03-14-13 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, March 14, 2013 First Floor Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, Montana Department of Transportation HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Coffee Shop — 305 2nd Ave W; convert dry cleaning business to restaurant. A letter with code references that refer to the sidewalk and the roof drains has been sent to the tenant and the owner of the building. No plans have been received as yet. Glacier Eye Clinic — Reserve Loop; new medical office. This was approved through Architectural Review. Wargo has just started the Public Works review on the plans. Fincher addressed the boulevard trees on Timberwolf Parkway, and noted that there will need to be trees along Reserve Loop. He will discuss this with DNRC and then talk with CTA about the trees on Timberwolf Parkway. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Cliff View Subdivision — This is a three -lot subdivision at the end of Mile High Court. This is where several years ago the Abbey Shelter came in and purchased this property, did a subdivision, with one large lot at the end of Mile High Court. They subsequently sold off most of the lots in this subdivision. A developer wants to break this into three residential lots. Lot Four has the building on it that the Abbey Shelter is still occupying. Smaller houses will be built, similar to the other neighboring lots. Wargo will contact Jeff Larsen Engineering about the storm drainage easement, which is not a good situation the way it is. VW Dealership — Highway 93 and Lower Valley Road. The Planning Board tabled this item until March 26 hregarding the latecomers agreement regarding the sewer and water issue. There was also an issue regarding improvements to Lower Valley Road. This will go to the City Council the second meeting in April. OTHER REPORTS: Cabela's — Sorensen noted that Cabela's will be replacing the Kohl's building site and therefore won't have any site plans to review at Site Review. They are going with all the previously approved plans that we had in here before. A lot of the utility lines are actually physically in place out there. However, we will review any modifications or pedestrian path arrangements that come in. They will be submitting their building plans toward the end of next week. They will develop the majority of the site and leave the pads un-built. FVCC Nursing Center Building - Fincher asked if Public Works is concerned about water runoff from the new FVCC building. There is no retention area in the front. Fincher will bring over the landscaping plans to go over them with Wargo and Crowley. Willow Creek PUD Amendment — re: Bike path condition. Wargo was concerned that the minutes from last week did not reflect the details for the Public Works condition requested by Public Works Director Susie Turner. She was looking for, at a minimum, a hand -drawn grading plan for approval. Jentz stated that Wayne Turner only consented to leveling an area for parking at the trailhead. He was going to take his bulldozer, avoid the well casing and the tree, and level off the ballast. He wasn't going to put any money into it. "Rails to Trails" understands that they would be driving on rock and cobble and if they wanted to upgrade it, they could upgrade the parking area and the road coming in. Wayne is going to keep the road passable for his equipment but not for much else. Public Works will require a right-of-way permit to complete this work. Four Mile Drive — Jentz informed the committee that Four Mile Drive will now be our 41 urban priority, which was decided at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting yesterday. Stelling Engineers will be doing the engineering design. It should be drivable within 24 months. MDT will be using Urban Funds to build the bridge. Kidsports is generating money to match that. This would be from the end of the soccer fields at the beginning of the hill, going up over the hill at Stillwater for a half mile. Ed Taves said there would be a bike path. There is money set aside for ROW acquisition, primarily for Bloomstone. The bridge will be built to urban standards. The road will be more of a rural, paved design. When Bloomstone comes in, they can finish off the urban improvements. The Four Mile Drive there is a full interchange as it goes over the bypass. The ramps may be roughed in as the bypass isn't there yet. They are moving fast on this. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. 2