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Tab 15. Gardner Application for PUD from City website prior to Feb 11, 2013
Planning Department 201 1st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/Rlanning APPLICATION FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) PROJECT NAME GARDNER 2-lot PUD 1. NAME OF APPLICANT: _Gardner Investments LLC (tract 1 owner) 2. MAIL ADDRESS: P.O.Box 958 3. CITY/STATE/ZIP: Kalispell, Mt 59903 PHONE: NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT: 4. NAME: Volkswagen Real Estate LLC. - (tract if owner) 5. MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 1217 6. CITY/STATE/ZIP: Whitefish, MT 59937_ PHONE: _406 863 2511_ 7. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: APEC Engineering Inc._ _ 8. MAIL ADDRESS: _111 Legend Trail _ 9. CITY/STATE/ZIP:_KALISPELL, MT, 59901 PHONE:_406 755 1333_ If there are others who should be notified during the review process, please list those. Check One: _X_ Initial PUD proposal Amendment to an existing PUD A. Property Address: 2915 HWY 2 South, Kalispell, MT B. Total Area of Property: _7.65 acres C. Legal description including section, township & range: -Southwest '/ of the Northwest '/ of Section 28, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M., M., Flathead County, Montana, _ D. The present zoning of the above property is: _B-5/ PUD Placeholder I E. Please provide the following information in a narrative format with supporting drawings or other format as needed: a. An overall description of the goals and objectives for the development of the project. Site development of the two lot PUD as proposed are tract land properties adjacent to Highway 93 and Lower Malley Road located at the southerly gateway to the Kalispell community. Access for the PUD will be served from existing approaches from each traveled public way. For future PUD adoption in the area as detailed by the "future overall preliminary plan" It should be noted that the public water and sewer facilities will be sized for development as shown therein and not just the 2 lot PUD. The development potential for coherent mined -use commercial properties of significant size and broad in nature will allow for numerous future site development opportunities given the neighboring property usage of businesses such as radio stations, auction facilities, equipment dealerships, and transfer and storage facilities. The further build out of the area will be facilitated by an access road common to the adjacent properties on the eastern boundary of this PUD. With the development of the VW Dealership interest in similar and supporting business development possibilities will be eagerly explored. While further development in nearby property is desired it will be clear that the two -lot PUD is independent from further required area development. b. In cases where the development will be executed in increments, a schedule showing the time within phase will be completed. Area developed as shown supporting the VW dealership will be undertaken once site and architectural plans are further developed and approved by the City of Kalispell. Further development of the VW dealership lot beyond what is currently shown will occur once a supporting or similar business can be drawn to the site by the owner. A defined timeframe on when this can occur cannot be developed at this time. A pro -business environment created by the City of Kalispell regulatory authority could help facilitate further development in the area whereby allowing more defined timelines on further development. C. The extent to which the plan departs from zoning and subdivision regulations including but not limited to density, setbacks and use, and the reasons why such departures are or are not deemed to be in the public interest; The plan as proposed herein of an automobile dealership meets B5 zoning as defined by the City of Kalispell zoning regulations. Future development plans of the properties may require a deviation within the zoning regulations. At this time one is not required. d. The nature and extent of the common open space in the project and the provisions for maintenance and conservation of the common open space; and the adequacy of the amount and function of the open space in terms of the land use, densities and dwelling types proposed in the plan, Open space will be inherently needed for landscaping requirements, storm drainage detention and infiltration of storm water to the site as commercial facilities and parking is required. As further development of the area is sought each site will develop and maintain bioswale and similar overland storage type drainage facilities as written and required by the City of Kalispell Standards for Design and Construction. e. The manner in which services will be provided such as water, sewer, storm water management, schools, roads, traffic management, pedestrian access, recreational facilities and other applicable services and utilities. The City of Kalispell will help ensure extension thereof of the public facilitates will meet the needs of the public works department to adequately serve the area for an array of development possibilities. Proposals and preliminary design have accounted for likely development potentials. f. The relationship, beneficial or adverse, of the planned development project upon the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established A beneficial development relationship is anticipated between the development owners and the planning department because by in large the development concept fits within the B5 zoning regulations. g. How the plan provides reasonable consideration to the character of the neighborhood and the peculiar suitability of the property for the proposed use. The current proposal herein requests development requests that comply with current zoning of the property. The proposal of an automobile dealership adjacent to a convenience store gas station and another automobile dealership will help maintain uniformity within the area. h. Where there are more intensive uses or incompatible uses planned within the project or on the project boundaries, how with the impacts of those uses be mitigated. Property development proposed herein on tract 1F and as intended by the second lot development of tract 1 is of lot development that complies with current zoning regulations though flexibility with said regulations may be requested while under the PUD development. L How the development plan will further the goals, policies and objectives of the Kalispell Growth Policy. Development within the south Kalispell business or industrial area under a planned unit development approach allows for continued review by the City of Kalispell Planning staff. This should 3 j. inherently provide the city with oversight that helps guide development potential within the area. Include site plans, drawings and schematics with supporting narratives where needed that includes the following information: (1). Total acreage and present zoning classifications; 7.65 acres/BS (2). Zoning classification of all adjoining properties; B5- unxoned by city, - (county property) (3). Density in dwelling units per gross acre; n/a (4). Location, size height and number of stories for buildings and uses proposed for buildings; commercial in nature, multiple stories possible (5). Layout and dimensions of streets, parking areas, pedestrian walkways and surfacing; see attached. for PUD as included herein and future PUD of adjoining properties. (6). Vehicle, emergency and pedestrian access, traffic circulation and control; As proposed the 2 lot PUD includes two accesses per lot, tract 1 has one shared Highway 93 approach with southern tract and one Lower Valley Road approach. Tract 2 (south property) has the shared approach and a second approach to the south onto highway 93. (7). Location, size, height, color and materials of signs; The 2 large efdsting billboard signs will be removed when development of each lot is approved. As proposed for the VW Dealership a pylon sign will be installed. See attached details for specifics. (8). Location and height of fencing and/or screening; none planned at this point. (9). Location and type of landscaping; see plan for developed lot. Mostly grass, trees and bioswale compatible grasses. (10). Location and type of open space and common areas; Considerable open space will be incorporated into the storm drainage overland filtration area. (11). Proposed maintenance of common areas and open space; ©pen space within the lot and adjacent thereto which included county/mdot right of way will be maintained by parcel owners. (12). Property boundary locations and setback lines; noted (13). Special design standards, materials and / or colors; (14). Proposed schedule of completions and phasing of the development, if applicable; (15). Covenants, conditions and restrictions; (16). Any other information that may be deemed relevant and appropriate to allow for adequate review. 2 If the PUD involves the division of land for the purpose of conveyance, a preliminary plat shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the subdivision regulations. Please note that the approved final plan, together with the conditions and restrictions imposed, shall constitute the zoning for the district. No building permit shall be issued for any structure within the district unless such structure conforms to the provisions of the approved plan. The signing of this application signifies that the aforementioned information is true and correct and grants approval for Kalispell Planning staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during review process. r A f (Applicant Signature) i -- I --f -!!� (Date) 5 Z�'7 H i��Mz w .ke1. ire 4ee�r- ing January 7, 2012 Tom Jentz - Director City of Kalispell Planning Department 201 ? Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901 Re: Gardner Two Lot PUD application Tracts 1, 1F within swl/4 of the nwl/4 of Section 28, T 28 N, R 21 W, P.M.M., Flathead County Dear Mr, Jentz: Formal review of the enclosed materials is requested to apply the Planned Unit Development (PUD) implementation where currently a PUD placeholder exists. Submitted for your review is the following plans/supporting information of proposed and conceptual improvements of the above mentioned platted property: 1. Completed Application Form and questionnaire w/ review fee of$1965 2. Tracts 1 and If Enlarged Layout Plan 3. Future Development Conceptual Layout Plan 4. PUD application document with associated responses 5. supplemental background information • COS's of subject property and adjoining property • General parcel data 6. Glacier Volkswagen draft plan of front elevation In addition to what is included above the Flathead County GIS Department has been given the review fee of $75 and a completed request form. Upon completion by that department a copy of the official adjacent landowner list will be forwarded to the City of Kalispell Planning Department. Please review and comment to me at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact myself or Marc Liechti in my office for additional copies and or additional requests for more information. Sincerely, #//t--� Jeff A Goudreau APEC, Inc. Enclosures as noted above Cc: Todd Gardner Project File Z..NnCJ� W d--FUDI_III: Onlp Cl,d Dneemna 0-21WUD PN suDdmlft.Kt6ic Civil. APEC, Inc. ¢, Structural 111 Legend Trail, Kalispell, MT 59901 Tel 406.755.1333 Fax 406.755.1310 www.APEC-MT.com Gardner two lot PUD Application PUD Application for Gardner Two Lot PUD Including development within of GLACIER VOLKSWAGEN City of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana A formal review of the application herein is requested for the formal PUD assertion of the below mentioned two lots currently held within a placeholder PUD as adopted by City Council. The property in question are as described herein and shown on the supporting draft site design documents attached. The property: Tracts 1,1F of the Mergenthaler Subdivision located in the sw1/4 of the nw1/4 of Section 28, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The PUD application herein includes the proposed preliminary layout for development of tract 1f with conceptual layout of tract 1 of the above described property. This application for a PUD was prepared on behalf of Gardner Investments, LLC; please use mailing address is PO Box 958 Kalispell, MT 59903, APEC Inc. the technical representative is requesting review and comment on PUD development implementation within PUD placeholder city annexed property of tract properties near the intersection of Lower Valley Road and Highway 93. Page 1 of 5 Gardner two lot PUD Application Italicized text is verbatim from City of Kalispell zoning ordinance, answers follow text in addition to completing the formal application. All supplemental information and project layouts are included as appendixes. PUD Application Materials. 7'he fill PUD application submittal shall contain the following information in the form of an overall PUD development plan and supporting text: (a) A listing of each deviation or class of deviation from the underlyingzoning district and a f tstification of the appropriateness for the deviation; N/A (b) A listing of each deviation or class of deviationfrom the city subdivision regulations design standards and a fttstification of the appropriateness for the deviation; NIA (c) An existing topo map showing existing building and features and a proposed topo map showing proposed topography using one to ftve foot intervals drawn to a scale not less than one inch equals 200 feet showing all proposed streets, lots, buildings, open space, wetlands, floodplain, environmental hazards, storm water facilities and other elements basic to the development; Both are attached and shown as I foot contour intervals. (d) Proposed locations, areas, densities and types of residential and nonresidential rises and striiatires within the area proposed to be developed and maximum height of buildings or structure; See noted plans, Commercial usage as shown. (e) Proposed plans for handling; 1. Vehicular traffic; Much of the traffic is routed toward Lower Valley Road and onto a previously constructed highway approach intended for this property. No detailed vehicle impact study's were conducted for the major roadways adjacent to this site. At this time impacts onto roads of highway and collector capacities are considered negligible compared to current usages of the public transportation system. More significant future improvements may warrant analysis. 2. Pedestrian traffic routes & trails inchiding safe routes to school; Significant pedestrian traffic is not expected at this time. 3. Sewage disposal; conceptual storm water drainage and water supply; See attached for draft version of the related infrastructure improvements plan. Final design, plans, and specifications are expected for extensions of the water main and the construction of a sewage lift station. 4. Parks and open space; Landscaping buffers are utilized throughout the site plan as shown herein in basic layout fashion, fixture details will be completed. Improvements and continued maintenance of Page 2of5 Gardner two lot PUD Application the bioswale water treatment/storagelinfiltration areas will be completed to help ensure those needs are met while providing vegetative aesthetic appeal and lot coverage diversity, S. Parking; Ample parking for customers and employees will be provided as shown on the site plan. Significant extra parking is planned for currently while the dealership wishes to be held only to the minimum requirements should budgetary confinements require. 6. Prominent landscaping, buffering, site perimeter and entrance treatment features; A significant landscape buffer will be created by improving the planned bioswale and boundary buffer. 7. Club houses, sales offices, N/A 8. Detaining wall work in excess of 3 feet in height; No new retaining walls will be constructed that exceed 3 feet in height. 9. Common fencing designs and locations where proposed; Tract IF will not contain fences, development of Tract 1 may include fence though at this time no plans exist for the lot. 10. Commercial, directional and entrance signage; Signage will be constructed in conformance with City of Kalispell sign requirements. At this time one pylon dealership sign is planned and the appropriate entrance/exit signage will be utilized to improve circulation within. 11. Street lighting and parking lot lighting where applicable; Lighting will be designed and be in conformance with City of Kalispell standards. Down direction lighting will be used. 12. Any other pertinent site development features. N/A 69 Elevation drawings which demonstrate vistially the general architectural features of each proposed building or architecturally distinct group or type of buildings and the site perimeter treatment. Note — This may be waived by the Zoning Administrator on a case specific situation for uses listed below which may include bttt are not limited to: See attached architectural drawings. 1. Single family detached housing when the lots equal or exceed the minimum lot size of the underlying zone; and NIA 2. Two unit townhouse or duplex development which is alley loaded and the lots equal or exceed the minimum lot size of the underlying zone. N/A Page 3 of 5 Gardner two lot PUD Application (g) The PUD plait shall show the boundary lines of adjacent subdivided or un subdivided land and the existing zoning of the area proposed for the PUD overlay, The attached plan shows the property as the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder records describe the property. (h) A timeline expressing the order in which the development shall occur and estimated time for completing key components or phases; An estimated timeline of roughly 1 /z years to design, approve and construct the VW dealership located on the north half of tract IF. Options will be weighted and future development of an independent business on the south half of the tract will be considered. Tract 1 will remain undeveloped for an undefined period of time; future development will be encouraged by the owners of the property. Future development will include site review as required. (i) Adequate provision for a homeowners association or other public or private management organization to provide for the operation and maintenance of all private (non governmental) common facilities including any private streets or alley ways, homeowners parks, club houses, sales ojjrces, open space, trails, recreational facilities and amenities, shared parking facilities, private lighting systems, subdivision entrance signage and common mail receptacles; N/A 6) Adequate provisions shall be made for maintenance of all public common facilities (e.g. a trail or park) which are developed on public land, but intended to be maintained by a private organization or homeowners association; Off site lot improvements will be approved by Montana Department of Transportation and Flathead County Road and Bridge Department. Each entity will likely review roadway approach and right of way improvements that improve egress and landscaping within the land adjacent to Highway 93 and Lower Valley road. (k) Where a PUD also involves a subdivision of land, it shall also meet the application requirements of the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations and the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act at the time the preliminary plat is submitted, N/A (1) For multi phase projects to be developed over a long period of time or where project components are proposed which may not be built for many years; 1. The first phase of development must comply with the full application process outlined above. Development of the Volkswagen dealership will be as outlined within, details surrounding possible future developments will be included in subsequent submittals once developers are identified and plans can be generated. 2. Each phase of a multi phase PUD mist be able to be free standing. This improvement will be free standing and independent of reliance on future developments in the area. Page 4 of 5 Gardner two lot PUD Application 3. Each phase of a PUD shall not exceed the density provisions of the underlying zone as limited by the PUD. Where a phase is proposed that complies with the overall PUD plan but the actual density of the particular phase may exceed the average density allowed by the underlying --one and PUD agreement, the applicant shall either provide the necessary corresponding open space or park facilities or suitably bond for them for development in a latter phase. No density deviations are requested. Each developed area will have open space as required by zoning regulations whereby no tract will exceed density requirements. 4. Future phase or major development components may show conceptual street designs, proposed park and open space areas, trail concepts, proposed residential density, housing types (single family, townhouse, apartment, etc.) and commercial areas versos detailed lot, block, street and park development and building designs, Based on a finding and associated conditions placed oil the PUD at time of approval, the applicant may be required to provide more specific information prior to development of succeeding phases based on one of the following processes: (1vote: The planning staff, Planning Board or council, at their discretion, may also request additional or more complete information relative to the future phases or components prior to recommending or granting initial PUD approval). a. A finding that the outstanding items are significant and therefore future phases or components should follow the fall PUD application process, b. Afinding that the outstanding items are generally minor and therefore fctttire phases or components should be reviewed tinder the conditional rise permit process; or c. A finding that the outstanding issues are insignificant and therefore future phases or components should be subject to administrative review by the Kalispell Site Review Committee; or d. A combination of the above provisions. (m) Any other information, plans and details which the city staff, Planning Board and/or City Council may request tof illy evaluate the development proposal and its impacts. Page 5 of 5 g� N rr If 1-g, R 5MBAA 5mr. 5M 5I)c ... ......... . . 5BAA 12AA Uz 1:1 5B 5BAB 5BC 5LA 10 5 DID R5A -,/CoUN 5L + SK. ......... 5KE 5D -',50A JIT lIT SE `EMETER 5C 5 '101A 0DE 7G SKBB LOWEiqi SA 14+ UNITED DRIVE pf S 2A VICINITY MAP SCALE 1 200' GARDNER INVESTMENTS/VOLKSWAGEN REAL ESTATE, LLC REQUEST FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO DEVELOP A VOLKSWAGEN DEALERSHIP LOCATED AT 2915 HIGHWAY 93 SOUTH AND ZONED B-5/PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PIA" DAM 1/9/13 FILE # IMP UD-13-01 XA&\site\kpudl3-0l Gardner Investments LLC,dwg