09-15-05 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 15, 2005 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Craig Kerzman, Building Official Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief F. Ray Ruffatto, Fire Inspector P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Narda Wilson, City Planner Jennifer Young, Recreation Supervisor Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Guests: Shane Jackola, Jackola Engineering; and Ron LaRue, L'Heureux Page Werner Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: These are basically the same as last week. All are either expired or coming up. Narda offered to inspect any projects that Frank has not had time to get to in order to help get some of these signed off. OLD BUSINESS: Glacier Bank/Conlin's — 202 Main Street — Nothing new submitted, but we have heard that there is a letter from MDOT requiring additional changes. They will likely not install the skybridge until next year. 26/38-8t" Avenue West — new multi -family — No revised plans yet. Jack from the Solid Waste Department will look at this and get back to Frank regarding the garbage set up. NEW BUSINESS: 335 East Idaho — New City Brew next to Papa John's — drive-thru espresso stand. Only four stacking spaces required. The big Exxon sign should come down, as it is an expired business. Traffic circulation and egress sites need to be dealt with. Landscape barrier. Right out only on Idaho.. See what MDOT wants there. The lot fronts on 4th Avenue E.N. Entrances and exits were discussed. Put in laid down curb instead of flat curbing. Will be resurfaced. Will put some dry wells in there. They may go into a catch basin if there is one. Recommend they put in a proper sidewalk. There will be two employees. Jackola will talk with MDOT about this. West Coast Hotel/Kalispell Center Mall — expansion — Ron LaRue presented the proposed addition. The hotel will have a lodge chalet look. The center portion will have a three story lobby with a pitched roof. This is also a request for two building pads on the parking lot, but we cannot formally review the project without a full submittal (we need to know the exact use, size, and type of construction). Fire needs the size and type of construction and fire flows. The hotel will go with the existing fire flows. Some landscaping will be changed. Significant signage issues they will need to deal with. The committee would like pork chops at 2nd and 3rd with right in, right out. Youth Athletic Complex — There are fire issues, as there is no water down to the area. They will need an all-weather surface within 150' of the building with a turnout area, and water supply. They need to get the fire hydrant in. F. Ray will talk with Dan Johns about this. Approved subject to fire approval. OTHER DISCUSSION: Rocky Mountain Heart and Lung — 35 Heritage — revision request. They will shift their access a bit, lose one parking space, and shrink it down to 15, this should be okay. The revision is approved. Merganser — Stratford Village — Fencing up to 42 inches in the front setback area is allowed. Westwood Park — Existing paving in there needs approval by KFD. Toby from Jackola will contact F. Ray. College Avenue — A resident has a woodstove with plywood venting and the cap on it is not over the roof of the house. Craig will take a look at this. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. cc: Police City Manager Bldg Fire 3CPO Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works FCAOA MDOT