Task Order No. 10Kalispell City Airport Improvements
This Task Order provides for professional engineering services to be performed by ROBERT PECCIA &
ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafter the Engineer), for the CITY OF KALISPELL (hereinafter the Owner), in
accordance with Article 1 of the Agreement to Furnish Engineering Services to the CITY OF KALISPELL, for
Improvements to the KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT, dated February 22, 2005 (hereinafter the Agreement).
This Task Order represents an authorization to proceed with the scope of services, schedule, and compensation
described herein. This Task Order, when executed by both parties, shall become a supplement to and part of
the basic Agreement.
The Engineer agrees to furnish the following professional surveying services in connection with the design
engineering services for improvements to the KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT.
The improvements to the KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT contemplated under this Task Order include
surveying for:
1. Boundary Line Adjustments;
2. Land Transfers;
3. Boundary Retracements;
4. Easement Exhibits.
The Engineer shall be responsible for the following services during this surveying phase:
1. Records Research
The Engineer will perform research of all pertinent properties at the Flathead County Courthouse. This will
included Certificates of Survey, Plats, Deeds Easements, Corner Records, and Highway Right -of -Way Plans.
The Engineer will also order all notes and plat maps from the BLM for included sections. Title searches may
be necessary for any or all properties. This will be included in subsequent Task Orders.
2. Section Breakdown
The Engineer will locate all section controlling corners of record including subsequent monumentation (center
'/< corners, 1 / 16 corners, etc.). The Engineer will breakdown the section using existing monuments and the
original GLO notes from the BLM.
3. Boundary Retraeement
The Engineer will locate all existing boundary and right-of-way monuments to retrace those properties
involved with any boundary line adjustments, land acquisitions, and/or easements.
Task Order Number Ten TO#10-I
Kalispell City Airport Improvements
4. Download/Calculations
Using the field survey and existing drawings, The Engineer will calculate existing legal boundaries and new
boundaries for ultimate airport property.
5. Set Monuments
The Engineer will set a 5/8" rebar with aluminum cap stamped with the professional licensed land surveyor in
charge's name and number at those locations necessary to monument an existing boundary or show new
boundary location as shown on a filed certificate of survey.
6. Certificates of Survey/Exhibits
The Engineer will draft and file five Certificates of Survey for boundary line adjustment or land transfer and
one easement with exhibit for ultimate airport properties. Additional Certificates of Survey and/or easements
may be necessary. This will be included in subsequent Task Orders.
Task Order Number Ten TO410-2