03-12-13 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, March 12, 2013; 7:30 a.m. Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Julie Pierrottet; John Hinchey; Bill Goodman; Russ Skelton; Mark Norley (Acting Chair); Corey Johnson OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff PJ Sorensen; Tom Jentz / Guests —Fran Quiram (CTA/Glacier Eye); Tom Zuk and Bryan Akert (HBA/Cabela's); Kris Nitz (Cabela's); Karen Blumenstein (TKG Spring Prairie) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Julie moved to approve the February 12 minutes; John seconded. Approved 6-0. Old Business: None New Business: Natural Grocers — 2395 Hwy 93 N; new wall sign and modification to existing freestanding sign. Green wall behind wall sign approved with building permit. John moved to approve; Bill seconded. Approved 6-0. Cabela's — Hwy 93 N (Spring Prairie Ph 3); new retail building. Tom Zuk presented. Tied design into theme. Yakima store is the same — showed photo. Corrugated metal roof — rustic look. Board and batten pine siding; hand hewn wood signing; stone veneer product; Douglas Fir cap piece. Internally lit sign; shielded external lights on side signs. Cedar fencing in back. Smooth face CMU on east and west sides that butt against neighboring buildings. Parapet around building for screening. Discussion regarding north side of building. Add wood/stone, especially around customer pick-up, some signage, strip of wood up high. Light fixtures suggested. East/west — continue accent bands and address returns. John moved to approve the project subject to the condition that the revisions to the north side of the building be submitted for approval prior to issuing a building permit. Corey seconded. Approved 6-0. Glacier Eye Clinic — Reserve Loop; new medical office. Corey recused himself, Fran Quiram presented. Using natural stone. Sign will change, so ARC will review later. Very limited roof top units. Discussion on concrete walls and how they blend in (eg landscaping). Bill moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 5-0. Urgent Loans —1289 N Meridian; new wall signs. Discussion about building changes. Signs are not scaled well with the building; bad colors; busy sign. Maybe put the signs on the wall instead of the roof overhang. Bill moved to table; Corey seconded. Motion to table passed 6-0. Other Discussion: None Meeting Adjourned at 8:25