09/96 Preliminary Airport Layout Plan/Narrative ReportPrepared for the City of Kalispell I Kalispell, Montana In cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Montana Aeronautics Division Prepared by Robert Peccia. & Associates. Helena, MT September, 1996 it 1 0 1 11, Paee No. 1 FORECASTS ......................................................... 1 2 BASIS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ............................... 2 3 RATIONAL FOR MODIFICATIONS OF DESIGN STANDARDS ............ 4 4 SUMMARY OF STAGE DEVELOPMENT ................................ 4 5 COORDINATION WITH GOVERNMENT UNITS ......................... 5 6 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST ........................................ 7 AIRPORT CLASSIFICATIONS ......................................... 6 B-1, SMALL, VISUAL DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS ........................... I B-11, SMALL, VISUAL DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS ........................... 1, B-11, SMALL, NPI DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS ............................... in RUNWAY LENGTH RECOMMENDATIONS ................................... M, B-11, SMALL, VISUAL CROSS SECTION SKETCH ............................. 15 B-11, SMALL, NPI CROSS SECTION SKETCH ................................. in KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT FORECASTS .................................... 2 i ION OF PROBABLE COST ............................... I ............... 7 PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY (From Kalispell City Airport Redevelopment Plan) .. 17 I �,'111 i!�� i. KALISPELL CITY PRELIMINARY AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN NARRATIVE s R In order to show its commitment to aviation at the Kalispell City Airport, the City of Kalispell has taken it upon themselves to produce a Preliminary Airport Layout Plan (ALP). An ALP is a tool used to show existing airport facilities and the projected improvements in the future. This Prelinnary ALP was also created to demonstrate the feasibility of Kalispell City Airport to meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dimensional and safety requirements. upon demonstration of these, the City of Kalispell, also known as the Owner, may become eligible for federal assistance for projects concerning this airport. This would include planning projects such as master planning and ALP creation as well as actual construction projects. Since this is a Preliminary ALP, some components of an ALP have been left out. This aided in reducing the cost of creating the ALP while providing enough critical information to show feasibility. The format has been set-up such that finalizing the ALP would be fairly efficient in the future should the Owner decide to further pursue development. Following are the components required for an ALP Narrative Report as specified by the FAA's ALP Checklist dated 12/26/90. •' f From the FAA's 5010 Forms for the Kalispell City Airport, there was no growth in based aircraft from 1983 to 1993. The latest 5010 Form shows 64 based aircraft. This seems out of place considering the City of Kalispell's population growth during this period is approximately 6% and Flathead County growth is 15%.` The nearby Glacier International Airport (GIA), with a larger, cross -wind runway and well maintained facilities, has likely absorbed any increase in the based aircraft fleet in the region. Having an airport with many more based aircraft than most of Montana's general aviation (GA) airports, Kalispell feels their airport deserves the same consideration as other airports, especially considering their population growth trend and the airports status as a relief airport for GIA. Following is a table predicted forecasts for Kalispell City Airport. 1. Kalispell Area Transportation Plan, p. 35, July 30, 1993. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport Kalispell City Airport=Forec Current 0-5 Years`" 6-10 Years"' 11-20 Years"' Total Annual Operations 33,100 34,600 36,100 38,000 Annual Itinerant Operations 13,500* 14,100 14,700 15,500 Based Aircraft 64** 67 70 74 Annual Instrument Approaches 0 0 0 40 Annual Itinerant Operations by Critical Aircraft Unknown Enplaned Passengers N/A N/A N/A N/A *Includes 1,000 Military Operations **Includes: 1 Glider, 1 Helicopter, 3 Ultra -lights, 3 Multi -Engine, and 56 Single Engine LO Growth rates of 2%/vear for the first ten vears then 1% for the next 10 vears. Since there are a large number of based aircraft and total annual operations compared to most Montana GA airports, it stands to reason this is one of the busier airports in the State. The FAA and Montana Aeronautics Division promote development of airports which make it safer to the flying community. Supporting the Kalispell City Airport will provide benefits to many users as compared to less frequented airports in the State that also receive support from the community and governmental agencies. The primary importance is to demonstrate that the airport can feasibly be made to conform to recognized standards. The Preliminary ALP is an attempt to show this is indeed possible. Kalispell has shown its commitment to safety and conformance to standards by taking this first step in planning their Airport's future. A number of alternatives for airport development were discussed, analyzed and ruled out for further consideration because of unfavorable conclusions. The following are a brief summary of those considered: Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report 2 City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport a. EXISTING - but not up to standards. B-I (Small) Visual Runway - maintain existing length and separation standards. This approach would require land acquisition to the south, east and west. (-4 Ac. Total) Changes required to alleviate current Part 77 Airspace infringements. b. STAGES I & II - proposed. B-II (Small) Visual Runway - many increased dimensional criteria More land required than above option (-40 Ac. Total). Reconstruction of airport required. Can accommodate aircraft with larger wingspans. Wider runway facilitates safer landing of all aircraft in crosswind landings. STAGE III - proposed. B-II (Small) NPI Runway - increased primary surface width. Slightly more land required (--46 Ac. Total). Buildings required to be further away from runway. Aircraft operations can occur in more marginal weather conditions. d. NOT RECOMMENDS B-II (Large) Visual Runway - stronger pavement required. Larger RPZ required. Slightly more land required than B-II (Small) visual option. Heavier aircraft can be accommodated without damaging the pavement. e. NOT RECOMMENDED B-H (Large) NPI Runway - approach slope length doubles and becomes much shallower than above option. Heavier aircraft with fairly large wingspans can use the airport in marginal weather and not damage the pavement. f. NOT RECOMMENDED Reorientation of runway centerline - changing the runway orientation can have favorable results on the impact of the radio towers in the approach slope. However, other penetrations at the north end would result (ie. power poles, stadium lights, buildings). Closer in, and adjacent to the runway, are existing developments that would be impacted by reorientation. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report 3 City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport The most concerning features of the airport are radio towers located near the Runway 31 End Approach. These towers have existed for many years. The current obstruction lighting consists of a single red (steady burning) light mounted atop the 324 foot high towers.(`) Intermediate - medium intensity strobe lighting should be installed to make the area safer for visual flight rules (VFR) flying. VFR flying, by the way, can be performed at night provided visibility and cloud clearance are maintained. Future instrument flight rule (IFR) flying / approaches should not be encouraged, however, until these towers are relocated. This provides the rational for the ALP indication of Non -Precision Instrument (NPI) approaches as an ultimate condition. The close proximity of the existing buildings to the runway centerline will require relocation if the airport classification is to go to Approach Category B Design Group II with an Non Precision Instrument Approach. Development at the Kalispell City Airport is proposed to occur in the following stages., Stage 1 - (0 - 5 years) + Reconstruct Runway 13/31 to its current length, but displace the Runway 13 landing end 500- feet for better clearance and less objects in the runway protection zone (RPZ). The width would also be increased from 60-feet to 75-feet wide to provide better cross wind coverage in the absence of a cross -wind runway and be of adequate width for a transition into the B-H category when it is justified. + Construct a parallel taxiway to connect a new GA apron / tiedown area with the new runway. + Purchase land south, east and west of the current airport property. This would protect the airport from infringements of the object free area (OFA) and transitional surfaces running along the length of the runway. It will also protect the approach slope and potential ultimate extension of the runway. + Increase radio towers obstruction lighting. + Relocate the facilities that impact the dimensional standards of a B-II, visual runway. (2) Radio tower height is published in the 1993 FAA's 5010 Form as 324 feet above the ground. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report . k City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport Stage 2 - (6 - 10 years) + Extend Runway 31, 700 feet to the south. + Remove the facilities that impact the dimensional standards of a B-II, visual runway that is now 4,300-feet long. + Complete full parallel taxiway and system of taxilanes for hangar development. Possibly expand apron to facilitate more tiedowns and/or larger aircraft tiedowns. Stage 3 - (11 - 20 years) + Possibly designate the airport as NPI or whatever equivalent GPS technology brings. Consequently relocate any objects that impact the dimensional standards of a B-II, NPI runway. + Relocate radio towers. ••'� •20•�_ Submission of this Preliminary ALP to the FAA and Montana Aeronautics Division will serve as coordination with government agencies interested in this potential development. The City of Kalispell being the Owner and instigator of this work will be constantly abreast of the status of airport planning and development. Being a part of Flathead County, they will also be responsible for coordination with the County. For planning purposes, a rough estimate of the costs associated with bring the airport to the standards shown on the ALP is in the following table. Again this would be for an Approach Category B, Design Group H airport with a Non -Precision Instrument approach and pavement strength able to withstand loads from small aircraft only. The ultimate length would accommodate 95% of the small aircraft fleet per FAA guidelines. Inclusion of the 500' paved overrun for take -offs would include 100% of all small aircraft. The following table is also broken down into stages to correspond with the Summary of Stage Development proposed on page four. The airport reference code is included in the breakdown for each corresponding stage. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report q City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport 7. AIRPORT CLASSIFICATIONS As the number of operations of larger, faster, and heavier aircraft increase, airport standards must be modified to accommodate these airplanes. Ideally, when improvements are done at an airport, the improvements facilitate the current demand as well as expected requirements in the near future. Following the table are pages containing some of the dimensional criteria required for each airport category outlined in the stage development. This will help the reader see which criteria change from category to category. For detailed definitions of the terms listed in these pages, refer to the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13 Change 4. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report ri . II City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport ®PB''ION OF PROBABLE COST _. � ���s.., STAGE I: B-II, Small - Visual Estimated Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost i Reconstruct Runway 13/31 to 75' Wide x 3,600' 34,200 SY $11.00 /SY $376,200.00 2 Construct Parallel Taxiway and Apron Area 48.800 SY $11.00 /SY $536,800.00 3 Purchase Land (46 Ac.) I LS $345,000.00 /LS $345,000.00 4 Fencing 15,000 LF $2.00 /LF $30,000.00 5 Improve Radio Tower Lighting 3 EA $10,000.00 /EA $30,000.00 6 Install Medium Intensity Runway Lighting System 1 LS $150,000.00 /LS $150,000.00 7 Relocations - #2.3,5.6,14,16.17 1 LS $95,000.00 /LS $95,000.00 8 Administrative (-15%) 1 LS $234,000.00 /LS $234,000.00 Total: STAGE II: B-II, Small - Visual $1,797,000.00 1 Extend Runway 13/31 700' 9,500 SY $12.00 $114,000.00 2 Construct Taxilanes 7,450 SY $12.00 $89,400.00 3 Construct Large Aircraft Tiedown Area 4,400 SY $12.00 $52,800.00 4 Install Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) 1 LS $15,000.00 /LS $15,000.00 5 Relocations - #22,23,27 1 LS $40,000.00 /LS $40,000.00 6 Administrative (-15%) 1 LS $46,800.00 /LS $46,800.00 Total: STAGE III: B-II, Small - Non -Precision $358,000.00 I Overlay Runway ans Apron 83,000 SY $4.00 /SY $332,000.00 2 Remove Obstructions 10 EA $2,000.00 /EA $20,000.00 3 Relocations - #18,19,20,21 1 LS $35,000.00 /LS $35,000.00 4 Relocations - # 15,24,25,26 4 EA UNKNOWN /EA $0.00 5 Relocate Radio Towers 2 EA $100,000.00 /EA $200,000.00 6 Administrative (-15%) 1 LS $88,000.00 /LS $88,000.00 Total: $675,000.00 Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT AIRPORT DESIGN AIRPLANE AND AIRPORT DATA Aircraft Approach Category ........................................................... B Airplane Design Group .......................................................... I Small Airplane wingspan ............................................................ 48.99 feet Primary runway end approach visibility minimums are exclusively .......................... visual Other runway end approach visibility minimums are exclusively ........................... visual Airplane undercarriage width (1.15 x main gear track) ................................. 0.00 feet RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY WIDTH AND CLEARANCE STANDARD DIMENSIONS Runway centerline to parallel taxiway/taxilane centerline ................................ 150 feet Runway centerline to edge of aircraft parking ......................................... 125 feet Runwaywidth .................................................................. 60 feet Runway shoulder width ........................................................... 10 feet Runway blast pad width ........................................................... 80 feet Runway blast pad length .......................................................... 60 feet Runway safety area width ......................................................... 120 feet Runway safety area length beyond each runway end or stopway end, whichever is greater ............................................... 240 feet Runway object free area width ..................................................... 250 feet Runway object free area length beyond each runway end or stopway end, whichever is greater ............................................... 240 feet Clear -way width ................................................................. 500 feet Stopwaywidth .................................................................. 60 feet Obstacle free zone (OFZ): RunwayOFZ width ............................................................ 250 feet Runway OFZ length beyond each runway end ....................................... 200 feet Inner -approach OFZ width ...................................................... 250 feet Inner -approach OFZ length beyond approach light system .............................. 200 feet C� Inner -approach OFZ slope from 200 feet beyond threshold ............................... 50:1 Inner -transitional OFZ slope ......................................................... 0:1 Runway protection zone at the primary runway end: Width 200 feet from runway end ................................................. 250 feet Width 1200 feet from runway end ................................................ 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000 feet Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report 8 City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport Runway protection zone at other runway end: Width 200 feet from runway end ................................................. 250 feet Width 1200 feet from runway end ................................................ 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000feet Departure runway protection zone: Width 200 feet from the far end of TORA.......................................... 250 feet Width 1200 feet from the far end of TORA......................................... 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000feet Threshold surface at primary runway end: Distance out from threshold to start of surface ......................................... 0 feet Width of surface at start of trapezoidal section ....................................... 250 feet Width of surface at end of trapezoidal section ........................................ 700 feet Length of trapezoidal section ................................................... 2250 feet Length of rectangular section ................................................... 2750 feet Slopeof surface.................................................................. 20:1 Threshold surface at other runway end: Distance out from threshold to start of surface ......................................... 0 feet Width of surface at start of trapezoidal section ....................................... 250 feet Width of surface at end of trapezoidal section ........................................ 700 feet Length of trapezoidal section ................................................... 2250 feet Length of rectangular section ................................................... 2750 feet Slopeof surface.................................................................. 20:1 Taxiway centerline to parallel taxiway/taxilane centerline ................................. 69 feet Taxiway centerline to fixed or movable object ........................................ 44.5 feet Taxilane centerline to parallel taxilane centerline ....................................... 64 feet Taxilane centerline to fixed or movable object ........................................ 39.5 feet Taxiwaywidth.................................................................. 25feet Taxiway shoulder width........................................................... 10feet Taxiway safety area width ......................................................... 49 feet Taxiway object free area width ...................................................... 89 feet Taxilane object free area width ..................................................... 79 feet Taxiway edge safety margin......................................................... 5 feet Taxiway wingtip clearance......................................................... 20 feet Taxilane wingtip clearance ........................................ ................ 15 feet REFERENCE: AC 15015300-13, Airport Design, including Changes I through 4. PreGminarykrport Layout Plan - Narrative Report 9 City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT AIRPORT DESIGN AIRPLANE AND AIRPORT DATA Aircraft Approach Category ........................................................... B Airplane Design Group ........................................................ II Small Airplane wingspan........................................................... 78.99 feet Primary runway end approach visibility minimums are exclusively ......................... visual Other runway end approach visibility minimums are exclusively .......................... visual Airplane undercarriage width (1.15 x main gear track) ................................ 0.00 feet Airport elevation.............................................................. 2932 feet Runway centerline to parallel taxiway/taxilane centerline ................................ 240 feet Runway centerline to edge of aircraft parking ......................................... 250 feet Runwaywidth.................................................................. 75feet Runway shoulder width........................................................... 10 feet Runway blast pad width........................................................... 95 feet Runway blast pad length......................................................... 150 feet Runway safety area width......................................................... 150 feet Runway safety area length beyond each runway end or stopway end, whichever is greater .............................................. 300 feet Runway object free area width ..................................................... 500 feet Runway object free area length beyond each runway end or stopway end, whichever is greater .............................................. 300 feet Clearway width................................................................. 500 feet Stopwaywidth.................................................................. 75 feet Obstacle free zone (OFZ): Runway OFZ width............................................................ 250 feet Runway OFZ length beyond each runway end ....................................... 200 feet Inner -approach OFZ width ...................................................... 250 feet Inner -approach OFZ length beyond approach light system .............................. 200 feet Inner -approach OFZ slope from 200 feet beyond threshold ................................ 50:1 Inner -transitional OFZ slope......................................................... 0:1 Runway protection zone at the primary runway end: Width 200 feet from runway end ................................................. 250 feet Width 1200 feet from runway end ................................................ 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000 feet Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report 10 City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport Runway protection zone at other runway end: Width 200 feet from runway end ................................................. 250 feet Width 1200 feet from runway end ................................................ 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000 feet Departure runway protection zone: Width 200 feet from the far end of TORA.......................................... 250 feet Width 1200 feet from the far end of TORA......................................... 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000 feet Threshold surface at primary runway end: Distance out from threshold to start of surface ......................................... 0 feet Width of surface at start of trapezoidal section ....................................... 400 feet Width of surface at end of trapezoidal section ...................................... 1000 feet Length of trapezoidal section ................................................... 1500 feet Length of rectangular section ................................................... 8500 feet Slopeof surface..................................................................20:1 Threshold surface at other runway end: Distance out from threshold to start of surface ......................................... 0 feet Width of surface at start of trapezoidal section ....................................... 400 feet Width of surface at end of trapezoidal section ....................................... 1000 feet Length of trapezoidal section ................................................... 1500 feet Length of rectangular section ................................................... 8500 feet Slopeof surface..................................................................20:1 Taxiway centerline to parallel taxi way/taxi lane centerline ................................ 105 feet Taxiway centerline to fixed or movable object ....................................... 65.5 feet Taxilane centerline to parallel taxilane centerline ....................................... 97 feet Taxilane centerline to fixed or movable object ........................................ 57.5 feet Taxiwaywidth.................................................................. 35 feet Taxiway shoulder width ........................................................... 10 feet Taxiway safety area width ......................................................... 79 feet Taxiway object free area width ..................................................... 131 feet Taxilane object free area width .................................................... 115 feet Taxiway edge safety margin ....................................................... 7.5 feet Taxiway wingtip clearance......................................................... 26 feet Taxilane wingtip clearance......................................................... 18 feet REFERENCE: AC 15015300-13, Airport Design, including Changes 1 through 4. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report 11 City of Kalispell Kalispell Cit Ai ort KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT AIRPORT DESIGN AIRPLANE AND AIRPORT DATA Aircraft Approach Category ..................... I ..................... )B Airplane Design Group......................................................... 8. Small Airplane wingspan........................................................... 78.99feet Primary runway end approach visibility minimums are not lower than ...................... 1 Mile Other runway end approach visibility minimums are not lower than ........................ 1 Mile Airplane undercarriage width (1.15 x main gear track) ................................ 0.00 feet Airport elevation.............................................................. 2932 feet Runway centerline to parallel taxiway/taxilane centerline ................................ 240 feet Runway centerline to edge of aircraft parking ......................................... 250 feet Runway width . . . . • . • • 75 feet Runway shoulder width .............................................. . . ... Runway blast pad width ........................................... ........ 10 feet Runway blast pad length......................................................... 95 feet Runway safety area width ............................................•. . ........... 150 feet • • • • ...... , 150 feet Runway safety area length beyond each runway end or stopway end, whichever is greater .............................................. 300 feet Runway object free area width ..................................................... 500 feet Runway object free area length beyond each runway end or stopway end, whichever is greater .............................................. 300 feet Clearwaywidth................................................................. 500 feet Stopwaywidth.................................................................. 75feet Obstacle free zone (OFZ): RunwayOFZ width............................................................ 250 feet Runway OFZ length beyond each runway end ....................................... 200 feet Inner -approach OFZ width ...................................................... 250 feet Inner -approach OFZ length beyond approach light system .............................. 200 feet Inner -approach OFZ slope from 200 feet beyond threshold ................................ 50:1 Inner -transitional OFZ slope......................................................... 0:1 Runway protection zone at the primary runway end: Width 200 feet from runway end ................................................. 250 feet Width 1200 feet from runway end ................................................ 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000feet Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report 12 City of Kalispell Kalispell Citv Airport Runway protection zone at other runway end: Width 200 feet from runway end .................................... . •• ••••••...250feet Width 1200 feet from runway end ................................................ 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000feet Departure runway protection zone: Width 200 feet from the far end of TORA.......................................... 250 feet Width 1200 feet from the far end of TORA......................................... 450 feet Length..................................................................... 1000feet Threshold surface at primary runway end: Distance out from threshold to start of surface ......................................... 0 feet Width of surface at start of trapezoidal section ....................................... 400 feet Width of surface at end of trapezoidal section ...................................... 1000 feet Length of trapezoidal section ................................................... 1500 feet Length of rectangular section ................................................... 8500 feet Slope of surface........................................................... ....... 20:1 Threshold surface at other runway end: Distance out from threshold to start of surface ......................................... 0 feet Width of surface at start of trapezoidal section ....................................... 400 feet Width of surface at end of trapezoidal section ....................................... Length of trapezoidal section ........................................... .. 100feet Length of rectangular section .................................................... 1500 feet Slope of surface.............................................................. 8500 feet ...... 20:1 Taxiway centerline to parallel taxiway/taxilane centerline ................................ 105 feet Taxiway centerline to fixed or movable object ....................................... 65.5 feet Taxilane centerline to parallel taxilane centerline ....................................... 97 feet Taxilane centerline to fixed or movable object ........................................ 57.5 feet Taxiwaywidth..................................................................35feet Taxiway shoulder width........................................................... 10 feet Taxiway safety area width ......................................................... 79 feet Taxiway object free area width ..................................................... 131 feet Taxilane object free area width .................................................... 115 feet Taxiway edge safety margin ....................................................... 7.5 feet Taxiway wingtip clearance......................................................... 26 feet Taxilane wingtip clearance......................................................... 18 feet REFERENCE: AC 15015300-13, Airport Design, including Changes I through 4. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report m City of Kalispell Kalispell City Airport KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT AIRPORT AND RUNWAY DATA Airport elevation............................................................... 2932feet Mean daily maximum temperature of the hottest month ................................. 82.50 F Maximum difference in runway centerline elevation ...................................... 5 feet Length of haul for airplanes of more than 60,000 pounds ............................... 500 miles RUNWAY LENGTHS RECOMMENDED FOR AIRPORT DESIGN Small airplanes with approach speeds of less than 30 knots ............................... 390 feet Small airplanes with approach speeds of less than 50 knots ...................... I ....... 1030 feet Small airplanes with less than 10 passenger seats 75 percent of these small airplanes ............................................... 3460 feet 95 percent of these small airplanes ............................................... 4270 feet 100 percent of these small airplanes .............................................. 4740 feet Small airplanes with 10 or more passenger seats ...................................... 4770 feet Large airplanes of 60,000 pounds or less 75 percent of these large airplanes at 60 percent useful load ........................... 5500 feet 75 percent of these large airplanes at 90 percent useful load .......................... 7570 feet 100 percent of these large airplanes at 60 percent useful load .......................... 6610 feet 100 percent of these large airplanes at 90 percent useful load .......................... 8850 feet Airplanes of more than 60,000 pounds ................................. Approximately 6040 feet REFERENCE: AC 150/5325-4A, RUNWAY LENGTH REQUIREMENTS FOR AIRPORT DESIGN. Preliminary Airport Layout Plan - Narrative Report M 0 0 Ln < 0 W L-LJ V ,-1 0 > rr" n < 0 0 n, < U 75 u > W V� III ''I < U-) r-) WC� LLJ 0 < U� I-- :D 0 < V z D ry I t 01--1 M wz Lij :D 0 Qf 0 L.Li Of LJ af LLj O > Li Li Li Q,-, > 0 zz C) 1,1 LLJ > LLJ 0 z L-Li 3: FZ D 0 < < > m Z Lli < J D 0 Lu C() r-) Li Ch 1 ;7 Z x —i C/) < C) C/') F- < cn C) < cn Cn z z 00 0 (Y Lli LLJ -i F -- F-- < < LLJ z z :D > Lj L.Li Jill C/) LLJ 0 Li o Lli L-Li Z Lij 3: L'i C) 0 :2 < 0 z < C/) 0 < ry � < 0 U LLJ u Q:f D L.Li --D < < m LL- (-) 0 ry ::D < Lli CL 0 z 0 <ry < < z C/') I ry ry ry 0 n ]W�Jl1N30 �,VMNn�l I— F— 0 Ln O LL w o N r'K Q F O U W Q i— U > —� o IIIIII< !) cn � U� W O _1 WU� Ufa q o W � O --�Uf m z of wz wz 0 o CD :D >- w 0 �z �> -- z wz �w w z �1 wE- ct�> Ow 0 zz t� � w� o zLLJ v U O z w 3: Q o o do >w m z� �`� :D O w Cn �-j z0 o x Cn d d V) F- ~ 0 Imo- 00 ry 0LJ w V) LJ g w F= f= z � o o� (!)CL �w cwi�0 O" Li o LLJ wz Li ryLi 0 o QO z Q cn z 0 � d C) U U w U tr :D LLJ d (n Q G m 0 J d 0 cn 0 cn z Q d d :2 Q cn w ry ly CY-1 0 n F-- :]NMJ-"I1N]:D )\VMNmj d�a- z ry 0 <� d ry w z w 0 O w v d t D V) OM I d d >- of d W z Q �Q ry Ln � o r w 0 � d w w F- w m O SECTION IV Located within the suggested project area boundary are multiple private ownerships that may be affected by the proposed project. In the event an urban renewal project is created, all of the owners must be notified of the City's intention to declare the area blighted and that it is necessary and in the public interest for the City to implement an urban renewal plan. A complete list of private owners should be compiled, checked and verified prior to the adoption of any plan for implementation. TRACTP.I.N.E ACRE 6D 0949500 DOUG & JULIE WISE 20.00 5B, 5BB 0219880 DOUG & DONNA MILLER 4.79 5HA 0711701 R & R DEVELOPMENT 5.21 5H, 5J, 5CEB 0367750 ELMER SIELER 13.51 5G CITY OF KALISPELL 2.50 5GAA, 5CCAA 0848978 RON & CLARA SWARTZENBERGER 0.90 5GB, SCCB 0848078 RON & CLARA SWARTZENBERGER 0.93 5GC 0791472 ELMER JR & VIRGINIA SIELER 3.22 5C, 5CE ELMER JR & VIRGINIA SIELER 3.00 5GA, 5CCA 0848976 RON & CLARA SWARTZENBERGER 1.37 5CCD 0259420 PHYLLIS BRIGGS 1.20 STEVEN & KATHLEEN BOOWER 5CC 0970295 AL SHEFFERD 0.37 2 0535340 ROBERT MONK 10.78 7C 0535340 ROBERT MONK 0.12 7CG 0975566 ERIN WILKEN 4.57 DOUG & DONNA MILLER 2D 0535342 SYDNEY TORGERSON 1.68 2E 0968004 MICHAEL BARRETT 0.81 2M 0980170 JERRY & KAREN SLACK 0.82 2G 0972764 RON TRIPPETT 1.67 3AA FOREST SERVICE 2.00 0 3AB 0829450 LAWRENCE & BETTY STOCKHILL 1.51 MARGERY HEWSON TRUST 1 D 0835500 MYRON & MARILYN STRAND 3.16 STRAND AVIATION 1 B NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY 3.44 1 0427901 KALISPELL ELKS 3.67 1 A 0112600 MEYERS FAMILY TRUST 1.47 GILBERT & SUSAN BISSELL 2AD 0971780 ROBERT & LADONA MONK 0.37 JOHN DITTMA KALISPELL OB/GYN ASSOC. VAN KIRKE NELSON TRUST 2L 0974474 ORETANA 9.32 2ACA, 2K 0974200 WIGGIN & TORGERSON, PARTNERS 1.43 SRS BUILDING 2AC 0974473 DON TORGERSON 1.44 2C 0050405 DONALD & JUANITA BREVIK 1.40 7AAC, 7CD 0050405 DONALD & JUANITA BREVIK 1.08 7AAB 0368500 EDWARD HINES TRUST 1.55 DONALD HINES 7CEB 0976769 DONALD & VICTORIA BURTON 1.23 7CEA 0975364 LINDA STEVENS 0.4 0972913 FREDERICK WEBER SKY HARBOR CONDOS 0976768 ALAN & MARY LERNER 7CF 0975555 DONALD & VICTORIA BURTON 1.29 KENNETH MAKLOSKI 2F 0969226 SYDNEY TORGERSON 4.67 2FA 0975843 LOUIS & CAROL SCHLEGEL 2.33 2J 0973040 HUGH LOUDEN 1.16 2JA 0973749 HUGH LOUDEN 1.03 2JB 0973755 HUGH LOUDEN 1.01 12BA. E002400 CITY OF KALISPELL 5.80 12B 0791474 ELMER JR & VIRGINIA SIELER 10.43 DATE: January 23, 1996 10 12A, 12AA, 12 E013766 FLATHEAD COUNTY 24.71 12C E013750 FLATHEAD COUNTY 2.11 RAUSPELL UTY ARPORT p 6 7 5 N I � q 7 9 5 � I � ^1 ORIVRV AV \ w A B \ \% -am ZaE \� \ \ 1 � \ A i \ \ I ' 1� I I I O�. 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