412008 Grainger Dig. Pump - Contact Cleaner - Dewalt Battery Charger 460.10 71411 1/1412008 Western Building Center Handles & Holders for MUA #3 26.05 69771 12/21/2007 Fiero Fluid Power Vacuum Pump Filters & stud 42.72 71412 1/23/2008 EdlTechnisery Used Lindsey Recorder for the Lab AA 710.39 69792 1/31/2007 Bud Block Effluent sampler condenser for eff. Sampler 90.00 71422 214/2008 Grainger C-Rings & folders (gas room0 42.26 69793 214/2008 Grainger Gauges - b.f.p. 32.46 69795 2/512008 Grainger Tubing - gas room 47.30 69795 2/512008 Grainger Filter nipple with bushing 40.70 69784 1/15/2008 VWR BCD Incubator 1722.93 69798 2/11/2008 Kalispell Auto Parts Misc. parts for CopCo aircompressor 44.68 EXPENDITURE DETAIL: FY08 Ut!VVTP REPLACEMENT FUND 5310-455-430645-362 P.G. # Date Vendor Item Descri Lion Amount 69799 2/11/2008 MDM P.V.0 for sandfilter airlift pipes 150.61 71451 2/13/2008 Kalispell Auto Parts Wiper Blades & Fan Belts 41.12 71452 2/19/2008 Kalispell Auto Parts Air brake anti -freeze 13.58 69797 2110/2008 Grainger Sump Pump replacement for R.A.S. sump 618.30 69800 2/12/2008 Grainger Padlocks for plant gates 168.98 71425 1 /25/2008 Industrial Fabric Corp. 2 Sets of Belts for the B.F.P. 3820.00 71453 2/21/2008 Montana Garage Door Adjust Digester Building Truck Door 142.50 69790 1/30/2008 Kirst Engineering BM Oxygen & Combustible Sensors 331.68 None 3/612008 Western Building Center Mics-Petty Cash 79.03 69796 2/712008 General Sheet Metal Air Dryer - digester 75.00 71429 2/1412008 General Sheet Metal Filter Room air dryer 75.00 71467 3/6/2008 Murdocks Parts for repair on E.Q. hydrant 14.46 71454 2/26/2008 Park Industrial Lighting 2 cases of fluoresenct bulbs 252.00 71455 2/29/2008 Grainger 16" Digester Valves - misc. parts 138.30 71436 313/2008 Murdocks E.C. basin hydrant repair 178.65 71435 2/28/2008 Isco Sampler Strainers 177.95 71432 2/22/2008 Border States Electromatic Current Relay - Recirculation pump 127.76 71465 3/19/2008 Geotech YSI DO probe repair 171.69 71462 3/13/2008 Hach LDO sensor cap 95.95 VISA 2/19/2008 Air Engineering Inc. Copco Air compressor seals 218.63 71441 3/21/2008 Grainger 6 Door Locks ( Shared P.O.) 2137.08 71440 3113/2008 Mountain Controls Actuator for Blower #1 1502.63 71464 315/2008 HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. 2 - 16" Dezurik Plug Valves for Digester Prim. Digester 5694.10 Petty cash 418/2008 Lowe's retractable electric cord - digester 59.00 71468 3/31/2008 Grainger Air Filters - MUA 404.64 71470 3/31/2008 Grainger Fuses for Fluke 77.30 71475 4/9/2008 North West Truck Repair 92 Kenworth Walking Beam bushing repair 2377.58 71444 4/3/2008 Grainger Belts, Relays 44.18 71445 413/2008 Border States Relays - Dig. PLC 37.02 71469 3/31/2008 Grainger Plastic fittings, gloves, primer 147.03 71428 2/13/2008 Kalispell Electric Service call for Filtrate Waste Pumps 185.00 71501 4/23/2008 Kaman Roller Bearings for BFP 409.78 VISA 3/14/2008 Dickenson Equipment Condensor for air dryer 297.21 VISA 4/11/2008 Dickenson Equipment Fan switch for Air Dryer 89.17 VISA 41112008 Test Equipment Depot Altek MA Generator 510.60 71482 5/112008 Applied Industrial Tech Lock ring and nut for BFP 9.57 71478 4/28/2008 Kaman Taper lock bushing - BFP 108.66 71449 4/18/2008 Industrial Fabric Corp. BFP filter belts 1153.00 71503 4/29/2008 Kaman Lip Seals = 6 82.18 71504 4/30/2008 Kaman Press Bushing 72.48 71487 5r7f2008 Murdocks Clarifier rakes 27.96 71450 4/23/2008 Grainger Gauges - b.f.p. 36.76 71448 4/17/2008 Kirst Engineering SR-X 02 Sensor 151.75 71505 5/14/2008 Kalispell Auto Parts 2 belts: DAF air compressor #41-660W 24.16 71511 6/212008 Park Industrial Lighting Ballast & Labor 113.00 71491 5/20/2008 Serpentix 20126" Pans for conver belt 1208.21 71486 51712008 Kaman B.F.P. spare parts 1371.47 71493 5/2112008 McMaster Carr Knob for the Kabota 13.10 71502 4/22/2008 HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. Rebuild parts for CLA-VAL 763.00 71484 5/612008 Grainger Mix Pump #1 Belts 214.80 71448 4/17/2008 Kirst Engineering Gas Sensor srw-04 185.00 71513 613/2008 Murdocks New digester sludge pump parts 152.04 71514 61312008 Murdocks Pressure valve for new digested sludge pump 22.98 None 615/2008 Murdocks Fittings for new digested sludge pump 44.93 71516 6/312008 Grainger Air Regulator - digested sludge pump 88.83 71518 6/4/2008 HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. 2 blind tapped flanges & 2 plugs: digester sludge pump 148.02 71521 5/22/2008 HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. 2 wear plates & 1 impeller - Lift Station Gorman Rupp 1383.11 71497 5/28/2008 Border States 4 Auxiliary Contacts for Blower #1 134.82 71515 61312008 Border States 1 relay & 1 module for Blower #1 72.86 71524 6/16/2008 Grainger 12 Gaskets 1TUV6; test leads 68.58 71499 5/29/2008 HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. #22 Seat & ❑-Ring 77.93 IIS 6117120Q8DonJoiins-:Eri.. irei'in ....... ,.... Biaer'IrilefActuator 1 so T,. 71508 5/2812008 Cooper Instruments Flat Bed Recorder SCR 250E-1 .k .. . 2017.00 71519 5115/2008 HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. 6 Dezurik Plug Valves - 2nd Dig. Decant Valves 3360.00 73108 6/26/2008 Western Building Center Calking 7.98 71424 21512008 Grainger Gas Room Tubing 47.30 69785 1/16/2008 Grainger Fuses 6.57 71489 6/13/2008 Technisery Trouble shoot recoder & ship loaner 99.10 71497 5/28/2008 Border States Auxiliary Contactor Blower #1 66.92 71528 6/25/2008 Grainger Ballasts for pressing room 157.96 71456 3/512008 HD Supply !Waterworks, Ltd. Gaskets for Digester Piping 379.05 71530 4l112008 USA Bluebook Core Pro - sludge judge 122.31 71441 3/21/2008 Grainger Door lock credit -356.18 71460 4/23/2008 Grainger Ignitor credit -15.08 71521 5/2212008 H❑ Supply Waterworks, Ltd. 2 Gorman Rupp gear plates 2181.92 71524 6/26/2008 Grainger Test leads credit -35.22 $ 61,833.53 P.O. # Date Vendor REPLACE ALUMINUM TRUCK BOX 68290 4/12/2007 Kois Brothers REPLACE MAIN PLANT AIR COMPRESSOR 69770 11/28/2007 Ingersoll Rand 69750 12/27/2008 MDM Supply 71406 1I712008 MDM Supply 69770 1 /14/2008 Ingersoll Rand 71407 1/812008 Ingersoll Rand 71423 21412008 Ingersoll Rand 71421 1 /30/2008 Ingersoll Rand 71410 1 /11 /2008 Western Building Center 69742 12f 18/2007 Kalispell Electric Item Description RIS Aluminum Truck Body - 1992 KW New Air Compessor Dresser Coupler - New Air Compessor New Air Compessor - pans for hook up Installation - Startup Air Compessor Auto Drain for Air Dryer & Compessor Oil & Filter Stan up oil kit for new compressor Filter screen, strip magnet: screen for compressor Electrical hook up for new air compressor Amount 309385.00 17, 313.00 9.71 31.11 750.00 56.60 196.31 259.40 5.35 3,696. 00 22,317.48 REPLACE REFRIGERATED LAD SAMPLER 71418 2i412008 Teledyne Isco 4700 B.O.D. refrigerated sampler 4,672.10 Idt? 57,374.58 KALISPELL AWWrP PHASE 1 EXPANSION REPLACEMENT COST ALLOCATION June-08 Replacment Estimated Estimated Construction Cost Replacement Construction Construction Estimated Cost Allocation Allocation (% Cost Completion To Completion To Replacment Unit Process ($) of Total) (1) Allocation ($) Date (%) Date ($) Cost to Date ($) Headworks 1,201,000 40% 480,400 38.00% 456,380 182,552 Influent Pump Station 275,000 0% - 25.00% 68,750 - Existing Bioreactor 304,530 80% 243,624 14.20% 43,243 34,595 New Bioreactor 6,325,535 0% - 77.11% 4,877,634 - Primary Clarifier 65,000 100% 65,000 14.20% 9,230 9,230 Aeration Blower Building/System 1,474,650 49% 717,085 89.00% 1,312,439 638,205 Secondary Clarifer 1,083,000 0% - 78,00% 844,740 - RAS Pumping Station 243,970 4% 9,759 6Z00% 151,261 6,050 UV Disinfection 787,200 40% 314,880 98.50% 775,392 310,157 Primary Sludge and Elutriation Pumping 466,000 80% 372,800 45.00% 209,700 167,760 Fermentation System 2,196,500 34% 756,572 55.00% 1,208,075 416,115 TWAS Storage and Pumping 314,040 0% - 25.00% 78,510 - Truck Storage Building 495,000 0% - 23.30% 115,335 - Effluent Flow Monitoring 137,500 100% 137,500 98.50% 135,438 135,438 Odor Control 795,000 50% 397,500 14.20% 112,890 56,445 Sitework 2,160,394 25% 540,099 59.00% 1,274,632 318,658 Total 18,324,320 4,035,218 63.71% 11,673,649 2,275,205 (2) 12,0`'6%c ,v a�- ►G K-� (BxC) (BxF) (DxF)� (1) See Replacement Cost Analysis Tab for Explanation (2) Change Orders No. 1 thru 3 Included. Fl 1