12-16-10 Impact Fee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: December 16, 2010 Attending: Karlene Osorio-Khor, Dewey Swank, Paul Burnham, Tom Gould, Sharon DeMeester, Terri Loudermilk Absent: Merna Terry, Chad Graham, Rick Wills Public Comment: There was no comments made by the public Discussion: The Storm Water Overview of the new draft was presented by the consultant. The number of 48,000 total ERS's is used and is important because costs would adjust up or down as this number would change. Question from public comment from last meeting was to look at all areas. Dewey wanted to know what we had in town for the storm system. Staff stated that some areas have pipes - most is surface drain system. Question - Is there costs to accrue land? Answer - Yes, Each year $100,000 is put towards improvements in the core area. The report on the Stormwater Impact Fee Analysis will continue at the next meeting. Motions/ Recommendations/ Votes: Karlene asked if there were any and there was none. Karlene stated that she had transcripts from the meeting with the city council and would give to anyone that was interested. Date of Next Meeting: January 20, 2011 Next Steps: Committee members to review info and bring questions to the next meeting. Motion to adjourn by Dewey Swank and seconded by Sharon DeMeester