Leistiko/Cost Proposal for Earth Moving at City Airport - Notice to ProceedtiiyryJ � ° ` M1,k v� Kalispell City Ai*rportRFAirpoirt Manager ................ x..: . ...... .. .... . . . ......... t ::r Post Office Box 1997, Kalispell, Montana -1 - Telephone 4 ' - 00., Fax (406)758-7831 DennisCarver Goose Bay Equipment 1995 Ord Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Re: Cost Proposal for Earth Moving at City .Airport — Notice to Proceed Dear Mr. Carver: Your cost proposal dated 6 Apr� has been reviewed by the airport's consult, Robert reeeia and Associates and found to be acceptable. This letter is your notice to immediately proceed with the work as detailed in previous discussions and as estimated .in you 6 Aril 2005 not -to -exceed east proposal. If you have any questions on this please contact rye, Sincerely, Fred Leistiko Airport Manager cc: Charles Har all, City Attorney .lames H. Patrick, City Manager Phil omni� Robert Peccia and Associates. Helena ltr0022005.doc Robert Peccia & April 7, 2005 usociates Ir. Jinn Hans., P.E. , Public works Director :::.::.' ......:..:.:................ City of Kalispell . . Bo 1997 Kalispell., MT 59903 :: Re: Kalispell City airport - Farthr ovi g by Goose Bair Equif>ment '.... ,.. Dear Jim, Civil I have reviewed the "Hangar Fill Estimate -April 6, 2 "' frorrx Goose Bay Transportation Equipment. The equipment and rates shown on the estimate a Cached appear to Environmental be reasonable. I would recorn.CDd proceeding, with are agreement not to exceed Engineers the $19,.0cost estimate. During the period that Goose Bay 1s working (estimated to he Iess than one . Box 5653 week), RPA. can provide daily records of the on-s'te lour meteTs on the venue 825 I a, �r f� equipment, density tests on embankment fill (proctors taken y the Contractor). () -000 FAX (4 ) 447-5036 The Hangar developer, T&L Properties, has entered into a to g-tern lease www.rpa-hin.com agreement with the City of Kalispell. The lease provides spa of for three hangar ' buildings and requires the City to: l rmng the building sites tc> grade (subject of this letter), 2 provide sever, water and electric service to the site (nearly copip eted as part of NoEnd Utility Project Windy Ridgio Construction), and pave taxiways and aircraft ramps prior to August 1, 2005 (subject of a proposed North End Surfacing project — scheduled to be cad er-tised or bidding in May 200 .'the developer is required to layout their hangai7 locations, relative to the approved airport Plan for the north end surfacing project. T&L Properties should. connnence the initial building layout immediately. Please advise if Goose Bay Equipment sbould proceed to el the three building sites. When a Notice to Proceed is given, RPA wouldd appreciate n ffication as well. RPA would include our engineering services, within the `f.ost plus not to exceed' construction management agreement that we currently have with the City of Kalispell, for the North End Utility Froj t. IS' Philp Porrini, F.E. CC. Dennis Carver, Goose Bay Equipment (w/o atta hr, eri- "'odd Berg, T&L Properties (w/o attachment) Fax* Fred Leistiko., Airport Manager Goose Bay Equipment KALISPELL AIRPO HANGER FILL ESTIMATE -- April 6,,2005 I 5 8 T Slap apVoWratOf 1700 CY of U)pWW from borrow arse Sao aPPrOxJWY 960 CY of topI ftorn 50 aft HaL4 appmI ale r 36w CY frwn bonvw aria to fiv ma offpacL gar *nd Ignoo III aft RaVace apprwdawtWy 17 Yunna* on boffew am ToW CY moved iv sboW 9300 CY Tow GradW hdudes III aft mW bmTma OW 10 ffw" wOU0W is Willy ,mot $I.10 per CY ter 0" distance Cost to plam wmpad, weler and qrwe is aboo S 1.w per CY EsIkTwled cxW do&a rwi indude dust nunagen f air caff**Man. rKw vegeforim PROJECT TIT : Kalispell City AJrpor ork DATE P RM APIL PROJECT NO: LOCATION: REPORT CRATE: DESCRIPTION IPTIO OF WORK: EW, QP"nt HOUM Sri Ex%ndad HOUM Oudy Exkmded Ida Type Operated Rate Mount EmpkWw Nwm ► orked Rate Aunt 15 Simper 72-00 9 85,00 5 6,120.00 Openaor 80.00 5 35.00 3 2,600.00 Roger 3.00 S 40.001.47200 Operiftr 40LOO 6 3 .00 3 1.260.00 Water Tmick 3 00 33.Q0 S 1,06,00 Trek Ord 40.M $ 3 00 1.2W.00 Pick-up 4.ye��ir/D{7 10.00240.00,/mil #,rpeOnWKkmt 0,0 40{y.J�Q�0 ,�,00 ky * w }Te O 3 9.40D. Y MATERIALS l IALS USSR AND COSTS tod Dn � Lmits kk n coot AZMW scas tory i ` oft 2.00 1 .00 200.00 20D. 00 Equipment Cast 9,788.00 Lmbw Oval 3 9,400.00 hftl*rW CoM 3 20B.00 19,W8,00 Work will not exceed the cell rgprice as estimated above Additional work beyond the ceiling price requires written authorization and approval of Airport Manager. Ennis Carver Carver Engineering/Goose far Equipment i/ i 41 !f%V%0�E k A Fr7l%f'%MT .4.