03-28-13 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, March 28, 2013 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, Montana Department of Transportation HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Coffee Shop — 305 2nd Ave W; convert dry cleaning business to restaurant. They have been e-mailing Parker about the change of use, but nothing has been resolved at this point. Glacier Eye Clinic — Reserve Loop; new medical office. Wargo sent them comments earlier this week regarding their plans, but has not yet heard back from them. Freyholtz mentioned that MDT just received their plans last week, which he forwarded to their Helena office. They will need to wait for their approach permit from MDT. They still have some details to work out with the Parks Department as well. They are going to begin to get mobilized up there. If the City issued their permit the week of April 8 h, that would be okay with what their timetable is. This will be on the agenda for next week. Central Bible Church — 902 — I" Avenue East — new detached garage going in right off the alley. They will be removing a couple sheds and putting the garage in right off of the existing pavement. This will be a 20' x 24' structure. This is passed through Site Review. They don't plan to build this for a couple of months. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Cliff View Subdivision — This is a three -lot subdivision at the end of Mile High Court. This is where several years ago the Abbey Shelter came in and purchased this property, did a subdivision, with one large lot at the end of Mile High Court. They subsequently sold off most of the lots in this subdivision. A developer wants to break this into three residential lots. Lot Four has the building on it that the Abbey Shelter is still occupying. Smaller houses will be built, similar to the other neighboring lots. They already have a hydrant there, and have adjusted it to the right direction. They need to submit a relocation plan for moving the storm drainage easement off this property, and a stormwater plan. Prestige Assisted Living — on Glenwood. They will be submitting a Site Plan. Their architects will be in town next week and want to meet with everyone April 5 h to make sure they have everything addressed. VW Dealership — Highway 93 and Lower Valley Road. The Planning Board has moved this forward to the City Council. There is talk that there will soon be someone coming in right beside them. The Gardner Properties - The frontage road system was discussed at length. There is concern that the initial plan will not allow enough stacking room, and other options were discussed. OTHER REPORTS: North Bypass — Freyholtz informed everyone that the north part of the bypass, from Reserve Loop up a half mile to the Highway 93 intersection, is scheduled for the end of June letting, with construction possibly beginning in August. Four Mile Drive - There will be a meeting on April 8 h or 9 h regarding the Four Mile Drive design. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.