04/17/96 Gallagher/Request for Property Owner PrintoutIncorporated 1892 Planning, Economic & Community Development Department P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 Norm Calvert Flathead County Computer 00 South Kalispell,••,* •i r.- 0 as 248 Third Avenue East (406) 758-7740 (406) 758-7739 (office fax) (406) 758-7758 (City Hall fax) valuations,This is a request for a property owner printout, including taxpayer data and • a mailing list forthe proposed ,AIRPORT/ATHLETIC COMPLEXit i • " PLAN ' .: The City of Kalispell has approved Resolution No. 4256, a copy of which is attached, scheduling a public hearing on June 17, 1996, on the City Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan with the intention to adopt an Urban Renewal Plan and create a new tax increment district for the Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood. (Please see the attached map for the proposed district boundaries.) State law requires that we must notify all owners of record of property within the proposed tax increment district. Therefore, we request that, as soon as possible, your office provide the PIN number or Tax I.D. number and the names of all owners of record and most recent mailing addresses as of January 1, 1996, or any updates you may have including contracts for deed or notices of purchasers interest. We also need the valuation of each property for land and improvements (both public and private). We need two sets of mailing labels for notifying all owners of record. In the future, the Kalispell City Council wants to consider expanding this proposed tax increment district to include additional property which may be annexed into the City. This area is generally bounded by: On the north by Hwy 93 and 12th Street Easterly to 5th Ave East and then southerly on 5th Avenue East to include all properties located on the east side of 5th Ave East; continue south and include all of the commercially zoned property abutting the east side of Hwy 93 to the intersection of Willow Glen and Hwy 93; continue westerly along Cemetery Rd to Airport Rd and then north on Airport Road to the City Limits. This area also includes the County SAG-10 property (29-28-21) located south of the existing City Limits. Once again, this information is for future consideration of annexation and possible inclusion within the district. No action will be taken until the data is AW# Mr. Norm Calve Page 2 April 17, 1996 analyzed, a plan amendment drafted, a notice sent to all property owners, and, finally, a public hearing conducted. We request that you provide us with the PIN number or Tax I.D. number and the names of all owners of record and most recent mailing addresses as of January 1, 1996, or any updates you may have including contracts for deed or notices of purchasers interest. We also need the valuation of each property for land and improvements (both public and private). We need two sets of mailing labels for notifying all owners of record. We are also in the process of preparing the final amendments to ORDINANCE 933 THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN, also a Tax Increment District. We w need two sets of mailing labels for all property owners located within THE DOWNTOWN KALISPELL URBAN RENEWAL PLAN area and Tax Increment Distric as of January 1 , 1996, or at the time of preparation of the mailing labels. i Finally, there are tenants currently leasing space in the Kalispell Center Mail that we cannot find in the printout of the tax roles you furnished our office for last year. These tenants are listed on the attached sheet labeled "Kalispell Tax Increment District - Kalispell Center Mail Tenants." Also on this list are several tenants shown on the tax role printout that the Mail Manager said do not lease space in the Center. If you could provide us with current information on these tenants, it would be very helpful. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, LawrLenceGalla er Director, Planning Economic & Community Development XCZR, Atch 3