06/02/00 Hagood/Fence & Retention PondJune 2, 2000
Mr. Richard Amerman
Assistant City Engineer
P. O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903-1997
Dear Mr. Amerman:
At Rosauers Supermarkets' grand opening a couple of weeks ago, your City Manager, Chris
Kukulski, asked me about the status of the fence to be built between the Rosauers site and the
City's airport property. I advised Mr. Kukulski that I believed the fence was the responsibility of the
City. He asked that I follow up, thus this letter. To that end, please find a copy of a letter written
by you to Ian Bailey, our Project Civil Engineer, wherein it was agreed the City would construct
such a fence.
Your April 2, 1999 letter also references filling in the retention pond at such time it is abandoned
when our storm drainage is tied into the Highway 93 system. It is Rosauers' and the project
ownership's belief that this is our responsibility, and we have documented our file to do so when
the retention pond's use is no longer needed.
On behalf of both Kalispell Investment Group, LLC, the project owner, and Rosauers
Supermarkets, we wish to express our appreciation for the cooperation and expeditious processing
of all matters related to the development of the new store. I understand that store sales have been
exceptionally strong, and Rosauers' customers have been delighted with the "western Montana
theme" that we agreed to incorporate within the new store, even though none of us could define
exactly what that theme was. Again, thank you for all of your efforts on behalf of this project.
Gerald L. Hagood, Managing Member
cc: Mr. Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager w/encl
Mr. Dik Salsbury, Rosauers
Professional Real Estate Services
Washington Mutual Financial Center, West 601 Main Avenue, Suite 400, Spokane, Washington 99201-0674 (509) 838-6541 FAX (509) 458-40I4
E,t1A1' IS ' 0' 03 : 6PM SPOT AG'c 1.•1FiF� LiEFIF I °_ ! IOSf'; I f !S ro 15G99269 7,59 P". 02
April 2.. 1999
Ian 1. Bailey, P.E.
Thomas, Deans & Hoakins, Inc.
690 North Meridian, Suite im
KaiiRpell, Mt, 59901
Re: Rosauers Site Plan Review
Dear Ian,
The referenced Site flan has been reviewed by the Public Voris Department and the Site
Development Review Committee. We offer the following comrnenta, which we have already
disc,ossed in my office and at Site Rjmewv
1. Sanitary Gewer Plan and Profile, Sheet 2 of 4; From manhole 02, continue downstream
In a straight line within the utility easctnent to a manhole #I -A. Stub out a 12" pipe to the
northemt within the utility easement along the southerly lot line of Lot 3 and then tie to the
existing manhole 41 with a 12" line, 'phis alignment will then be consistent with the future .AK -
sewer from Highway 93.
2. Water Plant and Profile, Sheet 3 of 4; add a fire hydrant at the southesfsterly corner of the
lot. Relocate the fire hydrant at the northtMody corner of the lot to a point In line with the °
northerly lot One and within the highway right-of-way,
3. &,%ding & Drainage Plan, Sheet 4 of 4; Continue the sidewalk from Highway 93 to the
airport property at the northwesterly property corner. T1w retention pond extends to the edge
r,fthe taxiway. Ro-sh" the pond such that it is at 1069 30 ft. from the odge, of the taxiway.
Ai we discussed, tke i-etwtion pvad can extend onto the utility easement as Ung as there is
no conflict with tetittiN, Storm water ponds that end 30 in, in depth must be fenced., By
raising the pond base elevaticm from 2928.00 to 29.80, the depth will not exceed 30 in. and .
f%6N wilt not be required.
Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903� 1997
111111111111111 relephone (406) 758-7700 • FAX (406) 758-7755
[,MAY y i o. _ 00 0 : D:FM cPC;1::acJP � �,IA DEAI ! ,'.. HQSI< i I IS
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TO 1509926955f. I .
Iful Bailey, RE,
Rosaures Site Plan
.in addition to the above contents, the following items wem discusmd at the site developmem review
committee moeting held on March 25-
1. The City will be constructing a fence along the airport property fine this spring. and sm n
recvit, there will probably be a conflict with the snow storage area shaWri on the site plan,
The site wank should be coordirudW with the Parka & Recreation b aqnmt td engure that
th® p jc�}t doe��cat intrirPi nth your site t�k Gam{7a IVc� f1Y1r✓ 1:���
At' F
2, it needs to be docu nffded that the retenfion pond will be fillsVnAer It 3s s�bsnPstorm drainst a is tied iota t e y 93 system hi �"c� ip
NU A Arl ���' �� 1�}0 pi,�LAO •
Fire JDep ant ltas requested that the site bo mainfahwd during oon#Uuction such
that there is access to the buildino at all tinier during eonRtructinn.
rof It 'L,�Y,.�PEG Il�Siht�Gr�?ri i'�7 BjWr—P-»
Please contact me ff you wish to discuss the above.
Raspectfiitl�, �
1Cs a P .
Aaalstaut City Ensineer