03/17/05 Preliminary Plans for Surfacing ProjectMessage To: Mane: Firm/Agency: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Message From: Name: Robert Peccia & Associates TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date: March 17, 2005 Project #: Kalispell City Airport Northend Surfacing Attention: Regarding: Preliminary Plans Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 250-3065 Phil Porrini Transmitted are the following items: Item No. Copies Description 1 1 Preliminary plans for surfacing project RWRPORTSWALISPELL CITY-2003WORTH END SURFACINGkot sp�0503170_pre-pla .tmdoc Remarks We have completed the revisions to the North End Surfacing drawings, to accommodate the changed entry for the access road and several other minor items. Frank Castles, has expressed the need for these drawings to determine the extent of the building pad grading that needs to be completed as part of the City's negotiated lease agreement with T&L Properties, LLC, prior to April 1, 2005. Although we have not separated the Building Pad grading from the entire grading needed for the surfacing project, it is apparent where the "cut" material will come from and where the "fill" material needs to be placed. See Sheet C-22. It is important to strip topsoil before moving cut and fill material. It is also important to provide a compactive effort (at least 95% for cohesive soils) in the placement of all structural fill. Grading for the hangars can be lowered from the published Finished Floor (FF) elevations by the expected thickness of the interior slab and base course. We can not determine what T&L Properties are anticipating for slab thickness inside the hangars as this dimension is not given on the drawings that we have. We will provide the N&E for each building corners to whoever is surveying this for the City. Please make sure that only the most current plans are used for layout and dated March 18, 2005. Please review the information and let me know how the City will proceed. Frank said a change order might be sought with Windy Ridge Construction, or a direct contract (if under threshold) with the presently on -site scrapper owner (Goose Bay), or some other option. CC. Frank Castles, City of Kalispell, Public Works Department, P.O. Box 1997, Kalispell, MT 59903 *825 Custer Avenue* *Helena, MT 59601* * Phone 406-447-5000* * Fax 406-447-5036* E-mai8:Change Order #1at Kalispell City Airport From: "Phil Porrini" Date: Thu, 17 Mar2OO5 13:16:38 -0700 To: keisbko@digisys.net, ioom/ From: "Phil Ponini" «phi|VDrpe-h|n.conu> Reply-To:phi|@rpa-h|n.conn E�l Attached: fi|eVVcsgks Yesterday after making the tie-in to the water system, the Contractor (Windy Ridge) proceeded with further excavation for the water main and encountered anunderground manhole with nosurface lid orindication on City Public Works drawings. It turns out this 0;H is connected to an old abandoned 36inch dia'storm drain which seems tohead inthe direction of the Sewer Treatment Plant. When the lid was removed, water was observed in the abandoned pipeline and itwas decided not bobreak into the line, but rather toexcavate under. This water / abandoned storm drain crossing was unfonaeenand ismore expensive than the typical trenching. Ihave discussed this matter with Frank Castles and have indicated the Contractors price isapproximately $S,134'15` VVeare continuing tu review and obtain more details on the cost. After our review and discussion with the Contractor, mehave adjusted the price hn$4,579'S6(because ofContract limitations bu1596nnarkup)' Attached isadraft ofChange Order #1,using revised figures which the Contrator developed to accomplish this work. This copy is informational, as the final negotiations and then the originals will be sent to the Contractor for their initial signature. We will route the signed copy back to the City for final approval. Please let meknow if you have any questions. Philip P.Porhn@Robert Peccia&Associates P.O. Box 5G53,825Custer Avenue Helena, MTSQ6U4 (406)447-5000 (4O6)447-SD36fax (4O6)439-0755cell email: phil@rpa-hin.com The following section ofthis message contains efile attachment prepared for transmission using the Internet MIME message format. Ifyou are using Pegasus Mail, orany another MIME -compliant system, you should beable Uusave itorview itfrom within your mailer. Ifyou cannot, please ask your system administrator for assistance. --Hleinformatioo CENTURYTEL Aur29-2005 02:24pm From-ROBERT PECCIA AND ASSOC +4064475036 T-500 P.001/001 F-496 W"fil, Robert Peccia & Associates FAX TRANSMITTAL Date; August 29, 2005 Dumber of Pages: 1 Regarding: Material Testing at Kalispell City Airport Project T,: Message To: `ame: Fred Leistiko Firm/A_,encN*: Airport Manager : Viciress: Fzu� Number: 758-7758 Message From: Nam,n Phil Porri Message: '43�� -.5 �7 A As we are getting close to the start of paving at the Kalispell City Airport, a decision must be made on the use of CMG Engineering (CMG) to perform the material (asphalt) testing. Currently CMG has not completed the accreditation process to become certified as an ASTM D3666 lab. They are in the process and should receive the accreditation before this project is closed out (by the end of the calendar year). I'm of the opinion, since the FAA funding for this work is not imminent, we allow CMG to perform this work under the following conditions: I. CMG provides proof of ASTM D 3666 accreditation as soon as it is available. 2. that if the ASTM accreditation process reveals any deficiencies in the CMG testing process or procedures, that retesting by an Owner (City of Kalispell) approved laboratory, be done at CMG expense, to validate previously approved results, to the extent ASTM based retesting can be done. 3. that if the retesting results conclude errors in the earlier approved results. that CMG pay any costs (for removal and replacement of inferior materials) or penalties, as per General Provisions (for materials paid under the misconception that they were initially acceptable but later found to be deficient). Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you concur in these recommendations. *8'1i CuAtr Avenue* *Helena, MT 5960110 * Phonc 406-447-5000* * Fax 406-447-5036* ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS P.O. Box 5653 825 Custer Avenue Helena, Montana 59601 (406)447-5000 FAX (406)447-5036 www.rpa-hln.com June 1, 2005 Mr. James Patrick, City Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 RE: Recommendation of Award - Kalispell City Airport Improvements - North End Surfacing Dear Mr. Patrick: The Kalispell City Clerk received and publicly opened bids at 2:30 p.m. on May 31, 2005, for the Kalispell City Airport — North End Surfacing Project. Two bids were received. After a careful examination of the bids we are hereby requesting the City's concurrence in award of the: Base Bid contract to Schellinger Construction, Columbia Falls, MT, totaling: One million, one hundred twenty-four thousand, seven hundred eighty-four dollars and ten cents ($1,124,784.10). This bid was 6.7% higher than the engineer's estimate and 19% lower than the next bidder. Connected with this project, and also recommended for award, is a single Additive Alternate for the Access Road. Schellinger Construction's bid for Additive Alternate #1 was Seventy-four thousand, eight hundred twenty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($74,828.75). This amount was 14% higher that the engineers estimate and 19% lower than the next bidder. A copy of the Bid Tabulation is enclosed. A summary of the Kalispell City Airport — North End Surfacing project: North End Surfacing Future FAA AIP Eligibility Schellinger Construction Base Bid $1,124,784.10 Yes Additive Alternate #1 $74,828.75 Yes Total $1,199,612.85 Schellinger Construction's proposal meets the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals for this project. Their Schedule of Participation indicates an 8.55% DBE utilization. If you have any questions please call me. R E IATES Philip Porrim, P.E. Project Manager cc. Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager FA, I 0RTS\KALISPELL CITY-2003WORTH END SURFACING\Eid ]nfo\ROA.DOC