01/03/08 RPA Progress SummaryP4611%7
Progress Summary
January 3, 2008
Task Order #8 — Topographic and Control Survey —100% Complete
This Task Order was signed on July 31, 2007. RPA completed the items under this Task Order during the
period between late August and early October 2007. An invoice was submitted to the City on 12/18/07.
Task Order #9 — Preliminary Engineering — Approx IM Complete
This Task Order was signed on 2007. The work included was dependent on the completion of Task
Order #8. The primary purpose of the task was to:
- Establish Future Runway Position and Elevations;
- Establish New Apron Configuration;
- Establish Terminal Access Road Configuration;
- Project Administration and Coordination of Topographic and Legal Land Survey.
These in turn provided information to more precisely evaluate the KGEZ towers and other airspace questions.
It will also provide a basis for an Airport Layout Plan revision.
+ Future Airport Configuration:
Aside from more closely establishing the runway position and elevations, several apron configurations near
Ashley Creek were drafted with Fred's input. The most recent iteration of the drawings was hand delivered to
Fred at the ADO conference in Whitefish on 10/03/07. Rick discussed with Fred the draft plan and profile
sheets, the cross sections, various layout plans, etc.
+ KGEZ Towers:
Information on the tower elevations was sent to Hatfield Dawson on 6/27/07 and 10/24/07 for their evaluation
purposes. The last exchange was dependent on Task Order #8 being completed and the southern runway end
elevation (and associated airspace) estimated in Task Order #9. Our last email contact with Ben Dawson was
on the issue was on 11/9/07. We assume they have provided a preliminary report on the potentials available at
this point.
We have noted the latest flurry of newspaper articles. RPA has been forwarding them to Gary Gates.
+ Minor Tennant Issues:
Correspondence between Jim Pierce and Vince Padilla with RPA occurred and drawing information was sent
to them.
Task Order #10 — Legal Land Survey — Approx 10% Complete
This Task Order was signed on 2007. Completion of this work is dependent on the completion of Task
Order #8 and at least a settled on airport configuration from Task Order #9. This work will serve as a basis for
land acquisitions and completion of the Exhibit A when the ALP is revised. Field work for this task is
underway with an expected completion date of February, 2008.
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Most of the KGEZ tower work was included in the surveying and preliminary engineering Task Orders. However,
we were requested to do some other work not included in our contracts at this point. They are summarized below:
+ Phase I Environmental:
Fred indicated that the City wanted a Phase I environmental assessment performed on the City property
southeast of the airport (Parcel 5G). In late September, RPA recommended Roger Nobel as a local contact for
completion of Phase I environmental of City property (old landfill area). Working with Roger directly will
4PX eliminate unnecessary RPA administrative costs and profit. Fred is going to work directly with him rather than
subcontracting it through RPA. This should result in a stand alone document that details the environmental
risks of the area. Status of that report is unknown, but RPA would appreciate a copy.
+ LandfillOptions:
On a related note Fred asked RPA to coordinate a simple subsurface investigation of the City property
mentioned in the Phase I above. Although not a detailed geotechnical evaluation its purpose was to investigate
the limits of the historic landfill on the property. About 27 hours of RPA time was accumulated on this task to
coordinate and document the digging as well as contact a geotechnical firm and geopier companies for
background information.
In mid November, Ryan provided cost estimate information for the geopier option (an additional $40/sf to
building costs). To this additional building cost should also reflect grade beams depending on the type(s) of
buildings to be constructed. Some additional cost figures for parking lot/roadway improvements were also
provided by Ryan.
We think this may be able to be included as an FAA eligible cost in a design Task Order in the future and so
we will continue to track and invoice the hours separately for this work.
Aside from correspondence, no formal report was produced to document the findings. Should RPA more
formally document this for your needs at this point or is there any further action required at this time?
Alternately, we would include it in a design report for new airport construction when that time comes.
+ East Side Apron:
Fred asked that an east side apron and hangar configuration be added to the base drawing. RPA has done this
as a first iteration. The drawings are attached.
+ Runway Configuration Alternatives:
RPA was asked to extend the existing FAA approved length of 4,700' to 5,000' as part of the preliminary
design. We revised the runway and all associated plans, profiles and airspaces to show the additional 300' on
the south end. This also had a ramification on the Cemetery Road re-route and land acquisition requirements.
This configuration was represented on the drawings submitted in early October.
After review of this information, RPA has been asked to revise the runway to show and additional 300' on
each runway end for additional runway length to result in an even 5,000' of available runway in each direction.
The City realizes that if any of these additional lengths are constructed, the FAA will likely not participate. It
should also be noted that these additional lengths, commonly known as declared distances, are not looked upon
favorably by the FAA. (See the attached Appendix 14 of the FAA's Design Advisory Circular)
We have completed drawing this configuration in plan view, but are holding off on the time and therefore cost
of evaluating the airspace, drawing the profiles and modifying the information tables until the FAA has a
chance to comment to the Sponsor on the declared distance idea. The drawings are attached.
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Land Acquisition:
Since the preliminary design of the airport has been an evolving configuration, the scope of a definitive land
acquisition Task Order has not been determined. However, RPA has requested the property owner search for
the parcels we believe will be involved and have been preparing to provide maps for Appraiser(s), Review
Appraiser(s) and Negotiator(s).
Initially our plan was to partner with Ron Olson as a Negotiator and include him with RPA land acquisition
services. Alternately, a Negotiator can be contracted directly by the City for their services — which is how we
have handled it historically.
Historically we have also administered the project by assisting the appraisers with the information they need
and providing the appropriate FAA coordination and documentation.
In the.past the City has handled coordination of the appraisal work and Fred has done the negotiation work.
Based on my last correspondence with Fred, the City will continue to contract with the appraisers, but now use
Ron Olson for the negotiation work as parcels become available.
Since this could be an extended acquisition process of unknown limits at this time, this is probably a good way
to set things up.
However, at some point the appraisal people and the negotiator may need survey assistance for boundary
adjustments, etc. We would anticipate that RPA would provide those services as well as assist the City with
the required FAA documentation, grant administration, reports, etc. when the FAA starts to step in with an AIP
for land.
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