01-20-11 Impact Fee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES DATE: January 20, 2011 ATTENDING: Karlene Osorio-Khor, Sharon DeMeester, Paul Burnham, Susie Turner, Rick Wills, Tom Gould, Terri Loudermilk ABSENT: Merna Terry, Chad Graham, Dewey Swank PUBLIC COMMENT: No Public in Attendance DISCUSSION: Presentation by consultant - changes from previous report pg. 10. Total project dollars stayed the same but some projects moved to different columns. 2.9 shifted to SWMP (three areas not feasible for retention pounds) an overview of the City's existing storm water impact fees were discussed. ERU is defined as 2,400 square feet of impervious area. A single family home is one (1) ERU, All other types of construction is calculated, an apartment, duplex or multi -family home is .75 ERU's/unit, Streets and highways are exempt from fee. Current fee is $1,121 per ERU. Overview of the City's Impact Fee Methodology - I . Determination of equivalent residential units (ERU's) - Provides number of ERU's and linkage to infrastructure required to serve a specific number of customers 2. Calculation of system valuation for impact fee purposes - Includes both existing and planned future assets 3. Administrative Charge (limited to 5%) actual cost is 8% 4. Determination of any (debt service) credits - Avoid double charging once through impact fees and again within rates Discussion on credits - they are considered on a case by case. If a payment plan is used a lien is put on property. Credits applied at time project is completed. Karlene voiced her concern about not having a quorum. Members not attending cost the city money because we cannot complete our task. The city staff and consultant are paid for the attendance even if nothing gets done. The review of the draft storm water impact fees is complete and a vote is needed. Terri Loudermilk stated that in the future we could set up a conference phone for members that might be unavailable to attend in person. Allowing members the flexibility of using a conference phone to participate might give us the attendance numbers we need to have a quorum and take action as needed. Also discussed mail in ballots, however legal counsel said participation at the meeting was needed to be considered a quorum. Terri will send out an agenda stating that a vote on Storm Water will be taken at the next meeting. MOTIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS/VOTES: None DATE OF NEXT MEETING: February 17, 2011 NEXT STEPS: Agenda set out for next meeting - VOTE ADJOURN: 8:00 pm