Thursday, August 23, 2012
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
GUESTS: James Freyholtz, MDT; Toby McIntosh, Jackola Engineering
OLD BUSINESS: Parkside Federal Credit Union — Sunset Boulevard; additional drive-thru
lane/canopy and site changes. The mailboxes will remain as drop boxes for FedEx and the LISPS, but
the drive-thru mailbox lane will be taken out. They will provide new plans showing a crosswalk to
get to the ramp on the other side of Nevada Street. They will also provide sidewalk up Highway 93
to the alley line, a connector sidewalk to get to the alley line, and a connector from the sidewalk to
the internal sidewalk. They will stripe the asphalt at the entrance to the drive-thru off of Hwy 93.
Crowley requested the walkway go up to the alley. The handicapped space will be moved north to
comply with the 2% grade. They will put in some landscaping at the south end of the drive-thru
lanes. McIntosh will bring in copies of the upgraded site plan with the sidewalk changes. This
project is passed through Site Review.
Depot Place — 3rd Ave EN/E Center; new senior apartments — This project has gone through the CUP
process and has been approved by the City Council. They have a massive storm drain under the
project, so if they ever need to work on it, everything on top of it will be taken out. They will
provide automatic irrigation to all landscaped areas. They maybe dropping the 4' privacy fence along
3rd Ave EN and then putting in patios along the 4 units on 3rd Ave EN, which will have planter boxes
between the edge of the patios and the public sidewalk. They will need a water main extension for an
additional hydrant on the north side on Railroad Street. The sewer main will extend down the alley,
which is a 6" sewer line that will work for this portion of the project. They are putting in sidewalks
along East Center but on 3rd Ave EN they are getting rid of the 3-4 driveway approaches and put in a
level sidewalk. Sorensen noted that the parking area doesn't meet the width requirements for the
driving lane. They are calling it a one-way lane coming off of Center and then coming off onto
Railroad Street and out that way. They can either make the area wider which would widen the curb
cut 4' to a total of 24', or put in angled parking with one-way traffic. This will be on the agenda next
NEW BUSINESS: KRMC — Two misc. projects: (1) Screening wall by Alert building, no roof,
detached, 10.5' high wall by 43' wide, metal enclosure for 3 generators for the hospital. They will
need to be started regularly and run for 20 minutes. This will be built into the 15' setback along the
sidewalk. Rademacher was concerned about any blind area that may exist when pulling out of their
asphalt parking area. There is a PUD Agreement in place. Crowley asked about their decibel rating
and also if there would be a 100' well head protection zone since they are putting in a geothermal
well in the middle of this project. (2) A 400 sq. ft. storage shed by Brendan House — Need to
identify where a property line is for setbacks and fire code issues. Crowley will check on the fire
hydrant location. Both of these projects will be on the agenda for next week.
KM Building — 50 — 2nd St E; new roof access — Roof access enclosure with possible garden coming
up from inside the building. This is a structural expansion of the building. This is 2' over height so
we will have them do an Administrative Adjustment. Approved by site review.
Original Juicery — 1645 Airport Rd; new drive-thru juicery — off end of City airport runway. They
are working with Fred Leistiko regarding height issues. They have not submitted a site plan. The
property is owned by Dr. Tom Pittaway, a dentist. There was a house there they just tore down at
18t'`. He may turn this into an office eventually or incorporate it in with the juicery. Jentz stated that
Pittaway had mentioned his desire to realign 18th to have it come over and line up with I't, where they
are presently offset by about 30'. There is a lift station there, a 30' drainage pipe that goes
underneath and comes diagonally through this lot going northeast to southwest to that intersection.
He was willing at one point to give the City the right-of-way to have it filled. Crowley thought he
now wants to sell it to the City. There is also a City alley on the north, adjacent to his property.
Crowley informed him of our standard curb, gutter and sidewalk requirement on the frontage.
Crowley suggested that they could utilize the real estate across the street that the City owns and
move the road on the west side of the airport north through that lot and get sufficient offset from
them. If that parcel cannot be built on, this could be a way to help this project.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: The group home previously proposed for the west side has been
postponed for a month, as they are looking at some different locations.
OTHER REPORTS: The property at 845 East Washington wants to hookup into City sewer. The
Building Department does not have any requests regarding this location, and no impact fees have
been paid.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.