01-10-13 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 10, 2013 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, MDT HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: None. Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant P.J. Sorensen, Chairman NEW BUSINESS: Peterson School — They have come in with their application. Their parking across the street will be added to their parking counts. They will need to still submit some site plans and a second set. They are working with Wargo on some storm drainage issues. They are working with the Fire Dept. regarding fire access through the gate. This will hopefully be a permitted use in six weeks. This will also need to go through Architectural Review. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Brannigan's application came in for a casino on the second floor of the Loading Dock building, and they will be coming in for a CUP on that, as well as a text amendment to do a larger casino than is currently permitted with the Kalispell zoning ordinance. They will need to obtain a building permit for this project. They will also have a private dining area upstairs, overlooking Depot Park, and a card room. OTHER REPORTS: A VW Dealership — has purchased the property at Lower Valley Road and Highway 93 from Gardner's, and we are working with APEC on a submittal to do a Volkswagen dealership there. This is south of the Toyota dealership. The second lot there may also be used for another auto dealership. McDonald's — An engineer in Washington will be in town next week to meet with us. Conrad will pass on Freyholtz's contact information to them, also. This would be for a McDonald's right at the corner of Meridian and Highway 2 where the old Eisinger site was located. They are working on some background work for the property right now, and putting together costs for the developer. The design looks similar to the McDonald's near Costco. They are also trying to keep the old Roy Stanley building intact. It will have to be a subdivision, and they will have to address the flood plain issue. The right-of-way for Highway 2 is 120 feet, and for Meridian it's 60 feet, and gets wider at the intersection. The approach permit was discussed. Crowley thought that would come from MDT. We may need to require screening from headlights at the drive-thru, along with sidewalks. Hagestad Painting — They are planning to go with a landscape plan that is basically like the original plan. Fincher suggested to them that they use Sheep Fescue Grass which has fairly low maintenance, and they agreed to that. They will only have rock on the west side of the building for drip down along with the bark and plants. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.