10-23-12 Impact Fee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MEETING WAS HELD AT 4:00 P.M., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2012 CITY HALL UPSTAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM Attendees: Board members: Jeff Zauner, Larry Sartain, Chad Graham, & Rick Wills Others Present: Terri Loudermilk, Susie Turner, Tom Lotshaw, Doug Russell & Paul Burnham Absent: Jason Mueller Public Comment: None Approved September 25, 2012 IFAC Minutes: Jeff Zauner made motion to approve minutes and Rick Wills seconded motion. Continuation of Review August 2010 and September 2012 Water Impact Fee Report: Paul Burnham and Chad Graham concurred the best method to proceed was for Paul to finish his reports and answer questions at the end of the report. Impact fee material covered: • Study area originally equaled 77 square miles, revised to 29 square miles 2% growth rate used In calculations as opposed to 4% • 4.25% (15 year average of the 10 year treasury note rate) used for interest calculations • City can only recoup 15 years of use on existing systems • Water impact fee currently $2,200 expected to increase to $2,536 using new revisions including Owl Corporation settlement 5% Administrative fee calculated in impact fees Terri Loudermilk suggested all in attendance with questions send them to her prior to the next meeting. Terri to prepare waste water handouts for next meeting. Agenda for next meeting: 1. Complete review of Water Impact Fees 2. Start discussions on Waste Water Impact Fees 5:22 PM Motion to adjourn Date of Next Meeting: November 27, 2012* at 4:00 p.m. (meetings to be held the fourth Tuesday of the month). *Corrected