Final Cost Review0
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
November 28, 2012
Mr. Doug Russell, City Manager
City of Kalispell
201 1 st Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Dear Mr. Russell:
Helena Airports District Office
2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2
Helena, MT 59602-1213
A final cost review of the subject project has been completed and the final costs were determined as follows:
General Information:
Airport Name:
Kalispell City Airport
Kalispell, Montana
City of Kalispell
Work Description:
Update Airport Master Plan Study
AIP Project Number:
Contract Number
Financial Summary:
Original Grant Amount: $92,910.00
Disallowed Costs (ineligible work): $0.00
Total Allowable Costs: $97,800.00
Federal Share Percentage: 95.00%
Maximum Federal Share Amount: $92,910.00
Amount Exceeding Maximum Grant: $0.00
Total Amount Payable: $92,910.00
Less Total Amount Paid: $92,910.00
Final Balance Due Sponsor: $0.00
Final payment has been made and all administrative requirements are satisfied. Upon receipt of this letter the project
should be considered financially closed.
Prepared by-
Franki Nierneir, Management and Program Assistant Date
Pleiskcontact,Gary Gates, Civil Engine'er/Planner, at 406-449-5230, if you have any questions.
f, P All
Carolyn T. Read; manager
Planning, Environmental and Financial Programs Branch
cc via e-mail: ANM-613
Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager
Jeff Walla, Stalling Engineers
Debbie Atka, Montana Aeronautics Division