10-09-12 Street Tree MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD October 9, 2012 Present: Bette Albright, Andrea Davidson, Sean Conrad, Rebecca Bodnar, Chad Fincher and Lisa Simmer Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting: November 13, 2012 — 4 p.m. Parks Department The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm by Bette Albright. Agenda Topics: • Old Business Recycling Drive —Recap • New Business Ordinance Update • Miscellaneous Business Urban Forester Position Update Old Business Recycling Drive Review Bette informed the group she has almost completed the necessary Thank You's to sponsors. She presented the Daily Interlake ads including the "thank you" advertisement acknowledging sponsors. Bette noted there were no costs related to the drive, as in addition to the donated pizza from Dominoes, member Sean Conrad had also received a $25 donation from Albertson's for soda and incidentals. Members all agreed that there was more help than ever with volunteers from the Kalispell Middle School, The Anchor Club, and The Honor Society, the Cub Scouts, student advisors, den leaders and parents. September 2012 recycling drive totals recorded as follows: 13,256 lbs newsprint 1410 lbs cardboard 242 lbs aluminum The next drive will be in April 2013, however the exact date has yet to determined and will be set after looking at the School District calendar (to avoid volunteer conflicts) and other events which may have an effect on the drive. New Business Tree Ordinance Update Lisa distributed copies of the City of Kalispell Tree Ordinance pamphlet (including Ordinance No 1610) a "working" copy of the ordinance (with revisions proposed by past street tree members) and a list of possible additions proposed by KPR staff Chad noted that the pamphlet given to customers includes some important handwritten changes per the direction of Mike Baker. Chad explained the working copy was a project started by a past member however not completed, however a good starting point for this group's update project. Chad explained the list was merely some items that had been discussed by KPR staff and board members in the past as possible changes and additions to the update. The members were asked to submit back to Lisa (via email or drop off) any ideas for additions to the ordinance, so she could compile them into one list for the next meeting. Additionally, members were asked to begin reviewing the ordinances, both existing and working and start adding their comments and suggestions and bring them to them marked up to the next meeting. Discussion on the update included: • Residential tree planting and the possibility of a percentage buy in, commitment to care for trees, replacements if owner damages or trees die due to lack of care. • KPR staff checking with other cities to see how residential buy in is being handled in other areas. • Commercial businesses obligations to plant, mandatory replacement and guaranteed care of trees. • Brief overview of site review by Chad Fincher, familiarizing the board with how site review works with other departments, developers, etc., pertaining to trees. • The recently adopted landscaping ordinance and how it correlates to trees and how the updated Tree ordinance would and should correlate back to the landscaping ordinance. • Requests from the public to remove viable trees and how they are currently handled and the possibility of the board reviewing some requests in the future and language in the ordinance update to that affect. • Solidifying the working partnership with Flathead Electric Coop through the update. Miscellaneous Business Chad provided an update on the Kalispell Parks and Recreation forester position, noting that 36 applications were received, with 6 or 7 of them from individuals meeting most if not all of the required qualifications. He stated it is anticipated the top 5 applicants will be interviewed by a panel of five people consisting of himself, Mike Baker, Lisa Simmer, Parks Foreman Chad Smith and David Jones of DNRC. He told the group he wanted Dave to be a part of the interview panel as he is a Street Tree Commission board member and a forester with DNRC, who reviews and works with the city on forestry grants and other projects. He stated that it will be some time before interviewing and hiring happens, due to schedules of staff Andrea suggested follow up postcards to remind citizens of the importance of caring for their newly planted trees. Andrea suggested a possible grant to acquire help from Flathead Industries in watering of commercial business trees. Andrea stated she knows someone who would write this grant and will find out more and report back to the board. Andrea mentioned some trees that were removed on Oregon that Chad wasn't aware of. Chad said he would definitely look into and get back to the group. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 5:12 p.m.