Tab 20. Kalispell Growth Policy 2020 excerpts with comments(Excepts from) City of Kalispell Growth Policy 2020 Prepared by: Kalispell City Planning Board 201 1st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-7940 Adopted by Kalispell City Council Resolution 4773 February 18, 2003 Introduction Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy When considering zoning, subdivisions and other development issues; the growth policy should be consulted and the development should be in substantial compliance with the goals and policies. (p. 1) The policy document has chapters on growth management, land use, the economy, public services and others. Each chapter is organized into a format of interrelated issues, goals, policies and recommendations. The "issues" are statements of important trends, problems, opportunities, and community values. The "goals" are basic statements of the community's aims and priorities. The "policies" are the guidelines and strategies that implement the plan's goals. The "recommendations" are specific actions to be taken by the City to implement the goals outlined in the document and are intended as part of an overall implementation strategy. (pp 3-4) CHAPTER 2. Growth Management GOALS: 1. ENCOURAGE EFFICIENT USE OF SPACE, ORDERLY GROWTH CONSISTENT WITH HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE, FISCAL SOUNDNESS, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND COMMUNITY VITALITY. Policies: 2. Encourage consistent government policies for development and infrastructure within urban areas. CHAPTER 4. Land Use: Business and Industry Issues: 6. Auto -oriented design of commercial areas that lack pedestrian access and landscaping, have poorly designed parking lots, obtrusive signage, and reflect franchise architecture contribute to visual clutter that diminish the quality of life in the area. GOALS: 8. IMPLEMENT STANDARD THAT ENSURE A HIGH QUALITY FUNCTION AND DESIGN IN NEW DEVELOPMENT. Recommendations: Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy Comment [KVi]: Is it fiscally sound to pennit growth and development that seeks to avoid the connection to the infrastructure upsized to serve it? Comment [KV2]: No standards have been articulated for the overall PUD. 12. Encourage design standards Ifor commercial projects that contribute to the character of the community area. CHAPTER 6. The Economy Issues: 5. Because the city is influenced by the forces of the county, business and industry benefit from being able to locate in healthy business districts and a quality built environment. This presents challenges in providing Isound infrastructure planning, growth management, and environmental protection but also offer opportunities to strengthen the local economy. GOALS: 6. NEW BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED TO LOCATE IN AREAS !WHERE SOUND INFRASTRUCTURE CAN BE PROVIDED. Policies: 4. ':Provide for adequate infrastructure and public services to support viable business and industrial districts. CHAPTER 10. Transportation GOALS: 1. PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION SYSTEM THAT SERVES THE COMBINED NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY AND THE REGION, AND THAT PROVIDES SAFE, CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL ACCESS TO ALL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES THROUGHOUT THE AREA. Policies: 6. Provide !access to individual lots by way of local streets to the maximum extent feasible and avoid granting individual access on to collectors and arterials. 12. Proposed Major Street Network Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy Comment [KV3]: None brave been articulated. Comment [KV4]: The upsizing of the Old School Station sewer and water lines has repeatedly been recognized as "sound infrastructure planning' for future development south of Cemetery Road. Comment [KVS]: The upsized water and sewer lines adjacent to the subject property have been provided so the property south of Cemetery Road could develop. Comment [KV6]: The water and sewer lines south of Cemetery Road have been provided to support development of the Gardner/VW property. Comment [KV7]: The 2-lot Gardner/VW PUD is being accessed directly off the l lwy 93 arterial. which currently allows speeds of 55 MP11. Feasibility ofother alternatives have not even been studied. a. Major Arterials: A major road or highway with moderate to fast speeds and high traffic volumes. Major arterials provide access to the regional transportation network. They move traffic across the country, between cities and communities and/or from one major part of the Planning Jurisdiction to another. Throughout the Planning Jurisdiction individual private accesses onto arterials serving adjacent parcels should be discouraged. Traffic volumes would typically exceed 15,000 vehicles per day. Major Arterials: US 93 (including Main Street and Sunset Boulevard) Minor Arterials: Lower Valley Road, from US 93 to Willow Glen Drive CHAPTER 11. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES SEWER: 2. MAKE PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE TO AREAS THAT ARE IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO SERVICES. Policies: 4. ;When new sewer mains are installed consideration should be given to the future needs of the area and the mains upsized accordingly] Recommendations: 2. Develop and adopt a facilities plan that addresses sewer services in the urban area. WATER: 4. WHEN NEW MAINS ARE INSTALLED CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE FUTURE NEEDS OF THE AREA. CHAPTER 13. Implementation Strategy Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy 4 Comment [KV8]: This was done south of Cemetery Road when the Old School Station Sewer and Water lines were installed. This was done to service the Gardner/VW property. Comment [KV9]: Saute as above. 1. Zoning Regulations: The growth policy is a basis for assigning appropriate zoning when land uses change or development occurs. The policy document anticipates future development patterns, i.e. residential, commercial, and industrial. However, this is the official growth policy document, but is not a regulatory document. The zoning ordinance functions as an important tool in implementing the growth policy and is generally used to develop the long range development goals. Appropriate zoning is generally based upon the growth policy recommendations and policies. Zoning is intended to regulate the types of uses that may occur on a particular piece of property by establishing different types of zoning districts. Zoning Regulations Implementation Strategy: f. Increase the use of the Planned Unit Development zoning overlay process for mixed -use development and other large or complex land projects{. Comment [KVio]: A PUD Placeholder has been placed on the oardnerNW property, but the PUD 7. Extension of Services Plan: prO m is being ignored. The City of Kalispell adopted an Extension of Services Plan in November of 1995 as required by Montana annexation statutes, for the extension of City services to areas of the city not currently served and to lands to be annexed. The Extension of Services Plan addresses policies regarding the extension and construction of new City infrastructure including streets, water, sewer and storm drainage. It also addresses the provision of fire, police and other emergency services. The plan establishes a potential utility service area beyond the city limits, which is mapped. The plan establishes various policy requirements for extension of services within that boundary including an important policy statement that developers shall be responsible for constructing all infrastructure to serve proposed development in accordance with City design standards. The current extension of services plan from November of 1995 is dated with the new information provided from the City of Kalispell Water, Sewer and Storm Drainage Systems Facility Plan of July 2002 hereinafter referred to as the Kalispell Facility Plan. This information assesses the current capacities of the City's infrastructure as well as projects future needs and upgrades. Extension of Services Plan Implementation Strategy: Comment [KV11]: Montana Venture a. Developers be responsible for the installation and cost of utilities needed to serve their development and any Partners, LLC ups ized the water and p h sewer lines south of Cemetery Road with upsizing or extra extension should be �eimburseo. the intent mat properties, including the Gardner/VW PUD, would reimburse the cost of the upsizing as they develop and utilize city services. Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy f. Explore the use of development agreements for the reimbursement of utility extension costs to encourage the extension of utilities to areas without services. Highway 93 South Corridor Growth Policy Amendment This amendment to the Kalispell Growth Policy 2020 ... would be in addition to the existing goals, policies, text and maps. The Highway 93 South Corridor is recognized as a major arterial within the larger Kalispell area and as such its integrity in moving traffic is a primary goal. Issues: 1. ;Developments along the Highway 93 South corridor has the potential to compromise the primary objective of the _ _ roadway to move traffic because of additional accesses associated with new development. 4. Corridor development can oftentimes lack quality !landscaping, parking, lighting and architectural design;. 5. Municipal water and sewer have recently been extended south from Kalispell along Highway 93. Adequate capacity is available to serve all lands within the Highway 93 South Corridor Growth Policy Amendment area. GOALS: 2. EXPANSION OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SOUTH OF CEMETERY ROAD/LOWER VALLEY ROAD NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED UNDER A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN ORDER TO ADEQUATELY ADDRESS VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, SIGNAGE, SETBACKS, AND OTHER ISSUES RELATING TO PROTECTING AND PRESERVING THE COMMUNITY ENTRANCE WAY TO KALISPELL 4. DEVELOPMENT ALONG THE HIGHWAY 93 SOUTH CORRIDOR SHOULD OCCUR IN AREAS WHERE PUBLIC SERVICES, UTILITIES AND FACILTIES ARE AVAILABLE OR CAN BE PROVIDED. 5. NEW DEVELOPMENT WHETHER COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL OR RESIDENTIAL SHOULD BE OF (HIGH QUALITY IN DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURAL QUALITY;. 6. FREE FLOWING TRAFFIC ON HIGHWAY 93 SHOULD BE MAINTAINED AND NEW DEVELOPMENT SHOULD INCORPORATE DESIGN AND TRAFFIC FEATURES THAT WILL ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR PRESENT OR FUTURE TRAFFIC SIGNALS BETWEEN FOUR CORNERS AND HIGHWAY 82. Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy Comment [KV12]: This section of the Kalispell Growth Policy 2020 was amended in 2008, after the Old School Station water and sewer lines were installed and upsized to service development in the area. Comment [KV13]: No traffic study has been prepared for either the Gardner/VW PUD or the entire PUD area. Comment [KV14]: No landscaping, parking, or lighting plans have been submitted; no covenants have been proposed to ensure quality or architectural design. Comment [KV15]: This refers to the Old School Station water and sewer lines. Comment [KV16]: This PUD does not address these issues. Comment [KV17]: No architectural theme has been proposed. No CCRs eXISt. 7. A GRID STREET SYSTEM SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED AS NEW DEVELOPMENT OCCURS 1 Comment [KV18]: The overall PUD area has no grid system proposed. The 2- lot PUD proposal does not even address how it might connect to the other neighboring properties in the overall PUD. Policies: 3. JAvoid a pattern of one deep linear commercial and industrial development along. the Highway 93 South Corridor;_ Comment [KV19]: This is all the z- .lot -.. instead encourage development patterns that extend horizontally back from the highway creating commercial or lot PUD is (two linear lots along Hwy industrial centers and parks. 93). There is no conceptual or master plan that shows how it is intended to integrate with a larger development. 6. Frontage roads shall be developed as part of a grid street system to avoid additional accesses onto Highway 93. 7. Provide alternative north/south roadways parallel to Highway 93 on both the east and west sides of the highway. ! Comment [KV20]: The2-lot GardnerNW PUD provides for access 9. High quality design standards shall be applied to new development along the corridor related to architecture parking g q Y � pP p g � p g directly oresl`vy93. lot layout, lighting, landscaping, setbacks and signage. 12. Ensure that there is a well informed public and property owners along the corridor regarding the implications of the extension of public services to that area. 18. The following design standards are intended to enhance the gateway entrances to Kalispell: a. Access control should be the norm along the 93 corridors. b. Access should be coordinated so as to allow only collector or arterial streets to intersect Highway 93. The judicious use of right -in right -out approaches, frontage roads and good internal development street design should be the rule to reduce or eliminate the need for direct access onto major gateway roads. c. Areas planned for commercial development along Highway 93 should occur as an j utilizing and enhancing the property back from the highway as opposed to occurring as a shallow linear strip. Significant individual business highway exposure, individual access points, and pole signage would not be the Comment [KV21]: The only norm. -------------- -- infonnation about signage is a"twin pole" sign for the VW dealership. The d. Monument signs are preferred over pole signs. overall PUD, and even the package. PUD f g p 1� g lacks a conceptual sigh package. Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy 19. Development in the commercial areas should be mixed use in nature creating an overall integrated neighborhood as opposed to linear strip commercial development fronting the gateway entrances. Recommendations: 3. Architectural design standards should be adopted that require high quality design in architecture including four sided architecture, landscaping, lighting, signage and parking lot design. Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy Highway 93 South Corridor Growth Policy Amendment Area Excerpts from City of Kal: KALISPELL GROWTH POLICY 2020 APPENDIX A RESOURCES AND ANALYSIS SECTION Updated: November 2007 $20.00 CHAPTER 6 - LAND USE IN THE GROWTH POLICY AREA Future Land Use Designating future land use is a critical component of planning for growth. The process allows local officials to direct certain types of growth to defined areas allowing for more efficient use of current infrastructure as well as to plan infrastructure to accommodate growth. Excerpts from City of Kalispell Growth Policy to