Thursday, September 22, 2005
Building Department Conference Room
Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner
Craig Kerzman, Building Official
F. Ray Ruffatto, Fire Inspector
Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr.
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Mark Crowley, City Planner
Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Jennifer Young, Recreation Supervisor
Guests: Jim Atkinson, Flathead County Agency on Aging
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders: Same as last week. Council is still talking about the sidewalks at
Ashley Park Phase 7. The decision on this will effect eight or so other subdivisions with similar
situations. This issue was tabled, but will be discussed again at a work session soon.
Glacier Bank/Conlin's — This item will be taken off the agenda temporarily.
26/38-8t" Avenue West — new multi -family — They were proposing two 4-plexes but will
likely change that to two 3-plexes. Discussion was held regarding paving the alley. The
committee will require paving the alley from the First Street to the far side of the property.
West Coast Hotel/Kalispell Center Mall — expansion — PJ has prepared a three -page letter
regarding issues related to this project. He will also encourage them to angle some of the
parking. The parking calculations will probably be substantially short on their parking if they
build out the pads, especially if there is a restaurant put in. The committee would strongly
encourage them to reestablish the crossings over the railroad tracks.
335 East Idaho — drive-thru espresso stand — revised traffic layout / vehicle circulation plan..
Thor Jackola spoke with MDOT. Right out only. 3 5' one-way entrance off of roadway off
of 4th Avenue. Approach permit with new egress — MDOT will be issuing permit. Alley
should be 24' wide for the two-way traffic, if acceptable to MDOT. Close the rest with new
curb and gutter.
Planning Board Agenda —
-- Torgerson — 7th Avenue West and Western Drive annexation. Zoning is going from R-5
County to R-4 City with .57 acres.
-- Flathead Valley Community College — Annexation of 66 acres zoned P-1. They could
rezone their existing property that is R-1 to P-1 also for consistency.
--Debbie Willis — Annexation on Sunnyside Drive. This was left out of the previous
annexation of the surrounding area. This was part of the county right-of-way and they
abandoned it. It is mostly flood plain, but is good for a garage. The property will be
combined with an existing lot in the subdivision.
-- Lighting Standards — Text amendment from 70' to 80' and a maximum height from 30'
to 25'. Other changes may be included.
-- Highway 93 South Growth Policy Amendment — Narda has been working on issues,
goals, policy, recommendations, and guidelines. This addresses the area on Highway 93
South to Rocky Cliff. Mark will e-mail these to everyone for comments. The developers will
take sewer and water down the east side of the highway. The City will put in new
infrastructure if this becomes a new SID Industrial Park.
2267 Highway 93 South — preliminary comments — the old Big Sky property on Kelly Road
and Highway 93 — parking lot. MDOT was looking at this and noted the light pole is in the
right-of-way. The sign may or may not be out of the right-of-way. There is an existing curb
cut and existing sidewalk. This will probably be offices or retail. PJ will send them a letter
regarding our comments. Some discussion regarding lighting regulations in general.
Annexation Information — Roger mentioned that the Police Department needs to receive
information on annexations once they are finalized for dispatch.
Dale Boles' Property — I't Avenue West near City Shops next to Joe Clark's development.
Clark built up the property and now this has created a drainage issue for Dale's property. He
feels the City is responsible for the drainage problems since we allowed Joe Clark to build up
the property. Discussion was held. Dale needs to fill the pot holes on his property. The City
Manager has asked the City Departments to take a look at the drainage process.
Ashley Park — The sidewalk in Ashley Park was discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager
Bldg Fire
3CPO Parks
Comm. Dev. Public Works