Thursday, November 3, 2005
Building Department Conference Room
Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer
Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner
Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief
Narda Wilson, City Planner
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Brent Christopherson, Fire Marshal
Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Jennifer Young, Recreation Supervisor
Guests: Barry Milbrandt, Owner/Developer; Mark Young from Jackola Engineering;
Mr. Peeler, Contractor
Hear the Public: Nothing.
Performance Bond Reminders: A new list has been distributed. Dr. Mason's can be removed. The
north side of Granrud Lane has rock. Jennifer will check on this. Glacier Bank called regarding the
Meadow Creek Subdivision cashier's check. The road needs to be fixed.
West Coast Hotel/Kalispell Center Mall — expansion — They brought in plans on the two
approaches. Fire is requesting a stand pipe. PJ recommended Brent send a letter to the
architect with a copy to the owner on this.
Milbrandt — new apartments/ 1705 -5th Avenue East — Revised drawings were reviewed. The
easement will be dedicated to the City. They are putting in some picnic tables in their park
area. Fire wanted more access around the building. Discussion was held regarding the
requirement of three hydrants or having the building sprinklered, which would require only
one hydrant. Narda asked if a boundary line adjustment has been done. Discussion was held,
and it looks like it was done. Before any permits are issued, he will need to be sure the
easement is recorded. He could attach a sketch to the survey, showing the easement or do a
written document and have it recorded. He also needs to submit a Lighting Plan and a final
layout of the hydrants with a final Fire Plan. With those conditions, this is passed through
Site Review.
MacKenzie River Pizza — Kelly Court — Mark Young from Jackola Engineering just
received the information on the airport height and they are okay with this project. A-1 is
working on a Landscaping Plan. They are still working on the garbage collection area. Jack
Fournier from Solid Waste submitted some standards to PJ for collection areas. A sprinkler
system and hydrants or fire walls still need to be determined. They will need one hydrant at
the southeast corner unless they sprinkler the building. They still need a Landscaping Plan,
Lighting Plan, and resolution to the sprinklering and hydrant issues. Subdivision requirements
state that sidewalks connect each property. This is passed through Site Review subject to the
above conditions.
19/21— 2nd Avenue East — adding 2 units to apartment complex — Mr. Peeler, contractor —
converting the basement into two additional units, B-4 zone, fire separation between the units.
They will pave to increase parking and there is some parking in the back. Access is from the
alley. There will be some landscaping added. This is approved.
Planning Board Agenda — Already reviewed.
Appleway Apartments — We could ask for a performance bond to satisfy the whole site.
They need to put a sidewalk in the median. Site drainage isn't fully developed along
Appleway. They need to designate a phasing plan and fix their drainage. Mark will talk with
Bill Rice about this.
Ray of Hope — The City Council complained about their outside storage. We need a fire
inspection and building inspection there. (Note: F. Ray advised Kathy that both of these
inspections had been completed some time ago.)
Addressing — Brent had a discussion with Fred Zavodny regarding addressing in general and
regarding the new MacKenzie River Pizza. Fred agreed with Fire concerns about public
safety. Enhanced 911 program has already been implemented by the County according to
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
cc: Police
City Manager
Comm. Dev.
Public Works