07/10/00 Salsbury/FenceEMPLOYEE"v L 103AUELS JUL 12 20M OWNED July 10, 2000 Chris A. Kukulski City Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1007 Kalispell, MT 50.903-1097 Dear Mr. Kululski: Larry Geller passed your letter regarding the fence along to me. My recollection of early discussions has the City providing the fence and a gate at the end of the street we built to the property line. I believe Jerry Hagood, the developer has documentation of those discussions. I have faxed your letter on to Mr. Hagood for response. We look to him for all development issues, as Rosauers is his Lessee. Please work with him for resolution. Sincerely, 1 Richard D. Salsbury Vice President, Retail Services Copies: Larry Geller Jerry Hagood 37Fence.doc Rosauers Supermarkets, Inc. West 1815 Garland, Mailing Address: P.O. Sox 9000, Spokane, Washington 99209-9000 ® 509/326-8900 - FAX 509/328-2483