08/06/07 Memo/Airport Task OrdersCity of Kalispell
Post Ottice Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 5990 i-1997 -Tel cph one (406) 7�8-7000 Fax - (406) 758-7758
REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: James H. Patrick, City Manager
SUBJECT: Airport Task Orders
MEETING DATE: August 6, 2007
BACKGROUND: Council has budgeted $193,560 in this year's budget for the construction and
acquisition of property at the airport in preparation for the airport phase 2 reconstruction. At the
same time, the FAA is requesting an updated airport layout plan so that they can approve the
plan and start the funding process. The radio engineer engaged by City Council to determine
options to mitigate the KGEZ towers requires topographic information contained in these task
orders to complete his study. By completing the below tasks reduces Hatfield and Dawson's cost
from the original $40,000 approved by Council to an estimated $17,500. The information
collected in these task orders is required for his study as well as for our plans preparation needed
for the airport reconstruction.
Robert Peccia and Associates are our airport engineers and we continue to use their services as
our airport consultant. Task order #8 includes the survey control establishment and topographic
survey of structures and trees. It also includes the remainder of a full blown topographic survey
of the entire site for design of the exact runway position and elevations. This exact survey will
not only serve as the basis of the final design, but also allow us to better evaluate adjacent
developments for airspace issues. These final coordinates will also be used to update the Airport
Layout Plan. The FAA will not fund this `update' until the KGEZ towers are mitigated. Peccia
will use a summer intern to do the bulk of the topographic field collection since his rate is
significantly lower than the typical `survey technician' rate. These savings will be passed on to
us. The cost of Task Order # 8 is $23,660.
Task order # 9 includes preliminary engineering for project design to include future runway
elevations, new apron configurations, terminal access road configuration, preparing the
preapplication and preliminary cost estimates for submission to the FAA, preparation of
Montana Aeronautics Division Grant/Loan Application, coordination of field and legal land
surveys, coordination of geotechnical investigations, and update cost estimates. The cost of Task
Order #9 is $30,080.
Task order #10 will provide the legal land surveying necessary to support the land acquisition
effort. The cost of the Task Order is $25,430.
These funds are budgeted and the task orders are a continuation of efforts to construct the new
airport. Due to the dollar amounts involved I wanted to inform Council of the expenditures and
on going actions on the City airport.
Respectfully submitted,
ames H. Patrick, City Manager