10-20-05 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, October 20, 2005 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Mike Baker, Director, Parks & Rec. Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Brent Christopherson, Fire Marshal Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Craig Kerzman, Building Official Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief Narda Wilson, City Planner Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: Same as last week. Frank asked about Spring Creek Development still being on the list. Discussion was held, and he will look into this. OLD BUSINESS: West Coast Hotel/Kalispell Center Mall — expansion — They were done with the new parking layout but then they revised it. They need to put together a Lighting Plan. Public Works discussed their new access on Center Street. Frank said they need to do a right in, right out. Parks needs to approve the landscaping Plan. Fire needs to approve this project and see if they need another fire hydrant. The revised parking plan was reviewed and discussed. Our approval does not include the two future pads at this time. We will request a Letter of Intent regarding the misalignment of 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Signing is needed for the eastbound lane that states "No Left Turn", along with "Do Not Enter" signs on the pork chops. Signs are also needed on 2nd 3rd and 4th Avenues clarifying the crosswalks. They will be getting their foundation permit so they can begin November 1. They need some sort of pedestrian crossing along the north side of the interior access road. Millbrandt — new apartments/ 1705 -5th Avenue East — They are working on an easement. Nothing new has been received so far. They will need to bring the Building Department a copy of their recorded document. 26/38-8th Avenue West — updated plans for apartment complexes — This was going to be one project, but now will be two. They need to show a primary use for #38. They need to have an easement agreement. The sidewalk does not have a 5' perimeter landscaping buffer. We will need a Landscaping Plan and a Lighting Plan. NEW BUSINESS: None. OTHER DISCUSSION: Kalispell Youth Athletic Complex — The City Manager has waived the building fee for the concession stand. The sewer and water fee will be paid by a grant that was obtained by the Parks Department. The Parks Department is still waiting on the fire hydrant that needs to be installed by the football storage building. Woodland Park — The pedestrian bridges at Woodland Park have gone out for bid and Mike is waiting for them to come in for review. Subdivision off of Willow Glen Drive — We had asked where the high water mark was, the top of the slope, the center line of the slope, etc. They decided to pull this off the Planning Board Agenda as their elevations were all wrong. Annexations — There is an annexation on the Planning Agenda for two lots off of South Woodland Drive. Lighting Standards — This will be addressed at a Work Session with the City Council on Tuesday. Road by Station 62 — The road has been changed from West Hutton Ranch Road to West Reserve Loop. Glacier High School — They have not yet paid their water and sewer late -comers' fees. They are requesting the Fire Department sign off on this project as a "light hazard". Brent stated the Fire Department will not sign off on this, but if they get the State Fire Marshal to sign off on this, then the Fire Department will work with them on the fire flows. Wells Fargo Bank — they now have two fire hydrants. New Fire Inspector — Mike Eaton as begun employment as an additional Fire Inspector. Valley Linen — Sandy stated she is closing on Valley Linen, so if there are any building issues, she will put some money aside to address those issues. Their plumber has been into the Building Department. Westwood Park — Subdivision at the north end of Corporate Drive. There is a hydrant at the northeast corner by National Flood. There is a two -unit townhouse at the southwest corner of the site. They will need to bring their secondary access road to flood plain standards. Bill Rice had called Narda on this. The property has not been surveyed yet. Subdivision Regulations — Mark suggested the following be added to the Subdivision Regulations: "Once a preliminary plat is received, no further permits will be issued until final plat." The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m. cc: Police City Manager Bldg Fire Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works FCAOA MDOT