11-17-11 Impact Fee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2011, 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ATTENDEES: Karlene Khor (Chairperson), Sharon DeMeester, Roxanna Brothers, Terri Loudermilk, Rick Wills, Bill Shaw, and City Attorney Charlie Harball (Charlie conducting review). Reporter from Daily Interlake, Tom Latshaw ABSENT: Brenda Talbert, IFAC Member PUBLIC COMMENT: No Public in Attendance DISCUSSION: Karlene called the meeting to order and asked if there was any public comment. There was no public present to comment. October meeting minutes were read. Motion made to approve the minutes. Minutes approved. Next agenda item is the election of a Vice -Chairman. Rick Wills was nominated, nomination was seconded, and vote to approve was unanimous. Continued review of the updated Transportation Impact Fee Report followed: The exhibits in the report were approved at the October meeting. Discussed changes in the written section of the report from the original. Sharon asked if Charlie could go through the Level of Service (LOS), percent of projects in city, and the growth related allocation once again. Discussion followed. Motion was made and seconded to recommend the 2011 Review of Impact Fees for the Transportation System Report. Vote to approve was unanimous Discussion of recommendation letter to the Council was conducted and it was decided Karlene would draft a letter and send it out to members of the committee for review. Committee also discussed recommending to Council they hold an informational impact fee 101-work session for the public and any new council members. An agenda and date for the next meeting does not have to be done until further direction from the Council because all of the impact fees have been review by the committee and are waiting for the Council to review and make recommendations. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.