06/17/96 City Council Minutes889
Mayor Rauthe called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of
Haarr moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded.
Rauthe noted prior to this meeting it was requested to move the
Acknowledge Planning Board Consideration of the Airport Urban
Renewal Plan-TIF District and Improvement Bonding to just below the
claims approval.
With a vote the motion carried.
Approve Minutes Council Minutes -Regular Meeting June 3. 1996
Collins moved to approve the minutes of June 3, 1996. The motion
was seconded.
The motion carried with a vote.
snpcial MeetLng June 11, 1996
Collins moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting June
11, 1996. The motion was seconded.
The motion carried upon vote.
Approve Claims per Payables Register
Kennedy moved to approve the claims. The motion was seconded.
Upon vote the motion carried.
nenewai rion--rir uiszricz ana improvement bonaing
Thelen explained that Council needed to formally acknowledge by
motion, the letter from the Planning Board supporting the creation
of the tax increment finance district and the implementation of the
Airport Urban Renewal Plan.
Kennedy moved to acknowledge the City/County Planning Board letter
of May 22, 1996 that supports the creation of the tax increment
finance district and the implementation of the Airport Urban
Renewal Plan. The motion was seconded.
The motion carried with a vote.
Michael Lightfoot, temporary City resident, gave some suggestions
for the City.
Sidewalk Sales
Gordon Pirrie, Norm's News, spoke in favor of the proposed sidewalk
sales on Fridays and Saturdays.
Urban Renewal Plan-Airport/eallfeld Complex
Larry Gallagher, Planning, Economic and Community Development
Department Director, explained the plan.
Virginia Sloan, 445 6th Avenue East
Gordon Pirrie, Norm's News
Bob Benson, 510 West California
Guy LaVoie, Flathead Soccer Club president
Jeanne Parson, Chamber of Commerce president
Lorraine Wyde, 355 Somers Road
Gib Bissell, 76 Stafford Street
Mike Ferguson, Montana Aeronautics administrator
Dan Johns, 216 North Riding Road
Art Thompson, Airport Advisory Board
Mike Baker, Parks Director
Walt Nolte, Airport Advisory Board
A letter of support was received from David Dachs, 1874 Hwy 93
Rauthe closed the public hearing.
Public Hearing
Rauthe announced the Montana State Lands Department of Natural
Resources will be having a public hearing on June 19, 1996 at 7:00
p.m. at the Outlaw Inn, concerning the City's ball fields, youth
athletic field proposal for the school lands north of Kalispell.
orainance izu-bstaDiisn court Fees-2nd Readina
As part of the budget process the Council directed that an
Ordinance be drafted assessing City Court fees to increase revenue.
Ordinance #1240 establishes fees as follows: a) $5.00 for posting
bond or pleading guilty; b) $20.00 for pleading not guilty; c)
$10.00 administrative fee for contract in City Court and d)
interest on contracts at 10%. It is anticipated these fees will
generate about $20,000 additional revenue per year.
Larson moved Ordinance 1240, an ordinance amending Ordinance No.
1166 by establishing City Court fees for criminal actions,
declaring an effective date and authorizing the City Attorney to
codify the same. The motion was seconded.
Nystul noted he did not oppose the administrative fee or the
interest in the ordinance for the time pay accounts, but felt if
more revenue was desired the fines should be raised.
The motion carried upon roll call vote with Atkinson, Collins,
Donahue, Granmo, Haarr, Kennedy, Larson, and Rauthe voting in favor
and Nystul voting against.
Ordinance 12417Prohibit Sale or Possession of Intoxicating
@everages on City Property-2nd Reading
Over the past couple of years the City has received a few requests
to either sell, consume or possess alcoholic beverages in various
City parks from various organizations or conventions. Currently
the City Ordinance does not allow for the requested activities and
the Council has allowed some functions on an ad hoc basis.
Ordinance 1241 provides a method by which the Council could issue
permits to sell, consume, or possess beer and wine, only, on City
owned property.
Donahue moved Ordinance 1241, an ordinance repealing Ordinance No.
811 and Ordinance No. 813 (SS 3-10.1, Kalispell City Code) by
prohibiting the sale, consumption or possession of alcoholic
beverages in or upon any buildings or other property owned or
occupied by the City and upon any street or sidewalk, except as
permitted by the City Council and declaring the existence of an
emergency. The motion was seconded.
Upon vote the motion carried with Atkinson, Collins, Donahue,
Granmo, Haarr, Kennedy, Larson, Nystul and Rauthe voting in favor.
ordinance 1242-Creating an Urban Renewal Plan-Airport/Bal field
Complex -1st Reading
Kennedy moved Ordinance 1242, an ordinance approving the Kalispell
City Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan analysis for the
City of Kalispell, Montana as an Urban Renewal Plan; authorizing
the manager to implement the plan with the powers contained in the
urban renewal law, and declaring an effective date. The motion was
There was discussion with Donahue' speaking against the ordinance
and Nystul, Larson, Collins, Rauthe, Kennedy and Granmo speaking in
With a roll call vote the motion carried with Atkinson, Collins,
Granmo, Haarr, Kennedy, Larson, Nystul and Rauthe voting in favor
and Donahue voting against.
Resolution 4267-Proposed Water Hook-up Fees-tabj_ed rpm June 3.
This motion was tabled on June 3, 1996 to this date.
Atkinson moved Resolution 4267, a resolution to adopt the fees,
schedules, rates, charges and classification imposed on the
customers of the City of Kalispell. Water Utility. The motion was
Collins moved to remove Resolution 4267 from the table. The motion
was seconded.
The motion carried with a vote.
There was discussion.
Haarr moved to amend the motion to change the indexing to 3% and
amend the initial impact fee from $642 to $400. The motion was
There was more discussion.
Mayor Rauthe suggested a compromise of the following rates:
1996 $400
1997 $550
1998 $642 and the 3% schedule thereafter.
Kennedy and Collins spoke in favor of the compromise.
Atkinson spoke against the amendment.
Donahue and Larson spoke in favor of the amendment.
Rauthe and Kennedy spoke against the amendment and Granmo spoke in
With a vote the amendment failed with Haarr, Donahue, Granmo and
Larson voting in favor and Collins, Kennedy, Nystul, Atkinson and
Rauthe voting against.
Donahue moved to amend Section 3 to add:
All fees collected pursuant to this ordinance shall be deposited to
a special account designated as "Water Capital Improvement Account"
and same may only be used to defray costs incurred to replace water
facilities of the City due to their obsolescence, decay or
inadequacy. The motion was seconded.
The amendment carried unanimously with a vote.
Larson moved to amend the indexing schedule from 5% to 3%. The
motion was seconded.
The amendment carried upon vote unanimously.
Nystul moved the fee go to $400 the first year, $500 the second
year, $600 the third year and 3% on the base thereafter. The
motion was seconded.
Larson, Donahue and Collins spoke in favor of the amendment.
With a vote the amendment carried with Atkinson voting against.
With a roll call vote the motion with three amendments carried with
Collins, Donahue, Granmo, Haarr, Kennedy, Larson, Nystul and Rauthe
voting in favor and Atkinson voting against.
Resolution 4270-Intent to Sell Lots -Teton Terrace
The property is lots 1-26 of Teton Terrace, a cluster development,
intended to make property available to low income first time home
Kennedy moved Resolution 4270, a resolution of intention to sell
certain real property owned by the City of Kalispell. The motion
was seconded.
There was discussion.
The motion carried upon roll call vote with Atkinson, Collins,
Donahue, Granmo, Haarr, Kennedy, Larson, Nystul and Rauthe voting
in favor.
Resolution 4271-Intent to Sell Lots -South Woodland
The property is lots 1-24 of Lots 27, 28, and 29 of Green Acres,
intended to make property available to low income first time home
Atkinson moved Resolution 4271, a resolution of intention to sell
certain real property owned by the City of Kalispell. The motion
was seconded.
The motion carried upon roll call vote with Atkinson, Collins,
Donahue, Granmo, Haarr, Kennedy, Larson, Nystul and Rauthe voting
in favor.
Resolution-4273-Water System Revenue Bonds
Kennedy moved Resolution 4273, a resolution relating to $1,060,000
Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996; authorizing the issuance
and fixing the terms and conditions thereof and creating special
funds and accounts and pledging certain revenues as security to
such bonds and any additional bonds. The motion was seconded.
With a roll call vote Atkinson, Collins, Donahue, Granmo, Haarr,
Kennedy, Larson, Nystul and Rauthe voting in favor.
089 ;
Rauthe reminded everyone that the Montana State Lands Department of
Natural Resources will be having a public hearing on June 19, 1996
at 7:00 p.m. at the Outlaw Inn, concerning the City's ball fields,
youth athletic field proposal for the school lands north of
Thelen moved the Addendum to Interlocal Agreement between the City
and Evergreen Water District to this point since Stan Clothier from
the Evergreen Water District was present.
This addendum to the Interlocal Agreement between the City and the
Evergreen Sewer District clarifies how the monthly sewer rate will
be computed by the City for the sewage generated in the district.
It provides a specific procedure for the accounting of the
"replacement" portions of the rate including the provision for the
return of the unused portion of the replacement monies contributed
by the district at the end of the current Interlocal Agreement in
Since the last work session a provision has been added to
acknowledge that the district will be credited with interest earned
on their portion of the replacement account and the June 12th memo
from Finance Director, Amy Robertson, regarding the process used in
computing administrative charges. This addendum protects the
interests of the City and provides for an equitable sharing of
costs between the City and the District. Thelen recommended that
the Council approve this agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign.
Bill Astle prepared two documents regarding Interpretive Guidelines
regarding the Interlocal Agreement. They provide the basis for the
addendum that the City Attorney prepared. The effect of these
documents is to agree that "equipment, appurtenances and
accessories added to the plant" does not include Treatment Plant
buildings nor any real estate. Thelen also recommended Council
approve and authorize the Mayor to sign.
Clothier noted his board had passed this at the last meeting.
Larson moved Council approve the Addendum to the Interlocal
Agreement between the City of Kalispell and the Evergreen Sewer
District and also approve the two documents regarding interpretive
guidelines regarding the interlocal agreement. The motion was
Nystul abstained from discussion and vote. He stated the interim
city manager deserves a substantial amount of credit at resolving
this issue and it is due to his very nature and quality of the
individual and his understanding of the complexities involved. Al
has been well worth our investment.
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The motion carried unanimously with a vote.
8irnort Association Brewfest Request
An application from the Kalispell City Airport Association was
submitted for permission to hold an event at the Soccer Field. The
Kalispell Police Chief has signed off on the request and the Parks
& Recreation Director has likewise approved the request with
certain conditions relating to the clean-up of the grounds that
will be used for the event. Thelen recommended that Council
approve the request subject to the conditions that the Parks and
Recreation Director has included on the application.
Haarr moved to approve the Airport Association Brewfest request and
the pertinent requirements as stated by the Parks Department. The
motion was seconded.
With a vote the motion carried.
Downtown Sidewalk Sales
Gordon Pirrie presented this request to conduct sidewalk sales on
Fridays and Saturdays during the summer months at the last work
session. The Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce has
endorsed the request. The City Attorney advises that Council may
act on this request by the adoption of a motion.
Collins moved the downtown merchants be permitted to sell
merchandise from the sidewalk areas on Fridays and Saturdays during
the summer season until Labor Day. The motion was seconded.
The motion carried with a vote.
^lathead Builders Association Request
The Flathead Builders Association requested the right to purchase
two lots in the South Woodland Affordable Housing Project for the
established price of $8,000 per lot. They will build homes on the
lots in conjunction with the Applied Learning i Technology Center
of School District #5. Plans are to start the first house in
August of 1996 and the second one in August of 1997. Once
completed, the two homes will be sold to prequalified eligible low-
income buyers in conjunction with the City's Affordable Housing
Program. Thelen recommended the approval.
Kennedy moved to allow the Flathead Builders Association to
purchase one lot in 1996. The motion was seconded.
There was discussion.
With a vote the motion failed with Kennedy voting in favor.
Atkinson moved the City sell 2 lots to the Flathead Builders
Association. The motion was seconded.
Kennedy spoke in favor of the motion.
Upon vote the motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Memorandum of Un___dPrs ndina and Program Income Alan -
city of Kalispell /Glac i Ar AffordabA Housina Foundation
The Agreement between the City and the Glacier Affordable Housing
Foundation provides an understanding of the roles and expectations
of the two entities relating to the Affordable Housing Project in
the Woodland Court and Teton Terrace Development.
The Foundation will provide a down payment and closing costs
assistance in the amount of $4,500.00 to forty-four (44) low and
very low income families. The foundation will also administer the
program income that is developed with the projects in accordance
with the rules and regulations that are attached to this letter of
understanding. Under this agreement, the City agrees to market the
program to assure the recipients of the funds will be within the
60% to 80% of medium income. The City will also be required to see
that the marketing and advertising requirements of the Community
Development Block Grant Program and the Home Requirements meet the
income requirements. It is also agreed by both the City and the
Foundation that the program income will only be utilized to provide
affordable housing subsidies in the future. Thelen recommended
that Council approve the letter of understanding and authorize the
Mayor to sign.
Atkinson moved the City of Kalispell accept the memorandum of
understanding between the City of Kalispell and the Glacier
Affordable Housing Foundation with the attachment of the program
income plan and the mayor be authorized to sign. The motion was
The motion carried upon vote.
Rid Awards
Site Grading,_ Paving. Water and Sewer -Teton Terrace
Twobidswere opened for the site grading, paving, water and sewer
for Teton Terrace on June 4, 1996 as follows:
Sandon $191,525.76
Pack & Co. $192,917.96.
city Nall Janitorial Services
one bid was received and opened on June 12, 1996 from the Gilders
in the amount of $1460 per month, an increase of $200/month .
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14th Street Roadway & Utility Project
Three bids were received and opened on June 13, 1996 as follows:
LHC $242,067.00
Crockett $228,029.36
Pack & Co. $190,520.00
Donahue moved to award the bids to the low bidders for each item.
The motion was seconded.
Kennedy abstained from discussion and vote.
The motion carried with a vote.
Authority to Bid -Appliances -South Woodland and Teton Terrace
The Staff requested authority to bid the appliances that will be
used in the homes in Woodland Court and Teton Terrace affordable
housing units. The City needs to have these costs available so
that total costs can be used by the financial institutions and
Atkinson moved to authorize the request for bids for appliances for
the projects. The motion was seconded.
There was discussion.
The motion carried with a vote with Granmo, Kennedy and Nystul
voted against.
Adopt 1996-97 Preliminary Budget
Finance Director Robertson submitted a memo, summarizing action
Council has taken on the annual budget. Actions that were taken at
the 6:00 meeting, and those taken before the close of the regular
meeting, can be added to the memo so that the preliminary budget
adopted represents Council's current position.
There was discussion.
Donahue abstained.
Nystul moved Council approve the fiscal 1997 budget. The motion
was seconded.
The motion carried upon vote.
be.t Public Hearing for Budget -July 1 199k
Thelen recommended that Council set July 1st as the hearing date on
the annual budget.
Atkinson moved Council set a public hearing for the budget for July
1, 1996. The motion was seconded.
8 9
The motion carried unanimously with a vote.
Next Budget Work Session June 24, 1996 6:00 P.M.
Next Work Session June 24, 1996 7:00 P.M.
Next Regular Meeting July 1, 1996 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:59 p.m.
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Debbie Giffor
Clerk of Counc 1
Approved July 1, 1996