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Phase I & II Evironmental Assessment Report
October 14, 2009 Mr. Fred A. Leistiko City of Kalispell Airport Manager P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 Re: Diamond Aire Status; Facility ID #1503172; Release #4700 AWC Project No. 324-08 Dear Fred: The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a status report of the Diamond Aire site_ As you are aware, we are still awaiting further directives from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for additional site characterization work since submitting the Initial Remedial Investigation Report. I met with Marcile Sigler, Site Response Manager, on October 2, 2009 to determine the regulatory status of this site. Ms. Sigler provided the following information: 1. DEQ will be requiring further investigation tQ delineate the complete extent of the soil and groundwater contamination associated with the underground storage tanks (USTs). 2. DEQ will also require further evaluation of the floor -drain sumps in the buildings and likely require closure. 3. The USTs are still considered active and are therefore, eligible for 100 percent re- imbursement for remedial.investigative work and any cleanup activities. 4. Should Mr. Talmage discontinue dispensing fuel, the USTs can only be temporarily out of service for six (6) months or reimbursement eligibility becomes an issue. 5. Physical removal of the USTs is not an eligible expense, but removal of any contaminated soil is eligible for reimbursement. 6. The site will likely go to long-term monitoring once the soil and groundwater contamination has been delineated. 7. The costs incurred to date are $22,024. The Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund (PTRC) has paid for $11,012. The owner and the State share the expenses for the initial $35,000 of costs incurred (i.e. owner's responsibility $17,500), which essentially represents the deductible portion of the owner's policy. Once the deductible is met, the Fund pays for the remaining costs up to $965,000. As with any site, the primary concern is for the owner to maintain compliance with UST regulations and reporting requirements, Should this not occur, the PTRC Board may decrease the percentage of eligible costs for reimbursement. P.O. Box 7667 • Kalispell, Montana 59904 • Tel: 406 756-2550 • Fax: 406 756-0527 Finally, should the City of Kalispell purchase this property, reimbursement eligibility is directly transferred to the City. The City would not be responsible for a second deductible. If you have any questions regarding this information or other project management activities, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Applied Water Consulting LLC Rog& A. Noble, P.G. Principal/Sr Hydrogeologist MONTANA DIAMOND AIRE, INC. (RJT PROPERTIES, LLC) PHASE I & II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT 1893 Airport Road Kalispell, Montana Prepared for: CITY OF KALISPELL Kalispell City Airport P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Prepared by: APPLIED WATER CONSULTING LLC P. O. Box 7667 Kalispell, MT 59904 AWC Project No. 324-08 November 25, 2008 1218pDoplied Water CONSULTING LLC P.O. Box 7667 • Kalispell, Montana 59904 • Tel: 406 751-5253 aapplied@centurytel.net • Fax: 406 756-0527 1.0 INTROIDUCTION...................................................................................................... I 1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................:1 1.2 Terms and Conditions...................................................................................... 1 1.3 Methods............................................................................................................2 2.0 LOCATION AND SETTING................................................................................... 3 2.1 Location and Legal Description....................................................................... 3 2.2 Setting.............................................................................................................. 3 2.2.1 Local Setting........................................................................................ 3 2.2.2 Topography.......................................................................................... 3 2.2.3 Geology and Hydrogeology................................................................. 3 2.3 Current Use of the Property............................................................................. 5 2.4 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements on the Site........ 5 2.5 Current Use on the Adjoining Properties......................................................... 7 3.1 Title Information.............................................................................................. 8 3.2 Historical Records............................................................................................ 8 3.2.1 Aerial Photography.............................................................................. 8 3.2.2 Polk Indices........................................................................................12 3.3 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations..................................13 3.4 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information ......................13 3.5 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information..................................13 3.6 Reason for Performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessment ..................13 4.0 RECORDS REVIEW ..............................................................................................14 4.1 Enviromnental Records..................................................................................14 4.1.1 RCRA TSD Facility...........................................................................14 4.1.2 LUST..................................................................................................15 4.1.3 UST....................................................................................................15 5.0 SUBJECT PROPERTY INSPECTION.................................................................16 5.1 Inspection Method..........................................................................................16 5.2 General Observations.....................................................................................16 5.3 Improvements on Subject Property................................................................16 5.4 Current Use of Subject Property....................................................................16 5.5 Checklist of Indicators of Environmental Conditions....................................17 6.0 INTERVIEWS..........................................................................................................1 8 6.1 Environmental Information Reported by the User or Owner .........................18 6.2 Environmental Information Reported by Others............................................18 7.0 PHASE II ESA SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION ............................................19 7.1 Soil -Test Borings and Laboratory Analysis...................................................19 7.2 Groundwater Sampling and Laboratory Analysis .......................................... 21 8.0 DISCUSSION 9.0 CONCLUSIONS 10.0 LIMITATIONS Appendix A Abbreviations and Glossary Appendix B Legal Description Appendix C Photographic Journal Appendix D UST Notice of Compliance Inspection Report Appendix E Soil Boring Logs Appendix F Soil and Groundwater Sample Laboratory Reports List of Figures Figure1 Site Vicinity Map............................................................................................. 4 Figure2 Site Map........................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3 Aerial Photograph Circa 1974.......................................................................... 9 Figure 4 Aerial Photograph Circa 1990.................................................................... 10 Figure 5 Aerial Photograph Circa 2004........................................................................11 Figure 6 Geoprobe Soil Boring Location Map............................................................. 20 List of Tables Table 2-1 Current Uses of Adjoining Properties.............................................................. 7 Table 3-1 Chain of Ownership for Tract 3AB.................................................................. 8 Table 3-2 Summary of Aerial Photography Review........................................................ 8 Table 3-3 Polk Index Records for 1893 Airport Road...................................................13 Table 4-1 Environmental Records Search......................................................................14 Table 4-2 USTs Previously Removed............................................................................15 Table 5-1 Checklist of Indicators of Environmental Conditions....................................17 Table 7-1 Soil Analytical Results for Diamond Aire ..................................................... 22 Table 7-2 Groundwater Analytical Results for Diamond Aire ....................................... 22 Table 8-1 Summary of Environmental Conditions........................................................ 23 This report presents the findings of a Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) that was performed on the Montana Diamond Aire property located at 1893 Airport Road in Kalispell, Montana. A modified Phase I ESA was conducted because of the presence of a refueling facility located on the property. The Phase II portion of the ESA included the installation of six geoprobe soil borings. The purpose of this practice is to define good commercial and customary practice in the United States of America for conducting an environmental site assessment of a parcel of commercial real estate with respect to the range of contaminants with the scope of Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and petroleum products. The objective of a Phase I ESA is to identify, to the extent feasible and pursuant to the standard processes, recognized environmental conditions associated with a subject property. A recognized environmental condition (REC) is: "The presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on the subject property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in to structures on the subject property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the subject property" (ASTM E 1527-05, 2005). The term is not intended to include "de minimis conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies" (ASTM E 1527-05, 2005). A glossary of other terms and abbreviations used in this report is provided as Appendix A. There are four components prescribed for a Phase I ESA that include: 1. Records Review: a review of records from reasonably ascertainable sources; 2. Site Reconnaissance: a site inspection of the subject property; 3. Interviews: personnel enquiries to present and past owners, operators, and occupants of the subject property; and 4. Report: an evaluation of the findings presented in a summary report. 1.2 Terms and Conditions This report presents the results of a combined Phase I and II ESA of the Montana Diamond Aire property located at 1893 Airport Road in Kalispell, Montana. Applied Water Consulting LLC (AWC) performed this assessment and prepared this report per our proposed scope of work dated October 1, 2008. This report is not intended for use by other parties without the written consent of Applied Water Consulting LLC and/or the Kalispell City Airport Manager or City Attorney. 1.3 Methods AWC's assessment of the Montana Diamond Aire property consisted of: 1. A review of historical and environmental records of federal, state and local agencies; 2. Inspection of the subject property and the structures on it; 3. Interviews with individuals knowledgeable about the subject property; and 4. The collection of subsurface soil and groundwater samples. The assessment followed procedures recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) in "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process E 1527-05" (ASTM, 2005). Any limitations or exceptions to the ASTM (2005) practices are described in Section 9.0. 2 The following section provides information relative to the location, land -use activities, and general physical characteristics of the site. 2.1 Location and Legal Description The current owner of record is listed as RJT Properties, LLC, but is also referred to as Montana Diamond Aire. According to Flathead County Clerk and Recorder's Office, the Assessor Number is 0000829450; the Geocode No. is 07396620208030000. The legal description is Township 28 North, Range 21 West, NW'/4, NWl/4, SWl/4, SWl/4 of Section 20, Flathead County, Montana. A site vicinity map of the general area is presented as Figure 1. The Land Appraisal Summary Report indicates the legal description of the subject -property is Lot 3AB and consists of 1.66 acres of developed land (Stevens & Co., September 23, 2008). A certificate of survey does not exit; a copy of the parcel data is provided in Appendix B. 2.2.1 Local Setting The subject property is located in a light commercial area within the southern margin of Kalispell City limits (see Figure 1). The parcel measures approximately 250 feet in width along Airport Road and 290 feet in depth, east and west; the total area is 1.66 acres. The west side of the property fronts Airport Road. The site is level but slightly below street grade at Airport Road. The site is enclosed on the north, east, and west property lines with chain -link fence. The U.S.D.A. Forest Service maintenance facility is located on the southern boundary. Kalispell City Airport property borders the northern and eastern boundaries of the site. 2.2.2 Topography The subject property is located at an elevation of approximately 2,935 feet above mean sea level (amsl). The topography in the vicinity of the site is relatively flat. 2.2.3 Geology and Hydrolog_Y The area is geologically mapped as Quaternary glacial lake deposits (Smith, December 2004). These sediments consist of clayey silt beds that were deposited from suspension of fine materials in a glacial lake. The average thickness is 100 feet, but locally they may be as much as 270 feet thick. These sediments are saturated and comprise a shallow water table. However, wells completed in these deposits yield little -water and are not a viable source of drinking or irrigation water. 3 � s ♦ �� �� is k ---� i� '� � jr .���.,`� �_ } _ � � � ate_ � k �• "1i..... � �~ ..�� J ► i _ '� — Also _ ''�t § - r t!r'� .fig i?S1UB -` -,,. fSch -r -.. �•'~ \� iN„r..�� _.�_����1����11���_J�-L�^i� �� -ram'_.-�� � � �} KK �.� f � • , w.� SF � ,"�.�y-__ � x t' �-'�� t� �,iy_.11�s n- ; is 1 �j• f lot/(((ii(( t F(%)ttXQ r fi_ sue'• •I yaf' i z L _ ,...,,�,.,,,._ _ f.. ` � '. ... _l.._.. F . _ ,�. _l _ �L t4-" 't f1 �1-S_� -'"_`*=' ,5;-,- _��Sr J -t` .:,j � .{ k� ' • li. � �-`�`I tttl N fJJT _ -.-.... ' � � � �t�� +'r ��"-t!• � -��� - �•t _ €i raj �.r i •'I' �- �- ��� �� ,• �d l�T� ,/ter t� ., ' . 3.� , "�� t I �� foo btdgt y i r` I PAR1S '"� PI i!] I�43Gr3 ion � it � Vt 1 'r W� 1 mile — --- 0.5mile I - ♦3v`ary9�',. $M� r £ - rat, I IF Part---—=ii. It wl _ z , _ t $'fOfifiQ B74:�r... 's ter' z r� 0 750 1500 2,250 3.000-'-=-f....._ --- - • b � r � Feet'L.7 _ �Cil;,.z� �',.6 Dtli0 .Scale:.In = 2000` 1i GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION MAY OR MAY NOT DEPICT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ANY PARCEL � �°� ;•, HEREIN. BOUNDARY RESTORATION MUST BE MADE i� BY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR. BASE MAP: U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 7.5 MINUTE N TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE, AND PARCELS FROM FLATHEAD COUNTY GIS. Crt d,rilh TOP0.?;2001 N.Ii..) Geg.plk Maps. All RighaR FIGURE PROD NO: AWC 324-08 DRAWN: J. HUTTEN LOCATION: KALISPELL MT CHECKED: APPVD: DIAMOND AIRE REV 0 `ATppiied Water SCALE: NOTED PRoJ MGR: R. NOBLE November25=08 CONSULTING LLC FILE NAME: FIGURE SITEVICINITY,MXD SITE VICINITY MAP There are no perennial streams or water bodies on the property. The closest stream is Ashley Creek, which is located approximately 300 feet to the southeast of the subject property. 2.3 Current Use of the Property The property is currently used as a commercial business that refurbishes and maintains small and medium sized aircraft. There are four separate buildings onsite that house various facilities used to support aircraft maintenance operations. In addition, an aircraft fueling station is located on the eastern margin of the subject property. The property has direct access to the taxi ways of the Kalispell City Airport. Figure 2 is a site map showing the improvements and associated support facilities. There are four structures on the property. A photographic journal showing pictures of the buildings and general area is provided in Appendix C. The main building is located in the northeast corner of the property. This building is a concrete block aircraft hanger with metal roof (see Photograph No. 1). A wood -frame addition is connected to the north side, which provides office space and a one -bedroom apartment. The building is insulated and finished with sheet -rock. It is heated with a forced air system. The hanger area is currently used to refurbish small and medium-sized aircraft. A floor drain, consisting of a two -chamber sump, is located in the center of the hanger (see Photographs 2, 3, and 4). One side of the sump is used to separate the solids from the liquids; the liquids then flow out of the system. The sump was full of liquid at the time of our inspection. It is believed the sump is connected to the City sewer as this area is served by the City of Kalispell sewer collection system. However, this would need to be confirmed by conducting a dye -tracer test. 2. The second hanger is located directly south of the main building. This hanger appears to originally have been approximately 70 x 110 feet but has been shortened to 70 x 45 feet. The concrete footers of the original foundation are still present on the east side of the building. The structure is a metal framed building with metal siding. It is insulated and heated with overhead gas space heaters. It appears to be used for painting aircraft. A two - chamber floor drain is also located in the center of the hanger. The sump was full of liquid at the time of our inspection (see Photograph 5). The third improvement, which is located in the southwest corner of the property, is a large, open -front cold storage aircraft hanger with a bow truss roof. This building is wood -frame construction and has an asphalt floor. There are no floor drains in this structure. 5 4. The fourth building is a long, narrow commercial structure of wood frame and composition roof. It appears to have originally been constructed as a garage based on the interior framing and remnant garage doors. The building has been renovated to include several rooms. The western third of the building is used for aircraft reupholstering and the eastern two-thirds for sheet -metal and fiberglass part manufacturing that are associated with Diamond Aire's business. A floor drain is also located in the center of this building. However, both sump compartments were empty at the time of our inspection with the exception of containing dry fiberglass detritus. 5. An aircraft refueling facility is also located in the northeast corner of the property (see Figure 2 and Photographs 1 and 6). The refueling facility consists of a tank basin and fuel island. According to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) records, the tank basin contains a two compartment 12,000 gallon underground storage tank (UST). The larger compartment (7,000 gallon capacity) is used to store jet fuel and the smaller compartment (5,000 gallon capacity) is used to store aviation gasoline. 6. An above ground waste -oil storage tank is located at the southwest corner of the main shop area. The tank was partially full at the time of our inspection and there was noticeable soil staining and discoloration in the vicinity of the tank (see Photographs 7 and 8 in Appendix C). AWC observed adjoining properties from the subject property and from nearby public right- of-ways. Current uses of adjoining properties are listed in Table 1. Table 2-1 Current Uses of Adjoining Properties Location Relative Environmental to Subject Current UseEn Coonditinditi on . Pro a North Kalispell City Airport No East Kalispell City Airport No South USFS Maintenance Shop No West Airport Road and Residential No N Although the following information is usually provided by the owner or lending institution, AWC derived the information from local record -keeping entities. 3.1 Title Records Title records available at the Flathead County Plat Room were researched for the parcel described in Section 2.1. This chronology is used to determine past uses of the subject property and is not a formal chain of ownership as prepared by title -search professionals. Ownership records for the subject property were searched from 1964 to the present. A summary of the chain of title for Tract 3AB is provided in Table 3-1. The review determined that Tract 3AB was created on September 28, 1964. The original owners were Lawrence E. and Betty P. Stockhill. The property changed hands four times with the current owner being RJT Properties, LLC. Table 3-1 Chain of Ownership for Tract 3AB Date Owner September 28, 1964 Lawrence E. and Betty P. Stockl ill June 26, 1995 Margery M. Hewson Trust July 30, 2003 Catherine Baier October 6, 2003 RJT Properties, LLC 3.2.1 Aerial Photography AWC reviewed aerial photographs from 1974, 1990 and 2004, which are presented as Figures 3, 4, and 5, respectively. Table 3-2 summarizes the aerial photograph review. All photos show the entire subject property. Table 3-2 Summary of Aerial Photography Review Year: 1974 1 Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service Figure 3 Scale: 1 in =100 ft The photograph shows four buildings on the subject property that have the same footprint that currently exists. The only significant change is the hanger at the southeast corner of the property extends beyond the current footprint. This photograph also shows a drive -slab located on the east side of the hanger in the northeast corner of the site. The property to the north is undeveloped; the property to the east is used for aircraft parking; and the property to the south is the USDA Forest Service Shop. Year 4994 1 Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service Fi ure 4 Scale: 1 in = 100 ft The subject property does not appear to have significantly changed from the 1974 photograph. The only noticeable change is the extension of the office/apartment area on the north side of the primary hanger. Year: 1974 1 Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service 'Figure 5 Scale: Win. =100 ft The subject property does not appear to have changed from the 1990 photograph with the exception that the drive slab in front of the primary hanger is lar er and the fueling island is visible on the east side. The aerial photographic review did not reveal evidence of any environmental conditions that have not been previously acknowledged. 3.2.2 Polk Indices The Polk Indices available at the Flathead County Library were also reviewed to evaluate the historical use of the property. The current street address for the parcel is 1893 Airport Road. However, from 1969 through 1975 the address location was listed as 1853 Airport Road; the address changed to 1893 Airport Road in 1976. As shown in Table 3-3, the subject property has been used for aircraft related service and maintenance since its inception. According to the Polk Indices, Stockhill Aviation first occupied the property from 1971 through 1989. This business included charter planes and Cessna Aircraft sales, service, and instruction. Rma Computers, a computer service business, was located at the site for four years from 1990 through 1993. The property was vacant in 1994, but returned to aviation related businesses in 1995 with the occupancy of Aero Specialty which conducted aircraft research and development. Diamond Aire began operations in 1996 as an aircraft fueling enterprise. According to DEQ's records, the underground storage tanks (USTs) were installed May 24, 1995. Diamond Aire continues to be an occupant of the building to the present date. In 1998, Concept 360 is listed as the primary tenant. According to the Polk Indices, this business does land subdivision and development and continues to be listed through 2007. A portion of the property was used by Ultimate Fitness in 2000 and 2001. Apache Modification, and aircraft service and maintenance business, has also occupied the property from 2002 to the present. In summary, the results of the Polk Indices search determined there are a number of businesses that could be associated with the use and storage of petroleum products and/or hazardous materials. 12 Table 3-3 Polk Index Records for 1893 Airport Road Bate Business Listed Pre 1969 No Listing 1969 Stockhill Aviation, Inc. 1990 Rma Computers 1994 Vacant 1995 Aero Specialty 1996 Aero Specialty and Diamond Aire 1997 Vacant and Diamond Aire 1989 Vacant 1998 Concept 360 and William Hewson Aircraft 1999 Concept 360 and Diamond Aire 2000 Concept 360, Diamond Aire and Ultimate Fitness 2001 Concept 360, Diamond Aire, Ultimate Fitness, and Stockhill Aviation 2002 Apache Modification Aircraft, Diamond Aire, Glacier Flying School, Concept 360, and Hewson 2003 Apache Modification Aircraft, Diamond Aire, Concept 360, and Hewson 2007 Apache Modification Aircraft, Diamond Aire, Concept 360, and Hewson 3.3 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations AWC was unable to ascertain information regarding environmental liens on the subject property. r rr cr r r r r r r ' r r r i. �; r r r :rr , r r See sections 4.0 and 5.0. 3.5 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information Mr. John Talmage, current owner and occupant of the property, was interviewed and indicated no specialized knowledge or experience that is material to REC in connection with the property. 3.6 Reason for Performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessment A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was requested by Mr. Fred A. Leistiko, Airport Manager for the City of Kalispell, Montana. Mr. Leistiko requested that a modified Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment be conducted on the property because of the presence of the aircraft fueling facility. 13 4.1 Environmental Records Table 4-1 summarizes the results of AWC's environmental records search. Information on specific facilities is provided after Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Environmental Records Search Environmental Record Search Distance Regulated Facilities NPL (Superfund Facilities) htti)://e,ww.epa.gov/superfilnd/sites/npl/npl.htm 1.0 mile NONE Effective date: 8/23107 CERCLIS (pre-Superfund Facilities) http://Nvww.epa.eoi,/superfund/sites/cursites/index.htm 0.5 mile NONE Effective date: 8/23/07 CECRA (State Superfund Facilities) http://www.deq.state.mt.us/StateSuperfund/PDFs/cecralistbyeitv.pdf 0.5 mile NONE Effective date: 8/23/07 RCRA TSD Facility httn://www.epa.,gov/enviro/htmUrcris/reris query iava.html 0.5 mile 1 Effective date: 8/23/07 RCRA Hazardous Waste Generator http://wcAlv.epa.Rov/enviro/btml/rcris/rcris query java.html Subjectladjoining property NONE Effective date: 8/23/07 EPA Envirofacts Multisystem Query httn://www.epa.gov/envirolhtmUmultisystemquery iava.html Subject/adjoining property NONE Data updates shown in: htto://oasi)ub.eoa.goy/enviro/data update National Response Center (NRC) http://www.nrc.uscg.mil/nrcback.html Subject/adjoining property NONE Effective Date: 11/30/04 State Solid Waste List Waste Management Program — Solid Waste Program 0.5 mile NONE http://wwcv. deg.state.mt.us/pcd/csb/swms/wms/wms.asp Effective date: 9/29/03 LUSTs (leaking underground storage tanks) httn://www.deg.state,mt.us/rem/InformationSvstems/USTDownloads.asp 0.5 mile 1 Effective date: 8/23/07 USTs (registered underground storage tanks) httn://wwu,.deg.state.mt.us/rem/InformationSystems/USTDownloads.asp Subject/adjoining property 2 Effective date: 8/23/07 Water Quality Priority Sites (Groundwater Remediation Program) http://www.deq.state.mt.us/StateSuperfund/SrsReports/WQASitesbyCounty.pdf Subject property NONE Effective date: July 29, 2008. Refer to Appendix A for a definition and description of the Environmental Records searched in the table above. 4.1.1 RCRA TSD Facilitv Definition: RCRA TSD is an acronym for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act — Transporter, Storage, and/or Disposal. A list of active RCRA TSD facilities is maintained by EPA. The results of our query indicate that Diamond Aire at 1893 Airport Road in Kalispell, Montana is on this list. The handler identification number is MTR000007930. John Talmage is listed as the contact and the NAICS description is provided as other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment manufacturing. The report did not indicate the type of materials stored or used onsite. m 4.1.2 LUST Definition: LUST is an acronym for Leaking Underground Storage Tank. A list of active and inactive LUST facilities is maintained by DEQ. Finding: There is one LUST facility identified on the adjoining property to the south. This facility is located at the U.S.D.A. Forest Service Flathead Shop; the site identification no. is 1509446 and release no. 1809. The DEQ database indicates the release occurred on May 18, 1992. The finding evidently was a result of the removal a 2,000 gallon UST that was out of service. According to Bill Rule, DEQ UST Section Supervisor, the release has been resolved and a no further action (NFA) letter was issued on October 14, 1992. Therefore, this site is not considered a REC. 4.1.3 UST A list of active and inactive underground storage tank sites is maintained by DEQ. According to the DEQ database, there are two USTs on the property; the site identification no. is 1503172. The report indicates the existing USTs have a capacity of 12,000 and 5,000 gallons and are used to store jet fuel and aviation gasoline (100 LL), respectively. However, the as - built records submitted to DEQ indicate the UST is double compartment, single tank. The tank was installed May 24, 1995. The most recent inspection was conducted December 17, 2007 and the site is in compliance according to the report. A copy of the UST Notice of Compliance Inspection report is contained in Appendix D. The printout from the computerized leak detection monitoring system from October 13 to 15, 2008 indicates that both the jet fuel and 100 LL report "pass" status. In addition, the DEQ database indicates that six (6) USTs have been removed from the site. A summary regarding the status of these tanks is presented in Table 4-2. The summary report for each tank indicates the USTs were removed from the ground and disposed of as scrap metal. The site assessment section of the report states that: evidence of leak has not been detected. Table 4-2 USTs Previously Removed Tank No. Date Installed Stored Substance Capacity (gallons) Date Closed 1 4/5/1980 Gasoline 6,000 5/22/1995 2 4/5/1980 Gasoline 6,000 5/22/1995 3 4/5/1978 Jet Fuel 8,000 5/22/1995 4 4/5/1978 Jet Fuel 8,000 5/22/1995 5 4/5/1970 Gasoline 1,000 5/30/1988 6 1/1/1970 Gasoline 1,000 5/30/1988 15 5.1 Inspection Method The Diamond Aire property was visually inspected on September 29 and October 7, 2008 by Roger A. Noble, Sr. Hydrogeologist. All areas of the subject property were viewed. 5.2 General Observations The subject property is rectangular -shaped parcel that is 1.66 acres in size. The entire parcel is developed and has four primary structures and also includes taxiways and parking areas. The west side of the property fronts Airport Road. 5.3 Improvements on Subject Property There are four buildings on the subject property that all appear to have been constructed prior to 1974. Floor drains are present in three of the buildings, which constitute an REC. In addition, the UST tank and fuel island at the northeast corner of the property constitute an REC. The current use of the subject property is associated with the refurbishing and maintenance of small to medium size aircraft. Diamond Aire has the capability to rebuild engines, manufacture and construct portions of the fuselage including both sheet metal and fiberglass, complete reupholstering of the interior, and complete interior and exterior painting. Irt 5.5 Checklist of Indicators of Environmental Conditions Table 5-1 provides a checklist of items that could indicate an environmental condition on the subject property. Any items marked "identified" were either visually and/or physically detected during the site visit. Each identified item is discussed below. Table 5-1 Checklist of Indicators of Environmental Conditions Indicator Identified? Description Environmental Condition? Hazardous Substances, Petroleum Products, or containers Yes A UST and fuel island are present at the northeast corner of the subject property and a waste oil AST is located near the center. Yes Storage Tanks Yes See notation above. Yes Odors Yes Soil beneath the waste oil tank Yes Pools of Liquid No No Drums No No Substance Containers without Labels No No PCBs No No Heating/Cooling No No Stains or Corrosion No No Drains and Sumps Yes Floor drains in three buildings; two of the floor drains contain liquid; the third is dry. Yes Pits, Ponds, or Lagoons No No Stained Soil or Pavement Yes East side of waste oil AST. Yes Stressed Vegetation No No Solid Waste No No Waste Water (industrial) Yes Two floor drains are full; one is empty. Yes Wells No No Septic Systems No No 17 The following provides a summary of the interviews that were conducted relative to this Phase I and II ESA. The interviews were conducted on August 6 and 7, 2008. 6.1 Environmental Information Reported by User or Owner John Talmage the current owner stated he bought the property directly from Larry Stockhill, who operated and managed Stockhill Aviation. John had the new UST system installed by Northwest Fuel Systems. John provided a tour of the buildings on August 7, 2008 and discussed the various business operations associated with Diamond Aire. He was not aware of any environmental concerns relative to the property. Larry Stockhill was interviewed because he is the previous property owner and operated Stockhill Aviation. Mr. Stockhill recalled that five (5) USTs were originally installed at the site. Four of the USTs were situated at the location of the existing UST. The fifth tank was located in the area of the current fuel island. Mr. Stockhill was queried about the floor drains and he stated the sumps drain to the City sewer system. According to Mr. Stockhill, the buildings were constructed in 1964. He was not aware of any environmental concerns. The purpose the Phase II ESA subsurface investigation was to evaluate the potential presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products underlying the subject property as a result of the UST, fuel island, and floor drains being REC from the Phase I ESA. The subsurface investigation consisted of installing six Geoprobe® soil -test borings. Soil and groundwater samples were collected from each of the six borings prior to backfilling the boreholes. In addition, the static water level was measured in each boring and determined the water table ranges from 6.5 to 8 feet below ground surface depending upon location. A total of six Geoprobe soil borings were completed to evaluate the potential presence of petroleum constituents in the subsurface soils and groundwater beneath the site. A map showing the locations of the geoprobe soil borings is presented as Figure 6. Three of the borings are located adjacent to the UST basin, two borings are located on the east side of the fuel island and one boring was drilled adjacent to the floor drain in hanger no. 2. The floor drains in hanger no. 1 and the fiberglass/upholstery building were inaccessible to the drill rig. Borehole drilling and groundwater sampling was completed on October 9 and 10, 2008. Continuous soil cores were collected from each of the Geoprobe boreholes. Soil cores were logged in the field and checked for visual signs of contamination. A soil sample from each core was collected immediately after recovery. The soil core was examined for texture and contamination and placed in a cooler. Soil types were identified and described using the Unified Soil Classification system in accordance with ASTM procedure D2487. Copies of the soil boring logs are contained in Appendix E. A soil sample was collected where staining or odors were observed in each borehole. The samples were placed in clean 4-ounce glass jars and submitted to Energy Laboratories for analysis of volatile petroleum hydrocarbon analysis (VPH) and extractable petroleum hydrocarbon (EPH) screen. Copies of the laboratory reports and chain -of -custody records are contained in Appendix F. The results of the laboratory analyses for the soil samples are summarized in Table 7-1. As shown, the results of the VPH analyses indicate -the risk based screening levels (RBSLs) were exceeded relative to C5-C8 aliphatic hydrocarbons for samples collected from GP-1, GP-2, and GP-3. The only sample which contained measurable EPH constituents was collected from GP-1, which had a concentration of 132 mg/kg. This sample was not further analyzed because it was below the fractionation limit of 200 mg/kg. Soil samples from the five other Geoprobe boreholes were all reported as not detected for EPH screen. 19 K H 0 z Q J U) _! W D W a U N LL EL a } > a a a 4 t } S s + + > a Q Q m N d} s 1 J # + s s U O a + a W d > H LlJ r Q> ; > r N 1 � z !.L C� ti Q LLJ (D O ON +> Q }a / ds / ss d a >+ a d t s+ d d s d t d > 4 a Od a d a 9 + i a §+ v) LL + Ua d LU Q F- s a J (D J + + W d a � O d (9 MWM /� z i d i d W a t d 4 d i # a a++a +s sa+a s i s s a d } a d d ++ id dt staadit ado sa +ddas }aa >+s s + s a 9 > a + 4 a a i >sa >t>d>aa a{>da U) Q W � z w O Q Q = U a O J m z z OW O CL O W O O H IL LP J a• co`W F. O J m M Y O O Z QCa Z o U —1 a to w ,..III 1+.1/ /1 1 '1 •. Groundwater samples were collected from all six soil borings on October 9 and 10, 2008. The samples were shipped to Energy Laboratories for VPH analysis and EPH screen. Complete copies of the laboratory reports and chain -of -custody documentation for the groundwater samples are contained in Appendix F. The results of the laboratory analyses are summarized in Table 7-2. The results of the VPH analysis reported that benzene and toluene were identified at concentrations that exceed the RBSLs in the sample from GP-5, which is located adjacent to aviation gasoline dispenser (see Figure 6). Trace -level concentrations of ethylbenzene and xylenes were also detected in the groundwater sample from GP-5. In addition, the results of VPH analyses indicate that C5-C8 aliphatics were reported above the RBSL of 800µg/L for samples collected from GP-1, GP-2, GP-4, and GP-5. The results of the EPH screen reported concentrations greater than 500 µg/L for samples collected from Geoprobe borings GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, GP-4, and GP-5. Each of these samples was fractionated for a breakdown of the carbon -range components. The results of the fractionation analyses indicate that C9-C18 aliphatics were detected at concentrations of 706 and 570 µg/L in samples from GP-2 and GP-5, respectively. These concentrations are greater than the RBSL of 500 µg/L. In addition, C19-C38 aliphatics were detected at a concentration of 1,060 µg/L in the sample from GP-3 which exceeds the RBSL of 1,000 µg/L. In addition, Energy Laboratories analyzed the groundwater sample collected from GP-2 for a suite of common solvents by EPA method 8260B. The results of this analysis reported that all volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were reported a not detected. A copy of this report is also provided in Appendix F. 21 ��.M-zzzzz N N ozzzzzz bc U � U W��zzzzzz U d y 00 U U d d¢¢¢ d c zzzzzz a r 00 Ga z ozzzzzz N U G� U C, ,t (� zz c G O U Uua�� o AUen r n E ozzzzzzbc z F"zzzzzz c • y�oo�(� Li c A �000zzz N c c a� -c � e C �zzzzzz �C w Q ozzzzzz �i ozzzzzz o � n W 00 O 00 O O 00 O 00 O 00 O L i w a w QN 0 0 N 0 N o N N N f!! a W 6: Q z o0000o to m 3 CIO �1 6J Q O IO O ti0 v� M m N rn 00 0, do m -0 E oz�oo��oo�o�b oo00 RC v Ci IR C,0 zz N U z z z z N o '...... r. U z � U M �_zzNz � x W o z U ¢ ti 00 .0 U •c � A p �o U� �t CCL Cv N r a M xro U G s q ,_ oc78 R 42 z c u- z z z z z a E"zzzzzz y � c °zzz z o X s, c E N U W aai ozzzzzz %�r azzzz'z'w 7 00 M W °O°°00000 00 00 00 0 0 0 •. � O O O O Q 01) o 0 0 0 0 0 a as ,n�o i wo c7 0 0 3 a 0 GO �U. U .b ti O H �" O N 'O T C 0 m z N N Historical research of the subject property determined that six USTs were formerly located onsite. In addition, an active UST system and fuel island are present in the northeast corner of the property. The laboratory results of the soil and groundwater samples collected in the vicinity of the UST basin and fuel island indicate that petroleum contaminants are present at concentrations greater than the RBSLs. The environmental records search, site inspection and subsurface investigation determined there are a number of environmental conditions associated with the Montana Diamond Aire property. Table 8-1 summarizes the REC found as part of the Phase I and II ESA and discusses their potential impacts. Table 8-1 Summary of Environmental Conditions Comments Regarding Location Environmental Condition Potential Impacts to the Conclusion Subject Property NE corner of property UST basin and fuel dispenser Petroleum contamination exists REC at levels > RBSLs. Hanger 1 Floor drain Sumps in floor drain contain Unknown standing water. Soil and groundwater samples Hanger 2 Floor drain collected adjacent to floor drain Not REC are reported as not detected for petroleum contaminants. Fiberglass & Upholstery Floor drain Sumps in floor drain are dry and Unknown Shop contain fiberglass debris Waste Oil Tank Soil staining and odor Heavy black soil staining REC USDA Forest Service UST Release An NFA letter was issued by Not REC DEQ; site has been closed. 23 AWC performed a Phase I and II ESA of the Diamond Aire property conforming to the scope and limitations of ASTM E 1527-05 (2005). The assessment revealed evidence of the following recognized environmental conditions (R-EC) with the potential to impact the subject property: A UST and associated fuel dispenser are located on the northeast corner of the subject property. Petroleum contaminants are present in the subsurface soil and groundwater adjacent to the UST basin and fuel island at concentrations that exceed applicable RBSL limits for cleanup to be conducted. ® Soil staining and discoloration is present in the area adjacent to the waste oil AST. The petroleum contaminated surface soils would constitute an REC. This type of staining is typically limited to the upper part of the soil profile. However, we were not able to utilize the Geoprobe drill rig in this area because of site access limitations. Soil and groundwater samples collected from boring GP-6, which is adjacent to the floor drain in Hanger 2 were reported as not detected for both the VPH analysis and the EPH screen. Although the sump compartments of the floor drain were full of liquid at the time of our inspection, we probed the sumps and determined they had a solid base at a depth of four feet. It therefore appears the liquids are contained in the sumps. As such, we do not consider this floor drain to be an REC. ® The floor drains located in Hanger 1 and the Fiberglass/Upholstery Shop were inaccessible to the Geoprobe drill rig. Therefore, we were not able to obtain subsurface soil and groundwater samples in order to make an assessment of these features. The floor drain in Hanger 1 was full of liquid at the time of our inspection, but the floor drain in the Fiberglass/Upholstery Shop was dry with the exception of fiberglass debris. W, The following limitations to ASTM E 1527-05 methods were encountered by AWC when conducting this ESA of the Montana Diamond Aire properly: The conclusions presented in this report are professional opinions based on information obtained through a Phase I and Phase II ESA. This report has been prepared for the sole use of City of Kalispell and only for the expressed purpose of identifying REC on the Diamond Aire property. The report is not intended for use by other parties without the written consent of AWC and/or the Kalispell City Manager or Attorney. Our conclusions are based on the conditions observed during our assessment and environmental records reasonably obtainable. Our conclusions are also partly based on information we obtained from third -party sources. While we have made efforts to substantiate third -party information, we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy. This report does not offer any legal opinion or representation. Nor does it offer any interpretation of environmental laws, rules, regulations, or policies of federal, state, or local government agencies. Roger oble, P.G. Princip /Sr. Hydrogeologist 25 American Society for Testing & Materials (AST", 2005. Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, E 1527-05. LaFave, John I., Larry N. Smith, Thomas W. Patton, 2004, Ground -Water Resources of the Flathead Lake Area: Flathead, Lake, Missoula, and Sanders Counties, Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Montana Ground -Water Atlas 2, 132p. Smith, Larry N., December 2004, Surficial Geologic Map of the upper Flathead River valley (Kalispell valley) Area, Flathead County, Northwestern Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Montana Ground -Water Atlas 2, Map 6. Stevens & Co., August 17, 2008, A Complete Appraisal Report in Self -Contained Format of Diamond Aire, 1893 Airport Road, Kalispell, Montana, File No. 092-08. w Appendix A ABBREVIATIONS ®SSA Y Phase .I & II Environmental Site Assessment Report Diamond Aire Property 1893 Airport Road Kalispell, Montana Abbreviations ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials CECRA Comprehensive Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System CFR Code of Federal Regulations EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act ERNS Emergency Response Notification System ESA environmental site assessment F®IA U.S. Freedom of Information Act FR Federal Register LUST leaking underground storage tank MSDS material safety data sheet NCP national pollution discharge elimination system NPL National Priorities List (federal Superfund Facilities) PCB's polychlorinated biphenyls PRP potentially responsible party RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 TSD Treatment, Storage, Disposal (facilities for hazardous wastes) USC United States Code USGS United States Geological Survey UST underground storage tank adjacent property Any real property or properties that border the subject property or that would border the subject property but for a street, road, or other public thoroughfare separating them. CECRA Montana's Comprehensive Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act includes facilities with known releases of deleterious wastes under investigation by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Environmental Remediation Division. CECLIS List of facilities EPA is currently investigating or has previously investigated for potential hazardous substance contamination. Properties that indicate there are major impacts to human health and/or the environment are included on the National Priorities List (NPL). environmental professional Person (1) possessing sufficient training and experience necessary to conduct a site inspection, interviews, and other activities in accordance with this practice and (2) having the ability to develop conclusions regarding recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property. I.BlW1i:]_iID EPA's emergency response notification system list of reported CERCLA hazardous substance releases or spills in quantities greater than the reportable quantity, as maintained at the National Response Center. Federal Register Publication of the federal government published daily (except for federal holidays and weekends) containing all proposed and final regulations and some other activities of the federal government. Final regulations are also included in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). hazardous substance Substance defined as a hazardous substance pursuant to CERCLA, as interpreted by EPA regulations and the courts. For a more detailed definition, refer to ASTM E 1527, Section 3, Terminology. LUST List A list of all underground petroleum storage tank systems maintained by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) that have had documented releases of petroleum to the environment. material safety data sheet (MSDS) Written or printed material concerning a hazardous substance which is prepared by chemical manufacturers, importers, and employers for hazardous chemicals pursuant to OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard. National Priorities List List compiled by EPA of properties with the highest priority for cleanup pursuant to EPA's Hazard Ranking System; list of Superfund facilities. RCRA generator Entity generating a hazardous waste as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); list is on file with the EPA. RCRA TSD A facility that treats, stores, or disposes of hazardous waste as defined in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); list is on file with the EPA. recognized environmental condition Presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a subject property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the subject property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the subject property. The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Solid Waste List A list of all permitted solid waste landfills maintained by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. subject property Real property that is the subject of this assessment, including buildings, other fixtures, and other improvements located on the property and axed to the land. subject -property user Person seeking the environmental site assessment of the subject property; may include, without limitation, a purchaser of the subject property, a potential tenant, an owner, a lender, or a subject property manager. L&MG 1 A list of all registered underground petroleum storage tank systems, both active and inactive, maintained by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). Appendix LEGAL DESCRIPTION Phase I & Il Environmental Site Assessment Report Kalispell, Montana Detailed Parcel Information Page 1 of 1 General Parcel Data Tract Id: 2821X20-XXX-3AB Assessor Number: 0829450 Geocode: 07396620208030000 Approximate Acres: 1.6 City: KALISPELL Subdivision Name: NA Owner: RJT PROPERTIES LLC Address: (M) 1893 AIRPORT RD KALISPELL MT 599010000 Owner: RJT PROPERTIES LLC Address: (P) 1895 AIRPORT RD KALISPELL MT 599017501 Certificates of Survey Tract Land: None available Subdivision RTMTBLA: None available Subdivision Plats None available School Data School District Name: KALISPELL School District Number: 5 High School District: FLATHEAD Congressional Data Precinct Number: 34 House District: 10 Senate District: 5 Kalispell Ward Number: 4 Water, Sewer and Fire Data Fire District: NA Water & Sewer District: NA Zoning Data Neighborhood Plan: NA County Zoning District: NA County Zoning Use: NA Whitefish Zoning: NA Kalispell Zoning: I-1 Columbia Falls Zoning: NA http://maps.flathead.mt.gov/ParcelInformation.aspx?X=308&Y=9 11/28/2008 Annendix' C Phase I & II Environmental Site AssessmentReport DiamondAire Property 1893 Airport Road Kalispell, Montana Photograph No. 1 - View of aircraft fueling island in foreground; Hanger No.1 and office building in background; and Hanger No.2 on right margin. Photograph No. 2 - Covered floor drain with two -chamber sump in Hanger No.1. Photograph No. 3 - View of sediment collection sump in Hanger No.1. Photograph No. 4 - View of liquid discharge sump in Hanger No.1. Photograph No. 5 - View of floor drain (two -chamber sumps) in Hanger No. 2; note this is location of geoprobe test hole GP-6 and note is adjacent to piezometer. Photograph No. 6 - View of UST basin area an northern margin of property. Photograph No. 7 - Waste oil AST at southwest corner of Hanger No.1; note soil staining and discoloration. Photograph No. 8 - Close up of soil -staining and discoloration adjacent to east side of waste oil AST. Appendix gort .Kalispell, Montana E0, d -iuioi A - ®zi (-) c Vr "' RECEIVIR F�ESAAI USX( MDW ma E0,C] VL2T 17VV 90V 3DNUI-IJW00 GNU iIW�Sd 03a 777777777 "Us 71 MOF Cog -'NOT 7 MT FACILITY I D# : rn. Number of UST systems at this facility: C(3VER PACE Comptat6t13 tF�rrrt for each facllfty andiiher brmsxrs <ipllcte d UST Facility Information (please print clearly) (Name)AW/2W I .�� (telephone Number) (Sireet Address Ay %. /l/� �'� C/. (City) (State) f (Zip) (Mailing Address) (City) zlsa�& (State) (zip).J% (Contact person) (Telephone Number) UST Owner �izz � UST Owner's Mailing Address Type of Inspection (circl e routine compI' ee re -inspection other DATE OF INSPECTION: PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: l . Correct all violations and submit a re -inspection report to the Department within 90 days of this inspection or 14 days before your Operating Permit expires, whichever is earliest. If you fail to correct deficiencies or supply requested information by the end of this corrective action opportunity, the department may pursue formal enforcement. 2. You may need a construction permit to conduct corrective action. If so, you must submit a construction permit application to the d-oartment's UST section at least 30 days before you intend to start work. The UST section will make determinations of compliance or lack thereof based on this inspection report and other relevant information. The department may require additional information or a re -inspection that may reveal additional violations. 4. The licensed Compliance Inspector must submit this inspection report to the UST section within 15 days of completing the inspection or re -inspection. The section cannot issue an Operating Permit without having received an inspection report. It is unlawful to fill or operate an UST without a valid Operating Permit. 5. The release or suspected release of petroleum (or other regulated substances), a suspect release such as a failed leak detection monitoring event must be reported to the DEQ/PRS section within 24 hours. Contact the Petroleum Release Section at 1-800-457-0568. 6. The signers of this form and all attached documents certify that they have personally examined and are familiar with the information submitted and the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. y■■(�.\j 1, the licensed compliance inspector, have performed this I have reviewed this inspection report and have been advised of UST facility inspection and certify that the information deficiencies their corrective action and other recommendations. concerning. 7s i spection is true ' d ccuuate r �Cj Signature. Signature: i y sL r 6; t ��5 Name(Print): Pri Name( Date: %-L�l /fi Title: [4owner ❑Operator❑Authorized Representative Date: Department of Environmental Quality- DEC,� ' ` ; Waste and Underground Tank Management Bureau UST Section Dept. of L PO Box 200901 Waste F< c Helena, MT 59620-0901 'rank Managar :-it QUESTIONS?? Please contact DEQ/UST section at 406-444-5300 or at ustorogram@mt.gov Use the following address to obtain more information http://www.deg,mt,aov/ust SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO DEQ WITHIN 75 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION MDEQ FEB107 Facility Name f t ?a Mt Facility ID#. u.3T Information: If a question does not apply, put an "X" through the MT Tank # MT Tank # MT Tank # MT Tank # MT Tank # number. Any question left blank will be considered a "no" response.. j} fL Please complete all applicable pages and questions for each UST system. If the facility has more than 5 UST systems, please attach additional pages. 1 Is the UST system notified? All underground tanks and underground piping connected to aboveground tanks must be �N0 ES N0 YES NO YES NO YES NO notified. (Compare to Facility Summary Report)i 2 Does the facility have a valid certification of financial responsibility > ' } f O ` f , YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO on file? �' ., > 3 Is a valid Operating Permit visibly posted or readily available? i' ES O YES NO YES NO YES NO Is a valid Operating Tag attached to the tank or underground piping ES O E ,N0 YES NO YES NO YES NO 4 system? List Tag # Number should agree with UST database info 5 Is UST system presently in use? (YES NO ('YES' NO YES NO YES NO YES NO If not in use, enter date last used: If UST system is out- of -service, is there one inch or less of product 6 in the tank verified by measurement? YES YES CC, YES NO YES NO YES NO Tanks out -of -service more than 3 months must have <1"product) 7 Are spill and overfill protection devices required? (Spill and overfill are not required if all fills are less than 25 gallons at a time YES) NO YES) NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 8 Is an approved spill protection device installed? YES~,NO E5, NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 9 Is spill protection device free of debris, dirt, water and fuel? ES NO E I NO YES NO YES NO YES NO How much liquid inches is resent? 10 Does the spill protection device appear liquid tight? YE NO Y' NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Is an approved overfill protection device installed? (Ball float valves ES'�NO ES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO ❑ FV ❑ FV ❑ FV ❑ FV ❑ FV are not allowed on suction piping systems.) Check all that apply, if 11 other, explain below. BFVV [ BFVV ❑ BFVV ❑ BFVV ❑BFVV If Yes, what type? FV= flapper valve, BFVV=ball float vent valve; HLA ❑ HLA ❑ HLA ❑ HLA ❑ HLA HLA=hi h level alarm, O=Other ❑ 0 ❑ O ❑ O ❑ 0 ❑ 0 12 Is product dispensed 24 hours a day? YE�%NO INO YES NO YES NO YES NO 13 Is the UST facility manned 24 hours per day? ES' NO (YEY NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 14 Do any of the fill pipes have a horizontal component R to fill ? YES O' ES O YES NO YES NO YES NO 15 Does the vent standpipe terminate at least 12' above the ground ES 1N0 11 N YESNO YES NO YES NO YES NO and if applicable, 3' above the roofline or canopy? 16 Is the storage tank an AST, mounded or higher in elevation IYES 0- ' YES O YES NO YES NO YES NO circle one than any dispenser? If question #16 is marked "YES", is a liquid shut-off device 17 (solenoid or anti -siphon valve) located in the product line between YES NO YES NO �'�, YES h 4.•.." �"°"�� ; x� I�� y� NO tank and the underground portion of the piping? Shown location on the site diagram- REQUIRED Has a SIR report, which indicated a "fail" or 2 consecutive i gn sj�1l 18 inconclusives or related wording been reported to the DEQ/PRS as YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO a suspect release? ;mac::,_ t..:,; i-7rv„-; 19 Do any monthly leak detection monitoring records show a failed * YES !O �. YES NO `/`.� )Ztf= YES NO 1jn w: �!_'IyS' -IN Pelt r ,: ; cA t F� 1u0 result? If question #19 is "Yes," indicate what month or months failed by 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 marking a failed result with a T= Tank or P= Pipe. 97 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 81= E78 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 Janua Comments: t t�`��:e�. ��j�.,� ` r Initial) (D te) ,(Owner/Operator Initial) (Date) SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO DEQ WITHIN 15 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION MDEQ FEB107 fry P a .age 5c AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING maybe used as a method of leak detection for tanks if the ATG device and method h( `)een third party tested and passed EPA protocol. The National Work Group on Leak Detection Evaluations lists leak d, Jon devices that have been third party tested. Facility Name f 6. ` > AZI lie,7 . e Facility ID#� A?C',. Make of ATG (Required): Model of ATG (Required): UST Information: If a question does not apply, put an "X" NIT TANK # MT TANK # MT TANK # MT TANK # MT TANK # Ithrough the number. Any question left blank will be "no" . considered a response. E^ 1 Is the ATG used as the primary method of tank leak detection? ES ' O E_1_ 0 YES NO YES NO YES NO 2 Is the console box operational (turned on, equipped with roll of ES/,No ES 0 YES NO YES NO YES NO paper)? 1:3 Is the console accessible and functional? ES 'NO YES'NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 4 If the facility is not attended when a leak is detected: (Turbine shuts down (AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF) ", ❑ Offsite responder is alerted (AUTODIALER) 5 Are monthly 0.2 gph leak tests conducted? Y S NO IYES 0 YES NO YES NO YES NO 6 Are passing leak detection records available for the past twelve ES 1N0 YES)NO YES NO YES NO YES NO months? >> qquestion # 6 is marked NO, circle the months in which 1 --- 2 3 1 2 - 3 - 1 2 - 3 — 1 i 2 - 3 — 1 2 3 — 7 assing 0.2 gph leak test are NOT available. 4 7 5 i 6 8 i 9 4 7 5 8 6 9 4 7 5 8 6 9 4 i 5 7 8 6 9 4 7 5 6 8 i 9 1 = January 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 i 11 12 10 11 12 8 Are leak detection records a history? ❑ YES NO Comments: rf (` _ 6 I (Inspe'P In' 1;}� Dat Owner/Operator Initial) ' (Date) SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO DEQ WITHIN 15 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION MDEQ July107 ,LeakI, , ;Page 7c Pressurized piping systems require two methods of leak detection; at least one method from Set 1 and at least one method from Set 2. Pressurized piping systems include gravity flow and some siphon systems. PRESS IZED PIPING: A METHOD MUST BE SELECTED FROM EACH SET ' Facility ID# UST Information: If a question does not apply, put an "X" through the number. Any question left blank will be considered a "NO" response. ,SET 1-,`Choose one.'Catastrophic (? 3.0,gph) product,pipe _ MT TANK MT TANK MT TANK MT TANK MT TANK leak detection: #� Is the mechanical line leak detector (MLLD) present and 1 operational? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Make and Model: Is an electronic ALLD (ELLD) present and operational? 2 Make and Model: YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 3 Is the ELLD an Automatic Shut -Off Device? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 4 Is the ELLD a Continuous Alarm System? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 5 Has the MLLD or ELLD been tested for functionality at least annually or as instructed by manufacturer? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 6 Is continuous interstitial monitoring used for line YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO leak detection? Are all sensors positioned to detect a 3-gph leak within an hour? (Sensor at low point on sump) Y NO (ES, NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 8 If the facility is not attended when a 3 -gph leak is detected: %'Turbine shuts down CE��) NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO ❑ Offsite responder is alerted SET 2 - Choose one. Precision test'or monthly method., is an anr`uai precision 0.1 gph Line Tightness Test 191 YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO (LTT) ponducted? Is the precision 0.1 gph LTT conducted by the electronic LLD? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES No YES No Is the precision 0.1 gph LTT conducted using an NWGLDE approved method? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 12 Indicate date and results of the most recent test. 13 Are monthly 0.2 gph electronic LLD tests conducted? YES+tNO YE8)NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 14 f question #13 is YES, are passing 0.2-gph ELLD 3 tests available for the past 12 months? YE NO YE NO YES NO YES NO YES NO If question #14� is marked NO, circle the months in 1 i 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 4 C 5 6 4 5 6 - 4 5 6� 15 which passing LID tests are NOT available. 6 4 5 _ 7. 8_ 9 7_ 8 9__7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 1=January 10 11 12 10 ( 11 121 10 11 1 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 If questions #9 and #11 are NO, check what monthly method is used. Complete the appropriate inspection page. ❑ vM ❑ GWM ❑ vM ❑ GWM ❑ vM El GWM ❑ vM El GWM ❑ vM El GWM 16 ❑ SIR ❑ SIR ❑ SIR ❑ SIR ❑ SIR VM=Vapor monitoring SIR = Statistical Inventory Reconciliation ISM ( ISM ❑ ISM ❑ ISM ❑ ISM GW = Groundwater monitoring ISM= Interstitial Monitoring Suction Piping Systems: Pipe all slopes 'toward tank and operates atless than. atmospheric pressure with, a suction,.pump located above the,; level of product in the fan'k.:Underground piping from_ ari aboveground tank, �a,higher elevation tank, or piping .with. a liquid trap,; is not suction : pipin "Euri' n'' style suction has only one cheek valve, Which is at the'dispenser. ` 17 Does product piping qualify as European (safe) suction? YES NO YES NO TOR - T YES NO 18 Does product piping qualify as US Suction? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Is a precision 0.1 Line Tightness Test conducted every YES NO YES NO YES' C '. E�JA YES NO 19 three years? (Indicate date and results of most recent test.) ❑ VM ❑ vM ❑ V't#�ast, �. `'-,1 a�%Mu ❑ VM question #19 is "NO," check what monthly method is ❑GWM ❑GWM, E19 R n� _I ` "r'L1 [1 GWM used? Complete the appropriate compliance page. ❑ SIR ❑ SIR IE 1_1"9�urea r ❑ SIR ❑ ISM ❑ ISM ❑ ISM ❑ ISM ❑ ISM Comments: `(ffi pe or' ttial) (Owner/Operator's INtial) ~� t � �a e) iI/RAAIT nRti&INAI Tn nFn WITHIN 15 nAYC nF r nAAPI FTinm CIF THE imCPFrTinm 7 r AAnFr) lu1v1n7 8b ®i,Jnteft, j Page , _ ... INTERSTITIAL MONITORING for PIPES must be conducted and recorded at least once a month. Use this page for liquid probes/sensors AND manual methods (sticking or visual). ' TE: Federal standards requiring an ALLD (mechanical or electronic) for catastrophic leak detection may be implemented at a later date. Facility r,ee z Facility ID# Make of monitor (required): a ' % Model of monitor (required): Z—:7V( . IICT Infnrmnfinn• If I» emmctinn ulnae nnf rinniv IAnva i$ ..._............ ..... AA7 T®PJK # AAT TANK # AAT TANK # AAT TANK # MT TANK # blank. JV Is ISM used as the primary method of leak detection` YES NO ES \ NO YES NO YES NO YES NO for the double -walled product pipe? 2 Is the product pipe's interstitial space monitored on a YES NO ES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO continuous basis? 3 Are console operational checks documented for YES NO YES, O YES NO YES NO YES NO the Past twelve months? If question 3 is marked "NO", circle the months 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 in which operational checks are NOT 4 documented? 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 s 7 1$ 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 1 = January 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 ( 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 E Will the leak detection system shut off the flow of E NO ES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO fuel in the event of a release?_ 6 Will the leak detection system trigger a continuous (YES O ES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO alarm in the event of a release? 6a Are records available showing each sensor has YES3 O � O CES YES NO YES NO YES NO been tested annually for operability? 7 Is t176 p duct pipe's interstitial space monitored _ manu 1 on a month) basis? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO o any of the monitor results indicate liquid in the YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 8 Interstice? I If yes, please identify the months and tank. Are product pipe leak detection records available for the past twelve months? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO If question # 9 is marked "NO", circle the 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 months in which leak detection test records are 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 10 NOT available? -7 s __..._._._..._._.....---..___ s �- s s .____..._._...__...__ 7 8 9 __-- 8 9 _-__._ .._. 7 8 _.- _-. 9 -_.... _ 1 = Jnnua 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 ' 11 12 Is the.product pipe trench lined with an approved 11 imp rvious artificial membrane to achieve secondary YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO co ainment? If monitoring the product pipe trench, are the wells clearly marked and secured?> YES NO YES NO YES NO . YES NO . - YES NO 13 Are product pipeline leak detection records YES NO YES NO YES NO AYES' NO YES NO available for the past 12 months? If question # 13 is marked "NO", circle the 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2_j 2) � 4 5 6 4 5 6 .... ..... ..... 4 5 ........ 6 4 .... 5 6 _ . _ ..... 4 5 ___........ 6 14 available. 7 s s 7 s s 7 s -` " `a'0! Cjj j,- ;;ty e s 1 = January10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11� ri i r� cgrt01 tlnL l Ak,i; 11 12 15 Is product pipe leak detection equipment accessible YES NO ES O YES NO YES NO YES NO and functional? 16 Do any containment sumps have product in them? YES(NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 1 )o any containment sumps have water in them such YES NO YE NO YES NO YES NO YES NO that leak detection is impacted? Comments: (I sp to i a ate (0,kn & % erator Initial) ( ate) jUBMIT ORICAAL TO DEQ WITHIN 15 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION MDEQ NOV/05 1 T `. ; . . Page 13c ® All metal components in contact "th the soil that may contain product (including vents, pipes and tank risers) must have CP. Facility Name ,. I -I L did , j le Facility U' iformation: If a question does not apply, put an "X" through the MT MT MT MT Mr nuinber. Any question, Nblank will be considered a "NO" response. TANK # TAfJY•`# TANK # TANK # TANK # 1 P l Is the tank constructed f FRad with FRP, or jacketed with HDPE (circle one) so that ' cathodic protection is no quired? YEA 0 ES`NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 2 Is the tank a STI-P 3 type tank or protected by a sacrificial anode? ;— YES NO I YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 3 Has impressed current cathodic protection been added to the tank? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO ¢ Does the product pipe meet corrosion performance standards according to any of the iV0 criteria in 4a-4b? YES ES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Is the product pipe constructed of FRP or flexible' p p p��pjpe {Circle ore) so that cathodic ENO _ a > d protection is not required? �'� ,ryr fDoes ✓� ��,�y, E "NO YE YES NO YES NO YES NO a sacrificial anode or an impressed current system protect the product pipe? (Circle b one) YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 5 Do flex onnectors at turbine or dispenser meet corrosion performance TURBINE Y N Y N Y N Y N Y stand rds according to any of the criteria 5a-5c? EN DISPENSER. Y N Y N Y N Y N Y re flex connectors protected by a sacrificial anode or an impressed current system? a (Circle one) YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Are flex connectors completely inside sumps or boxes so they are not in contact with the soil? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO f Are flex connectors protected by watertight shrink sleeves or watertight boots? (Circle c YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 6 Do tank risers meet corrosion performance standards according to any of the criteria in 6a-6c? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Are tank risers protected by a sacrificial anode or an impressed current system? (Circle. a one) _ `° -YES - ---- NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO b Are tank risers protected b watertight shrink sle or watertight boots? (Circle one) NO ESNO YES NO YES NO YES NO Are tank risers protected by non -corrodible offset sleeves so steel is not contacting water r soil? J , YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 7 Does the horizontal vent line system meet corrosion performance standards according to / NO YES NO YES NO YES NO any of the criteria in 7a-7b? Ae/- `iMe, It, Is the vent line constructed of FRP or flexible pipe (Circle one) so that cathodic protep a not required? YE YE YES NO YES NO YES NO b Is the vent line protected by a sacrificial anode or an impressed current system? YE YE YES NO YES NO YES NO one) 3 Does the vertical vent standpipe meet corrosion performance standards according to any of the criteria in 8a-8c? YE Or YE O` YES NO YES NO YES NO a Is the -vent standpipe protected by a sacrificial anode or an impressed current system? �� YES�J0 YE NO. YES NO YES NO YES NO (Circle one) b Is the vent standpipe protected by watertight shrink sleeves or boots? (Circle one) YE(NO') YE NO' YES NO YES NO YES NO Is the vent standpipe protected by non offset sleeves so steel is not contacting c water water or soil? Y NO 0 YES NO YES NO YES NO 3 Has the sacrificial or impressed current system been given a comprehensive soil potential sur' ey by a licensed CP tester within 3 years (Or within 6 months, if new or repaired)? (Circle one) YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO What was the date of the last CP test; please supply a copy with the inspection. (Required a field) 0 Does the tank pass the —850 my or the 100-mv shift requirements? i Na" 71 -Sr Es N YES NO YES NO 11 Does the product pipe pass the —850 my or the 100-mv shift requirements? `"YES NO YES Ne YES NO YES NO YES NO 2 Do the flex connectors pass the —850 my or the 100-mv shift requirements? Yi NP E 0;ES NO YES NO YES NO 13 Do the tank risers pass the —850 my or the 100-mv shift requirements? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO '4 Does the vent line pipe pass the —850 my or the 100-mv shift requirements? Si�f(7t, =i S NOr 1LY&NO YES NO YES NO , 5 Does the vent standpipe pass the —850 my or the 100-mv shift requirements? �Ef9-flb` O E944c3t ai a NO YES NO YES NO 16 records available for the last three 60-day rectifier inspections? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO ,omments: j iUBMIT ORI : NAL TO DEQ WITHIN 15 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE INSPFCTION Mr)FO Jmty/n7 e Facility Name Facility ID# 0 MWEEMMEMEM SOMEONE wEvErAwours NOMINEE F IMEMMENIMMON1114 MEMNON Elm Elm minsommossommoomm ammommom 'MEMNON on MMOM SEEM SEE sommommommomm MENOM No MEN SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO DEQ WITHIN 15 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION MDEQ NOV/05 4, le 1"s 4% 'Z1 x 1'e L 2007 of Envi,"o. Quality nk44U,derground I SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO DEQ WITHIN 15 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION MDEQ NOV105 CSLD TEST RESULTS - - - - - - - - - - - - OCT 13, 2008 8:00 AM T I :AV 100 LL PROBE SERIAL NUM 09e975 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: OCT 13, 2008 PASS T 2:JET FUEL PROBE SERIAL. NUM 0ee976 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: OCT 133, PASS CSLD TEST RESULTS - - - - - - - - - - - - OCT 14, 2008 8:00 AM T 14- 100 LL PROBE SERIAL NUM 089975 0.2 GAL,HR TEST PER: OCT 14, 2008 PASS T 2:JET FUEL PROBE SERIAL NUM 088976 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: OCT 14, 200e PASS CSLD TEST RESULTS - - - - - - - - - - - - OCT 15, 2008 8:00 AM T I :AV 100 LL PROBE SERIAL NUM 088975 0.2 GAL/HR TEST PER: OCT 15, 2008 PASS i. T 2 :,rLT FUEL PROBE SERIAL NUM 088976 0.2 GAL,/HR TEST �'PER: OCT 15, 2008 PASS Appendix OIL BORING LOGS Phase I & H Environmental Site Assessment Report Diamond Aire Property 1893 Airport Road Kalispell, Montana _ PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 324-08 GP-1 *A*pplied Water CONSULTING LLc SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Diamond Aire Phase II ESA LOCATION Westend of UST ELEVATION CONTRACTOR Enviroprobe Services EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT Direct Push Geoprobe DATE EXCAVATED WATER LEVELS START 10/9/2008 FINISH 10/9/2008 LOGGER Huffine 3 w SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS OW W a W w m U of W > F_ W —' a > SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING = F_ W —r w CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, FLUID LOSS, TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION WD v0 r. MINERALOGY < z 0.4 0.8 Road Base Material - 1/4" crushed gravel with silty matrix 1.2 1.01 1.6 0.0' 1.6' Topsoil - black, organic rich, occasional brown silt 2 2.9' to 4.0' Silt ML - light brown -tan -brown, moist, soft, non- No odor, no staining 2.8 1 stratified, some mottling 4 4.1' Silt ML - brown, moist, soft, non- stratified No odor, no staining 4.0' 5.4' 6 4.0 to Sand (SM) - brown, wet to saturated, fine grain sands No odor, no staining 8.0' with occasional silt, non -stratified 7 4' First sign of water 8 Silty Clay (ML) - light brown -light gray -brown, moist, Petroleum odor, some staining soft, somewhat plastic, 70%silt, 30% clay Sample collected from 8' - 9' 8.0' 10 4.0 to 12.0' Silty Clay (ML) - same as above with increase in clay No odor, no staining content, 60% silt, 40% clay 12 12.0' T.D. 12' I 14 16 18 SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER ® 324-08 GP-2 *A*pplied Water CONSULTING LLC SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Diamond Aire Phase II ESA LOCATION Next to the office ELEVATION CONTRACTOR Enviroprobe Services EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT Direct Push Geoprobe DATE EXCAVATED WATER LEVELS START 10/9/2008 FINISH 10/9/2008 LOGGER Huffine W SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS oW w a m W W > W —' ¢ > SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING _ OU _j w DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL FLUID LOSS, TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION a LL a- STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY o ZD U) of C/) z 0.4 0.5' Topsoil - black, organic rich, moist, abundant roots 0.8 0.8 rave 1.2 1.6 0.0' Silt (ML) - brown -light brown, moist, varved layer, somewhat No odor, no staining 2 2.0 to plastic 4.0' 2.8 4 5.0' Sand (SM) - brown, wet to saturated, medium to fine grain 4.0' No odor, no staining 6 3.6 to 6 1' occasional silt, 85% sand, 15%silt 8.0' First sign of water Silty Clay (ML) - brown -light brown -light gray, moist, soft varved layered, somewhat plastic to plastic 8 Silty Clay (ML) - gray -greenish gray, soft, somewhat plastic Petroleum odor, staining present 8.0' 9.6' Sample collected from 8.8' - 9.6' 10 4.0 to 12.0' Clayey Silt (ML) - brown -light brown -light gray, slightly moist to dry, somewhat plastic, non -stratified, 55% clay, 45%silt 12 12.0' T.D. 12' 14 �. 18 SHEET 1 OF M VAWpplied Water CONSULTING LLC PROJECT Diamond Aire Phase II ESA ELEVATION EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT WATER LEVELS PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 324-08 1 GP-3 LOCATION Northeast corner of Fuel Island CONTRACTOR Direct Push Geoprobe DATE EXCAVATED Enviroprobe Services START 10/9/2008 FINISH 10/9/2008 LOGGER Huffine 3 w SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS O ui U )- w n- } °o 0 w > w ¢ > SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING a U_ Ov _ w RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY FLUID LOSS, TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION cp z 0.4 0.5' Concrete 0.8 1.2 No odor, no staining Concrete bedding material 1/4 gravels & Pea gravel 1.6 0.0' 1.4' 2 3.0 to 2.0' Silt ML - dark brown -brown -black, organic rich 4.0' 2.8 Silt (ML) - gray -light gray -greenish gray, dry to slightly No odor, no staining moist, non -plastic, non -stratified, motled 4 5.1' Sand (SM) - brown, wet to saturated, fine to medium grain 4.0' No odor, no staining 6 4.0 to 90% sand, 10%silt First sign of water 8.0' 6.4' Silty Sand (ML) - brown -light brown -grayish brown, moist No odor, no staining to wet, somewhat plastic, non -stratified, fine grain sand, 8 70% silt, 30% sand 8.4' 8.0' Clayey Silt (CL) - light brown -light gray -greenish gray, moist, Petroleum odor, some staining present 10 4.0 to soft, somewhat plastic, varved layered, 60% clay, 40% silt Sample collected from 8' - 9' 12.0' 12 1 112.0' T.D. 12' 14 16 18 SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER *RM 324-08 GP-4 p'plled Water CONSULTING LLC SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Diamond Aire Phase 11 ESA LOCATION East end of UST next to fence ELEVATION CONTRACTOR Enviroprobe Services EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT Direct Push Geoprobe DATE EXCAVATED WATER LEVELS START 10/9/2008 FINISH 10/9/2008 LOGGER Huffine Z� w SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS OW J 4 >- W a } mW W v o' W > H W ¢ > SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING = Ov -i CL w RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, FLUID LOSS, TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION Of MINERALOGY o(n x U ? 0.4 0.2' Asphalt 0.8 0.8' Asphalt bedding material - 1/4 crushed gravel 1.2 1.6 0.0' Silt ML - gray -light gray -greenish gray, dry to slightly No odor, no staining 2 2.9 to moist, firm, non -stratified, non -plastic 4.0' 2.8 4 3.6' Silty Sand (SM) - light brown -tan -pinkish brown, slightly No odor, no staining moist, fine grain sands, non -stratified I I 4.0' ISand (SM) -brown, wet to saturated, soft, fine to medium INo odor, no staining 6 3.5 to grain, non -stratified, non -plastic 80% sand, 20%silt First sign of water 8.0' Clay (ML) - gray -light gray -pinkish gray, slightly moist, I Petroleum odor present, little to no staining varved layered, somewhat plastic, 75% silt, 25% clay ISample collected from 6.6' - 8.6' 8 8.0' 10 4.0 to 12.0' Clayey Silt (CL) - same as above with increase in clay content, 50% clay, 50% silt 12 14 16 12.0' No odor, no staining .D. 12' 18 SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER ® 324-08 GP-5 *A*pplied Water CONSULTING LLC SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Diamond Aire Phase II ESA LOCATION South end of Fuel Island ELEVATION CONTRACTOR Enviroprobe Services EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT Direct Push Geoprobe DATE EXCAVATED WATER LEVELS START 10/10/2008 FINISH 10/10/2008 LOGGER Huffine w SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS pW JU- i- W a �- W m W U W > W Q > SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING = J w RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL FLUID LOSS, TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION wLL ¢ STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY a cn z 0.4 0.5' Concrete 0.8 1.0' Concrete base material - 1/4 crushed gravel, silt matrix 1.2 1.6 0.0' 1.8' Topsoil - Dark gray to black, organic rich, silty No odor, no staining 2 3.0 to 4.0' Silt ML - light gray -gray, moist, soft, non -stratified, 2.8 somewhat plastic, 95% silt, 5% clay 4 Silty Clay (ML) - light gray -light brown -brown, moist, soft, No odor, no staining somewhat plastic, non -stratified, 70% silt, 30% Clay 4.0' 5.7' 6 3.5 to Sand (SM) - brown -light brown, wet to saturated, soft, fine to First sign of water 8.01 medium grain sands, 90% sand, 10 % silt No odor, no staining 8 10 1 3.5 12 14 ME 18 t (ML) - brown -light brown -light gray, moist, soft, rved layered, somewhat plastic 8.0' 9.5' to 12.0' Silty Sand (ML) -light gray -light brown -brown, moist, soft, somewhat plastic, 70% silt, 30% fine grain sand 12.0' Faint petroleum odor, very little staining Sample collected from 8.0' - 9.5' No odor, no staining T.D. 12' SHEET 1 OF _ ® PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER *A*pplied Water CONSULTING LLG 324-08 GP-6 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Diamond Aire Phase II ESA LOCATION Inside Hanger #2 ELEVATION CONTRACTOR Enviroprobe Services EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT Direct Push Geoprobe DATE EXCAVATED WATER LEVELS START 10/10/2008 FINISH 10/10/2008 LOGGER Huffine w O W _1 4 m w = Q t- w n_ W D } x w > O U LU w n- } F- w _j a 2 ai —' Q > W z SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY COMMENTS DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, TEST AND INSTRUMENTATION 0.4 0.5' Concrete 0.8 1.2 1.2' Concrete bedding material - 114 crushed gravel, silt matrix 1.6 0.0' No odor, no staining 2 2.4 to Silt ML - light brown -brown -light gray, moist, soft, 4.0' somewhat plastic, mom -stratified, mottled 2.8 4 No odor, no staining 6 4.0 4.0' to 8 0' 5.4 First sign of water No odor, no staining Sample collected from 5.4' - 6.3' Sand (SM) - brown, wet to saturated, fine to medium grain, 6.3 non -stratified, non -plastic, 95% sand, 5% silt Silty -sand (ML) - brown -light brown, soft, wet non- 7.0' stratified, 80% silt 20% sand ML - light brown -light gray, moist, soft, somewhat 1Silt No odor, no staining 8 8.0' plastic Sand (SM) - brown, moist to wet, fine to medium grain, 8.9' 90% sand, 10% silt Silty -clay (MC) - brown -light brown -light gray -pinkish brown, 8.0' No odor, no staining 10 4.0 to moist, soft, somewhat plastic, non -stratified 12.0' 121 112.0' T.D. 12' 14 16 18 8 SHEET 1 OF 1 ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT )vember 06, 2008 Roger Noble Applied Water Consulting LLC 475 N Main Kalispell, MT 59904 Workorder No.: B08101252 Project Name: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA NOV 12 2008 By Energy Laboratories Inc received the following 7 samples for Applied Water Consulting LLC on 10/14/2008 for analysis. Sample ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix Test B08101252-001 GP-5 8.0-9.5 Feet 10/10/08 9:20 10/14/08 Soil EPH-Ultrasonic Extraction Methanol Extraction for Volatiles Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum-Scm Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Moisture Moisture Prep Percent Moisture B08101252-002 GP-6 5.4-6.3 Feet 10/10/08 10:10 10/14/08 Soil Same As Above B08101252-003 GP-3 10/10/08 13:30 10/14/08 Aqueous EPH-Liquid-Liquid Extraction EPH Fractionation Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum Screen Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons B08101252-004 GP-4 10/10/08 13:00 10/14/08 Aqueous Same As Above B08101252-005 GP-5 10/10/08 14:00 10/14/08 Aqueous Same As Above B08101252-006 GP-6 10/10/08 14:30 10/14/08 Aqueous EPH-Liquid-Liquid Extraction Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum Screen Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons B08101252-007 Trip Blank Lot091108 B- 10/10/08 13:30 10/14/08 Trip Blank Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons HC SHP0237 Any exceptions or problems with the rse es are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report, the QA/QC Summary Report, or the Case Narrative. If you have any questions regardingests resul/ease call. Report Approved By: Summary Report: Page 1 of 1 17 ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com CLIENT: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Sample Delivery Group: B08101252 Date: 24-Oct-08 CASE NARRATIVE The following Case Narrative contains exceptions or comments pertaining to the analysis of samples submitted by Applied Water Consulting LLC on 10/14/2008 9:00:00 AM. These samples were assigned ELI Workorder Number 608101252. Fractionations without PAHs were added to samples 003, 004 and 005 per Roger Noble - 10/24/08 - SE. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 $ Toll Free 800.735,4489 * 406.252.6325 *FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101252-001 Client Sample ID: GP-5 8.0-9.5 Feet Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/10/08 09:20 Date Received: 10/14/08 Matrix: Soil Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date/By PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Moisture 24 wt% 0.2 SW3550A 10/17/08 13:48 / alc PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 0.08 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Benzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 0.04 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Toluene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 10 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Ethylbenzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 10 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm m+p-Xylenes ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm o-Xylene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Xylenes, Total ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 30 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Naphthalene ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 9 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm C9 to C10 Aromatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm C5 to C8 Aliphatics 69 mg/kg-dry 2.6 40 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 90 MA-VPH 10/21/0619:53 / bjm Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 68 mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Surr. VPH Aromatics Surrogate 122 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 152 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 19:53 / bjm Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. - Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. "=The reported value exceeds the Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL). The MCLs listed for target analyte and hydrocarbon range values are the most conservative Montana DEQ RBSLs. These limits may not apply to your samples. - S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg-dry 13 200 SW8015M 10/18/08 22:43 / pbf Surr. o-Terphenyl 76.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 22:43 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. - The result exceeds the MCL. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St *PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 F , Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101252-002 Client Sample ID: GP-6 5.4-6.3 Feet Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/10/08 10:10 Date R ece ive d : 10/14/08 Matrix: Soil Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Moisture 22 wt% 0.2 SW3550A 10/17/08 13:49 / alc PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 0.08 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Benzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.064 0.04 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Toluene ND mg/kg-dry 0.064 10 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Ethylbenzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.064 10 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm m+p-Xylenes ND mg/kg-dry 0.064 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm o-Xylene ND mg/kg-dry 0.064 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Xylenes, Total ND mg/kg-dry 0.064 30 MANPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Naphthalene ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 9 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm C9 to C10 Aromatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MANPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm C5 to C8 Aliphatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 40 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 90 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 91.0 %REC 70-130 MANPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 89.0 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 21:02 / bjm Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg-dry 13 200 SW8015M 10/18/08 14:15 / pbf Surr o-Terphenyl 79.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 14:15 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 a a m a Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252,6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase If ESA Lab ID: B08101252-003 Client Sample ID: GP-3 Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/10/08 13:30 Date Received: 10/14/08 Matrix: Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 30 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 700 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/21 J08 15:19 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics 17 ug/L J 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 531 ug/L 20 800 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 33 ug/L 20 500 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 506 ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 103 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 131 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 15:19 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 3160 ug/L 632 500 SW8015M 10/18/08 02:39 / pbf Surr. o-Terphenyl 54.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 02:39 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS C9 to C18 Aliphatics 490 ug/L J 632 500 MA-EPH 10/31/08 02:44 / pbf C19 to C36 Aliphatics 1060 ug/L 632 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 02:44 / pbf Surr. 1-Chloro-octadecane 41.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 02:44 / pbf C11 to C22 Aromatics ND ug/L 632 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 03:24 / pbf Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 2740 ug/L 632 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 03:24 / pbf Surr. 2-Bromonaphthalene 69.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 03:24 / pbf Surr. 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 03:24 / pbf Surr o-Terphenyl 56.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 03:24 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. * - The result exceeds the MCL MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. J - Estimated value. The analyte was present but less than t reporting limit. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. g07 ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 AW f _ . - Toll Free 800-735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Report Date: 11/06/08 Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Collection Date: 10/10/08 13:00 Lab ID: B08101252-004 DateReceived: 10/14/08 Client Sample ID: GP-4 Matrix: Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 30 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw Toluene ND ug/L D 1.0 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 700 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/2110816:26 / bw Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/21108 16:26 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MA-VPH 10/21108 16:26 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics 19 ug/L J 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 1650 ug/L 20 800 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 51 ug/L 20 500 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1520 ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw Surr. VPH Aromatics Surrogate 122 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 191 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 16:26 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 4940 ug/L 326 500 SW8015M 10/18/08 04:12 / pbf Surr. o-Terphenyl 50.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 04:12 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS C9 to C18 Aliphatics ND ug/L 326 500 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:05 / pbf C19 to C36 Aliphatics 262 ug/L J 326 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:05 / pbf Surr. 1-Chloro-octadecane 42.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:05 / pbf C11 to C22 Aromatics ND ug/L 326 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:45 / pbf Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 930 ug/L 326 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:45 / pbf Surr 2-Bromonaphthalene 66.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:45 / pbf Surr. 2-Fluorobiphenyl 69.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:45 / pbf Surr o-Terphenyl 47.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 04:45 / pbf Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. A significant portion of the hydrocarbons measured in the EPH Screening analysis were not recovered from the silica gel fractionation cartridge. Silica gel can act as a cleanup media for non -petroleum hydrocarbons. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL -Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. * - The result exceeds the MCL. D - RL increased due to sample matrix interference. J - Estimated value. The analyte was present but less than the S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. reporting limit. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC.* 1120 S 27th St *PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 ff , - - - Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406,252,6325 *FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab,com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101252-005 Client Sample ID: GP-5 Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/10/08 14:00 Date Received: 10/14/08 Matrix: Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L D 2.0 30 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw Benzene 7.1 ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw Toluene 1250 ug/L 5.0 1000 MA-VPH 10/22/08 19:57 / bw Ethylbenzene 5.0 ug/L 0.50 700 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw m+p-Xylenes 9.0 ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw o-Xylene 5.7 ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw Xylenes, Total 15 ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics 19 ug/L J 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 6610 ug/L 200 800 MA-VPH 10/22/08 19:57 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 38 ug/L 20 500 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 6930 ug/L x 200 1000 MA-VPH 10/22/08 19:57 / bw Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 159 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 17:33 / bw Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 146 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/22/08 19:57 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. The sample was received in the laboratory with a pH > 2. The pH was 6. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 42000 ug/L 1630 500 SW8015M 10/19/08 03:21 / pbf Surr: o-Terphenyl 39.0 %REC S 40-140 SW8015M 10/19/08 03:21 / pbf Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. S=Surrogate recovery outside QC advisory limits. The sample contained a layer of sediment that may have strongly adsorbed the surrogate and/or reduced extraction efficiency. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS C9 to C18 Aliphatics 570 ug/L 326 500 MA-EPH 10131 /08 05:26 / pbf C19 to C36 Aliphatics ND ug/L 326 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 05:26 / pbf Surr 1-Chloro-octadecane 37.0 %REC S 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 05:26 / pbf C11 to C22 Aromatics 223 ug/L J 326 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 06:06 / pbf Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 11500 ug/L 326 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 06:06 / pbf Surr. 2-Bromonaphthalene 71.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 06:06 / pbf Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 06:06 / pbf Surr: o-Terphenyl 44.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 06:06 / pbf Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. A significant portion of the hydrocarbons measured in the EPH Screening analysis were not recovered from the silica gel fractionation cartridge. Silica gel can act as a cleanup media for non -petroleum hydrocarbons. - S=Surrogate recovery outside QC advisory limits. The sample contained a layer of sediment that may have strongly adsorbed the surrogate and/or reduced extraction efficiency. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. - The result exceeds the MCL. D - RL increased due to sample matrix interference. J - Estimated value. The analyte was present but less than the S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. reporting limit. RF ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC.* 1120 S 27fh St * PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 3 7 3 E Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101252-006 Client Sample ID: GP-6 Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/10/08 14:30 Date Received: 10/14/08 Matrix: Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 30 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 1000 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 700 MANPH 10/22108 12:43 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MANPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 43 ug/L 20 800 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 500 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 41 ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Surr VPH Aromatics Surrogate 103 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 109 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/22/08 12:43 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 343 500 SW8015M 10/18/08 01:06 / pbf Surr o-Terphenyl 69.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 01:06 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC.* 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 f , R w Toll Free 800.735,4489 * 406.252.6325 *FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Report Date: 11/06/08 Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Collection Date: 10/10/08 13:30 Lab ID: B08101252-007 DateReceived: 10/14/08 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Lot091108 B-HC SHP0237 Matrix: Trip Blank MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 30 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 700 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw m+p-Xyienes ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 800 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 500 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Sum VPH Aromatics Surrogate 98.0 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 105 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/21/08 14:12 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • eli0ene1gy1ab. corn QA/QC Summary Report "Iient: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/23/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Analytical Run: VARIAN2_081021A Sample ID: CCV_1021VA204r-S Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 10/21/08 14:06 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 4.13 mg/kg 0.10 103 75 125 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5.35 mg/kg 0.10 89 75 125 2-Methylpentane 5.97 mg/kg 0.10 100 75 125 n-Nonane 3.93 mg/kg 0.10 98 75 125 n-Pentane 4.01 mg/kg 0.10 100 75 125 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 6.14 mg/kg 0.10 102 75 125 Benzene 2.14 mg/kg 0.050 107 75 125 Toluene 6.26 mg/kg 0.050 104 75 125 Ethylbenzene 2.12 mg/kg 0.050 106 75 125 m+p-Xylenes 8.25 mg/kg 0.050 103 75 125 o-Xylene 4.21 mg/kg 0.050 105 75 125 Naphthalene 4.09 mg/kg 0.10 102 75 125 Sum VPH Aromatics Surrogate 0.050 104 75 125 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 0.050 102 75 125 -jalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab. com QA/QC Summary Report " Iient: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/23/08 Work Order: B08101252 4nalyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: LCS-35294 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene Naphthalene Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate Sample ID: MB-35294 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene -9 to C10 Aromatics .5 to C8 Aliphatics C9 to CI Aliphatics Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate Sample ID: B08101252-002AMS Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene Naphthalene Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate Sample ID: B08101252-002AMSD Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene Naphthalene Batch: 35294 Laboratory Control Sample Run: VARIAN2_081021A 10/21/08 17:34 1.83 mg/kg 0.10 91 70 130 2.06 mg/kg 0.050 103 70 130 2.06 mg/kg 0.050 103 70 130 2.06 mg/kg 0.050 103 70 130 4.34 mg/kg 0.050 108 70 130 2.07 mg/kg 0.050 104 70 130 2.07 mg/kg 0.10 103 70 130 0.050 106 70 130 Method Blank Run: VARIAN2 081021A 10/21/08 19:18 ND mg/kg 0.10 ND mg/kg 0.050 ND mg/kg 0.050 ND mg/kg 0.050 ND mg/kg 0.050 ND mg/kg 0.050 ND mg/kg 0.050 ND mg/kg 0.10 ND mg/kg 2.0 ND mg/kg 2.0 ND mg/kg 2.0 ND mg/kg 2.0 0.050 103 70 130 0.050 102 70 130 Sample Matrix Spike Run: VARIAN2_081021A 10/21/08 22:11 2.21 mg/kg-dry 0.13 86 70 130 2.19 mg/kg-dry 0.064 86 70 130 2.31 mg/kg-dry 0.064 90 70 130 2.27 mg/kg-dry 0.064 88 70 130 4.77 mg/kg-dry 0.064 93 70 130 2.30 mg/kg-dry 0.064 90 70 130 2.42 mg/kg-dry 0.13 95 70 130 0.064 88 70 130 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: VARIAN2_081021A 10/21/08 23:20 2.06 mg/kg-dry 0.13 80 70 130 7.2 20 2.15 mg/kg-dry 0.064 84 70 130 2 20 2.25 mg/kg-dry 0.064 88 70 130 2.5 20 2.25 mg/kg-dry 0.064 88 70 130 0.7 20 4.75 mg/kg-dry 0.064 93 70 130 0.4 20 2.31 mg/kg-dry 0.064 90 70 130 0.4 20 2.39 mg/kg-dry 0.13 93 70 130 1.3 20 aalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 AW r. 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i@energy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/23/08 Work Order: B08101252 [An,[;, Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Batch:35294 Sample ID: B08101252-002AMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: VARIAN2_081021A 10/21/08 23:20 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 0.064 86 70 130 0 20 3alifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.D. Box 309>6 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, AfT59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elWenergy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report "lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/23/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Analytical Run: PE 1_081021A Sample ID: CCV_1021PE103r-W Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 10/21/08 11:58 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 40.4 ug/L 1.0 101 75 125 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 60.3 ug/L 1.0 100 75 125 2-Methylpentane 61.3 ug/L 1.0 102 75 125 n-Nonane 40.4 ug/L 1.0 101 75 125 n-Pentane 41.6 ug/L 1.0 104 75 125 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 60.2 ug/L 1.0 100 75 125 Benzene 19.9 ug/L 0.50 100 75 125 Toluene 60.4 ug/L 0.50 101 75 125 Ethylbenzene 20.1 ug/L 0.50 100 75 125 m+p-Xylenes 80.4 ug/L 0.50 101 75 125 o-Xylene 40.0 ug/L 0.50 100 75 125 Naphthalene 40.0 ug/L 1.0 100 75 125 Sum VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 92 75 125 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 97 75 125 Method: MA-VPH Batch: R119571 Sample ID: LCS_1021PE104r Laboratory Control Sample Run: PE 1_081021A 10/21/08 12:32 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 19.9 ug/L 1.0 100 70 130 :nzene 20.7 ug/L 0.50 104 70 130 Toluene 20.2 ug/L 0.50 101 70 130 Ethylbenzene 20.0 ug/L 0.50 100 70 130 m+p-Xylenes 41.7 ug/L 0.50 104 70 130 o-Xylene 20.1 ug/L 0.50 101 70 130 Naphthalene 20.3 ug/L 1.0 102 70 130 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 87 70 130 Sample ID: MBLK_1021PE106r Method Blank Run: PE 1_081021A 10/21/08 13:39 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 C5 to C8 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 20 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 105 70 130 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 110 70 130 aalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. -- ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • B111ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • eii@energy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report r'lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/23/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: CCV_1022PE103r-W Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 41.5 ug/L 1.0 104 75 125 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 60.5 ug/L 1.0 101 75 125 2-Methylpentane 61.8 ug/L 1.0 103 75 125 n-Nonane 40.7 ug/L 1.0 102 75 125 n-Pentane 41.7 ug/L 1.0 104 75 125 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 61.7 ug/L 1.0 103 75 125 Benzene 20.5 ug/L 0.50 102 75 125 Toluene 62.9 ug/L 0.50 105 75 125 Ethylbenzene 20.6 ug/L 0.50 103 75 125 m+p-Xylenes 82.9 ug/L 0.50 104 75 125 o-Xylene 41.2 ug/L 0.50 103 75 125 Naphthalene 40.5 ug/L 1.0 101 75 125 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 102 75 125 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 105 75 125 Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: LCS_1022PE104r Laboratory Control Sample Run: PE 1_081022A Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 18.9 ug/L 1.0 94 70 130 >nzene 20.4 ug/L 0.50 102 70 130 toluene 19.9 ug/L 0.50 99 70 130 Ethylbenzene 19.9 ug/L 0.50 100 70 130 m+p-Xylenes 41.7 ug/L 0.50 104 70 130 o-Xylene 20.2 ug/L 0.50 101 70 130 Naphthalene 19.7 ug/L 1.0 99 70 130 Sum VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 104 70 130 Sample ID: MBLK_1022PE106r Method Blank Run: PE 1_081022A Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 C5 to C8 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 C9 to CI Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 20 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 102 70 130 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 107 70 130 jalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Analytical Run: PE 1_081022A 10/22/08 10:26 Batch: R119649 10/22/08 10:59 10/22/08 12:09 ENERGYL4BORAMR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com QA/QC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/23/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Batch: R119649 Sample ID: B08101252-003BMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: PE 1_081022A 10/22/08 18:17 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 44.1 ug/L 2.0 88 70 130 Benzene 48.4 ug/L 1.0 97 70 130 Toluene 49.4 ug/L 1.0 99 70 130 Ethylbenzene 49.4 ug/L 1.0 99 70 130 m+p-Xylenes 98.9 ug/L 1.0 99 70 130 o-Xylene 48.9 ug/L 1.0 98 70 130 Naphthalene 45.9 ug/L 2.0 92 70 130 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 2.0 106 70 130 Sample ID: B08101252-003BMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: PE 1_081022A 10/22/08 18:50 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 45.7 ug/L 2.0 91 70 130 3.4 20 Benzene 50.0 ug/L 1.0 100 70 130 3.1 20 Toluene 51.1 ug/L 1.0 102 70 130 3.2 20 Ethylbenzene 51.0 ug/L 1.0 102 70 130 3.1 20 m+p-Xylenes 102 ug/L 1.0 102 70 130 2.9 20 o-Xylene 50.4 ug/L 1.0 101 70 130 3 20 Naphthalene 48.4 ug/L 2.0 97 70 130 5.3 20 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 2.0 108 70 130 0 20 aalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 . 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • eiMenergyiab.com GP-5 8.0-9.5 Feet Batch ID: 35294 — G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108_b\1021VA2.0014.RAW B08101252-001A;1021VA2, $HC-VPH-MA-S, 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 w z w J 0 F 0 0 J F- O N m m v o a� N N n a cU1 C F E N N am' as CU L Z LU fp m O u) fD C7 m N co N CD r .'- -'-r -------�i 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-001A ;1021VA2 , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108 b\1021VA2.0014.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 7 53:23 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Cals\18mas08.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 335.4046 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.488 to 21.126 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:970.4927 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 5.786996E-02 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE .1 Benzene 05 Toluene 11.959 11.959 11.959 450 .05 Ethylbenzene 15.504 15.504 15.504 203 .05 m+p-Xylenes 15.731 15.731 15.731 259 .05 o-Xylene .05 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.337 18.337 18.337 240 .2 Naphthalene 212 .1 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.795 S. 6.102 122.04 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U U 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-001A ;1021VA2 , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108 b\1021VA2.0014.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 7 53:23 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Cals\18mas08.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 335.4046 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.488 to 21.126 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:970.4927 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 5.786996E-02 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE .1 Benzene 05 Toluene 11.959 11.959 11.959 450 .05 Ethylbenzene 15.504 15.504 15.504 203 .05 m+p-Xylenes 15.731 15.731 15.731 259 .05 o-Xylene .05 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.337 18.337 18.337 240 .2 Naphthalene 212 .1 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.795 S. 6.102 122.04 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U U FLAG U U U U U U U U ENERGYLABOR4 TOR/ES, /NC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eli@enero4ab. corn ffs GP-5 8.0-9.5 Feet Batch ID: 35294 — G:\Org\VA2\DATNA2102108_b\1021VA28.0014.RAW B08101252-001A;1021VA2, $HC-VPH-MA-S, 16 14 12 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 I I 0 v � I F_ LL � o I o m O N C i N � ! C � ~ �-co NN N _ a �� o " N N# �4NIZ N CC N r I�v?rMm tXA"� O cQ'M- NLL7 N I'I'f'.Yifil p I I J i I 0 2 6 F1 10 12 `:-4 16 18 20 22 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-001A ;1021VA2 , $HC-VPH-NIA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108_b\1021VA2B.0014.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 7 53:23 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Gals\18mas08b.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for CS to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2031.501 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 1548.793 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 2077.837 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 4.43363 to 18.42613 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.193889 to 15.75389 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 15.80389 to 21.13134 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.8 S. 7.605 1S2.11 - GRO Area:5363238 GRO Amount: 51.62327 TPH Area:5400121 TPH Amount: 51.97829 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:5379064 CS-C8 Amount: 52.95655 C9-C12 Area:17128.23 C9-C12 Amount: 0.2211816 24 LABORATORIES, INC. • P.O. Box30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 . 406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • eli®energylab.com GP-6 5.4-6.3 Feet Batch ID: 35294 — G:\Org\VA2\DATWA2102108_b\1021VA2.0016.RAW B08101252-002A;1021VA2, $HC-VPH-MA-S, 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 w z w D J 0 H 0 0 J LL FY I— O 1 m a� C � � N C C � N m � cc s c 10 E Z m a)LU C C N N m 7 LL1 a V W (O W F o + X N N co � � ~ � O � 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-002A ;1021VA2 , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108_b\1021VA2.0016.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 9 02:44 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Cals\18masO8.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 335.4046 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.488 to 21.126 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitaticn: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:498.5014 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 2.972537E-02 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE •1 Benzene .05 Toluene .OS Ethylbenzene .05 m+p-Xylenes .05 o-Xylene .05 124-Trimethylbenzene .2 Naphthalene 122 .1 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.8 S. 4.531 90.63 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U U ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC, • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 BOO -735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 far • elVenergylab-com GP-6 5.4-6.3 Feet -- G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108_b\1021VA28.0016.RAW 160 I 'I40 120 100 " 80 60 40 I 20 0T LL t7 m r-� (0 N U1 C N C d L �N N- C y YLLJ 02am r ill Cb� 4t ^ I T Batch ID: 35294 B08101252-002A;1021VA2, $HC-VPH-MA-S, N C n L C 4 X 4 N lqV G� M Ck1D N t6 r r a m Z N N 2 - 6 12 14 16 18 20 22 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-002A ;1021VA2 , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108_b\1021VA2B.0016.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 9 02:44 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Gals\18mas08b.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2031.501 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 1548.793 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 2077.837 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 4.43363 to 18.42613 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.193889 to 15.75389 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 15.80389 to 21.13134 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.809 S. 4.439 88.77 - GRO Area:59452.16 GRO Amount: 0.5722504 TPH Area:116063.2 TPH Amount: 1.117346 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: CS-C8 Area:111171.6 C5-C8 Amount: 1.094477 C9-C12 Area:3769.686 C9-C12 Amount: 4.867901E-02 M N 24 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 2Ah Street • Billings, MT 59>07-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energylab. com GP-3 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1.0009.RAW B08101252-003B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 28 7 — 26 1 24 22 20 — 181 W z 16 W J 14 F- O 12 O 101 J LL � 8� c N 1 N rn C m 6 C6 co a� N O C 4 a C' C �C a)G m Z —i W m co �_ _ @ V O O O N T c0 O N I� Q� I`t `� 117 ' "� O O O - O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1.0009.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 3 19:24 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapol.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 20 22 24 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:46851.58 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 17.32698 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG MTBE 1. U Benzene 7.737 7.737 7.737 273 .5 U Toluene 12.213 12.213 12.213 909 .5 U Ethylbenzene 15.979 15.979 15.979 177 .5 U m+p-Xylenes 16.203 -6.265 -6.282 1438 ..4-S-9- < o.so J o-Xylene 16.89 16.89 16.89 1147 .5 U 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.687 18.687 18.687 254 2. U Naphthalene 21.203 21.203 21.203 624 1. U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.92 50. 51.495 102.99 70-130 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elifenergylab. com GP-3 -- G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PEIB.0009.RAW B08101252-003B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 40- — ro 0 35 rn r; F- 30 F N i 0 (0 Oi O 25 N C C i 20 ° p T � � C N 15 M I am cc 9 M (9 M to N C N II d n � T 'E c6 10 it C LLJ co0 N X M d L 4t cli d 1 V 7 � m Cqt } O Q L co I _ NE-E�or I kco . N 0� N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1B.0009.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 3 19:24 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd1B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.92 5o. 65.592 131.18 - GRO Area:1808162 GRO Amount: 479.4145 TPH Area:1909002 TPH Amount: 506.1511 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:1723165 C5-C8 Amount: 531.4237 C9-C12 Area:153955.5 C9-C12 Amount: 49.96679 ENERGYL4BORAWR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • B111ings, MT 59107-0916 s _ 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com GP-4 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1.0011.RAW B08101252-004B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 28 2 2 2 2 1 1 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 6 8 � 4 2 0 w z w 6 � m O H m O � x Ina a o E c N C m a)O (0 m W O N T 00 N C N c N E (1)N c c m W03 L " JON)i_x �,C Q. lf7 W O koZ ('J m 9 OCD m M(�V T 01 Cg C) V N .-1 J M C' V r �i u7 N 04 O N c`J V' i`j Wm� I Cii?J 77 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-004B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108 b\1021PE1.0011.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 4 26:40 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapl2.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:51358.71 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 18.99384 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 1. Benzene 7.712 7.712 7.712 592 .5 Toluene 12.225 -2.266 -2.303 1649 Cio Ethylbenzene 15.97 15.97 15.97 258 .5 m+p-Xylenes 16.208 16.208 16.208 815 .5 o-Xylene 16.893 16.893 16.893 725 .5 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.696 18.696 18.696 294 2. Naphthalene 21.215 21.215 21.215 336 1. SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.923 50. 60.973 121.95 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-004B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108 b\1021PE1.0011.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 4 26:40 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapl2.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:51358.71 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 18.99384 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 1. Benzene 7.712 7.712 7.712 592 .5 Toluene 12.225 -2.266 -2.303 1649 Cio Ethylbenzene 15.97 15.97 15.97 258 .5 m+p-Xylenes 16.208 16.208 16.208 815 .5 o-Xylene 16.893 16.893 16.893 725 .5 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.696 18.696 18.696 294 2. Naphthalene 21.215 21.215 21.215 336 1. SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.923 50. 60.973 121.95 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.923 50. 60.973 121.95 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U ENERGYLABORAWR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Si//ings, M759107-0916 ,ram 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/idenergydab. com GP-4 — G:\Org1PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1B.0011.RAW 608101252-004B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 4� 3E 3C 25 20 15 10 5 0 c a) N C a) d L a) c E aa) p _N # co Z 1 mm v 0 Co 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-004B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108 b\1021PE1B.0011.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 4 26:40 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd2B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5086 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.922 50. 95.66 191.32 - GRO Area:5513279 GRO Amount: 1461.786 TPH Area:5732985 TPH Amount: 1520.039 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:5347665 C5-C8 Amount: 1649.219 C9-C12 Area:216482.8 C9-C12 Amount: 70.26023 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, /NC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elWenergylab. corn GP-5 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1.0013.RAW 28 - B08101252-005B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, -- -- 26 0 24 0 �0 22 20 N 181 w w j 16 - I � 14 1 O 12 o LL Vv 8 x N >Ll C N rn rn� c .T N I 4 LIJ m i nl c I rn w L x E Mm C t- 2 oo I ti` I Pco 77II v tCIE CO L L _ 2 I� 1I I o co Nz 2� (OOP�m IIN�,V I�° 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-005B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PEl\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1.0013.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 5 33:32 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd3.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:52068.93 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 19.2565 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG MTBE 4.268 5.616 5.65 1838 1--28- <Z.0 Benzene 7.716 2.21 2.202 25213 7.14 Toluene 12.205 -2.266 -2.287 2931002 895.986 E Ethylbenzene 15.945 -6.024 -6.027 13800 5.045 m+p-Xylenes 16.181 -6.265 -6.263 28005 8.951 o-Xylene 16.832 -6.911 -6.914 15489 5.68 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.672 18.672 18.672 4462 2. U Naphthalene 21.194 21.194 21.194 822 1. U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.918 50. 79.55 159.1 70-130 aw -1-71a ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 271h Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergylab, corn 0 GP-5 - G:\Org1PE1\DARPE1102208_b\1022PE1.0020.RAW B08101252-005B ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W„(1,10) 28 26 J 24 . 22 20 18 w z 16 w J O 14 f'- O 12 O J w 10 8- rn a C 6 N m N am Q 4 m E a� L 2 co N Z 0 V' �O{tfVi�f) t0 N ('] QS -2 mO In OOIVV CCOO �I a6 Il r'Q4'6Yt� TNV N0, 4 J 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-0052 ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W „ (1,10) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208 b\1022PE1.0020.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/22/2008 7 57:51 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd5.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 10 S.A.: 10 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:5741.643 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 21.23415 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG MTBE 4.253 4.253 4.253 306 10. U Benzene 7.717 2.21 2.201 2669 7.558 Toluene 12.179 -2.266 -2.261 409014 1250.327 Ethylbenzene 15.956 -6.024 -6.038 1641 5.999 m+p-Xylenes 16.194 -6.265 -6.276 3534 11.295 o-Xylene 16.842 -6.911 -6.924 1870 6.856 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.684 18.684 18.684 539 20. U Naphthalene 21.202 21.202 21.202 722 10. U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.918 500. 584.922 116.98 70-130 ENERGYL4BOR4WR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 at .s - 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elVenewlab. com GP-5 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\1021PE1b.0013.RAW 40 35 30 25 20- 15- 10- 5- 0- B08101252-005B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 1" i I n 0 � i akn Q) N a) 7 C C N T *coit S E •C � C . i C � � j I � � N .L If`ac c a �n a CCD �2 co d m Cl) f C0,66 cro o`,'-, 04 Z ) M m - r►�- cg . a) _ LL � is hi 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-005B ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108 b\1021PE1b.0013.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 5 33:32 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd3B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.886 50. 244.848 489.7 - GRO Area:2.341483E+07 GRO Amount: 6208.188 TPH Area:2.379374E+07 TPH Amount: 6308.651 22 24 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:2.328745E+07 C5-C8 Amount: 7181.845 C9-C12 Area:193982.1 C9-C12 Amount: 62.95755 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 far • eii@energyiab. com GP-5 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208_b\1022PE1b.0020.RAW 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5- 0- B08101252-005B ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W„(1,10) rn LL N r- N CcNo rn C� m o T N N r m m C as Ii c °c E m N Lu I I t x v Cl ail 01n N V.`N j>4 (D L u'J r) O COj N Z I alp- IvJ to ..:-fV[.� (h CXh N F- N i �k 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-005B ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W „ (1,10) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208_b\1022PE1b.0020.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/22/2008 7 57:51 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd5B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 10 S.A.: 10 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.918 500. 728.616 145.72 - GRO Area:2566233 GRO Amount: 6804.087 TPH Area:2615354 TPH Amount: 6934.325 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:2554203 C5-C8 Amount: 7877.156 C9-C12 Area:23846.39 C9-C12 Amount: 77.39429 ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVeneWlab.com GP-6 - G:\Org\PE1\DA-RPE1102208_b\1022PE1.0007.RAW B08101252-006B ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 28 26 - - - --- 24 -� 22 1 20 18 W Z 16 O 14 0 I 12 U_ 10 0 8 W N C 6 CA CN L_ (v 4 a) c E 2 W N 3 �. >{2Go H H F- LLF X O ca r Z 0 ccc-v) .- (7 (rD (D 4T7 ar"o N O N (� C d0 m CD OYN fQ7 tt0 M d' CEN W V "4W)C70_moroN Ou7 CID C7 ?NSVO NN .M O N fc] M C!? (DTN N (� f� r ,T � ('p') U3.D (6 T CMI9O MMaD �r NJ C) NN CQJ N -2 O .- CCJ M Vv uIrxp r� .-- .-(G('W 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-006B ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208 b\1022PE1.0007.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/22/2008 12:43:09 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd4.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:2709.68S C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 1.002115 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG MTBE 4.329 4.329 4.329 686 1. U Benzene 7.697 7.697 7.697 76 .5 U Toluene 12.199 12.199 12.199 1231 .5 U Ethylbenzene 15.977 15.977 15.977 209 .5 U m+p-Xylenes 16.204 16.204 16.204 731 .5 U o-Xylene 16.B53 16.853 16.853 357 .5 U 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.686 18.686 18.686 263 2. U Naphthalene 21.203 21.203 21.203 330 1. U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.911 50. 51.368 102.74 70-130 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC, • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street # Billings, A4T59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eli®energylab. com GP-6 — G:\Org\PE1\DA-RPE1102208_b\1022PEIB.0007.RAW 40 , 35 30 25 20 c m 15 C a (6 U� 10- a a� 5 C N* (D (0 N N 1� - Mcc�h0? p 0 B08101252-006B ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, C N N C N L I� m C a)N E Ca C C L 7 > S X N m Z coop # p co D (pry 1f/�0)M vi6�VJ V(V � N N •-+-^T�.-rt—.T ..-�-.ors— 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-006B ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208 b\1022PE1B.0007.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/22/2008 12:43:09 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapd4B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.912 50. 54.486 108.97 - GRO Area:144607.4 GRO Amount: 38.34108 TPH Area:155174 TPH Amount: 41.1427 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:139874.1 C5-C8 Amount: 43.13715 C9-C12 Area:13479.88 C9-C12 Amount: 4.374943 24 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 .ram 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab, com Trip Blank Lot091108 B-HC SHP0237 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108_b\7021PE1.0007.RAW B08101252-007A;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 28 - --- --- 26 -- 1 24 22 20 18 w z 16 w J O 14 O fy O 12 , U- 101 ry 8 N Q> N C 6 rn N n c 4 N� � a)N CT C E 2 w N > H t -C cox o N O WE •- Z 0 C a) Cl) v r o r- rm (m- rro Vi- (N(n �n (0 O o0 M to C N O 6N o7 M- (D-.-Q ON CV(n N O M (n O CU U-M (6 rm 066 06 CD N C7 -2 crj V' In m T ! C" NN N N i- -.__Tr 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-007A ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108 b\1021PE1.0007.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 2 12:43 PM Method File: G:\Org\Pel\Methods\1508MAP.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:1690.947 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 0.6253S8 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG MTBE 1. U Benzene .5 U Toluene 12.234 12.234 12.234 98 .5 U Ethylbenzene 15.975 15.975 15.975 110 _5 U m+p-Xylenes 16.226 16.226 16.226 316 .5 U o-Xylene 16.869 16.869 16.869 110 .5 U 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.707 18.707 18.707 212 2. U Naphthalene 1. U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.924 50. 49.201 98.4 70-130 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, /NG • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 . 406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • eli®energy/ab. corn Trip Blank Lot091108 B-HC SHP0237 — G:\Org\PE1\DA71PE1102108_b\1021PE1B.0007.RAW B08101252-007A;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 40 35 30 -iLL N 25 m 20 c 15 @ c E 10 a ma> c E r c t'ti aciE � >, H 25 m X N S� N Xk : N 5 N N M N aFlp W � Ntn O (O O d m r m Lrim (O W C6 OCR OD N N ( 1 NN N N N 0� 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-007A ;1021PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102108 b\1021PE1B.0007.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 2 12:43 PM Method File: G:\Org\Pel\Methods\1508MAPb.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.925 50. 52.629 105.26 - GRO Area:4247.906 GRO Amount: 1.126286 TPH Area:7310.25 TPH Amount: 1.938233 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:2812.813 C5-C8 Amount: 0.8674709 C9-C12 Area:3065.448 C9-C12 Amount: 0.9949018 - ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • e/i@energy/ab.com Batch ID: 35294 - G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108_b\1021VA2.0018.RAW B08101252.002AMS ;1021VA2 , 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 �r yr 0 v <o w z w D m J C 0 a) LO N ~ 071 0 m 0 J u� m LL T o ro of I � a� C N N C Wco N �L. V f- 17 a)u� �., F m � RS m rn G � i N C] �, m 6 J Z 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-002AMS ;1021VA2 , Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108 b\1021VA2.0018.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 10:11:58 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Cals\18masO8.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 335.4046 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.488 to 21.126 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:O C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 0 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA MTBE 4.909 4.878 4.887 6013 Benzene 7.884 1.91 1.912 26310 Toluene 11.949 -2.15 -2.153 27398 Ethylbenzene 15.494 -5.694 -5.698 26428 m+p-Xylenes 15.723 -5.923 -5.927 60542 o-Xylene 16.399 -6.597 -6.603 27748 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene-11.435 9.796 32853 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %RE **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.796 5. 4.424 88.4 22 24 AMOUNT 1.728 1.711 1.802 1.769 3.724 1.797 .2 1.893 QC LIMITS 70-130 FLAG U 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-002AMS ;1021VA2 , Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108 b\1021VA2.0018.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 10:11:58 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Cals\18masO8.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 335.4046 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.488 to 21.126 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:O C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 0 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA MTBE 4.909 4.878 4.887 6013 Benzene 7.884 1.91 1.912 26310 Toluene 11.949 -2.15 -2.153 27398 Ethylbenzene 15.494 -5.694 -5.698 26428 m+p-Xylenes 15.723 -5.923 -5.927 60542 o-Xylene 16.399 -6.597 -6.603 27748 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene-11.435 9.796 32853 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %RE **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.796 5. 4.424 88.4 22 24 AMOUNT 1.728 1.711 1.802 1.769 3.724 1.797 .2 1.893 QC LIMITS 70-130 FLAG U ENERGYLABOR4WR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 •�s 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 far • eiVenergylab.coin Batch ID: 35294 — G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108_b\1021VA2.0020.RAW B08101252-002AMSD ;1021VA2 , 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 6 T Q, w z w C O N O �I C [IfO m O N J V Uj W m � C N N C T f Jm V' CDW„C, H m -'y'h a' E N h - i - _ O Z 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-002AMSD ;1021VA2 , Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108 b\1021VA2.0020.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 11:20:53 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Cals\18mas08.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 335.4046 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.488 to 21.126 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:352.6498 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 2.102832E-02 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 4.915 4.878 4.875 SS94 1.607 Benzene 7.884 1.91 1.907 25783 1.676 Toluene 11.941 -2.15 -2.15 26720 1.757 Ethylbenzene 15.484 -5.694 -5.694 26250 1.757 m+p-Xylenes 15.712 -5.923 -5.921 60276 3.707 o-Xylene 16.388 -6.597 -6.597 27845 1.803 124-Trimethylbenzene .2 Naphthalene-11.435 9.791 32434 1.869 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED 96REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.791 S. 4.304 86.09 70-130 FLAG U 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-002AMSD ;1021VA2 , Raw File: G:\Org\VA2\DAT\VA2102108 b\1021VA2.0020.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/21/2008 11:20:53 PM Method File: G:\Org\VA2\Methods\18MAS08.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VA2\Cals\18mas08.cal Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 335.4046 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.488 to 21.126 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:352.6498 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 2.102832E-02 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 4.915 4.878 4.875 SS94 1.607 Benzene 7.884 1.91 1.907 25783 1.676 Toluene 11.941 -2.15 -2.15 26720 1.757 Ethylbenzene 15.484 -5.694 -5.694 26250 1.757 m+p-Xylenes 15.712 -5.923 -5.921 60276 3.707 o-Xylene 16.388 -6.597 -6.597 27845 1.803 124-Trimethylbenzene .2 Naphthalene-11.435 9.791 32434 1.869 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED 96REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.791 S. 4.304 86.09 70-130 FLAG U FLAG U ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab.com — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208_b\1022PE1.0017.RAW 808101252-003BMS, GQC ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, ,(1,2) 2S 2 2 2 2 1 16 1 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 6 2 0 8 4 i 4 a) � r c i= m O_ N X a3 z N 0 I uJ 'c co Z L co W W N c N c ° e 1 N O 0 a)10- `! Q w D C� J lL � F a) a) N N C� c rn w a,m E €€ m J ( ca `I m G .N- v ? _ rn I o' r r dd r rj N rn rna vrmi �o °) Cl).'� v v ��' CD off' I ctn- c<IIv� •�"2m cma-e�mo! N ad 77 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003BMS, GQC ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, (1,2) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208_b\1022PE1.0017.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/22/2008 6 17:18 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mmsap.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 2 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:22434.35 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 16.59366 TARGET ANALYTES MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene SURROGATE COMPOUND **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 24 RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT 4.311 5.616 5.607 31685 44.129 7.709 2.21 2.209 85525 48.439 12.181 -2.266 -2.263 80852 49.432 15.942 -6.024 -6.024 67596 49.424 16.178 -6.265 -6.26 154800 98.949 16.829 -6.911 -6.911 66680 48.905 18.69 18.69 18.69 135 4. 21.175-11.253-11.257 44128 45.927 RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 9.918 100. 105.809 105.81 70-130 FLAG u 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003BMS, GQC ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, (1,2) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208_b\1022PE1.0017.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/22/2008 6 17:18 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mmsap.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 2 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:22434.35 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 16.59366 TARGET ANALYTES MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene SURROGATE COMPOUND **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 24 RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT 4.311 5.616 5.607 31685 44.129 7.709 2.21 2.209 85525 48.439 12.181 -2.266 -2.263 80852 49.432 15.942 -6.024 -6.024 67596 49.424 16.178 -6.265 -6.26 154800 98.949 16.829 -6.911 -6.911 66680 48.905 18.69 18.69 18.69 135 4. 21.175-11.253-11.257 44128 45.927 RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 9.918 100. 105.809 105.81 70-130 FLAG u FLAG u ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 0406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • e/i@energy/ab. com — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208_b\1022PE1.0018.RAW 28 26 24 22 20 18 m w c Z m LLJ 16 Z m O 14 O O 12 it LL 10 8 N W O 6 LLI 4 co 21 6 M N7 B08101252-003BMSD, GQC ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, ,(1,2) m c m 0 E V d O O u� Cl) 0 M O M NCfl7 O ('�J (4 Oc�7 � 00 .-- ^ 0 C4 II r N O O T N.,���C'r7 OQj �a O`thIDO C� (C co co 'v cfl "' R l� N ro v �n u' T ,; '�+ 7 ' ej a'(' roo'kro� v _2 7' 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003BMSD, GQC ;1022PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, (1,2) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1102208 b\1022PE1.0018.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/22/2008 6 50:50 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mmsdap.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 2 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:21441.11 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 15.85901 TARGET ANALYTES MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene SURROGATE COMPOUND **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT 4.312 5.616 5.605 32788 45.666 7.709 2.21 2.208 88216 49.963 12.18 -2.266 -2.263 83516 51.061 15.942 -6.024 -6.025 69728 50.982 16.178 -6.265 -6.261 159295 101.823 16.829 -6.911 -6.913 68720 50.401 4. 21.177 -11.253 -11.26 46543 48.441 RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 9.917 100. 107.635 107.63 70-130 FLAG u ENERGYL4B0R4T0R/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report r'lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC :)ject: Diamond Aire Phase If ESA Report Date: 10/21/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8015M Batch: 35262 Sample ID: B08101104-003AMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: GCFID-FISON-6_081017B 10/18/08 06:32 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 317 mg/kg-dry 11 100 60 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.18 83 40 140 Sample ID: B08101104-003AMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 07:18 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 286 mg/kg-dry 11 86 60 140 10 20 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.18 81 40 140 Sample ID: MB-35262 Method Blank Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 08:51 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg 10.0 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.17 82 40 140 Sample ID: LCS-35262 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 11:56 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 182 mg/kg 10.0 88 60 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.17 86 40 140 Method: SW8015M Batch: 35269 Sample ID: MB-35269 Method Blank Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017A 10/17/08 12:45 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 300 Surr: o-Terphenyl 69 40 140 sample ID: LCS-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017A 10/17/08 13:31 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 4930 ug/L 300 79 60 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 78 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017A 10/17/08 15:03 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 11000 ug/L 650 82 60 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 80 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017A 10/17/08 15:49 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 11200 ug/L 650 84 60 140 2.1 20 Surr: o-Terphenyl 83 40 140 lalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 . 406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergylab. com •ram QA/QC Summary Report -Bent: Applied Water Consulting LLC .iject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/21/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8015M Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS14r-W n-Nonane n-Decane n-Dodecane n-Tetradecane n-Hexadecane n-Octadecane n-Nonadecane n-Eicosane n-Docosane n-Tetracosane n-Hexacosane n-Octacosane n-Triacontane n-Hexatriacontane Surr. o-Terphenyl Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 186 ug/L 183 ug/L 183 ug/L 186 ug/L 187 ug/L 185 ug/L 185 ug/L 187 ug/L 186 ug/L 184 ug/L 183 ug/L 183 ug/L 183 ug/L 182 ug/L Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS40r-W Continuing Calibration Verification Standard Analytical Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017A 10117/08 21:59 93 75 125 92 75 125 92 75 125 93 75 125 93 75 125 93 75 125 93 75 125 94 75 125 93 75 125 92 75 125 91 75 125 92 75 125 92 75 125 91 75 125 88 75 125 n-Nonane 189 ug/L 94 75 125 'Decane 186 ug/L 93 75 125 Dodecane 189 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Tetradecane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Hexadecane 189 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Octadecane 188 ug/L 94 75 125 n-Nonadecane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Eicosane 191 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Docosane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Tetracosane 189 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Hexacosane 189 ug/L 94 75 125 n-Octacosane 188 ug/L 94 75 125 n-Triacontane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Hexatriacontane 186 ug/L 93 75 125 Surr: o-Terphenyl 89 75 125 ralifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. 10/18/08 18:05 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • eli0energy1ab. com QA/QC Summary Report Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/21/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8015M Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS27r-S n-Nonane n-Decane n-Dodecane n-Tetradecane n-Hexadecane n-Octadecane n-Nonadecane n-Eicosane n-Docosane n-Tetracosane n-Hexacosane n-Octacosane n-Triacontane n-Hexatriacontane Surr: o-Terphenyl Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 6.06 mg/kg 5.90 mg/kg 5.90 mg/kg 5.91 mg/kg 5.91 mg/kg 5.85 mg/kg 5.87 mg/kg 5.93 mg/kg 5.89 mg/kg 5.81 mg/kg 5.77 mg/kg 6.09 mg/kg 6.41 mg/kg 6.28 mg/kg 0.17 Analytical Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 08:05 91 75 125 88 75 125 89 75 125 89 75 125 89 75 125 88 75 125 88 75 125 89 75 125 88 75 125 87 75 125 87 75 125 91 75 125 96 75 125 94 75 125 83 75 125 Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS40rS Continuing Calibration Verification Standard n-Nonane 6.29 mg/kg 94 75 125 --Decane 6.19 mg/kg 93 75 125 Dodecane 6.31 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Tetradecane 6.34 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Hexadecane 6.31 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Octadecane 6.28 mg/kg 94 75 125 n-Nonadecane 6.33 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Eicosane 6.35 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Docosane 6.33 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Tetracosane 6.31 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Hexacosane 6.29 mg/kg 94 75 125 n-Octacosane 6.27 mg/kg 94 75 125 n-Triacontane 6.35 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Hexatriacontane 6.18 mg/kg 93 75 125 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.17 89 75 125 ialifiers: KL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. 10118/08 18:05 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 309>6 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 • 406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • eil@energyiab. com - G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0043.RAW 100 90 80 70- 60- 50- 40- 30 - 20 - 10- 0- Batch ID: 35262 B08101252-001A;1017FIS, $HC-EPH-SCRN-S,RC ,I i T � C C L y a v m I— u ro p O C + O N 0 00 C] C U L) 0 h c d m m d y y {11 2 N w N y L r 0 0 NO C ,C: 'C m m N t9 Q 0 C W C a C 0 C X m 0 m 0 0 'o O F- 'mm m c C C V v O X -o c C c W 0 N X N O 0,0 O N �` N g dew 0X0C KDC \W 6 0.2 U1 Z mN O 1- W O W C mf� C C N ,C C C C h' h' 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101252-001A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, RC Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708 b\1017FIS.0043.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 10:43:50 PM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\SR101702AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 30 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *o-Terphenyl 12.359 6.667 5.046 75.7 - *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.186 6.667 5.943 89.15 - DRO Area:13376.31 DRO Amount: 1.364644 TEH Area:18543.52 TEH Amount: 1.891799 C9-C18 Area:3474.72 C9-C18 Amount: 0.3311371 C19-C36 Area:13400.74 C19-C36 Amount: 1.443482 WW ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, /NC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 9406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergylab. com — G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0035.RAW 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Batch ID: 35262 B08101252-002A;1017FIS, $HG-EPH-SCRN-S, c m 2- c 9 N W a0 U O ,y r U w c w U N Q IT,4 C C N L m C- c m C C M m C N C U C C W N 0 O C 0 N 8 W � U � C1 !0 l0 �m U Z C C 0 -00 O V U C .5, W N U N F U U C � W N 2 X W 2 8 0(b U N X t0 ��rnio m � 0 0 o o m m - P:= O:w O w m H m 3 O _ C C C iV C C C C C C C c 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101252-002A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0035.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 2 15:14 PM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\SR101702AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 30 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *o-Tezphenyl 12.368 6.667 5.26 78.91 - *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.196 6.667 5.836 87.55 DRO Area:1063.063 DRO Amount: 0.108453 TEH Area:7494.023 TEH Amount: 0.7645359 C9-C18 Area:761.4017 C9-C18 Amount: 7.256076E-02 C19-C36 Area:6108.766 C19-C36 Amount: 0.6580152 ENERC,YL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59>07-09>6 •ram - e 600-735-4489 •406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • elWenergy/ab, com - G:\Org\FIS0A-RFIS101708_b\1017FIS.0020.RAW 100 90- 80 - 70 - 60 - 50 - 40- 30 - 20 - 10- 0- Batch ID: 35269 B08101252-003A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W, i 1 (D m c c m� C N O� U� I � w0 1 c m �c2 o ' nc m� c C O d U h C N h y Q W c 8 E- m v o o c WO X l0 -0 W m 2 O h C m m do O U d 0 CD O _ m C C ~= O ~ W C Z c p c� p c ma. clp c c c N M c� tONi�i<O�N (D 1� N _ .... cocxtrnavm a, '7 ...�; .. ...... .. n O®O N V' m V ' EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROICARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM 28 30 Sample Name: B08101252-003A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0020.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 2 39:30 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\SROOOAI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\SCO80125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 0.475 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND *o-Terphenyl *1-Chloro-octadecane DRO Area:332865 TEH Area:490612.8 C9-C18 Area:206829.5 C19-C36 Area:247203.1 RT ACTUAL MEASURED %-REC 12.371 421.053 305.262 72.5 - 13.194 421.053 306.749 72.85 - DRO Amount: 2144.76 TEH Amount: 3161.181 C9-C18 Amount: 1244.881 C19-C36 Amount: 1681.76 ENERGYLABORAWR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 M800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energylab.com — G:\Org\FIS\DA-RFIS101708_b\1017FIS.0022.RAW 100 8C 7C 60 50 40 30 20 10 Batch ID: 35269 B08101252-004A;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W, � c w ig �cm N lV O OV VO c jJJ 0 PC0 C m fl. c m m U c C O 0 0 C �c�pp (�j � CDR ��„ h d C O m O X y m N O U V O U U C C X O Z c N d m 2 U - O O 9 N : O F- H C C d = C C H N C C C . C On C ID CIRM 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101252-004A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0022.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 4 12:37 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\SR101722AIb%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED 96REC *o-Terphenyl 12.368 217.391 111.297 51.2 *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.193 217.391 106.313 48.9 DRO Area:1006746 DRO Amount: 3349.163 TEH Area:1486355 TEH Amount: 4944.688 C9-C18 Area:979149.4 C9-C18 Amount: 3042.779 C19-C36 Area:279485.1 C19-C36 Amount: 981.6904 30 L. BORATORIF5. ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eiVenergyiab.com Batch ID: 35269 — G:\Org\FIS\DA-RFIS101708_b\1017FIS.0049.RAW B08101252-005A;1017FIS, $HC-EPH-SCRN-W,RR,(2,5) 160 140 120- 100- 80- 60- 40 - 20 - 0- J m v h ri i m m c m c NN m m c0 L mp Q Co c U N m c G N m m N m (UCQ C U X W ID ofis U(0 n � W U V 'O C, 0 2 U O U ,0 mccU y11---) m C c� 'c mO 0 m F2 Um Pcm oA c7 "56 ONom MHO U N O O N i EM®mROTIQI.MO mf�'VtL�IV ov �N 0) mom- N r*Q N(O ('wA) ch MN1�3iP O O� f�Lt`� V"O�rL] (O(O f>QLN N N`41" NN 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 B EXTRACTALE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101252-005A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W,RR,(2,5) Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0049.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/19/2008 3 21:12 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\SR101749AIb%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 10 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *o-Terphenyl 12.367 217.391 87.387 40.2 - *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.196 217.391 89.207 41.04 - DRO Area:60G786.3 DRO Amount: 10093.04 TEH Area:2526574 TEH Amount: 42026.02 C9-C18 Area:422399.8 C9-C18 Amount: 6563.191 C19-C36 Area:339420.8 C19-C36 Amount: 5961.071 ENERGYLABORATORIES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, /NT59107--0916 800-735-4489 . 406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergylab. com -- G:\Org\FIS\DAIlFIS101708_b\1017FIS.0018.RAW 100 9C 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Batch ID: 35269 B08101252-006A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W, � mcm m L LmC O_oNo L m mUm a 6WSm =o o m 2x a m Ns L m y m U N ca W a ° c U c m c 0 h ca N am C N C m ~ m C 0 O O C p m C L C co N U N U C O X U C M O O M O p U O m N p C N Z 2 7 0 v O O I F Z H C6 V C O1. G M C C C C G 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101252-006A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708 b\1017FIS.0018.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 1:06:18 AM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\SR101702AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 0.875 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *o-Terphenyl 12.371 228.571 156.727 68.57 - *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.197 22B.571 142.554 62.37 - DRO Area:54268.73 DRO Amount: 189.8216 TEH Area:57623.98 TEH Amount: 201.5577 C9-C18 Area:53358.04 C9-C18 Amount: 174.3416 C19-C36 Area:2644.48 C19-C36 Amount: 9.766434 30 ENERGYL4BORATORIES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Biiiings, MT 59107-0916 Erg � 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab_com QA/QC Summary Report Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101252 Ana lyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: MB-35484-35269 Method Blank Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/0$ 13:44 C9 to C18 Aliphatics ND ug/L 300 C19 to C36 Aliphatics ND ug/L 300 Sum 1-Chloro-octadecane 5.0 75 40 140 Sample ID: LCS-35484-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 14:56 n-Nonane 79.3 ug/L 5.0 40 30 140 n-Decane 94.9 ug/L 5.0 47 40 140 n-Dodecane 109 ug/L 5.0 54 40 140 n-Tetradecane 141 ug/L 5.0 71 40 140 n-Hexadecane 152 ug/L 5.0 76 40 140 n-Octadecane 168 ug/L 5.0 84 40 140 n-Nonadecane 183 ug/L 5.0 92 40 140 n-Eicosane 178 ug/L 5.0 89 40 140 n-Docosane 163 ug/L 5.0 82 40 140 n-Tetracosane 185 ug/L 5.0 92 40 140 n-Hexacosane 178 ug/L 5.0 89 40 140 n-Octacosane 182 ug/L 5.0 91 40 140 n-Triacontane 204 ug/L 5.0 102 40 140 -Hexatriacontane 199 ug/L 5.0 99 40 140 Sum I-Chloro-octadecane 5.0 84 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 17:41 n-Nonane 169 ug/L 11 39 30 140 n-Decane 210 ug/L 11 49 40 140 n-Dodecane 234 ug/L 11 54 40 140 n-Tetradecane 294 ug/L 11 68 40 140 n-Hexadecane 319 ug/L 11 74 40 140 n-Octadecane 356 ug/L 11 83 40 140 n-Nonadecane 392 ug/L 11 91 40 140 n-Eicosane 380 ug/L 11 88 40 140 n-Docosane 390 ug/L 11 88 40 140 n-Tetracosane 374 ug/L 11 87 40 140 n-Hexacosane 371 ug/L 11 84 40 140 n-Octacosane 380 ug/L 11 87 40 140 n-Triacontane 430 ug/L 11 99 40 140 n-Hexatriacontane 425 ug/L 11 99 40 140 Sum 1-Chloro-octadecane 11 83 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:03 n-Nonane 195 ug/L 11 45 30 140 14 40 n-Decane 243 ug/L 11 57 40 140 14 40 n-Dodecane 263 ug/L 11 61 40 140 12 40 n-Tetradecane 327 ug/L 11 76 40 140 11 30 aalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: B0810046"31FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:03 n-Hexadecane 349 ug/L 11 81 40 140 9 20 n-Octadecane 382 ug/L 11 89 40 140 7.2 20 n-Nonadecane 416 ug/L 11 97 40 140 6 20 n-Eicosane 401 ug/L 11 93 40 140 5.4 20 n-Docosane 374 ug/L 11 85 40 140 4 20 n-Tetracosane 406 ug/L 11 94 40 140 8.2 20 n-Hexacosane 396 ug/L 11 90 40 140 6.5 20 n-Octacosane 403 ug/L 11 92 40 140 5.9 20 n-Triacontane 459 ug/L 11 106 40 140 6.5 20 n-Hexatriacontane 450 ug/L 11 105 40 140 5.6 20 Surr:1-Chloro-octadecane 11 88 40 140 Sample ID: MB-35484-35269 Method Blank Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 14:24 C11 to C22 Aromatics ND ug/L 300 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 300 Naphthalene ND ug/L 5.0 2-Methyl Naphthalene ND ug/L 5.0 Acenaphthylene ND ug/L 5.0 cenaphthene ND ug/L 5.0 .uorene ND ug/L 5.0 Phenanthrene ND ug/L 5.0 Anthracene ND ug/L 5.0 Fluoranthene ND ug/L 5.0 Pyrene ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(a)Anthracene ND ug/L 5.0 Chrysene ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(a)Pyrene ND ug/L 5.0 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene ND ug/L 5.0 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 5.0 73 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 5.0 81 40 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 5.0 86 40 140 Sample ID: LCS-35484-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 15:37 Naphthalene 115 ug/L 5.0 57 40 140 2-Methyl Naphthalene 127 ug/L 5.0 63 40 140 Acenaphthylene 159 ug/L 5.0 80 40 140 Acenaphthene 175 ug/L 5.0 87 40 140 Fluorene 171 ug/L 5.0 86 40 140 Phenanthrene 167 ug/L 5.0 83 40 140 Anthracene 193 ug/L 5.0 97 40 140 Fluoranthene 188 ug/L 5.0 94 40 140 ialifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, UT59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com QA/QC Summary Report r'lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC Report Date: 11/04/08 eject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Work Order: B08101252 [Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: LCS-35484-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 15:37 Pyrene 205 ug/L 5.0 103 40 140 Benzo(a)Anthracene 172 ug/L 5.0 86 40 140 Chrysene 216 ug/L 5.0 108 40 140 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran 400 ug/L 5.0 100 40 140 Benzo(a)Pyrene 213 ug/L 5.0 106 40 140 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd 391 ug/L 5.0 98 40 140 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 212 ug/L 5.0 106 40 140 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 5.0 63 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 5.0 84 40 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 5.0 99 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 18:22 Naphthalene 238 ug/L 11 55 40 140 2-MethylNaphthalene 257 ug/L 11 60 40 140 Acenaphthylene 319 ug/L 11 74 40 140 Acenaphthene 359 ug/L 11 83 40 140 Fluorene 342 ug/L 11 80 40 140 Phenanthrene 335 ug/L 11 78 40 140 nthracene 402 ug/L 11 93 40 140 uoranthene 394 ug/L 11 92 40 140 Pyrene 429 ug/L 11 100 40 140 Benzo(a)Anthracene 378 ug/L 11 88 40 140 Chrysene 455 ug/L 11 106 40 140 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran 860 ug/L 11 100 40 140 Benzo(a)Pyrene 447 ug/L 11 104 40 140 Dibenz(a,h)anth racene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd 866 ug/L 11 101 40 140 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 447 ug/L 11 104 40 140 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 11 62 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 11 86 40 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 11 95 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:44 Naphthalene 241 ug/L 11 56 40 140 1.2 , 40 2-MethylNaphthalene 257 ug/L 11 60 40 140 0.1 20 Acenaphthylene 315 ug/L 11 73 40 140 1.4 20 Acenaphthene 350 ug/L 11 81 40 140 2.5 20 Fluorene 341 ug/L 11 79 40 140 0.2 20 Phenanthrene 337 ug/L 11 78 40 140 0.6 20 Anthracene 402 ug/L 11 93 40 140 0 20 Fluoranthene 382 ug/L 11 89 40 140 3.2 20 Pyrene 430 ug/L 11 100 40 140 0.3 20 Benzo(a)Anthracene 369 ug/L 11 86 40 140 2.4 20 Chrysene 442 ug/L 11 103 40 140 2.9 20 jalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABORATORIES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 0406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report "lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101252 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qua, Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:44 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran 834 ug/L 11 97 40 140 3 20 Benzo(a)Pyrene 434 ug/L 11 101 40 140 2.9 20 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd 835 ug/L 11 97 40 140 3.7 20 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 427 ug/L 11 99 40 140 4.8 20 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 11 56 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 11 78 40 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 11 94 40 140 jalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGY L4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elWenergy/abcom s QAIQC Summary Report Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase If ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101252 Malyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-EPH Sample ID: CCV_1030FIS15r-W n-Nonane n-Decane n-Dodecane n-Tetradecane n-Hexadecane n-Octadecane n-Nonadecane n-Eicosane n-Docosane n-Tetracosane n-Hexacosane n-Octacosane n-Triacontane n-Hexatriacontane Surr: 1-Chloro-octadecane Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 191 ug/L 5.0 188 ug/L 5.0 184 ug/L 5.0 189 ug/L 5.0 181 ug/L 5.0 180 ug/L 5.0 179 ug/L 5.0 182 ug/L 5.0 182 ug/L 5.0 169 ug/L 5.0 173 ug/L 5.0 181 ug/L 5.0 183 ug/L 5.0 184 ug/L 5.0 5.0 Sample ID: CCV_1030FIS16r-W Continuing Calibration Verification Standard Analytical Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081030A 10/30/08 21:58 96 75 125 94 75 125 92 75 125 94 75 125 91 75 125 90 75 125 89 75 125 91 75 125 91 75 125 84 75 125 87 75 125 90 75 125 91 75 125 92 75 125 87 75 125 Naphthalene 185 ug/L 5.0 93 75 125 '-MethylNaphthalene 185 ug/L 5.0 92 75 125 :enaphthylene 184 ug/L 5.0 92 75 125 Acenaphthene 200 ug/L 5.0 100 75 125 Fluorene 186 ug/L 5.0 93 75 125 Phenanthrene 170 ug/L 5.0 85 75 125 Anthracene 196 ug/L 5.0 98 75 125 Fluoranthene 174 ug/L 5.0 87 75 125 Pyrene 181 ug/L 5.0 91 75 125 Benzo(a)Anthracene 165 ug/L 5.0 83 75 125 Chrysene 191 ug/L 5.0 96 75 125 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran 361 ug/L 5.0 90 75 125 Benzo(a)Pyrene 189 ug/L 5.0 94 75 125 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd 361 ug/L 5.0 90 75 125 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 193 ug/L 5.0 96 75 125 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 5.0 77 75 125 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 5.0 94 75 125 Surr: o-Terphenyl 5.0 91 75 125 lalifiers: rtL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. 10/30/08 22:39 ENERC�YLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 a 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com -- G:\Org\FIS\DAnFIS103008_b\1030FIS.0022.RAW 100 9C 8C 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Batch ID: 35484 608101252-003A;1030FIS, $HC-ALI-GRP-W, c U v c � mo 0 c £ ONo y n. c c Got m y c� U c m m c m ci°i U O (D m O 0 m N C 0 'O 'O Ci o9 U V O O `O d �` X W (9 C U ry 0 .2. m m 0 U ' O N O H= O H O Z a)c� c e C C C C c 0 C h mw „m.� M l7 C (A hrl: m c c m X 0 C NNW- (ODC-e20V(00 WD (07rvr- � (0O11r m N C i6k V;qi % (O (Ol,t� I- N NRV clrlm" N N NN N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPH ALIPHATICS (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003A ;1030FIS $HC-ALI-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0022.RAW Date & Time Acquired. 10/31/2008 2 44:06 AM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\LR103022AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AL080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.475 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 686.8558 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 620.155 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 648.7411 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 5.734 to 18.208 Rt range for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.72 to 14.302 Rt range for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 14.327 to 21.503 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED 96REC *1-Chloro-octadecane 15.247 421.053 180.652 42.9 DRO Area:151380.7 DRO Amount: 982.5067 TEH Area:275259.7 TEH Amount: 1786.519 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Amounts: C9-C18 Area:79861.29 C9-C18 Amount: 489.5613 C19-C36 Area:156471.5 C19-C36 Amount: 1062.359 - - ENERGYL4BOR4WR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab.com GP-3 — G:\Org\FIS\DAIlFIS103008_b\1030FIS.0023.RAW 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Batch ID: 35484 B08101252-003A;1030FIS, $HC-ARO-GRP-W, C d c m m a m a ro a 0 m` c c 6 v o � �c _ C LL -CC ch a'C+ LL.� CO V (S C >. D N N CV ® 1 C L C! C N C h 00 C C W C O 7 C0 7 NC G1 C p m >. �' p p iz SD mao N L rt-. n C-i Z N v 'i ukw (got V'07� cl& NC 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPH AROMATICS RANGE VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0023.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 3 24:48 AM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\RR103023AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.475 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF EPH Aromatics: 666.6656 Rt range for EPH C11 to C22 Aromatics: 8.889 to 20.239 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.074 421.053 311.394 73.96 - *2-Bromonaphthalene 12.001 421.053 306.29 72.74 - *o-Terphenyl 14.429 421.053 237.513 56.41 - *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.278 421.053 13.377 3.18 - C11-C22 Aromatics Area:43697.39 C11-C22 Aromatics Amount: 275.9839 EPH Aromatics total Area:151068.4 EPH Aromatics Total Amount: 954.1175 ENERGYL4BOR.4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com gr Batch ID: 35484 — G:\Org\FIS\DATT[S103008_b\1030FIS.0023.RAW B08101252-003A;1030FIS, $HC-ARO-GRP-W, 2 2 2 2 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 4 2 EL 6 S. m L a o m v L n. O r O 7 u_ N « C n � o M r 'C CW CW L co L UI 7 QQ W C ` m N N N O ¢ N w C— y p 0 a 0 N N N C N Q- l9 T� C W N C C C m .L-� iC 7. m co COO C O a L N «LL d ® N m N w E a s� _ v� v L C) C `O N r- tM f`P! r 4 V n 01 N Z 2 Q = 6 r f ��� m N N N LL 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 EPH AROMATICS TARGET VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0023.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 3 24:48 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\AROTAM#•met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.475 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 TARGET ANALYTES Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Flucranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)Anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b&k)Fluoranthe Benzo(a)Pyrene Indeno-Dibenzo Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene SURROGATE COMPOUND *2-Fluorobiphenyl *2-Bromonaphthalene *o-Terphenyl *I-Chlorooctadecane 18 19 20 21 22 RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 16.842 U 8.421 U 16.842 U 8.421 U RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 11.074 421.053 308.576 73.29 40-140 12.001 421.053 290.957 69.1 40-140 14.429 421.053 234.883 55.78 40-140 15.278 421.053 9.612 2.28 40-140 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 EPH AROMATICS TARGET VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-003A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0023.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 3 24:48 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\AROTAM#•met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.475 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 TARGET ANALYTES Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Flucranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)Anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b&k)Fluoranthe Benzo(a)Pyrene Indeno-Dibenzo Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene SURROGATE COMPOUND *2-Fluorobiphenyl *2-Bromonaphthalene *o-Terphenyl *I-Chlorooctadecane 18 19 20 21 22 RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 8.421 U 16.842 U 8.421 U 16.842 U 8.421 U RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 11.074 421.053 308.576 73.29 40-140 12.001 421.053 290.957 69.1 40-140 14.429 421.053 234.883 55.78 40-140 15.278 421.053 9.612 2.28 40-140 ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elMenergy/ab.com •cam Batch ID: 35484 — G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0024.RAW B08101252-004A;1030FIS, $HC-ALI-GRP-W, 100 9 8 7 6 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 i I m c m m — m m I � mo m c cco `o «m d m m m U m C. C. m m coi lC U 3 l j C N oNo N C Am w .0 m Ci y U U U O CU ccm C CL W m U L N V10 o m a) U m z y m ox O u29 H S O S _ E c c �C c c c C c C m -0 Q NID.ty� h N fDf� �tle00V�l�r- O m o m �m car o O p m f" fm h C C C ���0 co V VNNN 'Vill h, 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPA ALIPHATICS (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-004A ;1030FIS $HC-ALI-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0024.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 4 05:22 AM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\LR103024AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AL080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 686.8558 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 620.155 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 648.7411 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 5.734 to 18.208 Rt range for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.72 to 14.302 Rt range for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 14.327 to 21.503 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *I-Chloro-octadecane 15.249 217.391 91.928 42.29 DRO Area:21873.37 DRO Amount: 73.29704 TEH Area:143130.2 TEH Amount: 479.6253 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Amounts: C9-C18 Area:7206.182 C9-C18 Amount: 22.80771 C19-C36 Area:74850.77 C19-C36 Amount: 262.3845 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPA ALIPHATICS (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-004A ;1030FIS $HC-ALI-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0024.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 4 05:22 AM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\LR103024AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AL080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 686.8558 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 620.155 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 648.7411 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 5.734 to 18.208 Rt range for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.72 to 14.302 Rt range for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 14.327 to 21.503 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *I-Chloro-octadecane 15.249 217.391 91.928 42.29 DRO Area:21873.37 DRO Amount: 73.29704 TEH Area:143130.2 TEH Amount: 479.6253 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Amounts: C9-C18 Area:7206.182 C9-C18 Amount: 22.80771 C19-C36 Area:74850.77 C19-C36 Amount: 262.3845 ENERGYLABOR.4TOR/ES, INC. • P.D. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • B111ings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab. com GP-4 Batch ID: 35484 — G:\Org\FIS\DA-RFIS103008_b\1030FIS.0025.RAW B08101252-004A;1030FIS, $HC-ARO-GRP-W, 100 90 80 70 6D 50 I 1 40 a �r d d 5 C O R Q m 6 C m 30 '. w6 � t 8Ff I Q m m N G 20L cc o C r o �� G� a �ca w Z. y N � D_ 8 W `�' O d C 6 NN C C NN I t h rn m a0m 10 w L o tkr� oo N o N °� xaewaaor v cam _ IV�iQ11�WVphLV C�O�tQfVOPJ 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 EPH AROMATICS RANGE VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-004A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0025.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 4 45:52 AM Method File: 9:\org\Fis\Methods\RR103023AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF EPH Aromatics: 666.6656 Rt range for EPH C11 to C22 Aromatics: 8.889 to 20.239 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.058 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.985 *o-Terphenyl 14.411 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.267 C11-C22 Aromatics Area:48158.38 EPH Aromatics total Area:138255.5 22 24 26 28 30 ACTUAL MEASURED %REC 217.391 151.589 69.73 - 217.391 152.396 70.1 - 217.391 102.692 47.24 - 217.391 3.26 1.5 - C11-C22 Aromatics Amount: 157.0385 EPH Aromatics Total Amount: 450.834 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.D. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 LMAs 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elMenergyiab. com Batch ID: 35484 - G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0025.RAW B08101252-004A ;1030FIS , $HGARO-GRP-W, 22 2C 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 m d L C C C l0 N id � 00 oa � mm co, .tea n m N v 16 h V o v n ors N O NM rnQC., N S 6 � � Or Gi 0i m i.7 , 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 EPH AROMATICS TARGET VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-004A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0025.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 4 45:52 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\AROTAM#.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 18 19 20 21 22 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Flucranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)Anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b&k)Fluoranthe 18.403 18.403 18.403 698 Benzo(a)Pyrene Indeno-Dibenzo 19.917 19.917 19.917 537 Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.058 217.391 150.088 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.985 217.391 144.128 *o-Terphenyl 14.411 217.391 101.594 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.267 217.391 2.664 AMOUNT FLAG 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 4.348 U 8.696 U 4.348 U 8.696 U 4.348 U %-REC QC LIMITS 69.04 40-140 66.3 40-140 46.73 40-140 1.23 40-140 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com KNEW - G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0026.RAW 35D 300 250 200 150 100 50 0- Batch ID: 35484 B08101252-005A;1030FIS, $HC-ALI-GRP-W, a ti 7 1 m C m C y L.. N L C c o. O U 10 c c c�i c c �° ;? ca m c co a, F� u y m O d m ONc N Z O N O C o C CN NU8OC W . y T CO O p� lC0mfW � .0O 6 m.(yj Um 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPH ALIPHATICS (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-005A ;1030FIS $HC-ALI-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008 b\1030FIS.0026.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 5 26:27 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\LR103026AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AL080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 686.8558 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 620.155 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 648.7411 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 5.734 to 18.208 Rt range for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.72 to 14.302 Rt range for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 14.327 to 21.503 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *1-Chloro-octadecane 15.246 217.391 81.484 37.48 DRO Area:80245.41 DRO Amount: 268.9001 TEH Area:3304868 TEH Amount: 11074.52 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Amounts: C9-C18 Area:180004.5 C9-C18 Amount: 569.7181 C19-C36 Area:11829.35 C19-C36 Amount: 41.46702 ENERGYLABOR.4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 r� 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergyiab. com GP-5 — G:\Org\FIS\DA-RFIS103008_b\1030FIS.0027.RAW 100 9C 8C 7C 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Batch ID: 35484 B08101252-005A;1030FIS, $HC-ARO-GRP-W, c d d r c a m > C m 0 C O c (S clu My ac C Q _5 w v c7 2 m r °° a O o o� a N iL a Ui m � Z rei oanmv n axoaQmvnaam►ao� ,ev m- ai6 ... hr(Q�D -W4 ARM°Wo 6 KV(`�1dfN l�ll�iFl[!['GJTI `M�AIm fm Q61 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPH AROMATICS RANGE VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-005A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0027.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 6 06:52 AM Method File: 9:\org\Fis\Methods\RR103023AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF EPH Aromatics: 666.6656 Rt range for EPH C11 to C22 Aromatics: 8.889 to 20.239 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.048 217.391 173.51 79.81 - *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.967 217.391 184.107 84.69 - *o-Terphenyl 14.405 217.391 98.902 45.49 - *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.256 217.391 4.17 1.92 - C11-C22 Aromatics Area:68394.56 C11-C22 Aromatics Amount: 223.0261 EPH Aromatics total Area:135913.7 EPH Aromatics Total Amount: 443.1977 ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com Batch ID: 35484 - G:\Org\FIS\DATFIS103008_b\1030FIS.0027.RAW B08101252-005A;1030FIS, $HC-ARO-GRP-W, 2 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 T C m 0. d r 0 N « 0 v v N m L c w � L a� m 0 c0 y p p C p 2 h ram✓ LL` LL T m C N C N 2F; ,p N r = m d C, 01 O N OC p_ C 0 m LL "O L (0 N L N ♦ d m m (M Zv �{1'] Cl! f0 O ? ^ O 0Jco C M� CCU m m b Q IL S m m N CO N ' O LL N 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 EPH AROMATICS TARGET VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-005A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0027.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 6 06:52 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\AROTAM#.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 TARGET ANALYTES RT Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 10.379 Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene 15.686 Benzo(a)Anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b&k)Fluoranthe 18.4 Benzo(a)Pyrene Indeno-Dibenzo 19.93 Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene 18 19 20 21 22 CAL RRT RRT AREA 10.379 10.379 306 15.686 15.686 637 18.4 18.4 683 19.93 19.93 438 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.048 217.391 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.967 217.391 *o-Terphenyl 14.405 217.391 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.256 217.391 MEASURED 163.534 154.262 95.685 2.898 AMOUNT 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 8.696 4.348 8.696 4.348 %REC QC LIMITS 75.23 40-140 70.96 40-140 44.02 40-140 1.33 40-140 FLAG U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 EPH AROMATICS TARGET VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101252-005A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0027.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 6 06:52 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\AROTAM#.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 0.92 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 TARGET ANALYTES RT Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 10.379 Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene 15.686 Benzo(a)Anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b&k)Fluoranthe 18.4 Benzo(a)Pyrene Indeno-Dibenzo 19.93 Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene 18 19 20 21 22 CAL RRT RRT AREA 10.379 10.379 306 15.686 15.686 637 18.4 18.4 683 19.93 19.93 438 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.048 217.391 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.967 217.391 *o-Terphenyl 14.405 217.391 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.256 217.391 MEASURED 163.534 154.262 95.685 2.898 AMOUNT 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 8.696 4.348 8.696 4.348 %REC QC LIMITS 75.23 40-140 70.96 40-140 44.02 40-140 1.33 40-140 FLAG U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene 18 19 20 21 22 CAL RRT RRT AREA 10.379 10.379 306 15.686 15.686 637 18.4 18.4 683 19.93 19.93 438 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.048 217.391 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.967 217.391 *o-Terphenyl 14.405 217.391 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.256 217.391 MEASURED 163.534 154.262 95.685 2.898 AMOUNT 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 8.696 4.348 8.696 4.348 %REC QC LIMITS 75.23 40-140 70.96 40-140 44.02 40-140 1.33 40-140 FLAG U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.048 217.391 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.967 217.391 *o-Terphenyl 14.405 217.391 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.256 217.391 MEASURED 163.534 154.262 95.685 2.898 AMOUNT 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 8.696 4.348 8.696 4.348 %REC QC LIMITS 75.23 40-140 70.96 40-140 44.02 40-140 1.33 40-140 FLAG U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U MEASURED 163.534 154.262 95.685 2.898 AMOUNT 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 4.348 8.696 4.348 8.696 4.348 %REC QC LIMITS 75.23 40-140 70.96 40-140 44.02 40-140 1.33 40-140 FLAG U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U W.orkorder Receipt Checklist Applied Water Consulting LLC B08101252 Login completed by: Leslie S. Cadreau Date and Time Received: 10/14/2008 9:00 AM Reviewed by: Denise Ruby Received by: Ig Reviewed Date: 10/14/2008 1:07:00 PM Carrier name: Return -UPS Ground Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Yes No Not Present Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Yes No Not Present Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Yes No El Not Present Q Chain of custody present? Yes No Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Yes No Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Yes Q No Samples in proper container/bottle? Yes No Sample containers intact? Yes [ No Ej Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? Yes No 171 All samples received within holding time? Yes 1:71 No Container/Temp Blank temperature: 3'C On Ice Water- VOA vials have zero headspace? Yes f 7i No No VOA vials submitted 171 Water - pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes Z No Not Applicable Contact and Corrective Action Comments: Samples 3 and 4 have limited volume for analysis, per Shari perform analysis anyway. Added fracs w/o PAHs to samples 003, 004 and 005 per Roger Noble - 10/24/08 - SE. Z Z � � ❑ tI py x ° Z o 0 z o L m m w 0f 1 a Q Nc I 0 CL a R I a vs �s °'r E m oa �2 UOC» 8S a U t1 UVI) PumieLunl PWBO V a3HOVJ-LV 33S Q z Q c3 s .retz Aess� UOPIl 6 A sp'oS15 �M 4 9 A S M �{ :XI aldwes tion � nN 0 � C o a ul > w a�U a O E j E� tSy Q LU W tL J Z W p` 00 DO _ 124 E �-� IL 0 O. E' E CO d m ��1 [n a 000 A x F' c M a � � z U rp z , C W C O r t Q <� L 3 7Lm u 1� 1• Ie Im I� I90' 1a IC, g ^y �C/� Z Z Z ❑ �; z ccEa[ cn j N 0 N a °' O p, 'y G a)A >- o m -� y C O N NOS,.: L O U m cc C O 2 m m w } CD U Q p U Q� cCA in in cm pp 1 J col O- I� co W Co �U'U i rT O U z U (D E E O a� � o� � to U � � C/) o U E E �� E F E cn co w D- 6 co co (iVi) punoieuinl lewaoN 0 0 0 NPt a3HOViiV 33S ji Q o 6 VN 1iu na rDLL t X k ICJ d U m U d U _ .(3 p C: d cc - c CL (� N E; O 06 E cz co z z % C') iaglo Aesseo!8 u0gEIG59T x o ` o sp!IoS/silos aaleM iiy O S A S M d :ad�(1 aldweS oc "� o 0 > siauieluoo jo aagwnN e�cu cz 76 o N {�.? O U 00 fll E 0 jy '44" :z zx4 O w o o c U E; .. _ U O Q W L1J Q U + m O o ti E N ND 0WW U a QW U.JZ � as U) Co O � - > o >_ -0 � U " .� a� �\ a �r O : i u._ Lu Q CL cz E co O Q ` co - a " 3O QzE Oco (D-OCD L KLL =U V J Q ❑❑❑ Ln rl E Ir o ni _ a� �_ = O U z O m v jr ru co q ri O 0' z W u N a � c O o -0 U O � . U) c a Iuoc U O c a E co O co ci Q o c T E O Z U O F �cnco o a co L J � C (U OTJ O 2� (ll (U G U w- . O c N � y Q) t6 U) c Q i N � 0 3 c co Q) o Q~ U) E > cz U) iv cz U c E C_ U C LAOORATORIES ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT ovember 06, 2008 Roger Noble Applied Water Consulting LLC 475 N Main Kalispell, MT 59904 Workorder No.: B08101039 Project Name: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA NOV 12 2008 By Energy Laboratories Inc received the following 7 samples for Applied Water Consulting LLC on 10/10/2008 for analysis. Sample ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix Test B08101039-001 GP-1 8-9 Feet 10/09/08 13:42 10/10/08 Soil EPH-Ultrasonic Extraction Methanol Extraction for Volatiles Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum-Scm Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Moisture Moisture Prep Percent Moisture B08101039-002 GP-2 8.8-9.6 Feet 10/09/08 14:30 10/10/08 Soil Same As Above B08101039-003 GP-3 8-9 Feet 10/09/08 15:24 10/10/08 Soil Same As Above B08101039-004 GP-4 6.6-8.6 Feet 10/09/08 17:30 10/10/08 Soil Same As Above B08101039-005 GP-1 10/09/08 16:15 10/10/08 Aqueous EPH-Liquid-Liquid Extraction EPH Fractionation Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Extractable Petroleum Screen Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons B08101039-006 GP-2 10/09/08 16:30 10/10/08 Aqueous Same As Above B08101039-007 Trip Blank Lot091108 B- 10/09/08 16:15 10/10/08 Trip Blank Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons HC SHP0237 Any exceptions or problems with the anal are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report, the QA/QC Summary Report, or the Case Narrative. If you have any questions regarding th s tests resultVpVase call Report Approved By: Summary Report: Page 1 of 1 ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com CLIENT: Applied Water Consulting LLC Date: 24-Oct-08 Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA CASE NARRATIVE Sample Delivery Group: B08101039 The following Case Narrative contains exceptions or comments pertaining to the analysis of samples submitted by Applied Water Consulting LLC on 10/10/2008 9:00:00 AM. These samples were assigned ELI Workorder Number B08101039. Fractionation without PAHs were added to samples 005 and 006 per Roger Noble - 10/24/08 - SE. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 j - f Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab,com Client: Project: Lab ID: Client Sample ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Applied Water Consulting LLC Diamond Aire Phase II ESA B08101039-001 GP-1 8-9 Feet Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/0813:42 Date Received: 10/10/08 Matrix: Soil MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Moisture 23 wt% 0.2 SW3550A 10/17/08 13:50 / alc PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 0.08 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw Benzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.065 0.04 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw Toluene ND mg/kg-dry 0.065 10 MA-VPH 10/14108 13:00 / bw Ethylbenzene ND mg/kg-dry D 0.20 10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND mg/kg-dry D 0.20 MA-VPH 10/14108 13:00 / bw o-Xylene 0.13 mg/kg-dry 0.065 MA-VPH 10/14/0813:00 / bw Xylenes, Total 0.13 mg/kg-dry 0.065 30 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw Naphthalene ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 9 MA-VPH 10/14/0813:00 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/14/0813:00 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 437 mg/kg-dry 2.6 40 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 6.9 mg/kg-dry 2.6 90 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 374 mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw Surr. VPH Aromatics Surrogate 311 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 887 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 13:00 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. *=The reported value exceeds the Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL). The MCLs listed for target analyte and hydrocarbon range values are the most conservative Montana DEQ RBSLs. These limits may not apply to your samples. - The hydrocarbon profile was not characteristic of gasoline. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 132 mg/kg-dry 13 200 SW8015M 10/18/08 23:30 / pbf Surr. o-Terphenyl 63.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 23:30 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. * - The result exceeds the MCL. D - RL increased due to sample matrix interference. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC.* 1120 S 27th St *PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 ,mu. � _ 3 ,� t Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energyiab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: 808101039-002 Client Sample ID: GP-2 8.8-9.6 Feet Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/08 14:30 Date R ece ive d: 10/10/08 Matrix: Soil MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Moisture 27 wt% 0.2 SW3550A 10/17/08 13:50 / alc PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND mg/kg-dry 0.14 0.08 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Benzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.069 0.04 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Toluene ND mg/kg-dry 0.069 10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Ethylbenzene ND mg/kg-dry D 0.10 10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND mg/kg-dry D 0.10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw o-Xylene 0.081 mg/kg-dry 0.069 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Xylenes, Total 0.081 mg/kg-dry 0.069 30 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Naphthalene ND mg/kg-dry 0.14 9 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.8 100 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 326 mg/kg-dry 2.8 40 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 4.5 mg/kg-dry 2.8 90 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 279 mg/kg-dry 2.8 100 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Surr. VPH Aromatics Surrogate 230 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 557 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 14:40 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. '=The reported value exceeds the Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL). The MCLs listed for target analyte and hydrocarbon range values are the most conservative Montana DEQ RBSLs. These limits may not apply to your samples. - The hydrocarbon profile was not characteristic of gasoline. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg-dry 14 200 SW8015M 10/18/08 09:38 / pbf Surr o-Terphenyl 76.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 09:38 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. 9eport RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. lefinitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. * - The result exceeds the MCL_ D - RL increased due to sample matrix interference. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St *PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 A70773777S- - Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101039-003 Client Sample ID: GP-3 8-9 Feet Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/0815:24 Date Received: 10/10/08 Matrix: Soil MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Moisture 23 wt% 0.2 SW3550A 10/17/08 13:50 / alc PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 0.08 MA-VPH 10/14108 16:32 / bw Benzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.065 0.04 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw Toluene ND mg/kg-dry 0.065 10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw Ethylbenzene ND mg/kg-dry D 0.25 10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND mg/kg-dry D 0.50 MA-VPH 10114f08 16:32 / bw o-Xylene 0.20 mg/kg-dry 0.065 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw Xylenes, Total 0.20 mg/kg-dry 0.065 30 MA-VPH 10/14108 16:32 / bw Naphthalene ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 9 MA-VPH 10/14/O8 16:32 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics 3.7 mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/14108 16:32 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 725 mg/kg-dry 2.6 40 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 7.4 mg/kg-dry 2.6 90 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 620 mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 448 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1500 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 16:32 / bw - Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. - Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. - S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. - *=The reported value exceeds the Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL). The MCLs listed for target analyte and hydrocarbon range values are the, most conservative Montana DEQ RBSLs. These limits may not apply to your samples. - The hydrocarbon profile was not characteristic of gasoline. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg-dry 13 200 SW8015M 10/18/08 10:24 / pbf Surr: o-Terphenyl 77.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 10:24 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. * - The result exceeds the MCL. D - RL increased due to sample matrix interference. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St *PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 f , Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252,6325 * FAX 406,252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101039-004 Client Sample ID: GP-4 6.6-8.6 Feet Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/08 17:30 Date Received: 10/10/08 Matrix: Soil MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Moisture 24 wt% 0.2 SW3550A 10/17/08 13:50 / alc PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 0.08 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Benzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 0.04 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Toluene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Ethylbenzene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 10 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw o-Xylene ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Xylenes, Total ND mg/kg-dry 0.066 30 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Naphthalene ND mg/kg-dry 0.13 9 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 212 mg/kg-dry 2.6 40 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND mg/kg-dry 2.6 90 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 180 mg/kg-dry 2.6 100 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Surr. VPH Aromatics Surrogate 178 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 385 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:12 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to 012 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. '=The reported value exceeds the Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL). The MCLs listed for target analyte and hydrocarbon range values are the most conservative Montana DEQ RBSLs. These limits may not apply to your samples. - The hydrocarbon profile was not characteristic of gasoline. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg-dry 13 200 SW8015M 10/18/0811:10 / pbf Surr: o-Terphenyl 80.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18/08 11:10 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. - The result exceeds the MCL. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107--0916 JiIM a Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 *FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101039-005 Client Sample ID: GP-1 ReportDate: 11J06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/08 16:15 DateReceived: 10/10/08 Matrix: Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 30 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Toluene ND ug/L D 1.0 1000 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 700 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics 18 ug/L J 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 2010 ug/L 20 800 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 22 ug/L 20 500 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1770 ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Sun: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 164 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14108 22:26 / bw Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 306 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 22:26 / bw Note 1: The C5 to CS Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. - The hydrocarbon profile was not characteristic of gasoline. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 2620 ug/L 300 500 SW8015M 10/18/08 03:26 / pbf Sun: o-Terphenyl 53.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/18108 03:26 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS C9 to C18 Aliphatics ND ug/L 300 500 MA-EPH 10/31/08 20:25 / pbf C19 to C36 Aliphatics ND ug/L 300 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/O8 20:25 / pbf Surr. 1-Chloro-octadecane 43.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 20:25 / pbf C11 to C22 Aromatics ND ug/L 300 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 21:06 / pbf Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 692 ug/L 300 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 21:06 / pbf Surr. 2-Bromonaphthalene 82.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 21:06 / pbf Surr. 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 21:06 / pbf Surr. o-Terphenyl 57.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 21:06 / pbf Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. A significant portion of the hydrocarbons measured in the EPH Screening analysis were not recovered from the silica gel fractionation cartridge. Silica gel can act as a cleanup media for non -petroleum hydrocarbons. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. 'Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. * - The result exceeds the MCL. D - RL increased due to sample matrix interference. J - Estimated value. The analyte was present but less than the S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. reporting limit. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC.* 1120 S 27th St *PO Box 30916 *Billings, MT 59107-0916 f , ,� � Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 *FAX 406.252.6069 * eii@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101039-006 Client Sample ID: GP-2 Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/08 16:30 Date Received: 10/10/08 Matrix: Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date/ By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 30 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw Toluene ND ug/L D 2.0 1000 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 700 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10115/08 16:15 / bw Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics 3290 ug/L 20 800 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics 21 ug/L 20 500 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 2840 ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw Surr. VPH Aromatics Surrogate 192 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 393 %REC S 70-130 MA-VPH 10/15/08 16:15 / bw - Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. - Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. - S=The Surrogate recovery was outside QC advisory limits due to positive sample matrix interference. - The hydrocarbon profile was not characteristic of gasoline. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -SCREEN Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 18100 ug/L 1500 500 SW8015M 10/19/08 02:34 / pbf Surr: o-Terphenyl 64.0 %REC 40-140 SW8015M 10/19/08 02:34 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS C9 to C18 Aliphatics 706 ug/L 300 500 MA-EPH 10/31/08 00:01 / pbf C19 to C36 Aliphatics ND ug/L 300 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 00:01 / pbf Surr.1-Chloro-octadecane 58.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31 /08 00:01 /pbf C11 to C22 Aromatics ND ug/L 300 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 00:41 / pbf Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 7490 ug/L 300 1000 MA-EPH 10/31/08 00:41 / pbf Surr.2-Bromonaphthalene 75.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 00:41 /pbf Surr. 2-Fluorobiphenyl 81.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10131/08 00:41 / pbf Surr. o-Terphenyl 72.0 %REC 40-140 MA-EPH 10/31/08 00:41 / pbf - Note: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons are defined as the total hydrocarbon responses regardless of elution time. - A significant portion of the hydrocarbons measured in the EPH Screening analysis were not recovered from the silica gel fractionation cartridge. Silica gel can act as a cleanup media for non -petroleum hydrocarbons. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. * - The result exceeds the MCL. D - RL increased due to sample matrix interference. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. * 1120 S 27th St * PO Box 30916 * Billings, MT 59107-0916 Toll Free 800.735.4489 * 406.252.6325 * FAX 406.252.6069 * eli@energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Report Date: 11/06/08 Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Collection Date: 10/09/08 16:15 Lab ID: B08101039-007 DateReceived: 10/10/08 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Lot091108 B-HC SHP0237 Matrix: Trip Blank Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS -VOLATILE Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 30 MANPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 5 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 1000 MANPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 700 MANPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 MANPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 10000 MA-VPH 10/14108 18:32 / bw Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 100 MA-VPH 10/14108 18:32 / bw C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 1000 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw C5 to C8 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 800 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 500 MANPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 20 1000 MANPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Surr. VPH Aromatics Surrogate 97.0 %REC 70-130 MA-VPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Surr. VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 101 %REC 70-130 MANPH 10/14/08 18:32 / bw Note 1: The C5 to C8 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and m+p-Xylenes. Note 2: The C9 to C12 Aliphatics value is corrected for aromatic constituents o-Xylene and C9 to C10 Aromatics. Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab. corn QA/QC Summary Report Ilient: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/20/08 Work Order: B08101039 4nalyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: LCS-35210 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene Naphthalene Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate Sample ID: MB-35210 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene ,9 to C10 Aromatics .5 to C8 Aliphatics C9 to C12 Aliphatics Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate Sum VPH Aliphatics Surrogate Laboratory Control Sample 1.80 mg/kg 2.02 mg/kg 2.06 mg/kg 2.09 mg/kg 4.34 mg/kg 2.10 mg/kg 1.90 mg/kg Method Blank ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg Batch: 35210 Run: VARIAN1_081014A 10/14/08 11:40 0.10 90 70 130 0.050 101 70 130 0.050 103 70 130 0.050 105 70 130 0.050 109 70 130 0.050 105 70 130 0.10 95 70 130 0.050 104 70 130 Run: VARIANI_081014A 10/14/08 12:21 0.10 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.050 98 0.050 91 70 130 70 130 Sample ID: B08101115-018AMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: VARIANI_081016A 10/16/08 12:08 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.90 mg/kg-dry 0.13 73 70 130 Benzene 1.99 mg/kg-dry 0.065 76 70 130 Toluene 2.14 mg/kg-dry 0.065 82 70 130 Ethylbenzene 2.25 mg/kg-dry 0.065 86 70 130 m+p-Xylenes 4.71 mg/kg-dry 0.065 90 70 130 o-Xylene 2.27 mg/kg-dry 0.065 87 70 130 Naphthalene 2.05 mg/kg-dry 0.13 79 70 130 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 0.065 84 70 130 Sample ID: B08101115-018AMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: VARIAN1_081016A 10/16/08 12:42 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.96 mg/kg-dry 0.13 75 70 130 3.1 20 Benzene 2.12 mg/kg-dry 0.065 81 70 130 6.5 20 Toluene 2.21 mg/kg-dry 0.065 85 70 130 3.1 20 Ethylbenzene 2.30 mg/kg-dry 0.065 88 70 130 2.2 20 m+p-Xylenes 4.81 mg/kg-dry 0.065 92 70 130 2.1 20 o-Xylene 2.33 mg/kg-dry 0.065 89 70 130 2.2 20 Naphthalene 2.01 mg/kg-dry 0.13 77 70 130 2 20 ,ualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGY L4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • B111ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com QA/QC Summary Report ^lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC oject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/20/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: B08101115-018AMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 0.065 .ualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. Run: VARIAN1_081016A 86 70 130 ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Batch: 35210 10/16/08 12:42 0 20 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 MAMM 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elWenergy/ab. com BE S -. a flient: Applied Water Consulting LLC .3ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Analyte QA/QC Summary Report Report Date: 10/20/08 Work Order: B08101039 Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Analytical Run: PE 1_081014A Sample ID: CCV_1014PE113r-W Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 10/14/08 16:18 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 39.5 ug/L 1.0 99 75 125 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 58.8 ug/L 1.0 98 75 125 2-Methylpentane 56.4 ug/L 1.0 94 75 125 n-Nonane 39.3 ug/L 1.0 98 75 125 n-Pentane 35.8 ug/L 1.0 90 75 125 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 58.7 ug/L 1.0 98 75 125 Benzene 19.3 ug/L 0.50 96 75 125 Toluene 59.9 ug/L 0.50 100 75 125 Ethylbenzene 19.7 ug/L 0.50 98 75 125 m+p-Xylenes 78.7 ug/L 0.50 98 75 125 o-Xylene 39.3 ug/L 0.50 98 75 125 Naphthalene 39.3 ug/L 1.0 98 75 125 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 99 75 125 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 104 75 125 Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: LCS_1014PE114r Laboratory Control Sample Run: PE 1_081014A Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 18.2 ug/L 1.0 91 70 130 enzene 18.8 ug/L 0.50 94 70 130 toluene 19.0 ug/L 0.50 95 70 130 Ethylbenzene 18.9 ug/L 0.50 95 70 130 m+p-Xylenes 39.7 ug/L 0.50 99 70 130 o-Xylene 19.2 ug/L 0.50 96 70 130 Naphthalene 20.0 ug/L 1.0 100 70 130 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 98 70 130 Sample ID: MBLK_1014PE116r Method Blank Run: PE 1_081014A Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 C5 to C8 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 20 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 98 70 130 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 101 70 130 :ualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Batch: R119193 10/14/08 16:52 10/14/08 17:59 - ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 MAUL"_ 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab.com -as s QA/QC Summary Report ''lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC .aject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/20/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-VPH Batch: R119193 Sample ID: B08100464-0012CMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: PE 1_081014A 10/14/08 19:05 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 45.6 ug/L 2.0 91 70 130 Benzene 47.9 ug/L 1.0 96 70 130 Toluene 46.5 ug/L 1.0 93 70 130 Ethylbenzene 46.6 ug/L 1.0 93 70 130 m+p-Xylenes 91.6 ug/L 1.0 92 70 130 o-Xylene 45.2 ug/L 1.0 90 70 130 Naphthalene 44.4 ug/L 2.0 89 70 130 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 2.0 96 70 130 Sample ID: B08100464-0012CMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: PE 1_081014A 10/14/08 19:39 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 44.8 ug/L 2.0 90 70 130 1.7 20 Benzene 47.5 ug/L 1.0 95 70 130 0.8 20 Toluene 46.1 ug/L 1.0 92 70 130 0.9 20 Ethylbenzene 46.2 ug/L 1.0 92 70 130 0.8 20 m+p-Xylenes 90.6 ug/L 1.0 91 70 130 1.1 20 o-Xylene 44.7 ug/L 1.0 89 70 130 1.1 20 Naphthalene 45.7 ug/L 2.0 91 70 130 2.9 20 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 2.0 97 70 130 0 20 .ethod: MA-VPH Sample ID: CCV_1014VAR03r-S 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2, 2,4-Trimethylpenta ne 2-Methylpent2ne n-Nonane n-Pentane Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene Naphthalene Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 4.19 mg/kg 0.10 5.43 mg/kg 0.10 5.54 mg/kg 0.10 3.51 mg/kg 0.10 4.03 mg/kg 0.10 6.38 mg/kg 0.10 2.08 mg/kg 0.050 6.43 mg/kg 0.050 2.11 mg/kg 0.050 8.54 mg/kg 0.050 4.33 mg/kg 0.050 4.28 mg/kg 0.10 0.050 0.050 Analytical Run: VARIANI_081014A 10114/08 10:53 105 75 125 90 75 125 92 75 125 88 75 125 101 75 125 106 75 125 104 75 125 107 75 125 106 75 125 107 75 125 108 75 125 107 75 125 107 75 125 96 75 125 jalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYL4BOR.4TOR/ES, INC. • P. 0. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 .406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report r'lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC aject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/20/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: CCV_1015PE103r-W Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 1,2,4-Trim ethyl benzene 40.3 ug/L 1.0 101 75 125 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 60.2 ug/L 1.0 100 75 125 2-Methylpentane 60.8 ug/L 1.0 101 75 125 n-Nonane 39.3 ug/L 1.0 98 75 125 n-Pentane 41.4 ug/L 1.0 104 75 125 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 58.6 ug/L 1.0 98 75 125 Benzene 20.0 ug/L 0.50 100 75 125 Toluene 60.7 ug/L 0.50 101 75 125 Ethylbenzene 20.1 ug/L 0.50 100 75 125 m+p-Xylenes 80.5 ug/L 0.50 101 75 125 o-Xylene 40.1 ug/L 0.50 100 75 125 Naphthalene 38.1 ug/L 1.0 95 75 125 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 98 75 125 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 100 75 125 Method: MA-VPH Sample ID: LCS_1015PE104r Laboratory Control Sample Run: PE 1_081015A Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 19.3 ug/L 1.0 97 70 130 :nzene 19.8 ug/L 0.50 99 70 130 roluene 19.3 ug/L 0.50 97 70 130 Ethylbenzene 19.2 ug/L 0.50 96 70 130 m+p-Xylenes 40.2 ug/L 0.50 100 70 130 o-Xylene 19.3 ug/L 0.50 97 70 130 Naphthalene 20.0 ug/L 1.0 100 70 130 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 98 70 130 Sample ID: MBLK_1015PE106r Method Blank Run: PE 1_081015A Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L 1.0 Benzene ND ug/L 0.50 Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L 0.50 o-Xylene ND ug/L 0.50 Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 0.50 Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 C9 to C10 Aromatics ND ug/L 20 C5 to C8 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 C9 to C12 Aliphatics ND ug/L 20 Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 20 Surr: VPH Aromatics Surrogate 1.0 100 70 130 Surr: VPH Aliphatics Surrogate 1.0 102 70 130 aalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Analytical Run: PE 1_081015A 10/15/08 10:30 Batch: R119255 10/15/08 11:12 10/15/08 12:19 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elMenergy/ab. com GP-1 8-9 Feet — G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0006.W 1 40 1 35 30 ai 25 Batch ID: 35210 B08101039-001A;1014VAR, $HC-VPH-MA-S, 20 - m N C 15 c� t w 10' tf>Uj 1 m O_r P WE X 5 a� I m rj �� n Z N I ~I MV N N O N I N (( 7 1 i a �f 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-001A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0006.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 1 00:01 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mapp.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-CIO Aromatics Area:73039.64 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 1.406077 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG MTBE .1 U Benzene .05 U Toluene .05 U Ethylbenzene 14.92 -5.857 -5.778 4935 .1196_ <0.Zo m+p-Xylenes 15.215 -6.155 -6.073 4075 .468- <0,2a o-Xylene 16.062 -6.915 -6.92 5279 .099 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.021 18.021 18.021 2424 .2 U Naphthalene 20.408 20.408 20.408 795 .1 U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.142 5. 15.574 311.49 70-130 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • eMenergy/ab. com GP-1 8-9 Feet Batch ID: 35210 — G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VARb.0006.RAW B08101039-001A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-001A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VARb.0006.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 1 00:01 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mapp1B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Gals\1608MASb.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 228.8566 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 239.077 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 273.3122 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.326 to 18.104 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.343 to 15.5 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 15.54 to 20.332 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.158 5. 44.369 887.37 - GRO Area:3885628 GRO Amount: 284.3363 TPH Area:3926543 TPH Amount: 287.3302 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:3844589 C5-C8 Amount: 335.9823 C9-C12 Area:64702.43 C9-C12 Amount: 5.412686 ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i@energy/ab. com GP-2 8.8-9.6 Feet — G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0009.RAW 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Batch ID: 35210 B08101039-002A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-002A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0009.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 2 40:21 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mappll.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Gals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:54151.54 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 1.042464 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE .1 Benzene .05 Toluene .05 Ethylbenzene 14.935 -5.857 -5.782 2643 rest- <o.Jv m+p-Xylenes 15.223 -6.155 -6.07 2335 .4@3 <c./o o-Xylene 16.078 -6.915 -6.925 3140 .059 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.034 18.034 18.034 1872 .2 Naphthalene 20.443 20.443 20.443 720 .1 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.153 5. 11.487 229.73 70-130 FLAG U U U J U U .6w �o/ao�B ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 WARA 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • eli@energylab. com GP-2 8.8-9.6 Feet Batch ID: 35210 — G:\OrgWAR\DA1-\VAR101408_b\1014VARb.0009.RAW B08101039-002A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, 50 -- - - -- ---- - -- ---- -- C t6 45 n T L � 40 E T v 35 N C U I � C r 30 j (D �I I 25 LL j 2150 10 SCaNYpyQC1 @ NT VL0 NLBcT OLd.... z 5 Wff, Z W N I1 .- ri O+C i vim 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-002A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VARb.0009.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 2 40:21 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608MappllB.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1608MASb.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for CS to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 228.8566 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 239.077 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 273.3122 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.326 to 18.104 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.343 to 15.5 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 15.54 to 20.332 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.175 5. 27.848 556.95 - GRO Area:2740379 GRO Amount: 200.5311 TPH Area:2771649 TPH Amount: 202.8193 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:2715283 C5-C8 Amount: 237.2912 C9-C12 Area:40239.75 C9-C12 Amount: 3.366259 ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com EMEW GP-3 8-9 Feet Batch ID: 35210 — G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0012.RAW BD8101039-003A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, 4 3 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 0 0 I I o 1 i I c m Q r P � J � �a Lj E m xi c F- c W LE X a �] pLO 6 H m M N Z r � Nr `r Trx �r���� N (O I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-003A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0012.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 4 32:58 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mappl2.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Gals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:148854.7 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 2.865582 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG MTBE .1 U Benzene .05 U Toluene .05 U Ethylbenzene 14.92 -5.857 -5.772 9298 m+p-Xylenes 15.128 -6.155 -5.98 22000 —34-S- <o,so o-Xylene 16.067 -6.915 -6.918 8325 .156 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.024 18.024 18.024 3641 .2 U Naphthalene 20.383 20.383 20.383 1148 .1 U SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.148 S. 22.42 448.39 70-130 a� ENERGYLABOR4 TOR/ES, INC. • P. O. Box 30916.1120 South 27th Street • B111ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i0energy/ab. com GP-3 8-9 Feet Batch ID: 35210 — G:\Org\VAR\DATlVAR101408_b\1014VARb.0012.RAW B08101039-003A;1014VAR, $HC-VPH-MA-S, 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 i I m c c I POG C I� I EL 1 ' N C II N � NN i � ,E L N n ulFz x N n rn �T @ � z v a o a* J 0 C ��p ok� �.I 1 �y(p� y - I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: 308101039-003A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VARb.0012.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 4 32:58 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mapp12B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1608MASb.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 228.8566 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 239.077 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 273.3122 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.326 to 18.104 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.343 to 15.5 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 15.54 to 20.332 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.158 5. 75.24 1SO4.79 - GRO Area:6454799 GRO Amount: 472.3389 TPH Area:6528624 TPH Amount: 477.7411 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:6392171 CS-C8 Amount: 558.6179 C9-C12 Area:104433.7 C9-C12 Amount: 8.73641 24 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • eli@energy/abcom o GP-4 6.6-8.6 Feet — G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0015.RAW 40 w z w 35 J 0 H 0 ry 30 p � o Batch ID: 35210 B08101039-004A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, 1 � W m 1 2$ t7 m m 20 v � 15 10 C N� C Fu I E (0 I L_ W ' m-- F m L+ X wE N O. c 5 v b zN '. O) O �p O to O t!J N c6 Q N� ` I I, j`' 1 �� OX�tcOp tfP�+Nu7(px') N' C�J c7Rtf)lA7(p r'. (`tl7e0 ®® �fV\," O N N 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-004A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VAR.0015.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 6 12:42 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mapp13.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:7587.862 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 0.146073 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE .1 Benzene .05 Toluene .05 Ethylbenzene 14.934 14.934 14.934 919 .05 m+p-Xylenes 15.242 15.242 15.242 479 .05 o-Xylene 16.079 16.079 16.079 415 .0s 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.041 18.041 18.041 216 .2 Naphthalene 20.432 20.432 20.432 192 .1 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED 96REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.161 5. 8.895 177.91 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U U ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • »20 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i@energy/ab.com GP-4 6.6-8.6 Feet — G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VARb.0015.RAW 50 -- - --- — 45 a� 40 - c _Q 35 a� m E c - 30 `6 ~ c q- N 25 20 15 10 5 0 H LL H m C6 Batch ID: 35210 B08101039-004A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, N O H � N N C � N T �- N_ N p j NRN CN 9-o -g -'�+.yq��,+I�(pF37IDiQV7:M- (D . � N.- �0.'N- W.- cO QJb' (O��Of-�Dfm t() cji . ... ...... .... ... .. . 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-004A ;1014VAR , $HC-VPH-MA-S, Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101408_b\1014VARb.0015.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 6 12:42 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mapp13B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1608MASb.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 228.8566 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 239.077 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 273.3122 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.326 to 18.104 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.343 to 15.5 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 15.54 to 20.332 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.188 5. 19.235 384.71 - GRO Area:1859053 GRO Amount: 136.0388 TPH Area:1877526 TPH Amount: 137.3906 22 24 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 Area:1852141 CS-C8 Amount: 161.8603 C9-C12 Area:15659.83 C9-C12 Amount: 1.310025 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Sillings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elMenergy/ab. com GP-1 — G:\Org\PE1\DAl1PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0024.RAW B08101039-005B ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 28 2 2 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 6 0)m 0 4 I w z w co � J o 0 0 0 LL Cr F � � I N O O C N r5 C C CN ) - C N j NU E N N _ O C w W r ~ N H L T LL O i R[' C V -ToLO V r C i h0 Q O CAD 0)to to Q� a" (j(j F�C�V L6 M I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-005B ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0024.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 10:26:14 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mappl.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:49760.69 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 18.40285 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 1• Benzene 5 Toluene 12.198 -2.266 -2.278 2128 —6-5-- <I.d Ethylbenzene 15.993 15.993 15.993 405 .5 m+p-Xylenes 16.21 16.21 16.21 1143 .5 o-Xylene 16.889 16.889 16.889 392 .5 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.689 18.689 18.689 201 2. Naphthalene 21.205 21.205 21.205 387 1. SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.92 50. 82.071 164.14 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-005B ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0024.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 10:26:14 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mappl.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:49760.69 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 18.40285 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 1• Benzene 5 Toluene 12.198 -2.266 -2.278 2128 —6-5-- <I.d Ethylbenzene 15.993 15.993 15.993 405 .5 m+p-Xylenes 16.21 16.21 16.21 1143 .5 o-Xylene 16.889 16.889 16.889 392 .5 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.689 18.689 18.689 201 2. Naphthalene 21.205 21.205 21.205 387 1. SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.92 50. 82.071 164.14 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U ENERCYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 Avg E�Sakwffk&& 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com GP-1 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1B.0024.RAW B08101039-005B ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 a N N III ' � j H LL H N Co CA a� I L_ N Co co N i c m QM >, J co rh ID C I ��' ` L W _ v X � m c m H �>' L NN � (1) N Z # C # N V _ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-005B ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PElD.0024.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 10:26:14 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapp1B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.915 50. 152.923 305.85 - GRO Area:6558684 GRO Amount: 1738.964 TPH Area:6657184 TPH Amount: 1765.08 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: CS-C8 Area:6518134 CS-C8 Amount: 2010.191 C9-C12 Area:125968.4 C9-C12 Amount: 40.88346 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com ,ems GP-2 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101508_b\1015PE1.0013.RAW B08101039-006B ;1015PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 28 2 2 2 2 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 4 2 Cb 6 o 0 0 W z W O o � c6 O O IJ LL. H 11 � o c N N N !I 7 it F- LLJ I c cu ca C r+ X N @ N lo W 'C O N Z m r n m o n� o x' mwomomoD u 09, n m Cl)`'' rn rn o�vrD ,air�cvDo �?) cc 'I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-006B ;1015PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101SO8 b\1015PE1.0013.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/15/2008 4 15:57 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapp13.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:19032.21 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 7.038627 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene SURROGATE COMPOUND **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 7.721 12.201 15.996 16.21 16.85 18.693 21.214 RT 9.926 7.721 -2.266 -6.024 16.21 16.85 18.693 21.214 ACTUAL 50. RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG 1. U 7.721 1406 .5 U -2.275 3948 4--.29 <Z-0 -6.07 1330 -486- <0.50 J 16.21 1304 .5 U 16.85 332 .5 U 18.693 470 2. U 21.214 429 1. U MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 95.93 191.86 70-130 taw is/a•� 8 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-006B ;1015PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101SO8 b\1015PE1.0013.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/15/2008 4 15:57 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapp13.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:19032.21 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 7.038627 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene SURROGATE COMPOUND **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 7.721 12.201 15.996 16.21 16.85 18.693 21.214 RT 9.926 7.721 -2.266 -6.024 16.21 16.85 18.693 21.214 ACTUAL 50. RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG 1. U 7.721 1406 .5 U -2.275 3948 4--.29 <Z-0 -6.07 1330 -486- <0.50 J 16.21 1304 .5 U 16.85 332 .5 U 18.693 470 2. U 21.214 429 1. U MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 95.93 191.86 70-130 taw is/a•� 8 MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 95.93 191.86 70-130 taw is/a•� 8 0 ENERGYLABOR4 TORIES, INC. -P0. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street -Billings, MT59107-0916 ff 800-735-4489 * 406-252-6325 s 406-252-6069 fax * elVenergy/ab.com GP-2 — G:\OrgIPE1\DAl1PE1101508_b\1015PE1B.0013.RAW B08101039-006B;1015PE1 $HC-VPH-MA-W, 00 7 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 LL C11 0 E a) M _r_ 'T Q) x (N CL M i cl� 6 z � ICO j I c�2 co 7, C� 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPRATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-006D ;1015PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101508—b\1015PElB.0013.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/15/2008 4:15:58 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapp13B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for CS to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.916 50. 196.802 393.6 GRO Area:1.07029E+07 GRO Amount: 2837.757 TPH Area:1.074966E+07 TPH Amount: 2850.156 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: C5-C8 A-rea:1.066094E+07 C5-C8 Amount: 3287.831 C9-C12 Area:76387.3 C9-C12 Amount: 24.79176 _ ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com Trip Blank Lot091108 B-HC SHP0237 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0017.RAW 808101039-007A;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 26 24 22 20 18 w z 16 w 14 0 I O 12 -': O I � 10 U- t7 8 c N 1 � c M 4 61 m Q sT c 41 @ m c 7 J c 2 O 1 C L� O Z Q -1 W C2 V (O Nln to t� O r coC N 10 6(V o0 `- i� M O (0 Nun (0O ' N Cl) CN � ((10 (0 W N d) O O N nclicli 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 . 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-007A ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0017.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 6 32:38 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508MAP.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:1190.042 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 0.4401096 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes o-Xylene 124-Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene SURROGATE COMPOUND **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 12.222 12.222 12.222 158 15.992 15.992 15.992 127 16.218 16.218 16.218 647 16.871 16.871 16.871 199 18.706 18.706 18.706 186 AMOUNT 1. .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 2. 1. RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS 9.926 50. 48.299 96.6 70-130 FLAG U U U U U U U U ENERGYLABORATORIES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • BRings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab. com Trip Blank Lot091108 B-HC SHP0237 — G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1B.0017.RAW B08101039-007A;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, 8C 7 60 50 40 30 20 10 n 0 I � LL I L ~ C � M c 1 C a a c C E M a �. 6U1 � C L 1 L� NE >, F- a o z C N N QO- I`R9 O d I O C co Cf�VO . r rn v NNt�IfL1LZ0O CVLDV j �T cflm T m o om" t� � 1� r op � N NN�iV NV 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-007A ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101406 b\1014PE1B.0017.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 6 32:38 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapp14B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for CS to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.928 50. 50.483 100.97 - GRO Area:5454.844 GRO Amount: 1.446293 TPH Area:8960.984 TPH Amount: 2.375907 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: CS-C8 Area:3641.547 C5-C8 Amount: 1.1230S2 C9-C12 Area:3026.118 C9-C12 Amount: 0.9821372 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH ALIPHATICS FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-007A ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101406 b\1014PE1B.0017.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 6 32:38 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mapp14B.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAPB.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for CS to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 648.5088 Mean RF for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 616.2313 Mean RF for all calibrated compounds: 754.321 Rt range for Gasoline Range Organics: 3.814 to 18.774 Rt range for C5 to C8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 2.665 to 16.266 Rt range for C9 to C12 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 16.316 to 21.14 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC **TFT 9.928 50. 50.483 100.97 - GRO Area:5454.844 GRO Amount: 1.446293 TPH Area:8960.984 TPH Amount: 2.375907 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Quantitations uncorrected for Aromatics: CS-C8 Area:3641.547 C5-C8 Amount: 1.1230S2 C9-C12 Area:3026.118 C9-C12 Amount: 0.9821372 ENERGYL4BOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com Batch ID: 35210 - G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101608_b\1016VAR.0005.RAW B08101115-018AMS ;1016VAR , 4 3 30 25 20 15 10 5 n 0 5 � c N cc r a m z W a) z v W ° o J c X N c N O N O N O D N N H ) � N 0 _ > (D O � � h r � m ai c a� ,1 N c N Uj m E (D N 7 O I CJ N O � O O c'] O to 1 V V I N O N I r I N N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101115-018AMS ;1016VAR , Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101608_b\1016VAR.0005.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/16/2008 12:08:06 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mmtdp2.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:1089.151 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 0.0209671 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 3.862 5.323 5.307 45426 1.452 Benzene 7.052 2.126 2.117 117165 1.519 Toluene 11.305 -2.148 -2.137 111287 1.639 Ethylbenzene 15.007 -5.857 -5.838 88463 1.721 m+p-Xylenes 15.304 -6.155 -6.136 216843 3.6 o-Xylene 16.07 -6.915 -6.902 92604 1.74 124-Trimethylbenzene 17.998 17.998 17.996 156 .2 Naphthalene 20.406-11.247-11.238 73502 1.571 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.168 5. 4.186 83.72 70-130 FLAG U 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101115-018AMS ;1016VAR , Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101608_b\1016VAR.0005.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/16/2008 12:08:06 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mmtdp2.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:1089.151 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 0.0209671 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 3.862 5.323 5.307 45426 1.452 Benzene 7.052 2.126 2.117 117165 1.519 Toluene 11.305 -2.148 -2.137 111287 1.639 Ethylbenzene 15.007 -5.857 -5.838 88463 1.721 m+p-Xylenes 15.304 -6.155 -6.136 216843 3.6 o-Xylene 16.07 -6.915 -6.902 92604 1.74 124-Trimethylbenzene 17.998 17.998 17.996 156 .2 Naphthalene 20.406-11.247-11.238 73502 1.571 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.168 5. 4.186 83.72 70-130 FLAG U FLAG U ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • »20 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab,com Batch ID: 35210 - G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101608_b\1016VAR.0006.RAW B08101115-018AMSD ;1016VAR , 4 3 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 C m I i I L i ca JI c6 w (D Z Z c W N J c c X o N C O O h N 0 0 C r C 0: F_ N O m 0 o co ZD O T J C] L LL W O r t7 O I r C N C 9 L W a) m E I � ri M M o0 N O N t- N O Of N N t` N co %4 t` V O co co O (9 0o N N V N �, W) r W O N N N N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101115-018AMSD ;1016VAR , Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101608_b\1016VAR.0006.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/16/2008 12:42:19 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mmtdp3.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:1635.581 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 3.148636E-02 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 3.851 5.323 5.314 46875 1.498 Benzene 7.044 2.126 2.121 125005 1.62 Toluene 11.304 -2.148 1-2.139 114828 1.691 Ethylbenzene 15.008 -5.857 -5.843 90459 1.76 m+p-Xylenes 15.306 -6.155 -6.141 221465 3.677 o-Xylene 16.073 -6.915 -6.908 94680 1.779 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.015 18.015 18.015 125 .2 Naphthalene 20.406-11.247-11.241 72028 1.539 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.165 5. 4.315 86.3 70-130 FLAG U 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08101115-018AMSD ;1016VAR , Raw File: G:\Org\VAR\DAT\VAR101608_b\1016VAR.0006.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/16/2008 12:42:19 PM Method File: G:\Org\VAR\Methods\1608Mmtdp3.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\VAR\Cals\1508MAS.CAL Sample Weight: 50 Dilution: 1 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 1038.914 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.206 to 20.318 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:1635.581 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 3.148636E-02 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 3.851 5.323 5.314 46875 1.498 Benzene 7.044 2.126 2.121 125005 1.62 Toluene 11.304 -2.148 1-2.139 114828 1.691 Ethylbenzene 15.008 -5.857 -5.843 90459 1.76 m+p-Xylenes 15.306 -6.155 -6.141 221465 3.677 o-Xylene 16.073 -6.915 -6.908 94680 1.779 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.015 18.015 18.015 125 .2 Naphthalene 20.406-11.247-11.241 72028 1.539 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.165 5. 4.315 86.3 70-130 FLAG U FLAG U ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 80CL735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energylabcom a s - G:\Org\PE1\DA-RPE1101408_b\1014PE1.0018.RAW B08100464-0012CMS, GQC ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, ,(1,2) 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 m C N m t J N c L a c m N T Z LLJ -0 Q °o Z Z � � Lll a aM N N (D lL c J O a p m 0 rn O F N 0' r O Z) 1 L I, N C 1 2 r, a W L E c m , T c� r- c') c6 c6 m rri r w I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08100464-0012CMS, GQC ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, (1,2) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0018.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 7 05:59 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1S08Mmspbj.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Cals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 2 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:4855.344 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 3.S91275 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 4.314 5.616 5.61 32718 45.567 Benzene 7.716 2.21 2.208 84583 47.905 Toluene 12.188 -2.266 -2.264 76117 46.537 Ethylbenzene 15.948 -6.024 -6.024 63787 46.639 m+p-Xylenes 16.184 -6.265 -6.26 143263 91.575 o-Xylene 16.835 -6.911 -6.911 61596 45.176 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.702 18.702 18.702 139 4. Naphthalene 21.18 -11.253 -11.256 42690 44.431 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.924 100. 96.031 96.03 70-130 FLAG U ENERGYL4BORAWR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com - G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0019.RAW B08100464-0012CMSD, GQC ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, ,(1,2) 28 2 2 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 6 4 -- CP � c N m � � a c c m N � Z N c X � W d _. a W _ r N N J c W (D 0 m 0 6 h N � 0 rn W t7 c N I' w W 1CION I � M � � 7yI V � P c� o v� "'M co CO 00 �1 It -I_ CMn Q#t'O W N 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08100464-0012CMSD, GQC ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, (1,2) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0019.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 7 39:12 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mmsdpbj.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 2 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:5208.968 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 3.852834 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 4.314 5.616 5.61 32181 44.819 Benzene 7.716 2.21 2.208 83934 47.538 Toluene 12.189 -2.266 -2.264 75453 46.131 Ethylbenzene 15.948 -6.024 -6.023 63251 46.246 m+p-Xylenes 16.184 -6.265 -6.259 141720 90.589 o-Xylene 16.634 -6.911 -6.909 60944 44.698 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.703 18.703 18.703 135 4. Naphthalene 21.178-11.253-11.254 43931 45.723 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.925 100. 96.691 96.69 70-130 FLAG U 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 VPH AROMATICS PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR CHROMATOGRAM REPORT Sample Name: B08100464-0012CMSD, GQC ;1014PE1 , $HC-VPH-MA-W, (1,2) Raw File: G:\Org\PE1\DAT\PE1101408_b\1014PE1.0019.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/14/2008 7 39:12 PM Method File: G:\Org\PE1\Methods\1508Mmsdpbj.MET Calibration File: G:\Org\PE1\Gals\1508MAP.CAL Sample Weight: 5 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 2 Mean RF for C9 to C10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 540.7933 Rt range for C9 to C10 Aromatics: 16.936 to 21.138 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Range Area and Quantitation: C9-C10 Aromatics Area:5208.968 C9-C10 Aromatics Amount: 3.852834 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT MTBE 4.314 5.616 5.61 32181 44.819 Benzene 7.716 2.21 2.208 83934 47.538 Toluene 12.189 -2.266 -2.264 75453 46.131 Ethylbenzene 15.948 -6.024 -6.023 63251 46.246 m+p-Xylenes 16.184 -6.265 -6.259 141720 90.589 o-Xylene 16.634 -6.911 -6.909 60944 44.698 124-Trimethylbenzene 18.703 18.703 18.703 135 4. Naphthalene 21.178-11.253-11.254 43931 45.723 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS **TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 9.925 100. 96.691 96.69 70-130 FLAG U FLAG U ENERGYL480RATOR/ES, INC. • P. D. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 • 406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC Report Date: 10/21/08 .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8015M Batch: 35262 Sample ID: B08101104-003AMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 06:32 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 317 mg/kg-dry 11 100 60 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.18 83 40 140 Sample ID: B08101104-003AMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 07:18 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 286 mg/kg-dry 11 86 60 140 10 20 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.18 81 40 140 Sample ID: MB-35262 Method Blank Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 08:51 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg 10.0 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.17 82 40 140 Sample ID: LCS-35262 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 11:56 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 182 mg/kg 10.0 88 60 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.17 86 40 140 Method: SW8015M Sample ID: MB-35269 Method Blank Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L Surr: o-Terphenyl oample ID: LCS-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 4930 ug/L Surr: o-Terphenyl Sample ID: B08100464-031 FMS Sample Matrix Spike Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 11000 ug/L Surr: o-Terphenyl Sample ID: B08100464-031 FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Total Extractable Hydrocarbons 11200 ug/L Surr: o-Terphenyl .alifiers: KL - Analyte reporting limit. Batch: 35269 Run: GCFID-FISON-B 081017A 10/17/08 12:45 300 69 40 140 Run: GCFID-FISON-B 081017A 10117/08 13:31 300 79 60 140 78 40 140 Run: GCFID-FISON-B 081017A 10/17/08 15:03 650 82 60 140 80 40 140 Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017A 10/17108 15:49 650 84 60 140 2.1 20 83 40 140 ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYL4BORATORIES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916.1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i0energy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC -iject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/21/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8015M Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS14r-W n-Nonane n-Decane n-Dodecane n-Tetradecane n-Hexadecane n-Octadecane n-Nonadecane n-Eicosane n-Docosane n-Tetracosane n-Hexacosane n-Octacosane n-Triacontane n-Hexatriacontane Surr: o-Terphenyl Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 186 ug/L 183 ug/L 183 ug/L 186 ug/L 187 ug/L 185 ug/L 185 ug/L 187 ug/L 186 ug/L 184 ug/L 183 ug/L 183 ug/L 183 ug/L 182 ug/L Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS40r-W Continuing Calibration Verification Standard Analytical Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017A 10/17/08 21:59 93 75 125 92 75 125 92 75 125 93 75 125 93 75 125 93 75 125 93 75 125 94 75 125 93 75 125 92 75 125 91 75 125 92 75 125 92 75 125 91 75 125 88 75 125 n-Nonane 189 ug/L 94 75 125 -Decane 186 ug/L 93 75 125 Dodecane 189 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Tetradecane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Hexadecane 189 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Octadecane 188 ug/L 94 75 125 n-Nonadecane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Eicosane 191 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Docosane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Tetracosane 189 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Hexacosane 189 ug/L 94 75 125 n-Octacosane 188 ug/L 94 75 125 n-Triacontane 190 ug/L 95 75 125 n-Hexatriacontane 186 ug/L 93 75 125 Sum o-Terphenyl 89 75 125 talifiers: HL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. 10/18/08 18:05 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab, com QA/QC Summary Report Client: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 10/21/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8015M Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS27rS n-Nonane n-Decane n-Dodecane n-Tetradecane n-Hexadecane n-Octadecane n-Nonadecane n-Eicosane n-Docosane n-Tetracosane n-HexaCOSane n-Octacosane n-Triacontane n-Hexatriacontane Surr: o-Terphenyl Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 6.06 mg/kg 5.90 mg/kg 5.90 mg/kg 5.91 mg/kg 5.91 mg/kg 5.85 mg/kg 5.87 mg/kg 5.93 mg/kg 5.89 mg/kg 5.81 mg/kg 5.77 mg/kg 6.09 mg/kg 6.41 mg/kg 6.28 mg/kg 0.17 Analytical Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081017B 10/18/08 08:05 91 75 125 88 75 125 89 75 125 89 75 125 89 75 125 88 75 125 88 75 125 89 75 125 88 75 125 87 75 125 87 75 125 91 75 125 96 75 125 94 75 125 83 75 125 Sample ID: CCV_1017FIS40rS Continuing Calibration Verification Standard n-Nonane 6.29 mg/kg 94 75 125 --Decane 6.19 mg/kg 93 75 125 Dodecane 6.31 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Tetradecane 6.34 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Hexadecane 6.31 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Octadecane 6.28 mg/kg 94 75 125 n-Nonadecane 6.33 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Eicosane 6.35 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Docosane 6.33 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Tetracosane 6.31 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Hexacosane 6.29 mg/kg 94 75 125 n-Octacosane 6.27 mg/kg 94 75 125 n-Triacontane 6.35 mg/kg 95 75 125 n-Hexatriacontane 6.18 mg/kg 93 75 125 Surr: o-Terphenyl 0.17 89 75 125 talifiers: rcL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. 10/18/08 18:05 ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916.1120 South 27th Street • B111ings, MT 59107-0916 86o-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eMenergy/ab. com — G:\Org\FIS\DATIFIS101708_b\1017FIS.0044.RAW 100 90 80 70 60 50 1 40 I 30 20 10 1 0 Batch ID: 35262 B08101039-001A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, RR m m 1mm CU OR iu o Pad m `o c r� .c CJ m c m C h i co G m m a C C W U m m m W C m N m m NO NO 0 m m N L N 8 V U V �X m m O m L G) m - N X tO X am O0 (D o v ccmi h0 - xm 0E- c 2 c MR z p p o G OX _ �SanaCf��ila m m U-���.+�reti` ... N = O c 7Wle» vD co t� c :� C c 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101039-001A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, RR Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0044.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 11:30:22 PM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\SR101744AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 30 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *o-Terphenyl 12.362 6.667 4.213 63.19 *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.188 6.667 4.46 66.91 - DRO Area:55891.45 DRO Amount: 5.702013 TEH Area:991236.1 TEH Amount: 101.1253 C9-C18 Area:6534.063 C9-C18 Amount: 0.6226891 C19-C36 Area:405421.1 C19-C36 Amount: 43.67056 30 ENERGYLABORAT DRIES, INC. -Po. Box 30916 ®1120 South 27th Street -Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 e 406-252-6325 ® 406-252-6069 fax ® elMenergylab.com - G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0029.RAW 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30- 20- 10- 0- Batch ID: 35262 B08101039-002A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, i -I i i T C N N G � ro U i � O I� O rs 1 c N N 0) c 7% O) B C ca C N .0 0J d. N O T p C C h U N r yC t0 C O C O. U 0 0) C ro U 0 U U C p N N� Z C O C c0 p 0 0) 0) Bw c O O p 0 c _ m m p° mEro N V m w 0 U x 0) Vtp N F- m S U N O Z W d F S O 2 ~ nj �i��rr"yy" (� C C aV C C C C { C C C G h h I i 0 2 4 6 8 10 - 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101039-002A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0029.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 9 38:05 AM Method File: 9:\org\Fis\Methods\SR101729AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 30 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED 96REC *o-Terphenyl 12.37 6.667 5.076 76.15 - *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.196 6.667 S.416 81.23 - DRO Area:3429.75 DRO Amount: 0.3499011 TEH Area:61698.01 TEH Amount: 6.294394 C9-C18 Area:6732.106 C9-C18 Amount: 0.6415624 C19-C36 Area:3583.859 C19-C36 Amount: 0.386041 ENERGYLABORAWRIES, INC.-PO. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street -Billings, NET 59107-0916 800-735-4489 ® 406-252-6325 ® 406-252-6069 fax ® efi@energylab.com Batch ID: 35262 -- G:\Org\FIS\DA fRFIS101708_b\1017FIS.0030.RAW B08101039-003A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, 100 9C 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101039-003A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0030.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 10:24:41 AM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\SR101729AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 30 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND *o-Terphenyl *1-Chloro-octadecane RT ACTUAL 12.372 6.667 13.199 6.697 MEASURED %REC 5.158 77.38 5.539 83.09 DRO Area:2429.836 DRO Amount: 0.2478904 TEH Area:86142.48 TEH Amount: 8.788206 C9-C18 Area:6316.414 C9-C18 Amount: 0.6019474 C19-C36 Area:3169.391 C19-C36 Amount: 0.3413959 30 ENERGY LABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, M7-59107-0916 AIF wy _ �, 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i@eneWlab.com .fi - G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0031.RAW 100 90- 80- 70- 60- 50- 40- 30 - 20 - 10- 0- Batch ID: 35262 B08101039-004A;1017FIS, $HCEPH-SCRN-S, >. d m � a � y 0 a I N O L U m m � m o N � W m m m c c m mt m N $ M m 0X C U m m 0 1 Om C mU oC Um UmOc Cmm mO N tlm{p1 0y Cm ONm c v o y NOym �m�.eZecmt o m mmmmmmm 8m�C o�� TSmx y o m I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101039-004A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-S, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0031.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 11:10:32 AM Method File: 9:\org\Fis\Methods\SR101729AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 30 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *o-Terphenyl 12.37 6.667 5.313 79.7 *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.197 6.667 5.765 86.48 - DRO Area:4107.898 DRO Amount: 0.4190854 TEH Area:60147 TEH Amount: 6.136162 C9-C18 Area:5091.302 C9-C18 Amount: 0.4851956 C19-C36 Area:3229.922 C19-C36 Amount: 0.3479161 ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, /NC, • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com �rsr, r - G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0021.RAW 200 180 160- 140- 120- 100- 80- 50 - 40 - 20 - 0- Batch ID: 35269 B0810103M05A ;1017FIS , $HC EPH-SCRN-W, I m I i c m G) N N {1 L tl�O N c 1= N o d U a m c m N ca c m cc ca c c o c P 2 m W o m a o o U ca co t lcc0 x = OoZC O 17 = C . ,c cm n c N ON emu] I N�06PN'OlY Sn R'OCQ'W3YD aD N N O O m O N @Zj r Q1 `Y-r . �� �-�-n— O N N (O N N N N hn h o 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101039-005A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0021.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/18/2008 3 26:03 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\SR101721AIb%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *o-Terphenyl 12.371 200. 107.996 54. - *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.196 200_ 99-327 49.66 - DRO Area:589414.6 DRO Amount: 1803.952 TEH Area:857030.4 TEH Amount: 2623.012 C9-C18 Area:200568.5 C9-C18 Amount: 573.4188 C19-C36 Area:442518.3 C19-C36 Amount: 1429.996 �ArBcaR.arc�nE ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 . 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elMenergylab.Coln — G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0048.RAW 100 90- 80- 70- 60- 50- 40- 30- 20- 10- 0- Batch ID: 35269 B08101039-006A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SGRN-W,RR,(2,5) m 11 1I r � 1 y C � C � N T v: L N a c C U ma 7 N � c c co N m I C �_0 R .5° VO co U U O _ Z W O x N UJL c, L7 C C c c C o c �` m N S N C G1 m h i N (0 N (0 O W lV NO c U F- N � W U l0 U O U Ca r• ON O a p x - _ cqc= m O h o ff C F- _ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPH) SCREENING ANALYSIS CHROMATOGRAM Sample Name: B08101039-006A ;1017FIS , $HC-EPH-SCRN-W,RR,(2,5) Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS101708_b\1017FIS.0048.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/19/200B 2 34:54 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\SR101748AI%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\SC080125AI.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 10 S.A.: 1 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 699.5532 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 618.9083 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 653.4704 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 6.34 to 16.16 Rt range for C9 to C18 Hydrocarbons: 5.27 to 11.7 Rt range for C19 to C36 Hydrocarbons: 12.285 to 19.48 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %-REC *o-Terphenyl 12.369 200. 133.642 66.82 *1-Chloro-octadecane 13.198 200. 128-838 64.42 DRO Area:100826.4 DRO Amount: 1542.938 TEH Area:1185955 TEH Amount: 18148.57 C9-C18 Area:92911.39 C9-C18 Amount: 1328.153 C19-C36 Area:48995.02 C19-C36 Amount: 791.6363 ENERGYL4BOR4 MRIES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 •1120 South 27th Street • Biiiings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 far • elVenergy/ab. com QA/QC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC eject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual l Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: MB-35484-35269 Method Blank Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 13:44 C9 to C18 Aliphatics ND ug/L 300 CI to C36 Aliphatics ND ug/L 300 Surr:1-Chloro-octadecane 5.0 75 40 140 Sample ID: LCS-35484-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 14:56 n-Nonane 79.3 ug/L 5.0 40 30 140 n-Decane 94.9 ug/L 5.0 47 40 140 n-Dodecane 109 ug/L 5.0 54 40 140 n-Tetradecane 141 ug/L 5.0 71 40 140 n-Hexadecane 152 ug/L 5.0 76 40 140 n-Octadecane 168 ug/L 5.0 84 40 140 n-Nonadecane 183 ug/L 5.0 92 40 140 n-Eicosane 178 ug/L 5.0 89 40 140 n-Docosane 163 ug/L 5.0 82 40 140 n-Tetracosane 185 ug/L 5.0 92 40 140 n-Hexacosane 178 ug/L 5.0 89 40 140 n-Octacosane 182 ug/L 5.0 91 40 140 n-Triacontane 204 ug/L 5.0 102 40 140 -1-Hexatriacontane 199 ug/L 5.0 99 40 140 Sum I-Chloro-octadecane 5.0 84 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 17:41 n-Nonane 169 ug/L 11 39 30 140 n-Decane 210 ug/L 11 49 40 140 n-Dodecane 234 ug/L 11 54 40 140 n-Tetradecane 294 ug/L 11 68 40 140 n-Hexadecane 319 ug/L 11 74 40 140 n-Octadecane 356 ug/L 11 83 40 140 n-Nonadecane 392 ug/L 11 91 40 140 n-Eicosane 380 ug/L 11 88 40 140 n-Docosane 390 ug/L 11 88 40 140 n-Tetracosane 374 ug/L 11 87 40 140 n-Hexacosane 371 ug/L 11 84 40 140 n-Octacosane 380 ug/L 11 87 40 140 n-Triacontane 430 ug/L 11 99 40 140 n-Hexatriacontane 425 ug/L 11 99 40 140 Surr:1-Chloro-octadecane 11 83 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:03 n-Nonane 195 ug/L 11 45 30 140 14 40 n-Decane 243 ug/L 11 57 40 140 14 40 n-Dodecane 263 ug/L 11 61 40 140 12 40 n-Tetradecane 327 ug/L 11 76 40 140 11 30 alifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eli@energylab. com QA/QC Summary Report ('lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: B0810046"31FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:03 n-Hexadecane 349 ug/L 11 81 40 140 9 20 n-Octadecane 382 ug/L 11 89 40 140 7.2 20 n-Nonadecane 416 ug/L 11 97 40 140 6 20 n-Eicosane 401 ug/L 11 93 40 140 5.4 20 n-Docosane 374 ug/L 11 85 40 140 4 20 n-Tetracosane 406 ug/L 11 94 40 140 8.2 20 n-Hexacosane 396 ug/L 11 90 40 140 6.5 20 n-Octacosane 403 ug/L 11 92 40 140 5.9 20 n-Triacontane 459 ug/L 11 106 40 140 6.5 20 n-Hexatriacontane 450 ug/L 11 105 40 140 5.6 20 Surr:1-Chloro-octadecane 11 88 40 140 Sample ID: M13-35484-35269 Method Blank Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10131/08 14:24 C11 to C22 Aromatics ND ug/L 300 Total Extractable Hydrocarbons ND ug/L 300 Naphthalene ND ug/L 5.0 2-MethylNaphtha Iene ND ug/L 5.0 Acenaphthylene ND ug/L 5.0 `cenaphthene ND ug/L 5.0 uorene ND ug/L 5.0 Phenanthrene ND ug/L 5.0 Anthracene ND ug/L 5.0 Fluoranthene ND ug/L 5.0 Pyrene ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(a)Anthracene ND ug/L 5.0 Chrysene ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(a)Pyrene ND ug/L 5.0 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd ND ug/L 5.0 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene ND ug/L 5.0 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 5.0 73 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 5.0 81 40 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 5.0 86 40 140 Sample ID: LCS-35484-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 15:37 Naphthalene 115 ug/L 5.0 57 40 140 2-MethylNaphthalene 127 ug/L 5.0 63 40 140 Acenaphthylene 159 ug/L 5.0 80 40 140 Acenaphthene 175 ug/L 5.0 87 40 140 Fluorene 171 ug/L 5.0 86 40 140 Phenanthrene 167 ug/L 5.0 83 40 140 Anthracene 193 ug/L 5.0 97 40 140 Fluoranthene 188 ug/L 5.0 94 40 140 ialifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABOR I MR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab. com QA/QC Summary Report r'lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC _)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: LCS-35484-35269 Laboratory Control Sample Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 15:37 Pyrene 205 ug/L 5.0 103 40 140 Benzo(a)Anthracene 172 ug/L 5.0 86 40 140 Chrysene 216 ug/L 5.0 108 40 140 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran 400 ug/L 5.0 100 40 140 Benzo(a)Pyrene 213 ug/L 5.0 106 40 140 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd 391 ug/L 5.0 98 40 140 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 212 ug/L 5.0 106 40 140 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 5.0 63 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 5.0 84 40 140 Surr. o-Terphenyl 5.0 99 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMS Sample Matrix Spike Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/0818:22 Naphthalene 238 ug/L 11 55 40 140 2-MethylNaphthalene 257 ug/L 11 60 40 140 Acenaphthylene 319 ug/L 11 74 40 140 Acenaphthene 359 ug/L 11 83 40 140 Fluorene 342 ug/L 11 80 40 140 Phenanthrene 335 ug/L 11 78 40 140 ^nthracene 402 ug/L 11 93 40 140 uoranthene 394 ug/L 11 92 40 140 Pyrene 429 ug/L 11 100 40 140 Benzo(a)Anthracene 378 ug/L 11 88 40 140 Chrysene 455 ug/L 11 106 40 140 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran 860 ug/L 11 100 40 140 Benzo(a)Pyrene 447 ug/L 11 104 40 140 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd 866 ug/L 11 101 40 140 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 447 ug/L 11 104 40 140 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 11 62 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 11 86 40 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 11 95 40 140 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:44 Naphthalene 241 ug/L 11 56 40 140 1.2 40 2-MethylNaphthalene 257 ug/L 11 60 40 140 0.1 20 Acenaphthylene 315 ug/L 11 73 40 140 1.4 20 Acenaphthene 350 ug/L 11 81 40 140 2.5 20 Fluorene 341 ug/L 11 79 40 140 0.2 20 Phenanthrene 337 ug/L 11 78 40 140 0.6 20 Anthracene 402 ug/L 11 93 40 140 0 20 Fluoranthene 382 ug/L 11 89 40 140 3.2 20 Pyrene 430 ug/L 11 100 40 140 0.3 20 Benzo(a)Anthracene 369 ug/L 11 86 40 140 2.4 20 Chrysene 442 ug/L 11 103 40 140 2.9 20 ualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i@energy/ab.com QAIQC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: MA-EPH Batch:35484 Sample ID: B08100464-031FMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 10/31/08 19:44 Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran 834 ug/L 11 97 40 140 3 20 Benzo(a)Pyrene 434 ug/L 11 101 40 140 2.9 20 Dibenz(a,h)anth racene/lndeno(1,2,3-cd 835 ug/L 11 97 40 140 3.7 20 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 427 ug/L 11 99 40 140 4.8 20 Surr:2-Bromonaphthalene 11 56 40 140 Surr:2-Fluorobiphenyl 11 78 40 140 Surr: o-Terphenyl 11 94 40 140 jalifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. ENERGV L4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eli@energylab.com QA/QC Summary Report f'lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC -)ject: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Method: MA-EPH Sample ID: CCV_1030FIS15r-W n-Nonane n-Decane n-Dodecane n-Tetradecane n-Hexadecane n-Octadecane n-Nonadecane n-Eicosane n-Docosane n-Tetracosane n-Hexacosane n-Octacosane n-Triacontane n-Hexatriacontane Surr: 1-Ch loro-octadecane Sample ID: CCV_1030FIS16r-W Naphthalene Methyl Naphthalene ;enaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)Anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/Benzo(k)Fluoran Benzo(a)Pyrene Dibenz(a,h)anth racene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd Benzo(g,h,l)perylene Surr: 2-Bromonap hthalene Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Surr: o-Terphenyl Continuing Calibration Verification Standard Analytical Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081030A 10/30/08 21:58 191 ug/L 5.0 96 75 125 188 ug/L 5.0 94 75 125 184 ug/L 5.0 92 75 125 189 ug/L 5.0 94 75 125 181 ug/L 5.0 91 75 125 180 ug/L 5.0 90 75 125 179 ug/L 5.0 89 75 125 182 ug/L 5.0 91 75 125 182 ug/L 5.0 91 75 125 169 ug/L 5.0 84 75 125 173 ug/L 5.0 87 75 125 181 ug/L 5.0 90 75 125 183 ug/L 5.0 91 75 125 184 ug/L 5.0 92 75 125 5.0 87 75 125 Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 185 ug/L 5.0 93 75 125 185 ug/L 5.0 92 75 125 184 ug/L 5.0 92 75 125 200 ug/L 5.0 100 75 125 186 ug/L 5.0 93 75 125 170 ug/L 5.0 85 75 125 196 ug/L 5.0 98 75 125 174 ug/L 5.0 87 75 125 181 ug/L 5.0 91 75 125 165 ug/L 5.0 83 75 125 191 ug/L 5.0 96 75 125 361 ug/L 5.0 90 75 125 189 ug/L 5.0 94 75 125 361 ug/L 5.0 90 75 125 193 ug/L 5.0 96 75 125 5.0 77 75 125 5.0 94 75 125 5.0 91 75 125 ;alifiers: KL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. 10/30/08 22:39 ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. - P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 - 406-252-6325 - 406-252-6069 fax - eli@energylab.com QA/QC Summary Report client: Applied Water Consulting LLC .)ject: Diamond Aire Phase 11 ESA Report Date: 11/04/08 Work Order: B08101039 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Method: MA-EPH Sample ID: CCV_1031FIS01r-W n-Nonane n-Decane n-Dodecane n-Tetradecane n-Hexadecane n-Octadecane n-Nonadecane n-Eicosane n-Docosane n-Tetracosane n-Hexacosane n-Octacosane n-Triacontane n-Hexatdacontane Surr: 1-Chloro-octadecane Sample ID: CCV_1031FIS02r-W Naphthalene "-MethylNaphthalene �enaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)Anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)Fluoranthene/B enzo(k)Fluoran Benzo(a)Pyrene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene/Indeno(1,2,3-cd Benzo(g,h,l)perylene Surr: 2-Bromonaphthalene Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Surr: o-Terphenyl Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 197 ug/L 5.0 197 ug/L 5.0 193 ug/L 5.0 197 ug/L 5.0 193 ug/L 5.0 198 ug/L 5.0 198 ug/L 5.0 203 ug/L 5.0 205 ug/L 5.0 191 ug/L 5.0 191 ug/L 5.0 199 ug/L 5.0 200 ug/L 5.0 206 ug/L 5.0 5.0 Continuing Calibration Verification Standard 179 ug/L 5.0 193 ug/L 5.0 202 ug/L 5.0 225 ug/L 5.0 213 ug/L 5.0 199 ug/L 5.0 217 ug/L 5.0 199 ug/L 5.0 205 ug/L 5.0 203 ug/L 5.0 217 ug/L 5.0 428 ug/L 5.0 218 ug/L 5.0 433 ug/L 5.0 223 ug/L 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Analytical Run: GCFID-FISON-B_081031A 1013110811:13 98 75 125 99 75 125 96 75 125 99 75 125 97 75 125 99 75 125 99 75 125 102 75 125 102 75 125 95 75 125 95 75 125 99 75 125 100 75 125 103 75 125 98 75 125 90 75 125 96 75 125 101 75 125 113 75 125 106 75 125 100 75 125 108 75 125 100 75 125 103 75 125 101 75 125 108 75 125 107 75 125 109 75 125 108 75 125 112 75 125 91 75 125 96 75 125 104 75 125 jalifiers: KL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. 10/31 /08 11:54 ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elMenergy/ab. com Batch ID: 35484 — G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103108_b\1031FIS.0013.RAW B08101039-005A;1031FIS, $HGALI-GRP-W, 100 9 8 7 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 O I J 0 v c i m _ v m U p9C N 0020c L U m yQ v C WVO m m m m O m a o 0 0 � m U T C N L m N N N N N W N C C p- ��Cpp C G N N U .0 X O - G U C p [� H 2 o F = O v m h c c c c C C m m E 1"m w ', C", N cWj dtl' 6 66 C C N C C P N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 EPH AZIPHATICS (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-005A ;1031FIS $HC-ALI-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103108_b\1031FIS.0013.RAW Date & Time Acquired. 10/31/2008 8 25:21 PM Method File: 9:\org\Fis\Methods\LR103113AN%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AL080211AN.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 22 24 26 28 30 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 686.8558 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 620.155 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 648.7411 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 5.699 to 18.171 Rt range for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.661 to 14.283 Rt range for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 14.308 to 21.416 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *1-Chloro-octadecane 15.249 200. 87.111 43-56 DRO Area:29149.17 DRO Amount: 89.86378 TEH Area:224534.2 TEH Amount: 692.215 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Amounts: C9-C18 Area:13117.89 C9-C18 Amount: 38.19692 C19-C36 Area:59131.7 C19-C36 Amount: 190.6998 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 EPH AZIPHATICS (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-005A ;1031FIS $HC-ALI-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103108_b\1031FIS.0013.RAW Date & Time Acquired. 10/31/2008 8 25:21 PM Method File: 9:\org\Fis\Methods\LR103113AN%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AL080211AN.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 22 24 26 28 30 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 686.8558 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 620.155 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 648.7411 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 5.699 to 18.171 Rt range for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.661 to 14.283 Rt range for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 14.308 to 21.416 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *1-Chloro-octadecane 15.249 200. 87.111 43-56 DRO Area:29149.17 DRO Amount: 89.86378 TEH Area:224534.2 TEH Amount: 692.215 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Amounts: C9-C18 Area:13117.89 C9-C18 Amount: 38.19692 C19-C36 Area:59131.7 C19-C36 Amount: 190.6998 image" ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, /NC. • P.O. Box30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elMenergy/ab. com GP-1 Batch ID: 35484 — G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103108_b\1031FIS.0014.RAW B08101039-005A;1031FIS, $HC-ARO-GRP-W, 60 5 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 T C L O L O � LL. N F N O Y1 U w N c m y m W A � m Cr C 42 � 0 C ca • CC mC c0 C m � 0] 0�1 1t1 ..L., \ d C— CU 'C O O ? Nt0 ctA V!I-p 0" a � u2 6 - a=C �r m 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPH AROMATICS RANGE VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-OOSA ;1031FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103108_b\1031FIS.0014.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 9 06:21 PM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\ARORAN%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AR080211AN.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF EPH Aromatics: 666.6656 Rt range for EPH C11 to C22 Aromatics: 8.837999 to 20.195 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.046 200. 176.199 88.1 - *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.957 200. 170.415 85.21 - *o-Terphenyl 14.406 200. 114.271 57.14 - *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.257 200. 1.737 .87 - C11-C22 Aromatics Area:5248.964 C11-C22 Aromatics Amount: 15.74692 EPH Aromatics total Area:6708.113 EPH Aromatics Total Amount: 20.12437 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 EPH AROMATICS RANGE VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-OOSA ;1031FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103108_b\1031FIS.0014.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 9 06:21 PM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\ARORAN%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AR080211AN.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF EPH Aromatics: 666.6656 Rt range for EPH C11 to C22 Aromatics: 8.837999 to 20.195 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.046 200. 176.199 88.1 - *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.957 200. 170.415 85.21 - *o-Terphenyl 14.406 200. 114.271 57.14 - *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.257 200. 1.737 .87 - C11-C22 Aromatics Area:5248.964 C11-C22 Aromatics Amount: 15.74692 EPH Aromatics total Area:6708.113 EPH Aromatics Total Amount: 20.12437 — ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eMenergy/ab. com Batch ID: 35484 — G:\Org\FIS\DATV1S103108_b\1031FIS.0014.RAW B08101039-005A;1031FIS, $HC-ARO-GRP-W, 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 T C U L U F- O U � C � '- U N L L ri co O E 2 m N rn y c m a a r r y s a m 0 rn U Q N C C N N N C L OU CA `l C C C U (0 C a A L U ,O T •LL CL Ld U U m CO m LU U C 0 N � L CL U O O O S N W t0 m W O Z N � Q ll Ci'{ N41 3 LL N 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 EPH AROMATICS TARGET VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: 308101039-005A ;1031FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103108 b\1031FIS.0014.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 9:06:21 PM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\AROTAN%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AR080211AN.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT Naphthalene 4. 2-Methylnaphthalene 4. Acenaphthylene 4. Acenaphthene 4. Fluorene 4. Phenanthrene 4. Anthracene 4. Fluoranthene 4. Pyrene 4. Benzo(a)Anthracene 4. Chrysene 4. Benzo(b&k)Fluoranthe 8• Benzo(a)Pyrene 4. Indeno-Dibenzo 8. Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene 4. SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC QC LIMITS *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.046 200. 175.502 87.75 40-140 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.957 200. 163.97 81.98 40-140 *o-Terphenyl 14.406 200. 114.271 57.14 40-140 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.257 200. 1.376 .69 40-140 FLAG U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P. 0. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab, corn — G:\Org\FISTAT\FIS103008_b\7030FIS.0018.RAW 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 EPH ALIPHATICS (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-006A ;1030FIS $HC-ALI-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0018.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 12:01:09 AM Method File: g:\org\Fis\Methods\LR103018AM%.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Cals\AL080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Batch ID: 35484 B08101039-006A ;1030FIS , $HC-ALI-GRP-W, I 1 c v m m � C a U O` l0 tiON C N N C C N C C W p OL C UU p C C C O IL OC c2 W c c0 NZ � O hh ONCc,W amc U U U C '_mCO � m.x cox n�W t x Nm xCp cN cy O C6OEF=c c 22 24 26 28 30 Mean RF for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 686.8558 Mean RF for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 620.155 Mean RF for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons: 648.7411 Rt range for Diesel Range Organics: 5.734 to 18.208 Rt range for C9 to C18 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 3.72 to 14.302 Rt range for C19 to C36 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: 14.327 to 21.503 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %REC *1-Chloro-octadecane 15.246 200_ 116.728 58.36 DRO Area:115541.2 DRO Amount: 356.2014 TEH Area:2429506 TEH Amount: 7489.907 Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Areas and Amounts: C9-C18 Area:242582.6 C9-C18 Amount: 706.3567 C19-C36 Area:7610.805 C19-C36 Amount: 24.54485 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, AfT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab.com GP-2 — G:\Org\FIS\DAIIFIS103008_b\1030FIS.0019.RAW 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Batch ID: 35484 B08101039-006A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, T S, c � C (U L C a m L e) m 2 ° a) m c _0 m V U ac U m 6C m Z Na) mm) o d h CE �. c m � C 2;a E C C n a p a, W « a) ca 00 CC �O mC rn 1 a (DID W {a Z N lL m away)mnm! c1m ttW o-vL U- r. 0 2 4 6. 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 EPH AROMATICS RANGE VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-006A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0019.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 12:41:59 AM Method File: 9:\org\Fis\Methods\RR103019AMW.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 Mean RF EPH Aromatics: 666.6656 Rt range for EPH C11 to C22 Aromatics: 8.889 to 20.239 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.055 200. 165.5 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.974 200. 163.226 *o-Terphenyl 14.411 200. 145.856 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.264 200. 4.131 %REC 82.75 - 81.61 - 72.93 - 2.07 - C11-C22 Aromatics Area:39650.38 C11-C22 Aromatics Amount: 118.9513 EPH Aromatics total Area:51757.56 EPH Aromatics Total Amount: 155.2729 ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • eiWenergyiab.com s s Batch ID: 35484 — G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b11030FIS.0019.RAW B08101039-006A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, 0� 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 T C m L d m 17 0 c m L O O 7 V_ .r N O N NL_, E C _ � N ati w Q Gl L N C. C `S� C C U C y O r d m 00 n (ao v W ICEo L N C OC a)N C N C C a'N O C C C N � C Ol cl .K? r m v� N N �N Z m N LL a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 EPH AROMATICS TARGET VALUES (FID) ANALYSIS REPORT Sample Name: B08101039-006A ;1030FIS , $HC-ARO-GRP-W, Raw File: G:\Org\FIS\DAT\FIS103008_b\1030FIS.0019.RAW Date & Time Acquired: 10/31/2008 12:41:59 AM Method File: G:\Org\FIS\Methods\AROTAM#.met Calibration File: G:\Org\FIS\Gals\AR080211AM.CAL Sample Weight: 1 Dilution: 2 S.A.: 1 TARGET ANALYTES RT CAL RRT RRT AREA AMOUNT FLAG Naphthalene 4. U 2-Methylnaphthalene 4. U Acenaphthylene 4. U Acenaphthene 4. U Fluorene 4. U Phenanthrene 4. U Anthracene 4. U Fluoranthene 4. U Pyrene 4. U Benzo(a)Anthracene 4. U Chrysene 4. U Benzo(b&k)Fluoranthe 18.371 -6.385 -6.396 3970 12.598 Benzo (a) Pyrene 18.699 -6.699 -6.725 1286 4.303 Indeno-Dibenzo 19.874 -7.89 -7.9 5051 16.728 Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene 20.187 -8.193 -8.212 3448 11.228 SURROGATE COMPOUND RT ACTUAL MEASURED %-REC QC LIMITS *2-Fluorobiphenyl 11.055 200. 161.541 80.77 40-140 *2-Bromonaphthalene 11.974 200. 150.38 75.19 40-140 *o-Terphenyl 14.411 200. 144.23 72.11 40-140 *1-Chlorooctadecane 15.264 200. 3.299 1.65 40-140 Workorder Receipt e-i,= , Applied Water Consulting LLC B08101031 Login completed by: Leslie S. Cadreau Date and Time Received: 10/10/2008 9:00 AM Reviewed by: Denise Ruby Received by: smr Reviewed Date: 10/10/2008 3:51:00 PM Carrier name: Return -UPS Ground Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Yes P No Not Present Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Yes [ No Not Present Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Yes No Not Present �( Chain of custody present? Yes [1 No Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Yes 17f No Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Yes No Samples in proper container/bottle? Yes No Sample containers intact? Yes No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? Yes No El All samples received within holding time? Yes No Container/Temp Blank temperature: 3'C On Ice Water- VOA vials have zero headspace? Yes No No VOA vials submitted Water - pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes No Not Applicable ❑ Contact and Corrective Action Comments: Added fracs w/o PAHs to 005 and 006 per Roger Noble - 10/24/08 - SE. r �l�tll© 3S17 f�Qlt/a08tli { i + • p r + 4 t t M ONE ME _.,.�■■.■■■E■EMISSION .. I * MEN • IM■■■■■■■EMEN � �1 OEM MEMO 0 MEMO 00 COMORE - .� splos/SlIns• T OBASMV;ialdwes r 4{ • r • • r a ., • r Lij ` ��� • ... Tcm r Lu UJ +I''1 .1 1► .' 1 0 1, \ 4 EO z,z z _ Y E z v 0 F N d NCD a m =w O ro c y (D'(n� c H °1 ° Ul1 llVQ �J [J�O O V O = u) Q) O C I n i f6 o n W >- Cl) 0 O E o�a) QQ) cud co", a cu i n W -co- C -p U m C U E .Q y t C (n U i O S L C UmID ai E O C� u cu O_E � W U Er (n a_o m (iVi) punoieuin I leWaoN m a3HOV11V 33S o _ n @ v a 0' m 11J W 1 J (d cr 5 a cW d - U O nIlk O H g , /4 ``i - IL O U N � }} $$ �` � jr i ems' ( Y` tied' ! z z � m `m cz rn ° jeq Aesseo!g uO!lelo5oT x °; o> sP!!OS/s!!OS JaIe/N ny 0 8 A S M d :adbl aidWeScz 0 saau!eluoo }o jogwnN 76 cSf 0 _ N ID !_ > 0 o o c 0 .. W �JU pia O U "� N N IA W W <t W U° w o EJEJ EIEI_ �*- (n cu z U 0 °' - h�. � c6 o ++ _ < U g a cn O (L (n LL C 1- — l $1, �#� 1T' kn \ a _ c m _ E N W �" ¢ Cl) `6 O o a) o > U) 0 a C.D >Z Cn 0- -i (n Z CO) d Ir = U)Q ❑❑ �m���nmm o m N O. E O i C 0 o. — T = c N _ (LS O 0 U U C �' E U C O N 'O � 5 m o Q) o 0 O u) 0 m � a -a0 ca _o � � C o U 3 oa)o .0-0 a= 3 0 C 0 E o -00 � ._ U G U a).O C -Q U O � a E 0 U Q O C N E �o o o a � � c m � C U w p O C a) (Dasu) mQ E Q) cn � o m s 0 a E > as U C m U C fLABORATORI ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, /NC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-44851 • 406-252-6325• 406-252-6069 fax • eli@energylab.com LABORAT 3lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101039-006 Client Sample ID: GP-2 Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/08 16:30 D ate Re ce i ved : 10/ 10/0 8 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Benzene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Bromobenzene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Bromochloromethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Bromoform ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Bromomethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Chlorobenzene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Chlorodibromomethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Chloroethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Chloroform ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Chloromethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Dibromomethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L H 10 SW82606 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem trans- l,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14108 19:53 / lem 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Ethylbenzene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Methyl ethyl ketone ND ug/L H 200 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Methylene chloride ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Styrene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14108 19:53 1 lem 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:531 lem Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Toluene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,1,1-Tdchloroethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. H - Analysis performed past recommended holding time. ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • »20 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elWenergy/ab. com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT .:lient: Applied Water Consulting LLC Project: Diamond Aire Phase II ESA Lab ID: B08101039-006 Client Sample ID: GP-2 Report Date: 11/06/08 Collection Date: 10/09/08 16:30 Date Received: 10/10/08 Matrix: Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Trichloroethene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14108 19:53 / lem Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Vinyl chloride ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14108 19:53 / lem m+p-Xylenes ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem o-Xylene ND ug/L H 10 SW8260B 11 /14/08 19:53 1 lem Xylenes, Total ND ug/L 10 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 101 %REC 77-126 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Surr:1,2-DichloroethaneA4 102 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 1 lem Surr: Toluene-d8 103 %REC 79-122 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:531lem Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 132 %REC S 76-127 SW8260B 11/14/08 19:53 / lem Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. H - Analysis performed past recommended holding time. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ULABORATORIES ENERGYL4B0R4T0RXS,1NC • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107--0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elMenergylab. com Data File: /chem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Report Date: 19-Nov-2008 14:55 chEnergy Laboratories, Inc. TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS Client Name: Client SDG: sd111408 Lab Smp Id: B08101039-006B Operator : sd Sample Date: Sample Location: Sample Point: Sample Matrix: WATER Date Received: Analysis Type: VOA Level: LOW Number TICs found: 14 CAS NUMBER 1. 79-29-8 2. 108-08-7 3. 464-06-2 4. 565-59-3 S. 540-84-1 6. 592-13-2 7. 589-43-5 564-02-3 9. 565-75-3 10. 560-21-4 11. 584-94-1 12. 583-48-2 13. 3522-94-9 14. 1069-53-0 COMPOUND NAME Page 1 CONCENTRATION UNITS: (ug/L or ug/KG) ug/L (ppb) (Butane, 2,3-dimethyl- Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- Butane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- Pentane, 2,3-dimethyl- Pentane, 2,2,4-trimethyl- Hexane, 2,5-dimethyl- Hexane, 2,4-dimethyl- Pentane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- $ Pentane, 2,3,4-trimethyl- Pentane, 2,3,3-trimethyl- $ Hexane, 2,3-dimethyl- $$ 2, Hexane, 3,4-dimethyl- Hexane, 2,2,5-trimethyl- Hexane, 2,3,5-trimethyl- ME 2.007 2.895 3.066 3.717 4.084 4.874 4.926 4.967 5.267 5.375 5.427 5.603 5.799 6.357 EST. CONC. 456 283 21.5 622 985 83.2 78.3 73.6 604 842 80.1 16.9 110 12.3 NJ_ NJ_ NJ_ NJ_ NJ_ NJ_ NJ NJ_ _ NJ_ NJ_ NJ_ NJ_ NJ_ NJ - ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 - 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab,com Y (x10^7) D D L to C c+ O O O O O O O O O O r N N .-• �-' .� ID c+ ID N D'3 0 O r N W A L51 1S1 V m 00 N N W d U1 m V I.... I.... I., I. I I� I... 11.... I... I I I I..I I� i I I I I. I.... I.... 1...� I����I� 0 1 U) IrD � 1.345 1.753 N- 2.203 `_ Butane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- Dibromofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane d4 Fluorobenzene 01 0.885 Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- Z Hexane, 3,4-dimethyl- 6 1gp Haxan�91;��� �imethyl- 6:238 > Hexane, 2.3,5-trimethyl- 5.998 Chlorobenzene d5 ..411 p-Bromofluorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene d4 12.464 Butane, 2,3-dimethyl- Pentane, 2,3-dimethyl- 0 fi 0 N r_n W N to a wo m o- 0 0 C N m - - _ - - ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 Mac800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • eli@energy/ab.com Data File:/chem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 3 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 'snt ID; Instrument; SV5972.i :.ample Info: BOS101O39-006B 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator: sd Column phase; RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter; 0.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Butane, 2,3-dimethyl- 79-29-8 NIST129K.1 108775 91 C6H14 86 Pentane, 2-methy1- $$ Isohexane $$ 2-Met 107-83-5 NIST129K.1 841 27 CGH14 86 Pentane 109-66-0 NIST129K.1 108268 9 C5H12 72 Scan 382 (2.007 min) of 14NOV21a,D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 10.0 43 8.0 ro 0 6.4 x 4.0 '0 l71 o _ 2.0 5 //116 112\ 489 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 19O m/z Entry #108775, Butane, 2,3-dimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 14.b 4 8.0 M 4 x v 4.0 m L /71 0 z 2.0 55\ 8 \ 67\ 0.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 m/z Entry #841, Pent ne, 2-methyl- $$ Isohexane $$ 2-Methglpentane $$ (CH3)2CH(CH2)2CH3 $$ Meth 10.0 43� 8.0 ro 6.0 4.0. /27 71\ m i 2.0 /2 /A5 li 5 \ //57 86\ 7 0.0 f ..1. i IL.. I. III. i� 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 m/z Entry #108268, Pentane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) ``�4 14.0 3 8.0 M fo 6.0 e-I X M /27 57\ 72\ L n 2\IIL. I. 4.) I .1 1. ... .. . i III. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8O 94 160 11O 120 130 140 150 160 170 160 190 m/z - ENERGYLABORAWR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 s 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 •406-252-6069 fax • eMenergy/ab_ com Data File; tChem/SV5972.itsd1114O8.bt14NOV21a.D Page 4 Date ; 14-NOV-2008 19:53 ent ID: Instrument; SV5972.i aample Info: B08101039-006E 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator; sd Column phase: RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter; 0.53 Library Search Compound Hatch CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- 108-08-7 NIST129K.1 109593 91 C7H16 100 Hexane, 2-methyl- 591-76-4 NIST129K.1 109603 58 C7H16 100 Hexane 110-54-3 NIST129K.1 108778 50 CGH14 86 14.4 "`•43 Scan 554 (2.895 min) of 14NOV21a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 8.0 ",IZ7 IM 0 6.4 x M I4.0 E Lo 2.0 ZA60 ZA15 /l41 169\\ A76 209\ 229\\ ,�54 20 40 60 80 100 9.24 140 160 180 260 220 240 mlz 14.0 ``�43 Entry #109593, Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) I. 8.0 /7 M O rl 'X 4.0 m 27\ 5 o 2.0 / 0.0 ...I. I.. ......II ............ i. .....I... .......,I,. 20 40 60 80 160 120 140 160 184 200 220 240 M/z 10.0 �43 Entry #109603, Hexane, 2-methyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 8.4 M 0 6.0 x 4 2\ 4.4 E i85 0 2.0 Lz 0«0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 mtz li 10.0 7 Entry #108778, Hexane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) i43 8.0./ ch 0 6.4 x 4.0 L 86\ O .I,87 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 mtz ENERGYL4BORAMR/ES, INC, • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT-59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • elVenewlab. com Data File: /Chem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 5 Date ; 14-NOV-2008 19,53 ent ID; Instrument; SV5972.i sample Info; B08101039-006P 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator; sd Column phase; RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter; 0,.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Butane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- 464-06-2 NIST129K.1 109608 83 C7H16 100 Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- 108-08-7 NIST129K.1 109594 64 C7H16 100 Heptane, 3-methyl- $$ 3-Methylheptane $$ 589-81-1 NIST129K.1 3879 64 CSH18 114 10.0 Sgan7587 (3.066 min) of 14NOV21a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 8,0 ",A3 M O 6.0 rl x m 4.0 105 0 2.0 z I 110\ 127\ /137 �158 185\ / / /195 / 33 223` 2 0.0 ..III I � . „� I I , � J. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 m/z Entry #109608, Butane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10.0 57� 8.0 M 41\ 0 x 4.0 i85 / E 0 Lo 2.0 1\ / i69 0.0 . ... I. I ... .,I. 11.. ...i.l I. . ........ i. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160 200 220 m/z 10.0 Entry `` #109594, Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 43 8.0 M 6.0 ,B5 ME 4.0 29\ 0 2 2.0 111111 6\ 0+0j..I il......... .......1.1 1. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 m/z Entry 8 #34 Heptane�,5 3-methyl- $$ 3-Methylheptane $$ 2-Ethyihexane (from NIST129K.1) (SCAL 10.0 8.0 / 7 M � 0 6.0 85\ x 4.0 s i O 114\ 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 m/z ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.D. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT 59107-0916 AW 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i®energy/ab, com Data File:rchem/SV5972.itsd111408.bt14NOV21a.D Page 6 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 'ent ID: Instrument: SV5972.i Sample Info: B08101039-0068 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator: sd Column phase: RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter: 0.53 , Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Pentane, 2,3-dimethyl- 565-59-3 NIST129K.1 109600 91 C7H16 100 Heptane 142-82-5 NIST129K.1 109612 47 C7H16 100 Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- 108-08-7 NIST129K.1 109594 43 C7H16 100 10.0 56� Scan 713 (3.717 min) of 14NOV2ia,D (Subtracted) (SCALED) IM 8.0 _Q 6.0 71\ 4.0 0 z 2.0 II I �g 5 / 11 /.A.. 164\ / / \\i168 /190 2EGT O+O 1 . . d.� 1..... _. ._........L. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 mfz 10.0 Ent_ry6#109600, �5 Pentane, 2,3-dimethy1- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 4 8+0 ry 0 4.0 s o z 2.0 is\ II 5 0+0 �. i ... .. I. ...I I I..........I i........ .... i. 20 40 60 80 160 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 m/z 10.0 43 Entry #109612, Heptane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) L 8.0 h 0 5*0 :57 I` 4.0 m s 2.0 10 I \ 0.0 .1I . ....I I ......�I ) 1 1. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160 260 220 240 mtz 10.0 Entry �4 #109594, Pentane, 2,4-dimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 3 8.0 h 0 6.0 X 165 4.0 25 s O z 69\ 4.V ........ ... _.......... 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160 260 220 240 mtz - ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • e/i@energy/ab, com Data File: /chem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 7 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 -ent ID; Instrument; SV5972.i sample Info; 808101039-006B 10x Purge Volume; 25.0 Operator., sd Column phase; RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter; 0.53 . Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Pentane, 2,2,4-trimethyl- 540-84-1 NIST129K.1 110864 83 CSH18 114 Butane, 2,2,3,3-tetramethyl- 594-82-1 NIST129K.1 110858 83 C8H18 114 Hexane, 2,2-dimethyl- 590-73-8 NIST129K.1 110860 78 C8H18 114 10.0 Scan 784 (4.084 min) of 14NOV2 a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 7 8.0 ro 0 6.0 56\ X //41 4.0 E 0 = 2.0 71\ 83 \ 91\ 9 113�114 0.0 i i I. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 m/z 10.0 Entry #110864, Pentane, 2,2,4-trim 57 hyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 8.0 ro t x 4.0 /41 E Lo 2.0.//45 29\ '30 ��I. I //58 ,71 83\.. 91\ 99 914 \ 0.0 I. .I I. I. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 m/z Entry #110858, Butane, 2,2,3,3-tetra thyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10.0 57 8.0 P7 p 6.0 �-I X 4.0 i41 0 2,0 /'2\ /5 /30 / I I I... tea8 / '9 83 �9 I. 1g4 \ 0 0 I. .,.I I I, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 m/z 10.0 Entry #110860, Hexane, 2,2-dimethyI- (from NIST129K.1) h5 (SCALED) 8.0 ro 0 6.0 a x M 4.0 41\ 53\ I 71\ /73 �3 9\ �00 . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 m/z ENERCYL4BOR4 MR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eli@energylab. com Data File: /ohem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 8 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 ent ID; Instrument; SV5972.i Sample Info: R08101039-006B 10x Purge Volume; 25.0 Operator; sd Column phase; RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter; 0.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Hexane, 2,5-dimethyl- Heptane, 2-methyl- $$ 2-Methylheptane $$ Isobutane $$ Propane, 2-methyl- U Trime 592-13-2 NIST129K.1 110844 592-27-8 NIST129K.1 3872 75-28-5 NIST129K.1 107 91 C8H18 64 CSH18 38 C4H10 Weight 114 114 58 Soap 937 (4.874 min) of 14NOV21a.D {Subtracted) (SCALED) 10.0 �43 7 8.0 _Iry 0 6.0 x 4.0 Lo 9 i 2,0 I /112 0.0 i .......I I..........�I.........8....I 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 m/z Entry 110844I Hexane, 2,5-dimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10.0 577 8.0 43\ M x 99\ 4.0 71\ £ $ 2.0 112 \ z /77 /116 0.0 .. ..I� .......... � I ........� �.............. ..i i. I.I.. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 m/z 10,0 Entry #3872 7 ethyl- $$ 2-Methylheptane U (CH3)2CH(CH2)4CH3 $$ Methylheptane (f 8.0 M 0 6.0 Iv 4.0 m� /� g /70 g, Iz li4 0,0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 m/z I' 10.0 Entry #107, Is3 utane Propane, 2-methyl- $$ Trimethylmethane $$ 1,1-Dimethglethane $$ 2- 8.0 < �M 0 6.0 x 4.0 m E 27\ 0 2 ^ 3\ 58\ u.J ...//15 ..ICI. .1.1, H. .........II.. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 160 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 m/z ENERGYL4BORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • eMenergy/ab. com Data File;/chem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 9 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19.*53 .ent ID; Instrument; SV5972.i Sample Info; B08101039-006B 10x Purge Volume; 25.0 Operator; sd Column phase; RTX uolatiles 105m Column diameter: 0.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Hexane, 2,4-dimethyl- Hexane, 3-ethyl- $$ 3-Ethylhexane Heptane, 2,4-dimethyl- $$ 2,4-Dimethglhe 589-43-5 NIST129K.1 110856 619-99-8 NIST129K.1 3874 2213-23-2 NIST129K.1 6662 86 C8H1S 114 86 C8H18 114 78 C9H2O 128 Scan 947 (4.926 min) of 14NOV21a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 10.0 43 a,0 M 0 6.b x i85 / 4.0 71\ 0 2.0 114\ /130 162\48 o.o �.I� I.......I Ili... _...i .. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z Entry #110856, Hexane, 2,4-dimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10,0 43�' 8.0 0 8 X \ 4.4 m E 0 2 2.0 1 e 11 `. 0.0 .. I. I . I I.. .,..� .........I�I.. .......� I. . 0 20 40 60 80 .100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z 1040 Entry #3874, Hexane, 3-ethyl- $$ 3-Ethylhexane (from NIST129K,1) (SCALED) 43'' 8.0 ro 6.0 x 4.0 85� fo E 0 2,0 7 \ 1�...�I� 114\. I. ....III.. ......ill.. .......I . .. .. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 m/z Entry #6662, Heptane, 2,4-dimethyl- $$ 2,4-Dimethylheptane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10,0 G.O. M 0 6.4 X $� ti 4.0 57\ E O _ I� 991\ 128\ 4, 4� I. I. ....�� . .....II . .....� �. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • >720 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elideneWlab.com Data File; /them/SV5972.i1sd111408.bt14NOV21a.D Page 10 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19,53 '.ent ID; Instrument; SV5972.i bample Info: 808101039-0068 10x Purge Volume; 25.0 Operator; sd Column.phase: RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter; 0.53 Library Search Compound Hatch CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Pentane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- 38 2,2,3-Trime 564-02-3 NIST129K.1 3865 78 C8H18 114 Pentane, 2,2,4-trimethyl- 540-84-1 NIST129K.1 110865 64 CSH18 114 Hexane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- 2,2,3-Trimet 16747-25-4 NIST129K.1 6682 64 C9H20 128 10.0 Scan 955 (4.967 min) of 7 14NOV21a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) I8.0 ro 6.0 x v i41 / 4.q 0 = 2.0 85\ 99\ A07 137� 148\ 199,\ i07 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 160 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 160 190 260 m/z 10.0 Entry #3865, Pentane, 57�r 2,3-trimethyl- $$ 2,2,3-TrimethySS 1pentane (CH3)3CCH(CH3)CH2CH3 (f 8.0 ro 0 .1 m 4.0 '29 '0-z° 2.0 15�\ I� 58 /,85 /99 �14 0,0 .. i. . I 11.. ........... ........i. i.. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 m/z 10.0 Entry #5710 65, Pentane, 2,2,4-trimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) I. 8.0 M 0 6.0 Iv 41` 4.0 2.0 2 9 jL II 71 3 �14. I.. 0.0 . �I...........� I.........../ ....... . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 mtz I' 10.0 Entry #6682, Hexane, 2,3-trimethgl- $$ 57�, 2,2,3-Trimethylhexane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 8.0 M 0 6,0 x 4.0 41 \ 0 h \ 7 ICI. � 5. �1�. 5 ! 3 ".0� .I 11... .....I. ......II.. ........'. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 260 m!z ENERGYIABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489. 406-252-6325. 406-252-6069 fax • eli@energy/ab. corn Data File: tthem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 11 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 ent ID: Instrument: SV5972.i Sample Info: B08101039-006B 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator: sd Column phase: RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter: 0r53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Pentane, 2,3,4-trimethyl- 565-75-3 NIST129K.1 110875 91 CSH18 114 Pentane, 3-ethyl- 617-78-7 NIST129K.1 109595 83 C7H16 100 Hexane, 2,3-dimethyl- $$ 2,3-Dimethylhex 584-94-1 NIST129K.1 3877 50 C8H18 114 10.0 Scan 1013 (5,267 43'' min) of 14NOV2ia.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 8.0 0 6.0 71\ a x 4.0 L 2.0 55\ ",z7 0 z 83\ 91\ J99 114\s115 0.0 / 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 160 110 m/z Entry #110875, Pentane, 3,3,4-trimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10.0 �4 8+0 ,71 M O rl X 4.0 m 27 \ 55\\ L 0 z 2.0 ' 2 �-5 I. 39\ I. 67\ .. 83\ /91 / �9 114\ 0yp I. I. �.I I. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 160 110 m/z 0 Entry #109595, Pe � tane, 3-ethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10, 8.0 ro 0 x 6,0 71` 4.0 M s 0 2`}�5 \ _ ,44 /72 4 100\ � 0.0 .0 .III .�.II �/ I I. I. i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 160 110 m/z Entry #3877, Hexane, 2,3-dime hyl- � $$ 2,3-Dimethylhexane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10.4 3 8.0 ,70 0 6.0 x m e 4.0 27\ 5F\ i z ! //2 5 67 \ 8 1 9 11 4,0 .III. .III I. I.I,�. I. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 m/z ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325 . 406-252-6069 fax • eiioenergyiab. corn Data File;tchem/SV5972+itsd111408.b114NOV21a.D Page 12 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 'ent ID« Instrument; SV5972+i sample Info; B08101039-006B 10x Purge Volume; 25.0 Operator: sd Column phase; RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter: 0.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Pentane, 2,3,3-trimethyl- $$ 2,3,3-Trime 560-21-4 NIST129K+1 3868 90 CSH18 114 Hexane, 3,3-dimethyl- $$ 3,3-Dimethylhex 563-16-6 NIST129K+1 3875 86 C8H18 114 Octane, 4-methyl- 2216-34-4 NIST129K+1 112272 78 C9H20 128 Scan 1034 ( .375 min) of 14NOV21a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 8.0 eo < 6.4 x 57` /71 I. 4+0 85` i o 2.0 67\ 99'\ /100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 mfz 10.0 Entry #3868, Pentane, 2,3,3-tom imethyl- 3 $$ 2,3,3-Trimethylpentane $$ C2H5C(CH3)2CH(CH3)2 (fr 8+0 M 0 71` v �7 4.0 41\ e5 Sr 27`Lo - 2.0.. //2 �5 I I. I I l..8N, 8\ g 9\ 113` �14 0+0 I I .. i, .. .......I i. .. ,I.- ..I.. .. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 mtz 10+0 Entry #3875, Hexane, 3,3-dime U - $$ 3,3-Dimethglhexane (from NIST129K+1) (SCALED) 8+0 h] i0 6+0 71 z Fc7 / �g5 / 4.0.2 41\ e E 0 I 2,0 1/1I. 5 9"\ 1114 /2 ... \ / 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 mlz 10+0 Entry #11227 43f Octane, 4-methyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 8+0 I'M 0 6,0 1-1 £ 4,0 29 / 171 �7 85 \ L n 5 I 9&1\ i113 12 I�I.. ill 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 mfz ENERGYLABOR4TOR/ES, INC, • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergy/ab. com Data File:tchem/SV5972«i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 13 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 ent ID: Instrument: SV5972.i zaample Info: B08101039-0068 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator: sd Column phase: RTX volatiles 105m . Column diameter: 0.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Hexane, 2,3-dimethyl- $$ 2,3-Dimethylhex 584-94-1 NIST129K.1 3877 94 C8H18 114 Pentane, 3-ethyl-2-methyl- $$ 2-Methyl-3 609-26-7 NIST129K.1 3878 86 C8H18 114 Heptane, 4-methyl- 589-53-7 NIST129K.1 110869 78 CSH18 114 10.0 Scan 1044 (5.427 min) 43 of 14NOV2ia.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 8.0 r 0 6.0 70 x 4.0 m 0 2.0 Ji I.I.. �9 //114 /160 0.0 1. I ........ I...B 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 260 22O m/z 14.0 Entry #3$77, Hexane, 2,3-dimethyl- $$ 2,3-Dimethylhexane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 43 8.0 7 t 0 x 4.0 m a /27 2.0 1 �g 11 ¢� 5. \.. ..III I.. ...I.I.�.. .....,.. I. ......../ ..... 0 20 40 60 80 140 120 140 160 180 200 220 m/z Entry #3878, Pentane, 3-ethyl-2-methyl- $$ 2-Methyl-3-ethylpentane $$ 3-Ethyl-2-methylpenta 10«4 8.0.'�4 ro 0 6.0 7 a x 4.0 ,27 ,1 0 2.0 1 I I. I.. 11 0«0 .. ...I. I1. I.III.. .......I .......II.. . ..... ;. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 m/z Entry #114869, Heptane, �4 4-methyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 14.4 3 8.0 7 \ 0 6.0 x 4.0 E 29\ 2 *, �� �g / 11 I I.. " .. ...I.. ...II I.. ....I.II ........I 1..........II.. .... ..I.. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 m/z ENERGYL4BOR47-OR/ES, INC, • P.O. Box 30916 • 1120 South 27th Street • Billings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elidenergy/ab. com Data File: /Chem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a.D Page 14 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 lent ID: Instrument: SV5972.i aample Info; B08101039-006B 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator: sd Column phase: RTX uolatilss 105m Column diameter: 0.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Hexane, 3,4-dimethyl- 583-48-2 NIST129K.1 110851 91 C8H18 Butane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- 464-06-2 NIST129K.1 109608 64 C7H16 Hexane, 2,4-dimethyl- $$ 2,4-Dimethylhex 589-43-5 NIST129K.1 3869 43 C8H18 Weight 114 100 114 10.0 56� can 1078 (5.603 min) of 14NOV21a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 0.0 /57 x 4.0 �85 Lv ` 0 z 2.0 li4 /120 15& 177` 192\ 941 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160 260 220 240 m/z 10.0 5 Ent 6� 0 #110851, Hexane, 3,4-dimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) I. 8.0 f29 v qg / I,m 4.0 Lo 2.0 15\ 69\ 0,0 .. i. I ... ..I. i �.. ...i.� I. ....lip. .......) 1. .. ..... .i. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 m/z 220 240 10.0 Entry #109608, Butane, 2,2,3-trimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 57 I; 8.0 6.0 41\ x 405 . E 0 2.0 1� II 9 0.0 I. ... ..I I .. ... ,I I........1.. -... . 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z 10.0 Entry #3869, Hexane, 2,4-dimethyl- $$ 2,4-Dimethylhexane (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) �4 Fa7 / 8.0 0 0 6.0 8� a x A 4.0 29\ O III 114� I. ..III ......III.. IL .... . 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z ENERGYLABORATOR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916 • »20 South 27th Street • Billings, MT59107-0916 800-735-4489.406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • eli@energylab.com Data File:/chem/SV5972.i/sd111408.b/14NOV21a+D Page 15 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 4ent ID: Instrument: SV5972.i sample Info: M101039-006E 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator: sd Column phase: RTX volatiles 105m ,Column diameter: 0.53 Library Search Compound Match CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Hexane, 2,2,5-trimethyl- 3522-94-9 NIST129K+1 112268 83 C9H20 128 Hexane, 2,2,4-trimethyl- b8 2,2,4-Trimet 16747-26-5 NIST129K+1 6648 78 C9H20 128 Heptane, 4-ethyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl- 62108-31-0 NIST129K+1 28014 56 C13H28 184 10+0 Scan 1116 `57 (5.799 min) of 14NOV21a.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 8+0 M 0 6,4 X1 x 56\ M 4+0 E 0 2 2.0 /77 113\ 128\ 155\ /197 '2>56 / 0,0 ..I, 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z 10.0 Entry #112268, 7 Hexane, 2,2,5-trimethyl- (from NIST129K+1) (SCALED) 8.0 ry e 0 1-1 x ., M 4.0 A / 0 2.0.29\ �......I.I.......,..I... /77 I........... 0+0 ..... .......... 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z Entry #664 Hexane, 2,2,4-trimethyl- SS 2,2,4-Trimethylhexane (from NIST129K+1) (SCALED) 10+0 57�r 8+0 M 0 6+4 cl X 4,4 E 41\ /71 0 2+0 7 /97 / 0a0 I.I. A. 11..........I I. ......II. ....... 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z Entr #28014, Heptane, 4-ethyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 10.0 57 8+4 ro 0 6.0 1-1 4+0 a o ' p 41\ /71 �........l,l... //113 9 169\ /170 y' J, i .....I I.. il. ......I. ... 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 260 220 240 m/z ENERGYLABOR.4WR/ES, INC. • P.O. Box 30916. 1120 South 27th Street • Bi//ings, MT 59107-0916 800-735-4489 •406-252-6325.406-252-6069 fax • elVenergyfab. com Data File;tchem/SV5972.itsd111408.bl14NOV21a.D Page 16 Date : 14-NOV-2008 19:53 ent ID; Instrument; SV5972.i sample Info; 808101039-006B 10x Purge Volume: 25.0 Operator; sd Column phase; RTX volatiles 105m Column diameter; 0.53 Library Search Compound Hatch CAS Number Library Entry Quality Formula Weight Hexane, 2,3,5-trimethyl- 1069-53-0 NIST129K.1 112281 74 C9H2O 128 Pentane, 3-ethyl-2,4-dimethyl- U 2,4-Di 1068-87-7 NIST129K.1 6655 72 C9H2O 128 Hexane, 3-ethyl- 619-99-8 NIST129K.1 110867 64 C8H18 114 10.443 Scan 1224 (6.357 min) of 14NOV2ia.D (Subtracted) (SCALED) 8.0 M p 6.0 .-I v 4.0 /115 7 0 2.0 /71 l 105 \ 123\ /128 /159 1176 9!0 4,4 .I. I i. ,.il . I��. I / / / 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 124 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 m/z 10.0 't43 Entry #112281, Hexane, 2,3,5-trimethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 8.0 rya 0 1 i85 v 4.4 84\ 0 2.0 /27f I,�. I,I� I.. 11 \ 128\ //129 0.0 I......... ......III.. .......I i. ...... 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 260 m/z Entry 6655, Pentane, 3-ethy1-2,4-dimethyl- $S 2,4-Dimethyl-3-ethylpentaneS 3-Ethyl-2,4-d 10.0 t4 8.0 M 0 0 6.0 x //85 4.0 �57 / 84\ £ /27 0 2.0 = �,I. II /.i99 //128 0.0 I.. �I .. .......ICI. ......... I. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 r+Itz 10, 0 �43 Entry #110867, Hexane, 3-ethyl- (from NIST129K.1) (SCALED) 8.0 ro 0 6.0 x 4.0 85\ L O o A /2? /Fv7 / 114\ .I.I. .....�I� I ...I.III. .. ....III. ......II�6 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 260 m/z