01-30-84 Development Comm MinutesLeRoy E. McDowell Mayor Alan Petersen Building Official P.O. Box lo35—Zip 5ggurao35—Telephone (4o6) 7555457 THE CITY OF K A L I S P E L L, M O N T A N A DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & ZONING M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 30, 1984 Wayne Saverud, City Development Chairman TO: Paul Palmer, Parking Commission Liason FROM: Alan J. Petersen, Building Official -_r SUBJECT: Cash in Lieu of Parking The present policy for cash in lieu of parking is $8.00/ Space/Month for 5 years. Section 7.31.(d).(1).b. (attached), states the require- ments for cash in lieu of parking. The City Council and Parking Commission has agreed to take cash in lieu of parking for 2nd Avenue West Professional Building that needs 10 additional spaces to supply the parking requirements, (based on the above formula this equals $480.00 per space). There is some discussion that $480.00/Space is below fair market value of the land. There is no established policy as to who receives this money because we have not accepted cash in lieu pre- viously. I would be willing to accept this money as a lump sum and distribute it to the Parking Commision at the time of the Building Permit issuance. The case of 2nd Avenue West Professional Building, this payment could be collected at the existing figure of $480.00 or could be collected at the time of issuance of Occupancy Permit, (which would give the opportunity to review the fee schedule). CC: Mayor McDowell s 7.31 Kalispell City Codcs "r.F:? and/or colistruction of public off -Street pclrk ale shall be c:u:;ni>I from Zi - stYect parkin;' facilitics as may have boon required for °uCll ixoltarty al tflc time such a .Special Off--StrecA Parking District P✓as f01•In C(I :!ad- mcnt made in accord xvith t'.lu fol:•,nula Iberefcro adopted-b• y b.. Any property within the Kalispell Dm n.tot`;n I1.,:Clceclnp^lcni Area which, by a change in use thereof or by ncly consarr:-Cio;l, r,.a•nnsion, enlnl'gemcnt or conversion of ally building thercoix, shall its need for off-street park'illg required in accord with :aid scc. 4.0 sll:ai be required to satisfy the added off-street par;dng faciiliJes req Ulr4d bj° Sl1!111 cha i�gc in use or building construction, crilal'genlellt, cxpallslorl ol.' coixVev- sion. Deed for such added facilitics n, ; be satisfied by any of the foliow-M,, mo1n_od . 1. Furnish physical off-street parkinc.; facilities in co d--r,ith sec. 4.02. J 2. With the consent ($ the City of Ka#tipcll%parkin.g Commission = - and the approval of the Kalispell city council, nay to the oily cash in lieu of physical off-street parking facilities, that would trove satisfied scc. -I A') Tile amount of cash in lieu to be furnished shall be detcrinaied in con siderstier, of the f;-ir market value for a comparable amount of land within an are._ as set out in seo. 4.02(b) and any other reasonable factor within the judgment of the said parking commission and city council. Apayrncnt schodulc agreca;ci:t for such / arllount plus interest may be made between the city and the o;-n,ors of the prop- erty involved covering a period of not more than 5 years; full payment of such amount, if by agreement, shall be made a first priority lien oil the property in- volved.. All cash in lieu collected by the city under this method, including in- terest, may only be expended by the ciiy to acquire additional facilities or im- prove existing facilities for off-street parkin- within the Kalispell Downtoxii Redevelopment Area. c. Plans. 1. All traffic control devices '-uc',l as earl hii ,- stripes desil n`:t- inA car ;calls, directional arrows or sigrn , wheel stops, curL:: anti oa:or devcl- opments, shall be installed and comp',_ted as shown on tha approved. plans, Parsing a.roos shall be hard surfaced and use paint or similar device: to do-- lircato car stalls and dircelionnl t.rroe✓s. ?'here pedestrian wall: are ti ed in parl:ir. ' lots foe the use of foot traffic only they diall be cta9,^d, or rt•as e_: inches (G") above the lot surface. 2. Landscaping shall be included os a part of lot cl-Agri, Four pr,rcent (4`;;) of any parking area shall be landscaped and continually mailLfttinc:i by t:u^ o'wYicr. 252.10G Supp. ;^1G, 8-80