07/19/07 Peccia/Task OrdersMessage To:
1' II'I2llA �cliC�':
City, State. Zip:
Phone dumber:
Robert Peccia & Associates
July 19, 2007
Project #:
Fred Leistiko
Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager
Jim Patrick, Kalispell City Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997
Message From:
tialne: Rick Donaldson
Transmitted are the following items:
Item No.
Task Order #8 — Topographic Survey
Task Order #9 — Preliminary Engineering
Task Order #10 — Legal Land Survey
The above are enclosed for your review and signature. Please let Ryan or me know if you have
any questions on the scope of work or hours estimated. Please keep one set for your records and
return 2 sets to me.
Task Order #8 includes the survey control establishment and topographic survey of structures and
trees already done. It also includes the remainder of a full blown topographic survey of the entire
site for design of the exact runway position and elevation. This exact establishment will not only
serve as the basis of the final design, but also allow us to better evaluate adjacent developments
for airspace issues. These final coordinates will also be used to `Update' the ALP. The FAA will
not fund this `update' until an FAA grant is established, which in turn relies on the KGEZ
mitigation. However, this topography and preliminary design goes a long way in accomplishing
the `Update'.
825 Custer Avenue Helena, MT 59601 Phone 406-447-5000
100 Cooperative Way Kalispell, MT 59903-5100 Phone 406-752-5025
Fax 406447-5036
Fax 406-752-5024
Task Order #9 includes project administration and the runway coordination establishment. It
includes the determination of a preferred apron and access road layout already accomplished
through coordination with Fred.
Task Order #10 will provide the Legal Land Surveying necessary to support the land acquisition
Task Order #11 will be for land acquisition assistance. I have not completed the coordination
with the proposed land negotiator yet for development of this Task Order.
I thought it best to get #8 - #10 executed in order to get those elements underway. I will send you
a draft of Task Order #11 as soon as we get it completed.
PS: In Task Order #8, we plan on using a summer intern to do the bulk of the topographic field
collection. We have been using him extensively this year and he has been doing good work for
us. As an intern, his rate is significantly lower than the typical `survey technician' rate. Provided
we can complete the bulk of Task Order #8 by the end of August, we plan on passing that savings
on to you.
825 Custer Avenue Helena, MT 59601 Phone 406-447-5000
100 Cooperative Way Kalispell, MT 59903-5100 Phone 406-752-5025
Fax 406447-5036
Fax 406-752-5024