Thursday, September 29, 2005
Building Department Conference Room
Mike Baker, Parks & Rec. Director
Mark Crowley, City Planner
Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief
Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr.
Hear the Public: None.
Brent Christopherson, Fire Marshal
Tom Jentz, Planning Director
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Performance Bond Reminders: Same as last week. The Council will be meeting on October loth to
discuss the sidewalk issue.
26/38-8t" Avenue West — new multi -family — No updates received yet.
West Coast Hotel/Kalispell Center Mall — expansion — PJ went over all the issues on this
project with Ron LaRue, but we have not received anything new on this yet.
Planning Board Agenda —
-- Torgerson — 7th Avenue West and Western Drive annexation. Zoning is going from R-5
County to R-4 City with .57 acres.
-- Flathead Valley Community College — Annexation of 66 acres zoned P-1. They should
rezone their existing property that is R-1 to P-1 also for consistency.
--Debbie Willis — Annexation on Sunnyside Drive. This was left out of the previous
annexation of the surrounding area. This was part of the county right-of-way and they
abandoned it. It is mostly flood plain, but is good for a garage. The property will be
combined with an existing lot in the subdivision.
-- Lighting Standards — Text amendment from 70' to 80' and a maximum height from 30'
to 25'. Other changes may be included. Morrison Mairle will be kept in the loop regarding
their concerns about the light standards.
-- Highway 93 South Growth Policy Amendment — Narda has been working on issues,
goals, policy, recommendations, and guidelines. This addresses the area on Highway 93
South to Rocky Cliff. The developers will take sewer and water down the east side of the
highway. The City will put in new infrastructure if this becomes a new SID Industrial Park.
Sign Ordinance — This will be back on the Council Agenda for October 3rd
Western Building Center — 3rd Avenue East and 18th Street — addition — There may be a lack
of parking, as it looks like they need four additional parking spaces. Brent will drive by the
project and take a look for fire issues.
Empire Estates — The Police Department has had some complaints that it is like a "race
track". Roger asked about two roads that end abruptly, and it was noted that they would be
completed eventually.
Flathead Wellness and Fitness — There was no final on this project, and there are a few
items that need to be completed. Sandy was asked if there was funding still available for them
to complete these. The funding is gone, but in the future she will perhaps put a certain
amount of holdback funds into escrow with a title company.
Heritage —Their dump sters are blocking the hydrant. They will reposition the dumpsters and
move the smoking area to a different section due to fire issues.
Costco — Had a meeting to define any remaining issues. They should be opening as scheduled
on October 21
Leisure Heights and Willow Glen — Mike stated that their development isn't done yet but
some of the trees are dying. The year warranty is in place. He will make more of an effort to
check on the trees to be sure they are still alive, but would appreciate it if other departments
notice the trees are dying to let him know. We need follow-up. Someone needs to schedule a
visual review of sidewalks, curb, and gutter along with the trees. Tom suggested that a
regular time (e.g. once per month) be set aside for visual reviews of projects for all
departments. Mike suggested that the developer water the newly planted trees for two years
to get the trees established.
Kalispell Youth Athletic Complex — Mike mentioned that a special fire hydrant had to be
ordered for the KYAC, and it will be installed as soon as it arrives.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager
Bldg Fire
3CPO Parks
Comm. Dev. Public Works