2. Resolution 5592 - Preliminary Plat Extension - Glacier Village GreensPlanning Department 2011" Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispeli.com/planning REPORT TO: Doug Russell, City Manager FROM: Sean Conrad, Senior Planner SUBJECT Glacier Village Greens Phases 19, 21 and the remainder of 22 — Request for a two- year preliminary plat extension MEETING DATE: October 1, 2012 BACKGROUND: This is a request by Sands Surveying on behalf of their client, Mark Owens and the Owl Corporation, the owners of Glacier Village Greens Phases 19, 21. and the remainder of 22, for a two- year extension of the preliminary plat of the subdivision. These three phases would create 25 single- family lots and 34 townhouse lots. The phases were approved in December of 2002 by the Kalispell City Council subject to 16 conditions. The Glacier Village Greens Subdivision is approximately 200 acres in size, includes 22 phases and is located on the north side of West Evergreen Drive. Phases 19, 21 and the remainder of phase 22 are located on the north side of the subdivision. Phase 19 is located north of the cul-de-sac for Palmer Drive, Phase 21 is located east of the cul-de-sac for W. Nicklaus Avenue and the remainder of phase 22 is located at the northern end of E. Nicklaus Avenue. Since the 2002 approval the city council has granted two one-year extensions. One in September of 2010 and the other in August of 2011. The August 2011 extension gave the developer until November 3, 2012 to file the final plat. Pursuant to section 28.2.06.E.7.b of the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations, if a final plat has not been filed at the end of the additional 2 year extension period, the owner may appeal to the city council in writing for one final extension not to exceed two years provided the Ietter documents the following: The existence of an unusual hardship. ii. That a significant public good would be accomplished through the extension as opposed to a specific economic hardship related to the owner. iii. That there are no changes to the immediately abutting properties that would be adversely affected by the approval process; and iv. Because of the lapsed time since original approval, that the preliminary plat is not in conflict with recently changed policies or regulatory schemes adopted by the city that would be undermined by the further time extension. The letter from Eric Mulcahy of Sands Surveying on behalf of the developer has addressed each of the four criteria above. Should the city council agree with his written response to the four criteria the council may grant the extension for up to two years. This would be the final extension permitted under the subdivision regulations. If the developer fails to complete the necessary conditions to receive final plat approval from the city council in the next two years there is the option of resubmitting a preliminary plat application for review and approval. RECOMMENDATION: A motion to adopt the resolution and grant a final two-year extension to the preliminary plat approval for GIacier Village Greens Phases 19, 21 and the remainder of 22. FISCAL EFFECTS: Minor positive impacts once fully developed. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the city council. Respectfully submitted, Sean Conrad Senior Planner Report compiled: September 24, 2012 Attachments: Letter of request from Sands Surveying Vicinity map Preliminary plat c: Theresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Santis Surveying, Attn: Eric Mulcahy, 2 Village Loop Road, Kalispell, MT 59901 IMMIN: ANT WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Kalispell granted preliminary plat approval for Glacier Village Greens Phases 19, 21 and the remainder of 22 in December 2002; and WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Kalispell granted a one-year extension of the preliminary plat for Glacier Village Greens Phases 19, 21 and the remainder of 22 in September 2010 and another one-year extension in August 2011; and WHEREAS, Sands Surveying, on behalf of Owl Corporation, has requested a two-year extension to the preliminary plat for Glacier Village Greens Phases 19, 21 and the remainder of 22; and WHEREAS, Section 28.2.06.E.7.b of the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations states that if a final plat has not been filed at the end of the additional two-year extension period, the owner may appeal to the city council in writing for one final extension not to exceed two years provided certain conditions are met; and WHEREAS, Owl Corporation has met the certain conditions and it is in the best interests of the city that the two-year extension be given. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the application of Owl Corporation for an extension of the preliminary plat of Glacier Village Greens Phases 19, 21 and the remainder of 22, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana is hereby approved for a period of two years ending the 1 st day of October, 2014, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 1ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2012. ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk Tami Fisher Mayor SANDS SURVEYING, INC. 2 Village Loop Road Kalispell, MT 59901 406-755-6481 Fax 406-755-6488 s p 1, 6 ?.012 September 10, 2012 Mayor Fisher and City Councilors City of Kalispell 201 1 "Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 RE: One year extension for Glacier Village Greens, Phases 19, 21, and the remainder of 22, Preliminary Plat Dear Mayor Fisher and City Councilors: On behalf of our client Mark Owens and Owl Corporation., we are requesting a two year extension for the Preliminary Plat approval of Glacier Village Greens, Phases 19, 21, and the remainder of 22 which is located in the Glacier Village Greens golf course development off of West Evergreen Drive. The preliminary plat for the remaining phases expires on November 3, 2012. Since our last extension the City of Kalispell has requested addition information for its deliberation on the request and which we will address below. The existence of an unusual hardship. The applicant has made substantial investments in this project over the years and is approaching buiidout of the development as these are the final phases. Glacier Village Greens is a successful and well cared for neighborhood with a golf course and many other amenities enjoyed by the residents. All infrastructure has been installed to City standards for the remainder of phase 22, for example, but as the market for bare lots is still very depressed, the owner is reluctant to bring this phase to final plat at this time and add more lots to the inventory. 2. That a significant public good would be accomplished through the extension as opposed to specific economic hardship related to the owner. Glacier Village Greens is a successful and well received neighborhood. These last few phases will complete the development which started in 1988. The residents of the existing phases want to see the development completed and the City would like to see these lots developed for the tax base and contributions to the existing City infrastructure. Granting the extension will make it much easier for the developer to final plat the next phase once the real estate market improves. 3. That there are no changes to the immediately abutting properties that would be adversely affected by the approval process. Phases 19, 21, and 22 were originally part of a preliminary plat approved for Phases 14 -22 back in 2002. Therefore, the final phases have been anticipated by the neighboring property owners for many years and once completed will help maintain the amenities in Glacier Village Greens through their HOA dues. These neighbors will not be adversely affected by the granting of the two year extension. 4. Because of the lapsed time since original approval, that the preliminary plat is not in conflict with recently changed policies or regulatory schemes adopted by the city that would be undermined by the further extension Glacier Village Greens platted its first phase in 1988 and has platted many phases over the years. I am not aware of any new City policies or regulations that would significantly alter the design or improvements associated with the remaining phases. The applicants have invested substantially in the Glacier Village Greens development but at present there is still a large supply of lots available and it does not make sense to proceed with the next phase. We are hopeful that market conditions will improve in the next year or two thereby reducing the supply lots at which time we can proceed with phasing. Should you have any questions regarding the requested extension please contact me at 755-6481. Sincerely, Eric H. Mulcahy, ACP Sands Surveying, Inc. Glacier Village Greens Extension 2 A1411 L!'$O L 2AI "Al YISSIM P, 19 r IB 17 f 16115 14 9 15 11 la T0-4�" —I,,—,/- I �5 83 33: &1 1 M IAC 7 ,29 334 la am LA LAam 7 19 17-117 15 14 ?13 PARK JAGr IA51)vi`1LLli tag L FI 3�3 jAj 3 -SIM! VAI ~ PARi: ez 23 24 25 3* 31 is 27 2S /31 ,:rTtlll kLAM 19 31 "31 P,7 41134 06 ff sales 4 —6 49 If 24 5 6 20 41 46 39 7 to, nc 2 19 To 39 —12 21 IDA 194 F 101? 196 913 40 174 130 23 17 3Z F72 i 01 ro 16 ah zm 'All 15 SA 3 BAI —�A trIW� av" a�l too, 3W 213 no kla jl;z 4 161 'VsJAZ Ru 330 30, 1 i it PAkK r �UG E ts 3vvc tiK 42 4A A AMD 39NA e4� per: Me" SLACK 147 c- 03 S46 0, 9 11 FqT 17 145 i I "I All 6 mr, Avc v ll.i ;L)� - ---I V, 44. VILLAGE 50; Nlca4us 32A V! !i 43241 40 PLAZA 36 03 1 2FD I 3FE 6v 1; v 5RA T rp -4 H4Y194iH4f3ii3F61&4WFl4F—aiFSFiiRiiilNiiflilPN VICINITY MAP OWL CORPORATION MAJOR PRELIMINARY PLAT GLACIER VILLAGE GREENS PHASES 14,2-1, 22 BY: SANDS SURVEYWG INC. LAGE LOOP KALSSP6;J.,MONTANA 59901 PH:(406) 755-6491 JOSH 212312 (10315DWG) DATE- OCTOBER 7, 2007 FOR-'_— OWL CORPORATION Graclrp V UAGZ GRL[15 GOLr COUP5r GRAPHIC .SCALE >r • (=1�1 l rir m 0. PRELIMINARY PLAT OP GLACIER VILLAGE GREENS, LASES 14 22 1N THE NWL/4 and 1N THE WI/2NEI/4 OF5FG.32, i.29N., R.21W. \ �\ P.M.,M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MT \ t1 0 GIACICR OU.W.0 GREEN5 GOT CDDFP,t N)R: TM WATCR'ND SEWcf! UW5 SHOWN IN T17E KW OF TrIC MRCP C0 OLVaC T W ARE PRbN05ED LUA 5. TOTAL AREA 29,041 AC. SINGLE FA.&HLY LDT5 (551 8.912 AC TOWNHOT 5E LOTS 111L) 11.10E AC ROADS 6,d.11 AC FASWI�Im OA99 At. PARKS 0.448 AC P A l]hCT OP LATm.snlnTN.L` 9ffi10 WTxCl+r'wrx+lVEvllL6lMrx rCtt10N 11'1[1MIOIP nlfomkrAl.�zl wrsr. r.c,l u0calnrlr,aoxrnN. arlo lammr�xrlaa�tu.r oacR>aeo's roli.afn m *7e Wtrra[. r rAwwm. f lx IK fOYs� 1'�r 6�, f1r rvlr..d.dlrra.� Cwrr•. 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