07/10/00 Salsbury/FenceEMPLOYEE"v L
103AUELS JUL 12 20M
July 10, 2000
Chris A. Kukulski
City Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1007
Kalispell, MT 50.903-1097
Dear Mr. Kululski:
Larry Geller passed your letter regarding the fence along to me.
My recollection of early discussions has the City providing the fence and a gate at the end of
the street we built to the property line. I believe Jerry Hagood, the developer has
documentation of those discussions.
I have faxed your letter on to Mr. Hagood for response. We look to him for all development
issues, as Rosauers is his Lessee. Please work with him for resolution.
Richard D. Salsbury
Vice President, Retail Services
Copies: Larry Geller
Jerry Hagood
Rosauers Supermarkets, Inc. West 1815 Garland, Mailing Address: P.O. Sox 9000, Spokane, Washington 99209-9000 ® 509/326-8900 - FAX 509/328-2483