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Northend Development Surfacing
Kalispell City Airport - Northend Development Tax Increment Financing Project #1 Originally Submitted: 8/25/2004 Revised 4/19/2005 Surfacing Apron Taxiway Eligible Work Items: Taxiways - Apron and Drainage quantity unit cost units Total subtotal subtotal Administration and Engineering Advertising / Admin $3,000.00 Design Engineering - Eligible: (Task Order #4) $40,170.00 Construction Management Services (Task Order #6) $48,370.00 Subtotal Administration and Engineering $91,540.00 65% 35% Construction Base Bid: 101 Mobilization (Special Provisions) Shall not exceed 5% 1 $50,000.00 LS $50,000.00 102 Unclassified Excavation (P-152) 20,943 $4.00 CY $83,772.00 103 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement (P-101) 950 $4.00 SY $3,800.00 104 18" RCP Class III (D-701) 1,772 $50.00 LF $88,600.00 105 12" RCP Class III (D-701) 822 $45.00 LF $36,990.00 106 48" Storm Drain Inlets (D-751) 7 $1,000.00 EA $7,000.00 107 Manhole Adjustments 3 $1,000.00 EA $3,000.00 108 Subsurface Separation Fabric(P-670) 33,418 $1.25 SY $41,772.50 109 Subgrade Material (P- 154) 11,139 $18.00 CY $200,502.00 110 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (P-208) 3,713 $22.00 CY $81,686.00 III Bituminous Prime Coat (P-602-5.1) 64.1 $325.00 TON $20,832.50 112 3" Bituminous Surface Course (P-401) 5,442 $25.00 TON $136,050.00 113 Bituminous Material, Asphalt PG58-28 (P-401) 531 $275.00 TON $146,025.00 114 Catch Basin Removal 2 $750.00 EA $1,500.00 115 Tiedown Removals 36 $50.00 EA $1,800.00 116 Tiedown Anchors (D-755) 99 $500.00 EA $49,500.00 117 Trenching for PVC Ducts (L-108) 125 $5.00 LF $625.00 118 4" PVC Sch 80 Duct (L-110) 125 $10.00 LF $1,250.00 119 Pavement Duct Markers (L-110) 16 $100.00 EA $1,600.00 120 L-853, 24" High Retroreflective Blue TW Markers (L-125) 35 $100.00 EA $3,500.00 121 Taxiway Painting Full Rate w/ Reflective Media (P-620) 5,000 $1.00 SF $5,000.00 122 Coal Tar Pitch Emulsion Seal Coat (P-625) 176 $25.00 GAL $4,400.00 123 6ft Chain Link Fence - Relocate (F-162) 65 $15.00 LF $975.00 124 Topsoiling, Stripping, Stockpiling and Placing (T-905) 14,564 $5.00 CY $72,820.00 125 Seeding, Fertilizing & Mulching (T-901, T-908, Special Provisions) 5 $1,500.00 AC $7,500.00 TOTAL BASE BID - CONSTRUCTION COSTS: $1,050,500.00 $682,825.00 $367,675.00 Additive Alternate - Access Road: AA-1 12" RCP Class III (D-701) 108 $45.00 LF $4,860.00 AA-2 Subsurface Separation Fabric (P-670) 2,225 $1.25 SY $4,450.67 AA-3 Subgrade Material (P-154) 742 $18.00 CY $13,352.00 AA-4 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (P-208) 247 $22.00 CY $6,181.48 AA-5 Bituminous Prime Coat (P-602-5.1) 2.8 $325.00 TON $968.88 AA-6 3" Bituminous Surface Course(P-401) 328 $25.00 TON $8,189.04 AA-7 Bituminous Material, Asphalt PG58-28 (P-401) 23 $275.00 TON $8,025.26 AA-8 6ft Chain Link Fence - New (F-162) 65 $25.00 LF $1,625.00 AA-9 6ft Chain Link Fence -Automatic Cantilever Gate 16 ft Opening (F-164) 1 $16,000.00 EA $16,000.00 TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE - CONSTRUCTION COSTS: $63,652.33 TOTAL C6STS - ItLIGIBLE ITEMS surfacing $1,205,692.33, CIP-KALISPELL_CITY.xls Northend-Surfacing 4/19/2005 i"u