Tab 24. Starling Material• Planning Department 17 - 2nd Street East, Suite 211, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Telephone: (406) 751-1850 Fax: (406) 751-1858 I A ja D) 1XI)a 00) Div D� DRY-Iffliks) of PROJECT NAME - Starling 1. NAME OF APPLICANT: Stillwater Meadows, LLC 2. MAIL ADDRESS: 1400 Rose Crossing 3. CITY/ STATE/ZIP: Kalispell, MT 59901 PHONE: (406) 253-8639 6. CITY/STATE/ZIP: 7. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: 8. MAIL ADDRESS: 9. CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: If there are others who should be notified during the review process, please list those. Check One: X Initial PUD proposal Amendment to an existing PUD A. Property Address: Section 35 bounded east by Stillwater Road, north by West Reserve Drive, west by Spring Creek Road and south by Four Mile Road. B. Total Area of Property: 640 Acres C. Legal description including section, township & range: Section 35 of Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Principal Meridian Montana The present zoning of the above property is: AG-80 West Valley Overlay District 1 D. Please provide the following information in a narrative format with supporting drawings or other format as needed: a. An overall description of the goals and objectives for the development of the project. b. In cases where the development will be executed in increments, a schedule showing the time within phase will be completed. C. The extent to which the plan departs from zoning and subdivision regulations including but not limited to density, setbacks and use, and the reasons why such departures are or are not deemed to be in the public interest; d. The nature and extent of the common open space in the project and the provisions for maintenance and conservation of the common open space; and the adequacy of the amount and function of the open space in terms of the land use, densities and dwelling types proposed in the plan; e. The manner in which services will be provided such as water, sewer, storm water management, schools, roads, traffic management, pedestrian access, recreational facilities and other applicable services and utilities. f. The relationship, beneficial or adverse, of the planned development project upon the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established g. How the plan provides reasonable consideration to the character of the neighborhood and the peculiar suitability of the property for the proposed use. h. Where there are more intensive uses or incompatible uses planned within the project or on the project boundaries, how with the impacts of those uses be mitigated. i. How the development plan will further the goals, policies and objectives of the Kalispell Growth Policy. j. Include site plans, drawings and schematics with supporting narratives where needed that includes the following information: (1). Total acreage and present zoning classifications; (2). Zoning classification of all adjoining properties; (3). Density in dwelling units per gross acre; (4). Location, size height and number of stories for buildings and uses proposed for buildings; (5). Layout and dimensions of streets, parking areas, pedestrian walkways and surfacing; (b). Vehicle, emergency and pedestrian access, traffic circulation and control; 2 (7). Location, size, height, color and materials of signs; (8). Location and height of fencing and/or screening; (9). Location and type of landscaping; (10). Location and type of open space and common areas; (11). Proposed maintenance of common areas and open space; (12). Property boundary locations and setback lines (13). Special design standards, materials and / or colors; (14) . Proposed schedule of completions and phasing of the development, if applicable; (15). Covenants, conditions and restrictions; (16). Any other information that may be deemed relevant and appropriate to allow for adequate review. If the PUD involves the division of land for the purpose of conveyance, a preliminary plat shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the subdivision regulations. Please note that the approved final plan, together with the conditions and restrictions imposed, shall constitute the zoning for the district. No building permit shall be issued for any structure within the district unless such structure conforms to the provisions of the approved plan. The signing of this application signifies that the aforementioned 'information is true and correct and grants approval for Kalispell Planning staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during review process. (Applicant Signature) (Date) 3 A. Pre -Application Meeting: A discussion with the planning director or designated member of staff must precede filing of this application. Among topics to be discussed are: Master Plan or Growth Policy compatibility with the application, compatibility of proposed zone change with surrounding zoning classifications, and the application procedure. B. Completed application form. C. Application fee per schedule, made payable to the Kalispell Planning Department. PUD Zoning Review Fee Residential (no subdivision) $750.00 + $105/unit Commercial (no subdivision) $950.00 + $50/acre Residential (with subdivision) $550.00 + $50/acre Commercial (with subdivision) $750.00 + $50/acre D. A bona fide legal description of the subject property and a map showing the location and boundaries of the property. E. A list of the names and mailing addresses of all property owners within 150 feet of the subject property as shown on the Assessor's roll. Public streets and right of ways are not included in the 150 feet. See example below and attached notice from County Plat Room. Assessor No Sec-Twn-Rn Lot/Tract No Property Owner 8s Mailing Address Please consult the with staff of the Kalispell Planning Office for submittal dates and dates for the planning board meeting at which it will be heard in order that requirements of state statutes and the zoning regulations may be fulfilled. The application must be accepted as complete forty-five (45) days prior to the scheduled planning board meeting. ffl = T M -W MIT�'7o1[01:2mIga11g llgI""' taIkyj_ 1 Starling is a master planned community consisting of approximately 640 acres. The site is planned to have between 2,000 and 3,000 units of varied housing types and price points to suit a very broad spectrum of home buyers and lifestyles. The ultimate number of homes will depend mainly on the market conditions throughout the expected 20 year buildout. The long-term buildout of Starling creates a need for flexibility in housing types, locations and densities as well as the inclusion of non-residential uses. The plan has been divided into the following three categories: R3-PUD, R3-Mixed Use, and B1-PUD. These designations allow varying ratios of residential to non-residential uses. The uses and property development standards found within the PUD define exactly what is allowable per the Starling PUD. The contents of the PUD Plan includes the following: • PUD Plan that includes and addresses all of the requirements of the City of Kalispell. The plan illustrates the breakdown of zone districts by acreage and explains the general intent of the distribution of primarily residential uses with opportunities for non-residential uses should market conditions warrant them. ® Setback Table which is a very comprehensive matrix of the allowable site development parameters per each product type. The table works hand -in -hand with the typical lot standards which illustrate the information provided in the Setback Table. This document shall govern the dimensional standards throughout the site. • Anticipated Uses and Development Standards list each allowable use per zone district. The Development Standards will default to the City of Kalispell Standards unless otherwise noted in this section. • Lot Typicals are an exhibit of the Setback Table and illustrate the dimensional standards of the table. Also shown in this set of drawings are the privacy fence locations and various easements throughout the product types. ® Street Hierarchy Plan shows the relation of the various street rights of way throughout the community. • Street Cross Sections demonstrate the various types of streets throughout Starling and correspond to the Street Hierarchy Plan. These Sections govern the dimensional standards of all of the streets within the community. • Street Names simply illustrate the proposed names of the street network within Starling. • Phasing Plan provides a map for the logical extension of utilities and the progression of the development over time. The plan is intended to provide flexibility throughout the building period in the event market conditions require a different path or sequence. The landscape portion of the PUD is a detailed explanation and illustration of the overall theming and character of Starling. The specifics of the landscape plans, monumentation, lighting, street treatments, and park designs are all thoroughly explained in their respective sections. The ultimate goal of the Starling PUD is to create a community in Kalispell that is a timely and logical extension of the City and the infrastructure and social fabric therein. Starling will be a place that many people call home, but to others, it will be a place where families can participate in recreational opportunities and discover all that Starling has to offer. LAND USE ACREAGE INCLUDED BLOCKS No. R3 - MIXED USE 1310 A14 A21 �����'�� R1-Pl1D 2537 A5 A7A7-A9 A22 D PUD R3-PUD .1446 B6-7, R10 R16-22 R-5 R3 - MIXED USE 1678 82-4 13-15 B23-24 f� B1 - PUD 35 46 81, B5, RR-9„Bll-12 PUD R-4 AG-80 WEST AG-80 WEST VALLEY OVERLAY VALLEY OVERLAY c OR3 - PUD 65 09 01 �0,14, (7_9, C12-18 R3 - MIXFD USE 11 67 CM, G10. G19-20 µ } ' B1 - PUD 845 C2 R3-PUD 6736 D1 D3-20 R3 - MIXFD USF 0000 NIA r ;T� B1 -PUD 547 D2 0 300' 600' 1200' NORTH SCALE:1" = 600'-0" LAND USE NOTES: 1. GROSS ACREAGE OF R3-PUD SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 95% RESIDENTIAL USE. 2. GROSS ACREAGE OF R3-MIXED USE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 75% RESIDENTIAL USE. 3. GROSS ACREAGE OF B1-PUD SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 50% RESIDENTIAL USE. 4. TOTAL ALOWABLE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES SHALL NOT EXCEED 60.08 ACRES. 5. NON-RESIDENTIAL USES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: RELIGIOUS USES, PARKS, COMMUNITY CENTER, CIVIC USES, SCHOOL, RETAIL SHOPS, OFFICES. REFER TO THE ANTICIPATED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR ALL ALLOWABLE USES, 6. THIS PUD ILLUSTRATES PROPOSED LAND USES AND SITE DATA. LAND USE ACRES ARE APPROXIMATE AND THE PLAN IS INTENDED TO ALLOW FOR CHANGES AND REFINEMENT. 7. UP TO 10, FOR RENT CABINS WILL BE AN ANTICIPATED USE IN THE P5 BLOCK. SEE ANTICIPATED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR DETAILS. 8. BONDING WILL BE ADDRESSED IN THE SUBDIVISION PROCESS. NEIGHBORHOOD BNDY PROPERTY LINE ® w ® KALISPELL CITY LIMIT 04/10/07 zR o= za on - I - MINIMUM SETBACKS' i DENSITY MIN. LOT SIZE DWELLABLE € MIN. LOT MIN. LOT MAX PERCENT MAX BUILDING HEIGHTI SIDE BUILDING ALLEY LOADED WITH ALLEY LOADED GARAGE WITH FRONT LOADED GARAGE l SIDE FOR ANY REAR FOR LAND USE I GROSS DENS11Y (SQUARE UNITS PER WIDTH e DEPTH OF LOT NUMBER OF STRUCTURE ' ACCESSORY SEPARATION GARAGE ACRE j FEET) COVERAGE STORIES FRONTYARD{ REAR YARD" FRONTYARD` REAR YARD STRUCTURE` SEPARATION TO LIVING TO TO PORCH' TO GARAGE Z LIVING TO LIVING TO FRONT TO GARAGE TO SIDE LOAD TO PRIMARY ALLEY OR E SPACE SPACE SPACE PORCH' GARAGE LIVING SPACE FRONTLOAD SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1 8 3,5D0 50' 99 65% 15, � 10, 8' t° 20' 15, i0` 20' 15' 20' i 5' 8' i0' 35' SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 2 8 j 3.7 55' 90' 65% 15' 10' 8' 1p 2U 15 10, 20' 16 29 5' 8' i0' 36' SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 3 8 4,000 I 69 99 65°l0 15, 10, $'to 20' 15, 10' 20, 15 29 S' B' 10, 36' i SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 4 ' 6 5.000 ( 66 100, 60% 16 90' 8' 1C 2D' 15 10, 20' 15, 20' S' 8' 10, 36 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 5 6 3.000 UNITS 6.0CY) 135`f 2 STORIES 70` 1CJ' 6flla 15' i0 'r 8 20' 15' o, 2G' 15` 20' 5' d' t0' 33' DUPLEX 12 2.4001 UNIT 25' 9 75°Ic 15' i0' 81D i0' t5` ra 2U 15, 29 � 5" S' i0' 36' ' { ` 2 � CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT 1 2 TGGG 35' 1 r5,%c� $' 0' � - —? � _. 5 5 ( 20'15' I 5' 5' S' 6` 36' (TOWNHOUSE 15 N;A MULTI -FAMILY — 21 N A NIA NtA 0' NSA NrA WA 1G ; a 8 1G' n' 8 ° 20 20' c r NOT PERho11TTED 5 - 5, NIA 5` 20' 36 36 INON-RESIDENTIAL j NtA N+A NA N'A tviA i N,A N!A NA N.'A E NIA N+A € NA 5 20 236, NOTES: 1 Steps and handrails are not included in parch dimensions 2. 11 a home only has a 1-car garage, the garage setback must be 29 to provide the required 2 spaces per unit. 3. Side yards adjacent to a road right ofway will hare the required setback plus an additional 10' Side yards adacem in an alley right of sray'vdl r,ar the required setback plus and additional 5' 4. Measured from correspendirig properly line. 5. See PUD Map for details cf al€umble percentage of non - residential uses throughout the site. Non - Residential uses shall have floor to area relics (FAR) per land use as folio-ws R3-PUD = 0,25 R3 Mixed use = u 35. B1-PUD = 0,75. 6 Minimurn lot width shall be measured from the most restrictiie Pont or rear setback 7. Measured to exterior wall of primary smucture not including overhangs eaves soffits. fascia, perches. steps and similar architectural elements 8, to attached products, the shared well v✓11 ha�ie 0' of side yard setback 9. Detached garages are the only aliovable accessory, structures on any lot 10 Accessory structures vall only be ailow&d in the rear yard. 't Accessary structures shallbe limited to detached garages only Ne other accessory sturctures such as sheds kennels shelters or any other sucr structures wfl be perinitted Garages may include dwellabie IM;ig space in addit;en o traditional car A 04/10/07 R-3 PUD ® Law enforcement, fire stations 0 Daycare center PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ® Libraries, museums, and similar cultural facilities ® Drive-in banking facility ANTICIPATED USES ® Office, professional, governmental a Dwelling (accessory single family) ® Minimum lot area, twenty four hundred (2,400) square feet ® Opticians, optical supplies, sales ® Dwellings (cluster development) ® Minimum lot width, twenty five feet (25') ® Apartments (accessory) ® Parks ® Dwelling (duplex) a Front yard, fifteen feet (15') ® Church, worship, parish, Sunday school buildings ® Post office; satellite or neighborhood ® Dwelling (multi -family) a Side yard, zero (0') ® Community center, gym, swim pools (operated by ® Produce stand ® Dwelling (single-family) a Rear yard, twenty feet (20'). Except for Courtyard Product - public, quasi -public, and commercial) ® Real estate sales offices ® Dwelling townhouse (configuration of 2 or more attached units) see typical Courtyard Product for setbacks. ® Daycare (family or group daycare homes) ® Recreational area, commercial and noncommercial ! Electrical distribution station ® Side corner, fifteen feet (16) ® Dwelling (accessory single family) a Restaurants less than 6,000 s.f. a Fish sales stand (temporary) ® Maximum building height, thirty five feet (35') ® Dwellings (cluster development) a Shoe repair ® Food store, supermarket, etc (no slaughtering of flesh, fowl), ® Permitted lot coverage, seventy five percent (75%) ® Dwelling (duplex) s Tailors, dressmakers, milliners less than 10,000 s.f. ® Off street parking, see article 27-26 of this chapter ® Dwelling (multi -family) ® Take and bake prepared food, retail 0 Fruit, wine bar Maximum fence heights: ® Dwelling (single family) Q Temporary building, structure, including construction office, a Furriers, retail sales and storage ® Front, zero ® Dwelling (townhouse, configuration of 2 or more attached units) sales center, and similar uses a Hotel, motel less than 20 rooms ® Side, six and one half feet (6-1/2") ® Parks a Title company a Insurance office and/or claims centers ® Rear, six and one-half feet (6-1/2') ® Recreational area, noncommercial a Transmission towers and cellular communication towers a Investment firms ® Signs, see article 27-24 of this chapter. (Ord. 1463, 6-16-2003; ® Temporary building, structure, including construction office, ® Travel agency ® Jewelry, watch repair and sales amd. Ord.1555,10-17-2005). Up to five (5) entry monuments sales center, and similar uses ® Launderette, dry cleaning, customer self-service will be permitted to have a height of twenty two feet (22') feet. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ® Law enforcement, fire stations See monumentation plan for details. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ® Libraries, museums, and similar cultural facilities ® Minimum lot area, twenty four hundred (2,400) square feet ® Lifestyling center PARKS & OPEN SPACE ® Minimum lot area, twenty four hundred (2,400) square feet 0 Minimum lot width, twenty five feet (25') ® Liquor store ® Minimum lot width, twenty five feet (26) ® Front yard, fifteen feet (16) ® Locksmiths or gunsmiths ANTICIPATED USES ® Front yard, fifteen feet (15') ® Side yard, zero (0') ® Lodges, fraternal and social organizations, nonprofit ® Side yard, zero (0') ® Rear yard, twenty feet (20'). Except for Courtyard Product - a Massage parlor a Amphitheatre ® Rear yard, twenty feet (20'). Except for Courtyard Product - see typical Courtyard Product for setbacks. a Microbreweries and/or brewpubs in connection ® Children's Play Equipement see typical Courtyard Product for setbacks. a Side corner, fifteen feet (16) with a restaurant or tavern a Community center, gym, swim pools; operated by public, ® Side comer, fifteen feet (16) a Maximum building height, thirty five feet (35) ® Music education with related performance and limited sales quasi -public, and commercial ® Maximum building height, thirty five feet (36) a Permitted lot coverage, seventy five percent (75%) ® Office equipment, supplies, sales, service, less than 10,000 s.f. a Detention Area ® Permitted lot coverage, seventy five percent (75%) 0 Off street parking, see article 27-26 of this chapter 0 Office, professional, governmental a Entry Monumentation/Landscape a Off street parking, see article 27-26 of this chapter a Maximum fence heights (feet), see section 27-22-090 of this chapter ® Opticians, optical supplies, sales a Open Space Use Maximum fence heights (feet), see section 27-22-090 of this chapter ® Signs, see article 27-24 of this chapter. (Ord. 1175, 3-19-1992; amd. ® Parks ® Park ® Signs, see article 27-24 of this chapter. (Ord.1175, 3-19-1992; amd. Ord. 1406,11-19-2001; Ord. 1418, 5-20-2002; Ord. 1555, 10-17-2005). ® Pet shops ® Parking Ord. 1406,11-19-2001; Ord.1418, 5-20-2002; Ord. 1555,10-17-2005). Up to five (5) entry monuments will be permitted to have a height of ® Pharmacy, less than 10,000 s.f. ® Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails Up to five (5) entry monuments will be permitted to have a height of twenty two feet (22') feet. See monumentation plan for details. a Photographic studios ® Picnic and BBQ areas twenty two feet (22') feet. See monumentation plan for details. Note: See setback table for details. ® Post office; satellite or neighborhood ® Retention Area Note: See setback table for details. ® Produce stand ® Seating Area B-1 PUD ® Quasi -public buildings, nonprofit in character a Sports Fields R-3 MIXED USE PUD 0 Real estate sales offices ® Storm Water Drainage and Irrigation Facilities ANTICIPATED USES ® Recreational area, commercial and noncommercial ANTICIPATED USES ® Restaurants ® Apartments (accessory) ! Retail mall, community shopping center less than 10,000 s.f. ® Apartments (accessory) ® Artist studio with incidental sales • Retail business, less than 10,000 s.f. ® Artist studio with incidental sales 0 Athletic club ® Safe houses and domestic violence shelters ® Athletic club a Automobile parking (commercial or public) @ Schools, commercial ® Automobile parking (commercial or public) a Bakery, deli less than 1,500 s.f. manufacturing area ® Schools, public, private, grades 1 through 12 ® Bakery, deli 0 Banks, savings and loan, finance and loan companies 0 Secondhand stores • Barber and beauty services ® Barber and beauty services ® Shoe repair e Bed and breakfast 9 Bars, taverns, cocktail lounges, and clubs ® Ski rental shop • Chiropractic clinic ® Bed and breakfast ® Tailors, dressmakers, milliners ® Church, worship, parish, Sunday school buildings a Candy products manufacturer, less than a Take and bake prepared food facility ® Clinics (medical and dental) 1,500 s.f. manufacturing area (retail on premises) a Temporary building, structure, including construction office, • Community center, gym, swim pools; operated by public, ® Catering establishments sales center, and similar uses quasi -public, and commercial ® Chiropractic clinic ® Title company ® Dairy bar, ice cream, retail ® Church, worship, parish, Sunday school buildings ® Transmission towers and cellular communication towers ® Daycare (family or group daycare homes) 0 Clinics (medical and dental) ® Travel agency ® Daycare center ® Coin and/or stamp dealers, lapidaries ® Variety stores ® Dwelling (accessory single family) ® College, business, trade, music, dance schools; ® Dwellings (cluster development) no student residence • Dwelling (duplex) ® Community center, gym, swim pools; operated by public, ® Dwelling (multi -family) quasi -public, and commercial Dwelling (single-family) ® Counseling center for the physically or mentally disabled m Dwelling townhouse (configuration of 2 or more attached units) a Dairy bar, ice cream manufacturing, less than ® Insurance office and/or claims centers 1,500 s.f. manufacturing area, retail on premises 04/10/07 PUD Anticipated Land Uses and Development Standards 0- I 10' x FRONT PORC o SETBACK ,' ... I 1 1 IV IN, BUILDING SEPARATION o 15' FRONT PRIMARY RESIDENCE SETBACK..*,'.'.'.I I . L L_ I f RIVACY FENCE TYP.' I P ........ ........... ........ ......... ........ ..... ...... ........ �`.... '......'. ..... ............ .......... .. .......... ................... 15 N-STREET PAR G MIN. CORNER SIDE YARD SETBACK' TYPICAL SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED SETBACKS 15, FRONT PRIMARY RESIDENCE SETBA, 10, FRONT PORT SETBACK SIDE YARD SETBACK' TYPICAL PAIRED HOME SETBACKS Y ALLEY 0• R.O.W. 1 i E I 5- I a" 1TILITIY a ESMT. I 10' x 5' p )OCKET ESMT. o _ MIN. SIDE 0' REAR YARD SETBACK RIMARY i.SETBAC g I I d ARAGE 3TBACK f RIVACY FENCE TYP.3 .9 ALLEY VEMENT......... .............................. ........... TREE LAWN PER STREET SECTION SETBACK NOTES: 1. SIDE YARDS ADJACENT TO A ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WIL HAVE THE REQUIRED SETBACK PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 10'. 2. DUPLEX PRODUCTS WITH A SHARED WALL WILL HAVE 0' SETBACK AND SEPARATION AT THIS SHARED WALL. 3. PRIVACY FENCES IN REAR YARDS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 60" IN HEIGHT. PRIVACY FENCES IN SIDE YARDS ARE TO BE SET BACK FROM THE FRONT OF THE PRIMARY BUILDING STRUCTURE A DISTANCE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 50% OF THE TOTAL BUILDING DEPTH. FENCING THAT OCCURS IN THE SIDE YARD, FORWARD OF THIS DIMENSION, SHALL NOT EXCEED 36" IN HEIGHT. THESE FENCES SHALL MATCH THE ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER OF THE HOME, PER THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES. NO FENCES WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK. 0 95' 30' 60' i SCALE:1" = 30'-0" 04/10/07 Typical Lot Setbacks $r� if :®:::: O: :;: p: : :;::': ®.:::::. . . :::::::o: 15' MIN. CORNER ON -STREET PAR ING ON -STREET PA ING IF MIN. CORNER SIDE YARD SETBACK SIDE YARD SETBACK TYPICAL COURTYARD PRODUCT SETBACKS !0 15' 30' 60' SETBACK NOTES: t 1. SIDE YARDS ADJACENT TO A ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WIL HAVE THE REQUIRED SETBACK PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 10'. SCALE: 1 n = 30'-0" 2. PRIVACY FENCES IN REAR YARDS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 60" IN HEIGHT. PRIVACY FENCES IN SIDE YARDS ARE TO BE SET BACK FROM THE FRONT OF THE PRIMARY BUILDING STRUCTURE A DISTANCE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 50% OF THE TOTAL BUILDING DEPTH. FENCING THAT OCCURS IN THE SIDE YARD, FORWARD OF THIS DIMENSION, SHALL NOT EXCEED 36" IN HEIGHT. THESE FENCES SHALL MATCH THE ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER OF THE HOME, PER THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES. NO FENCES WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK. 04/10/07 CourtyardTypical o - • . N-STREET PARKI TREE LAW ER STREET SECTIONS tinmA K PPP CTR T CFI'TI I.0 r1OWN. FRON ETBACKTO P RCH r15' MIN. FRON ETBACK TO P OI IMARYSTRUCTURE PORCH PORCH PORCH PORCH PORCH 15' MIN. ORNER YARD SIDE SETBACK' GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE — --r------I------ ------t------ — — — — — — — — MIN. GARAGE SETBACK r-5' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' POCKET — ° PORCH —' PORC m m m m _ ISMIN. BLDG. SEPARATION GARAGE GARAGE I GARAGE I GARAGE I GARAGE I11 I I— -----L------L------L-------J— ALLEY R.O.W. I6'ALLEY PAVEMENT -------t------t------j------ f--------�— GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE PORCH —� — PORCH PORCH PORCH PORCH SETBACK NOTES: 1. SIDE YARDS ADJACENT TO A ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WIL HAVE THE REQUIRED SETBACK PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 10'. 2. TOWNHOME PRODUCTS WITH A SHARED WALL WILL HAVE 0' SETBACK AND SEPARATION AT THIS SHARED WALL. 3. PRIVACY FENCES IN REAR YARDS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 60" IN HEIGHT. PRIVACY FENCES IN SIDE YARDS ARE TO BE SET BACK FROM THE FRONT OF THE PRIMARY BUILDING STRUCTURE A DISTANCE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 50% OF THE TOTAL BUILDING DEPTH. FENCING THAT OCCURS IN THE SIDE YARD, FORWARD OF THIS DIMENSION, SHALL NOT EXCEED 36" IN HEIGHT. THESE FENCES SHALL MATCH THE ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER OF THE HOME, PER THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES. NO FENCES WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK. 0 15' 30' 60' SCALE: 1 °' = 30'-0" Typical Townhome Product Setbacks V� "Qa �R off z exam >3 s$gm& -i FOUR, DRIVE 04/10/07 Street Hierarchy ALLEY A * 20' RIGHT OF WAY 16' PAVEMENT WIDTH 36' BUILDING SEPARATION 8' GARAGE SETBACK * TYPICAL ALLEY 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE:1" = 20'-0" ALLEY R.O.W. ALLEY "T" INTERSECTION * 10' CHAMFER AT ALLEY "T" INTERSECTION * 20' OR 30' ALLEY INTERSECTION ALLEY B * 30' RIGHT OF WAY 16' PAVEMENT WIDTH 46' BUILDING SEPARATION 8' GARAGE SETBACK * OCCURS WHEN HOMES HAVE NO ON -STREET PARKING IN FRONT. 04/10/07 Alley Sections LOCAL STREET @D-A� 0TR|GHTOFWAY 36'FACEOFCURB TDFACE C}FCURB 10'TRA/ELLANES 8'ONSTREET PARKING BOTH SIDES 6.5'TFiEELAVVNS 5'DEl7\CHEDG|DEVVALMS 5' UT|L. /SVV. K8A|NT. EGK4T 15'FRONTBUILDING SETBACKS * TYPICAL LOCAL STREETS 0 10, 20' 47 1 seem LOCAL STREET 65-A 65'R|GHTOFWAY 36'FACEOFCURB TOFACE DFCURB 10'TR/W'ELLANE8 EYDNSTREET PARKING BOTH SIDES 9'TREELAVVN8 5'DETACHEOG|DEVVALKG 5'UT|L/SW. MA|NT. ESIVIT 15'FRONTBUILDING SETBACKS a 04/10/07 Street Sections 60-A and 65-A LOCAL STREET 65-B 65' RIGHT OF WAY 28' FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB 10' TRAVEL LANES 8' ON STREET PARKING ONE SIDE 12' TREE LAWNS 6' DETACHED SIDEWALKS 10' MAINTENANCE EASEMENT 15' FRONT BUILDING SETBACKS 0 10` 20' 40' SCALE: i" = 20'-0" LOCAL STREET 70-A 70' RIGHT OF WAY 36' FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB 10' TRAVEL LANES 8' ON STREET PARKING BOTH SIDES 10.5' TREE LAWNS & DETACHED SIDEWALKS 5' UTIL. / SW. MAINT. ESMT 15' FRONT BUILDING SETBACKS �� ilh7llr7 m ME rt, m LOCAL ESTATE STREET 60-E 60'R|QHTOFWAY 24'PAVEMENTVNDTH 12'TRAVELLANES 3'GFAVELSHOULDER WITH NOCURB 10"TREELAWN /SVVALEONBOTH SIDES 5'DETACHEDSIDEWALK ONBOTH SIDES 5' UT|L. /SVV. K4AINT. ESK8T. 20'FRONTBUILDING SETBACK ONONE SIDE 0 10, 20' 40' PRIVATE LANE 38`A^ 38'R|GHTOFWAY 18'FACEOFCURB TDFACE C)FCURB 1[YTR/YVELLANES 8YONSTREET PARKING ONE SIDE 13yTREELAWN ONONE SIDE 6yDETACHEDSIDEWALK ONONE SIDE g UT|L/SVV. MA|NT. ESMT. 15FRONTBUILDING SETBACK C)NONE SIDE 04/10/07 C LOCAL STREET 60-P* 60' RIGHT OF WAY 36' FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB 10' TRAVEL LANES 8' ON STREET PARKING BOTH SIDES 12' TREE LAWN - HOUSE SIDE 6' MIN. TREE LAWN ON PARK SIDE 6' DETACHED SIDEWALKS, MEANDERING ON PARK SIDE 5' UTIL. / SW. MAINT. ESMT. 15' FRONT BUILDING SETBACKS HOUSE SIDE LOCATED ADJACENT TO PARKS 0 10, 20' 40' MENEM SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" COLLECTOR STREET 85-A 85' RIGHT OF WAY 18' FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB 10' TRAVEL LANES 8' ON STREET PARKING BOTH SIDES 15' MEDIAN 10' TREE LAWNS 5' AND 8' DETACHED SIDEWALKS 5' UTIL. / SW. MAINT. ESMT. 20' FRONT BUILDING SETBACKS 04/10/07 O Street Sections 60-P and 85-A No R.O.W. VARII 61 A 0 M 1151: 1: 11 M to I M 01 &i am 0 10, 20' 40' SCALE: 1 20'-0" M R.O.W. VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS FOR DETAILS rH W.. 1- W6 w I I KPOI rue 04/10/07 typical TIntersection R.O.W. VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS FOR DETAILS TREE LAWN WIDTH VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS R35.0 R.O.W. VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS FOR DETAILS TRAVEL LANE WIDTH VARIES, SEE TRAVELLANE R35.0 WIDTH VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS, MIN . 21 t- 10.0 0 10, 20' 40' SCALE: I" = 20'-0" 04/10/07 Typical 4-Way Intersection R.O.W. VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS FOR DETAILS R35.0 SIDEWALK WIDTH VARIES, SEE 8.0 8.0 TRAVEL LANE STREET SECTIONS MATCH WIDTH VARIES, SEE R35.0 WIDTH OF STREET SECTIONS, MIN. 22' / ADJACENT WALK I "—TREE LAWN WIDTH VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS 0 10, 20' 40' I one= SCALE: I"= 20'-0" W, 49 zo 04/10/07 \ TREE LAWN WIDTH VARIES, - --SEE STREET SECTIONS R44.5 B.O.C. OUTSIDE CURVE X R45.5 B.O.C. INSIDE CURVE R63.0 T �(I WCENTERLINE R.O.W. VARIES, SEE STREET SECTIONS FOR DETAILS SIDEWALK WIDTH VARIES, SEE 0 10, 20' 40' SCALE: 1 20'-0" 69, Wyg 04/10/07 Typical Corner Knuckle RESERVE DRIVE KING CT ®r TANNER DR DEPOT CT _ STENSERG CT rn o � A � o¢ z O O � � G1 z XAVIER DR W co XAVIER DR ¢ F F. 9 HOMESTEAD DR HOMESTEAD DR i GATEWAY DR V � O v `O SrF9 ¢ i Goa ADAMSSDDRR 00 Q� i HOti1fS1EAp pK WV G P 2 I s� 9l9y� o QUO pgpC gNrO D G\yQ� 9,p!/y A oy°� roc' 0 pR V E c �' FLU CAR1pG for =per > o � o pA liy �Ly �,Q SOP O STgRCIVG •p y° �O�P O � pgR�AY I lqO � Fes} O 5 sr O 5 cn 9� of GR��Ng'� y/Fj' � ALVINA DR QQ FISHER DR Q F/SyfR O F1S CT °R m GIBSON CT Li ----- -------------------------- FOUR MILE DRIVE a— -� NORTH z 9 U B a H z 04/10/07 Sheet Names PHASING PLAN PHASE 1: 63.56 ACRES PHASE 2: 29.73 ACRES PHASE 3: 24.69 ACRES PHASE 4: 35.77 ACRES PHASE 5: 30.00 ACRES PHASE 6: 21.19 ACRES PHASE 7: 47.17 ACRES PHASE 8: 33.91 ACRES PHASE 9: 39.21 ACRES PHASE 10: 43.09 ACRES PHASE 11: 36.44 ACRES PHASE 12: 35.00 ACRES PHASE 13: 93.86 ACRES PHASE 14: 59.47 ACRES go"I PHASE 15: 47.68 ACRES TOTAL:640.77 ACRES PHASING NOTES, 1. PHASES ILLUSTRATED IN THIS PLAN ARE CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE. PHASE BOUNDARIES AND AREAS MAY CHANGE PER MARKET CONDITIONS. PHASES ARE ANTICIPATED TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN ORDER ACCORDING TO THIS ILLUSTRATION, HOWEVER, THE ORDER MAY CHANGE ACCORDING TO MARKET CONDITIONS. ' 0 300' 600' 1200' i i NORTH SCALE:1 600'-0" 04/10/07 Phasing Plan r tj rA 7, HIF It Is Ild" 4. 311 ikt / v V, w r) is w lw cr) !w 1w s .0! 4'*1 40P lh Piz� L -MORRISON 22, J MAMLE, T "AAA STILLWATER ROAD m mm ME am ME WE mm 0111i . ilm 0 Ipm I * i on ME 1.00-914 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) I 1.ch = 100 IL STARLING KALISPELL PHASE-1 LAYOUT LEGEND SANITARYSEWER FORCE MAIN WATERLINE STORM SEWER LINE PHASE BOUNDARY P,AEEs PHASE 1 L T > PHASE3 PHASEID PHASEA PHASE 7 PHASE 6 PHASE 11 I PHASES MASS 1\1 PHASE 14 PHASE 12 v PROJEC7 N.W'TiEFI FEE 1 1;1 HIP"ER TANA PH— I WEST RESERVE DRIVE -ME 'm an Illi. Em I= No No mm am, WE an sm No am wo ME an ma on om :C`7_71_11 0,7� io EL4 STE loft, ff PH 41 aR v iwA wo- -00 am llll� i 7, SIP A *4 0 J N, J_ MORRISON MAIERLE, INtc, N GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET I inch = 100) fL STARLING "ELL HASE-9_ LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WATERLINE STORM SEWER LINE MM MM SM EM @= EM PHASE BOUNDARY PHASE 9 PHASES �Xl PHASE 1 PHASE it PH PHASE 7 PHASE 0 PHASE I PHASE5 PHASE I�E I PHASE 14 PHASE 12 "R CAEG _' N LUABE P MONT ANA STEAD C, 'I ti /Z Alt 4v f/ rsE -Z7 4V /J, 95, /0/ y A� A X 'A GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET inch =700 ft, LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WATER LINE WATER LINE NO 00 00 ME OM 00 PHASE BOUNDARY PHASES PHASE PHASE I PHASE 10 PHASE I PHASE 7 PHASE II PHASE5 PHASE IX., PHASE 14 PHASE 12 AI A I I ZAV�f,' 110 ECT ;V tMKI f-11r.scR T ON I DATE j,7, Jt�--d f GLL S- T A R L G �LL MORRISON y KALISPELL 1"VIONTANA A RF0F,.,' T z4rf) A MAJERLE �N c, f�136, 2'Y'! -14ASE-3 1 4 F, PH / o/1 ' \ op r rif r'fjf r%' r Fr p'N ,f OGP "4" j� x" / _ i, yl C ;.,i a f' r' � � y W �w i0i J'r f1�r, 1 rii� f l rj fr r �L, f , ",;u LEGEND -------- SANITARY SEWER -"-- - FORCE MAIN �_"_.... ---- WATER LINE - WATER LINE PHASE BOUNDARY iPHASE 8 PHASE � '` PNfS'c2 j PHASE i ��. PHASE PHASE 16 PHASE t PHASE 6 PHASE 11 ^' ( j PHASE r Ir 1 i r J PHASE 13 PHASE 14 ' PHASE I2 T� N t / 14 TH i� GRAPHIC SCALE � w ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 100 ft. Cil f f r � zSO 1 1 s s eC P t� �;4 ;°a-'ANA � i I x- - _ MAIERLE. :_ , ,sue . E � t LEGEND —--------------- SANITARYSEWER FORCE MAIN --- �- --- WATER LINE - STORM SEWER LINE am 1111211 PHASEBOUNDARY i I t PHASES PNASE9 � PHFSE2 �'� 3 PHASEI �-J PHASE3 PHASE 10 PHASE r PHASED t /i. PHASE 51 PHASE6 i PHASE 13 PHASE i/ ` PHASE 12 N SL hk r N GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 fL ""n} _R F SC .l :. € t _ n F it ��"4 ��` 4 ,n � ✓ €F _ KALISP I= - _ ! u MONTANAI �'�,,,, _ �..., y - P' RASE-s p _ ® , r' Nj f 1 f Jj/ zz 7� r d r � I t elf f f n - 71 00 ft/ / All L t i fir �f/ f / F . t/ frf A f r (( /j ii / X yam/ d_ ` I � f t t} LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN — ----- ---- WATER LINE STORM SEWER LINE PHASE BOUNDARY t PHASES i PHASE 1j PHASE2 � �.— 1 PHASE 1 IPHAS 3 PHASE W / PHASE d f PHASE PHASEII / *PHASES / PHASE 1� I PHASE 1, ` PHASE ti AF N GRAPHIC SCALE _ m (IN FEET) 1 inch = 100 If �t icRF{�('"tFRE", ON' .. r.s ..�N BY' Ozg P110JF=r N!1.15=P E F TARLING 3 T I � < N , S�/�`i._3 `..+^DEG Tt%i���Tf�s�r'1 t. -, .(. i_L F m. k .cam INC, j F F ICIFS ' i g °' r _ 2 I J MORRISON -c -MAIERLE,im- LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WATER LINE STORM SEWER LINE EM EM EM MM PHASE BOUNDARY PHASESPHPSEB PHASE2 L PHASE 1 PHASE 0 PHASE 10 PHASE n PHASE" PHASES r PHASE 14 PHASE 12 L GRAPHIC SCALE T l?o IN FEET) i inch = 100 ft STARLING PHASE-7A PROJI'm HBER MONTAN A T�' r _ / A. " 00, iy MORRISON A T MAIERLE, !�.,c, I rP BY �-.LL KALISPE Ll- 7 c --------------- - 0 LEGEND SANITARYSEWER FORCE MAIN WATER LINE STORM SEWER LINE 9W Mn no no ME lll� PHASE BOUNDARY PHASE 2 PHASE I POISE 3 PHASE 10 PHASE 4 1 PHASE7 X, PHASED f PHASE POISE 1�\ PHASE 9 PHASE 12 _4 GRAPHIC SCALE I i..b fL V STARLING PHASE-8 N,IONT PH-8 P x -GATEWAY DR gm so V, RI5Y S-ALU, E;F5!_,R!p7 A r el P MORRISON A I I. -Am MAIERILE, IN.- LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WATER LINE STORM SEWER LINE me on ME ME PHASE BOUNDARY PHASE 8 t 9VASE2 LT_ PHASE I pi PHASE3 PHASE 4 PHkSE7 f. PlIASE 5 PHASE it PHASE PHASE 14 PHASE" GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET I ineb = 100 fL Iv" s,rARLHNG P H A S 9 PP,',JZC-, NVJF�FFI Y2r�TANA PT-1-9 1=91,1041 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WATER LINE STORM SEWER LINE PHASEBOUNDARY PHASE 8 PHASE 2 -T— PHASE i PHASE 3 PHASE7 PHASE I —j I ASE 'I ij PHASE PHASE I4'1 PHASE 12 U N t. GRAPHIC SCALE IN ease v I inch — 00 ft. r, V Ca Fr SCII E D[p, RAFE- L 'STARLING 3- �Pf- 1 �; K 'ALISPELL MORRISON MON'AlIA T T f ASE-10 PH— 10 VF R FYCI I 1111,11—Z i MORRISON "J'A MAIERLE, LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WATER LINE STORM SEWER LINE am mm am MR mm PHASE BOUNDARY FHASU PHASE A I I P,IASE Z L PHASE I PHAsE3 PHASE 10 PHASE' PHASE 7 GRAPHIC SCALE rK FEET I inch = 100 ff STARLING ,PHASE- 11 iri MONTANA PH— I -T- r) By :;UL K AAUISPELL GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) I inch = 100 ft. S � I AR LI ING PHASE- 12 LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WATER LINE STORM SEWER LINE IM IM IM OW PHASE BOUNDARY �fi tBE P MONTANA P-H- 12 MY �10- ��� A � 9E 0 300' 600' 1200' NORTH SCALE: 1 600'-0" .-LEGEND-- Primary Entry Secondary Entry Neighborhood Gateway Marker Perimeter Landscape 0 0 0 0 0 0 Collector Landscape Treatment Pedestrian Corridor Treat-ment 6 t 6 0 Standard Street Trearnent 4100000 Estate Street Treatment Parks / Open 'Space Farmstead Crossing @ Starling @ Starling Buffalo Run Gateway @ Starling @ Starling 04/10/07 z VI 0 zP 92 Elm, 0 300' 600' 1200' 1 am= 6M7-6MMF-----7 NORTH SCALE: 1 " = 600'-0" RUM Perimeter Landscape 0 0 0 0 0 0 Collector Landscape Treatment Pedestrian Corridor Treatment 0 Street Treament 000000 Estate Street Treatment Parks / Open Space 04/10/07 Overall Landscape Plan HF3 i M�- E, z wa Of z Legend:: primary entry secondary entry 4wm,, ricrete paths a a oa a 6'conc,,9:4te path on both sides 0440,0,6 6' wide gravel perimeter path 40004,0 6' gravel path 6' concrete path opposite of trai► in park 04/10/07 Pedestrian Circulation Master Plan o� 04/10/07 Typical Perimeter Streetscape _i 04/10/07 Typical Collector Streetscape Requirement Vs hg OF z 04/10/07 Typical Local Streetscape Uj IZi LEGEND ��������N`��� [`oUActn[ Fixture 20 Ft. Single, Spacing -150'0{� UC 50HEB-BRN/WMA17-(03A-15O2 AAL Universe Collection, Medium Scale with Solid Rings and Solid light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented Reflector Type 3.Flat Diffused Glass Lens for Full Cutoff Distribution- 158Watt Metal Halide Lamp and Ballast. WMA17ARM With Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing 03A-1592. Powder Coat Finish - Color: Bronze Metallic (BRM). c%+aOdanf Fixture 12Ft, Single, Spacing -300O/C. UCM-SR'STF-H3-FLD'70MHEB-BRM/VVMA17f03A-1502 AAL Universe Collection, Medium Scale with Solid Rings and Solid Light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented reflector Type 3.Flat Lightly Diffused Glass Lens for Full Cutoff Distribution. 7UWatt Metal Halide Lamp and Ballast. VVMA17Arm with Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing V3A- r�~� 1582. Powder Coat Finish - Color: Bronze Metallic (8RM). Pedestrian Fixture V) AAL Universe Collection. Medium Scale with Solid Rings and Solid Light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented reflector Type 3, Flat Lightly ind Ballast. WMA1 7 Arm with Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing 03A- 1592. Powder Coat Finish - Color: Bronze Metallic (BRM). Bollard VRB1/70MH/BRM Kim Vandal Resistant Bollard will full cutoff hood0*na 70Yatt Metal Halide Lamp. NOINIMMIRIMEMM Perimeter �u �'vfn ' �ODlf�`�[ Fixture 35Ft. Single, Spacing '300'O.11"" UCM-SR'STR413-FLD-70MHEB-BRM-SLC/VVMA17-(03A-1592) AALUniverse Collection, Large Scale with Solid Rings and Solid Light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented reflector Type 3.Flat Lightly Diffused Glass Lens for Full Cutoff Distribution. 25UWatt Metal Halide Lamp and Ballast, VVMA17Arm with Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing 03A'15Q2 -with Mounting Hardware ho Mount toSquare Pole byOthers, Powder Coat 0 300 600 1200 ^ ' NORTH � �0D � SCAL~ �' ' ^—�' —~-. 04/10/07 Community entry landscape zones are located at the intersections along the project perimeter immediately adjacent to the edge of the street right -of -gray or adjacent property line. Community entries may transition into common areas or may abut residential properties. Community entries may incorporate sidewalks, trails, community signage and monumentation. Neighborhood markers may also be provided to designate neighborhood areas and aid in way finding. Primary Project Entries Large masses of evergreen trees will serve as a backdrop for the monumentation and reinforce the 'gateway` experience of the primary entrances. Iconic stone like calms will serve as the primary identifier for the entries. Enhanced directional signage will also be incorporated at the primary entries. The landscape character will tie into the perimeter landscape and will serve to dray people into the site with bola patterning and free flowing lines while creating pocket turf areas for the adjacent residences. The free flowing landscape masses will consist of a variety of ornamental grass masses in combination with deciduous and evergreen shrub masses. Secondary Project Entries The landscape and rnaterials used will match the character of the primary entries but be implemented on a smaller scale. Stone cairns will not be implemented but will instead consistent of smaller rock walls for the name and logo. Neighborhood gateways Neighborhood gateway markers will be located at key areas within the project to demark specific neighborhood areas and aid in way -finding. Community Trail System A community network of trails will be provided throughout Starling connecting various neighborhood parks, the central park and provide the opportunity to connect to regional trail systems at a later date. Pedestrian and Local streets have been design to accommodate pedestrian traffic linking the perimeter trail system to the neighborhood parks and central park. RM Parks of varying sizes will be located throughout Starling and are characterized as the refined open 4.pace and landscape within the community. i he parks +;lilt be designed to provide a multitude of activities including both passive and active recreation to encourage their utilization. Each park will have its own identifiable themed story creating a unique identity for each surrounding neighborhood community, Farmstead Park Patterning from a historic farmstead found within the Flathead Valley region is the inspiration for Farmstead Park, A modern, progressive interpretation of tradition. l farm buildings will be used for key structures in the park while incorporating key programmatic activities, Salvage barn wood from 'the surrounding sites 0ObuiIjiRginteriors will serve as a historical link hothe past. A farm house sales center will be incorporated along with a restored bell at the sales center to provide a link to Kalispell's historical past, To reinforce the farmstead patterning of the park a formal orchard and linear tree rows will be introduced. Many Ofthe plants hzbeincorporated within the park will have historically significant uses to the Flathead Valley residents. A free flowing ground plane with ornamental grasses, turf multi -use field and accent trees will beintroduced bodefine 'outdoor rooms' within the park and blend the park landscape with the adjacent perimeter landscape, Crossroads Park The crossroads park will celebrate the various forms of transportation that had @historical influence on Kalispell as a crossroad for the Flathead valley symbolized by a historical booster slogan "all roads lead tOKaUSpeU,^ Amain feature Ofthe park will bethe incorporation [dahistorical Umel|nehighlighting significant dates inKalispell history. Historical precedents will beintroduced into the park 'ie. "miracle maker 1gU8"stamped into the concrete patterned after an originalcQnCrete stamp in Kalispell) homake the connection with Kalispell history, Aseparate loop path around the park will serve as a staging ground for"social wheeling" or formal bicycling races that where historical prevalent |n Kalispell. The overall layout of the park will have several paths and topographical features converging o0acentral railroad depot themedpavilion and playground. The landscape design will include patterns associated with the crossroads 'theme including bold contrast and patterning, intersecting grids, and anordered, linear hierarchy, The pavilion will becentrally located t0 serve all functions Ofthe park and serve @S3visual icon, Aplayground connected &}the pavilion with apedestrian trellis bridge will include several railroad thenOed'items while a basketball court will provide active recreational opportunities. Gateway Park Gateway Park draws historical influence from the national park patterning and celebrates Kalispell's close proximity to the surrounding natural beauty. Key inspiration for the park was taken from aslogan coined during the 1S8O'8when Kalispell was promoted os the "Gateway to Glacier Park", A drainageD0Udw0@nch0rthGD8[ unthe north end and provide irrigation for many Dfthe neighborhood parks and public speoes.A pavilionwill bRlocated inclose proximity k}the ponds. Naturalized gravel paths will meander around the ponds, and park providing wellness and interactive learning nppWUniUes. Additional passive activities will include disc golf along vv|�hCoRneCUOnStOthe overall Oonl0Unitytroi|system, AO81Ur2Ushclandscape will re-create @ historic homestead park clearing by using evergreen plantings around the perimeter of the park blending into a riparian landscapeincluding a bio-swale running north to south from the R0nd N8dVe&8edVVi||beUSSdth0Li8hOutthep@[ktOn3iPfVrCBthSn3tion2|p2nk1her0e Buffalo Run Bark Buffalo Chun Park will draw upon the historical influences of the historic buffalo herds and ranching found throughout the flathead valley. A pavilion with stone like columns will be centrally located between the multi -use field and the playground. The pavilion will include a rustic barbeque pit for gathering opportunities. Seating nodes and sculpture will highlight historical aspects of the community including the historic buffalo herds. A duel zone dog park with shade pavilion will be incorporated at the south end of the park. The south end of the park will have a connection to the community trail systern allowing people to be a part of it all. The overall landscape will provide an open feeling by Introducing ornamental grass and low shrub massing throughout the park. Naturalistic planting of pine and juniper in Isolated patterns will accentuate the open feeling. Central Park at Starling series as the traditional town square for Starling. A variety of programmed activities including an outdoor amphitheater, a playground, picnic pavilions, mi ulti- u se fields and sport court provide a variety of amenities for all ages. The landscape patterning will include various trees species planted in masses to frame views along the park perimeter with linear canopy tree plantings to aid way -finding. The overall character draws references from the `city beautiful' movement in the form of overall scale, open grass areas and gardens. Free flowing; naturalized landscape areas will be incorporated around the open turf areas. Transition areas showcasing adaptable plantings will be located around the more naturalistic open spaces. Defined paths starting at raid -block of the park will serve as direct access through the park while meandering, naturalized paths around the park will allow for exploring. mm mumommummomm �u 9 ff W21- 0 300' 600' 1200' NORTH SCALE: 1 600'-0" W. Reserve Rd. mommommummomm am � Min - P-rMpt", m M, ORMIMISTIMM .%condary'Stone Cairon' tegrated into Rolling Berms id Plant Massings OEM M. _r� } ^ �? ^. . \ Typical Primary Monumentation Plan Landscape Planter Tone Powdercoat Finiah, Acrylic Primary Project Entries Face and Internal Illumination Large masses of evergreen trees will serve as a backdrop for the monumentation and reinforce the 'gateway' experience of the primary entrances, Iconic stone like caims will serve as the primary identifier for the entries. Enhanced directional signage will also be incorporated at the primary entries. The landscape character will tie into the ®- landscape and will serve to draw people into the site with bold patterning and free flowing lines while creating pocket turf areas for the adjacent residences. The free flowing landscape masses will consist of a variety of ornamental grass masses 'in combination with deciduous and evergreen shrub masses. SPS 04/10/07 Primary Entry Monumenation k,Uc:tL 1 1111011 r%kllMIL I= Secondary Monumentation View South from W Reserve R-d. 411 MUM Ala MI W�M I M, I M ITI We I Steel frame to ,match lighting Aluminum dire signage plaque powdercoat fin engraved letter paint Infill Neighborhood Gateway Marker Recessed aluria, plaque w/pow Stone Like Venner Base Steel frame to match lighting Aluminum signage plaque w/powder- coat finish and en- graved paint infill Stone Like Vermeer Base Iona Signage at Entries eniporaq7 builder nage banners • Neighborhood gateway inarkers will be located at key areas within the project to demark specific neigh t-)orh ood areas and aid in way finding. Frame to I figh ting inum directional re plaque w/ I ercoat fi,rn'sh atid. \ed letters with infill 04/10/07 10, O.C. 2" X 6" HEADER - 1 " X 1 " SLATS - 2" X 6" HEADER - 2" X 4" LEDGER V X 4" PICKETS WOOD POT CAP - 6" X 6"SPOST 5' 10, O.C. 04/10/07 mm� The landscape concept for Starling responds to the various geographic and cultural influences of the area with an emphasis on embracing the unique history surrounding Kalispell, Starling will also preserve the Grosswiler's family history while showcasing the endless opportunities afforded to residents within the community and the surrounding area, Starling is a base camp for all of life's adventures, a place to connect with nature and community. The landscape character will be an 'Integration of a native, free -flowing landscape with monolithic stone monumentation within the perimeter landscape that blends into a traditional, refined character within the interior of the project. The pinnacle of this refinement will be showcased in the Central Park reminiscent of the `city beautiful' movement with its open turf areas, adapted landscape and gardens. The neighborhood parks and internal streetscapes will serve as a transition to the Central Park and will incorporate iconic historical patterning to create unique identities for each park. Starling Landscape Framework General The landscape framework plan categorizes common areas within Starling into several distinct categories based on location and proposed project improvements. The categories have been listed below with the objective to provide project understanding for the master builders to implement and reinforce the landscape design concept within the production home areas. Perimeter Landscape Areas Perimeter landscape areas are defined as the perimeter project right-of-way area and incorporate the community open space located between the right-of-way line and adjacent residential property lines. The perimeter landscape treatment will consist of free -flowing plant masses to integrate the various project phases together while creating a uniform, consistent feel amongst the potentially various types of architectural styles. These plant masses consisting of evergreens, ornamental grasses and adaptable plant material will provide screening, establish key view corridors into the project and create year round visual interest with a variety of color and texture. The landscape design will also incorporate rolling berming to aid in screening adjacent residences from perimeter streets. A 6' perimeter gravel trail will be incorporated within the perimeter landscape to provide circulation Opportunities around the site. Defined as the area between the road right-of-way and the adjacent property 31ine, this common area shall act as a transitional zone incorporating plant materials found in both the adjacent streetscape and front yard of the development. An irrigation systern should be implemented in the common area zone as part of the builder's installed landscape development of each respective front yard. These areas should be planted with sod or landscape material per the approved landscape plant list. Careful consideration should be given to the adjacent landscape context during the development of the common areas. Streetscape Areas This zone is immediately adjacent to roadways or streets within the right-of-way consisting of an improved landscape strip, of varying width, transitioning into the common area zones. The streetscape character is composed of four landscape themes used on the street type to enhance project way finding and enhance the sense of community. Project entries will incorporate various levels of monurnentation and landscape treatments to provide an overall hierarchy for the community. Streetscape areas will include sidewalks on all of the streets in Starling except for the alleys. Overall, the intent is to create a uniform streetscape hierarchy throughout the project by uniformly spacing trees within the tree lawn and utilizing a consistent palette of plant materials. Collector Streetscape Areas The collector streetscape will utilize refined, flowing masses of ornamental grasses and evergreens to transition from the perimeter character to a traditional streetscape character for the local streets and parks. Linear masses of ornamental and shade trees averaging 50' O.C. will be incorporated to accentuate the planting masses while providing shade and buffering from the roads. Specialty pavement will emphasize pedestrian crossings at key intersections. The master developer / HOA will be responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of the collector street landscape improvements including the center islands and row landscape. The builder will be responsible for installation of the public sidewalk adjacent to their respective property. Pedestrian Streetscape Areas The pedestrian streetscape areas will incorporate irrigated turf tree lawns with uniformly spaced trees at 50' C.C. A standard pattern will be maintained by incorporating a uniform placement of 0 street trees proceeded by 3 ornamental trees. Local Streetscape Areas The local street tree lawns will incorporate trees uniformly spaced trees at —W O.0 with irrigated turf. A minimum of one street tree will be required for lots less than 50' in width; however additional street trees may be required to ensure consistent and uniform spacing. state Streetscape Areas A naturalistic landscape character will be incorporated into the rural streetscape character. Tree spacing will be informal and should be determined by the architectural massing on individual lots enhancing the rural feeling. Tree locations for the said area will be approved by the DEC. Lots up to 50' in width will be required to have a minimum of one street tree. Lots greater than 50' in width will be required to have a minimum of two street trees. It will be the responsibility of the builders to implement required irr;provements within the said streetscape including sidewalks; landscape; irrigation and trees adjacent to their respective lots. Maintenance of the said area will be the responsibility of the builder / homeowner. ifilm■-ITT-7-TATTI rr. I Multi -Use Field BBQ Pit OPEN SPA IAIKS I *Amenities Listed Show Potential Program Opportunities Par for Each k 04/10/07 Forn-,al Garde, i w/ Restored Bell R9 MINE& IN D e c, i d u ;,,, us Ornamentaf Trees f TvN Multi -Use Sport court Deciduous Canopy Trees (Tfyp) Community Gard ns Forr-nal Orchard v VVIP - L v, ate,? Fea-Wre ' 7 04/10/0, Evergreen MassinM MUlti-Use Fields Canopy Trees Imm �r tx;afle I - I Enhanced Paving @ Pedestrian Crossings (Typ@ Park) 04/10/07 - am Deciduous Canopy Historical Timeline and Bike Loop\Xxalk Basketball Court 1. 2c, 4-, a', ,I Or-% mmmmm%m Faic I, = 0 Gravel Trail S�ala !'=80 1001112juh-r-M, I Buffalo R-un Park Lower Pond Waterfall z 9 0 � 0 z 04/10/07 Gateway Park