04-04-13 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, April 4, 2013 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Sean Conrad, Acting Chairman Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, Montana Department of Transportation HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Coffee Shop — 305 2nd Ave W; convert dry cleaning business to restaurant. They are still working with Public Works on this project. Glacier Eye Clinic — Reserve Loop; new medical office. They are still working with Public Works on this project regarding water, sewer, and stormwater, as well as working on getting their approach permit from MDOT. This will be on the agenda for next week. NEW BUSINESS: Prestige Assisted Living on Glenwood — Memory Care Addition — Their plans were distributed to everyone. They will be meeting with everyone tomorrow, tentatively at 10 a.m. They will be extending out to Meridian Road. This project came through the Planning Board six months or more ago for a Conditional Use Permit, so the concept has been previously approved. It is here now for Site Review and their Building Permit. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS — Orchard Village Apartment Complex - southside of Appleway. The owner is looking at annexing a sliver of property on the very west side of that, which presently has a little house on it. He wants to put another 4-plex apartment on there. This would be an annexation with a Conditional Use Permit. This may come in early enough for the May Planning Board meeting. OTHER REPORTS: Cabela's — Their plans came in yesterday for their permit. They need to build now because they are approved under the 2009 Building Codes. If they miss this time frame, then they will have to go back and resubmit because they will be under the 2012 Building Codes for next year. Swank will be doing the parking lot and landscaping improvements. The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 a.m.