06/13/00 Kukulski/Soliciting ProposalsON of Kalispell
Post Office Box 1997 • Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 • Telephone (406) 758-7700 • FAX (406) 758-7758
June 13, 2000
Carter Burgess
113 West Front, Suite 103
Missoula, MT 59802
Dear Carter Burgess:
The City of Kalispell is currently soliciting proposals for an Environmental Assessment/Site
Selection Study to be completed for the Kalispell City Airport.
Once you have looked over the Scope of Services and information included in this packet,
please feel free to submit a proposal. The due date is July 12th by 5:00 p.m.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact Mike Baker at 758-7701. We look
forward to hearing from you.
Chris A. Kukulski
City Manager
City of Kalispell
The City of Kalispell, Montana is hereby soliciting statements of qualifications and
experience from airport consultants for projects at Kalispell Municipal Airport. This project
may include:
1. Environmental Assessment
Services to be provided and selection processes are outlined in FAA advisory circulate
150/4100-14C. Services Required (chapter 1) include, but are not limited to, A/E services
for all phases and necessary incidental services for projects funded by FAA grant within
three years.
Selection Criteria (chapter 2) will include: Recent experience in airport projects, capabili
to perform all aspects of project reputation, ability to meet schedules within budget quali
of previous airport projects undertaken, interest shown, and consultant qualifications. Fe
will be negotiated for projects as grants are obtained. I
This contract is subject to the provision of Executive Order 11246 (Affirmative Action to
Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity) and to the provisions of Department of
Transportation Regulation 49 CFR Part 23 (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
The consultant or subcontractor, by submission of an offer and/or execution of a contract,
certifies that it:
1. Is not owned or controlled by one or more citizens or nationals of a foreign
country included in the list of countries that discriminates against U.S. firms
published by the office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).
2. Has not knowingly entered into any contract or subcontract for this project
with a contractor that is a citizen or national of a foreign country on said list,
or is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by one or more citizens or
nationals of a foreign country on said list.
3. Has not procured any product nor subcontracted for the supply of any product
for use on the project that is produced in a foreign country on said list.
Unless the restrictions of this clause are waived by the Secretary of Transportation in
accordance with 49 CFR 30.17, NO contract shall be awarded to a contractor (consultant)
or subcontractor who is unable to certify to the above. If the contractor knowingly procures
or subcontracts for the supply of any product or service of a foreign country on said list for
use on the project, the Federal Aviation Administration may direct through the sponsor,
cancellation of the contract at no cost to the government.
Airport consultants should submit nine copies of their statement of qualifications and
experience along with references to the fallowing address, no later than Wednesday, July 12,
2000 by 5:00 p.m.
Chris Kukulski, City Manager
City of Kalispell
1*bst Office Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
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1. 1. 1 Define Work Scope Descriptions
A detailed description of each item of work required for completion of an environmental
assessment will be prepared. Guidelines, provided by the Owner and drawn from FAA
requirements and supplemental docurnents, will be integrated into the Scope of Work. The
Engineer shall prepare the draft and final versions of the document detailing the work
program and subrm't to the Owner for review. The product of this task will be a Scope of
Work to conduct the studies.
1. 1.2 Establish Project Costs and Schedules
Each task description will be evaluated to estimate the number of man-hours needed to
accomplish the work efforts. Expense for travel, subsistence, materials, and miscellaneous
study -related costs will also be estimated. A schedule will be prepared to identify
milestones, the points at which products of the study will be submitted to the Owner. The
Engineer will develop (a) final cost estimates related to the work to be accomplished by the
Engineer, and (b) final schedules for completion of work.
1. 1.3 Coordinate Work Prog!am Review and Approval
Once the draft Scope of Work, Cost and Project Schedule have been developed, discussion
with the Owner will be held to assure that the study efforts will provide the type of analysis
that meets the requirements of all concerned parties. The Engineer and Owner shall confer
and complete the Scope of Work, including time, cost and schedule for completion of the
project. Upon preliminary agreement on the above, the Engineer shall assist the Owner in
preparing application materials for submittal to the FAA for approval and grant assistance.
Upon completion of the preceding tasks and negotiations between the owner and the
engineer, contract documents will be prepared for the execution by the two parties. The
engineer will furnish a proposed professional services agreement which incorporates the
negotiated terms, task descriptions (Scope of Work), costs, and completion schedules to the
Owner for review and approval. Upon approval, the Owner will be responsible for issuing
a Notice to Proceed to accomplish the project.
1. 1. 5 Inventory
ff-A. RIM
1. 1.7 Affected Environment
The sections that follow describe key environmental issues and identify major tasks for
analysis. Existing conditions and the environmental impacts of Runway Relocation to the
Airport Master Plan project will be discussed for each topic. The proposed projects and
alternatives will be assessed to minimize adverse environmental consequences. The focused
environmental issues, impacts to be addressed are listed below:
Land Use
a Social Impacts
® Induced Socioeconomic Impacts
® Air Quality
® Water Quality
® 4 (f) Land
® Historic, Architectural, Archaeological, and Cultural Resources
® Biotic Communities
0 Endangered and Threatened Species
® Wetlands
® Floodplains,
® Wind and Scenic Rivers
® Farmlands
0 Energy Supply and Natural Resources
0 Light Emissions
® Solid Waste Impacts
® Construction Impacts
Noise: Generalized noise contours have been developed for the year 1999, 2009, and 2019
for the Runway Realignment as proposed and based on the forecasts of general aviation
activity from the Master Plan. These contours will be used to assess the impact of each of
the reasonable alternatives to the area surrounding the airport and the impact to the land uses.
Using these noise contours, the followig information will be provided on the land are
impacted within each contour: i
a The distribution of noise -sensitive land uses by number of acres
percent of total area.
a Residential, business and commercial areas.
a Places of public assembly such as churches, schools, parks, etc.
0 Identify areas within the 55 LDN and 65 LDN areas. I
Land Uses: This work item will consider potential impacts which have land -use
rainifications-for example, distribution of communities, relocation, and induced
socioeconomic impacts. These impacts will be analyzed and described accordingly under
!he appropriate impact category with necessary cross-reference to this land -use work item.
A list of all government entities which would be affected by the 'implementation of any of
the alternatives and which have zoning authority will be included.
Social Impacts: It is possible that each alternative may have an impact on existing lifestyles.
Social impacts of concern relate to the need to relocate any residence or business; disruption
of orderly, planned development; potential significant increases in vehicular traffic; and/or
appreciable changes in employment.
Induced Socioeconomic Impacts: Development of the runway will create employment during
the construction phase (e.g., laborer's and construction management). An improved airport
could attract new commercial and/or industrial interests to the area, as well as support
existing businesses and provide additional maintenance/operation employment. Utilities
could also be impacted by the selected development alternative.
Aires I y: Air pollutant concentrations due to aircraft operations and vehicular activity will
be evaluated. The resultant concentrations will be compared to ambient air quality
conditions to determine the air pollutant concentration for time periods in excess of one hour.
This section will address the requirements of FAA Order 1050 E - "Air Quality".
Water Quality: The potential effect of each reasonable alternative on surface and
groundwater quality will be determined. The analysis will evaluate existing drainage
patterns and water quality standards. As an integral part of the evaluation, water quality
regulating and permitting agencies will be consulted to identify specific concerns and
subsequent permit requirements.
4 (f) Lands: Areas of special land use as defined by the Department of Transportation Act
Action 4 (f), may exist in the immediate vicinity of the airport or its flight patterns.
Department of Transportation Act, Section 4 (f), land which would be affected by the
alternatives will be identified. If any 4 (f) land is revealed, it will be described in terms of
size, nature of use, patronage, unique or irreplaceable qualifies, and relationship to other
similarly used land in the vicinity.
jurisdiction over 4 (f) lands identified in the analysis. Alternatives to the adverse impact on
such lands will be proposed as needed. If any parks are affected, replacement land will be
HistorArchitectural, Archaeological and Cultural Resources: An archaeological survey
will be completed by a registered Archaeologist.
Biotic Communities: The impact of each reasonable alternative on wildlife and water fowl
species and their associated habitats will be evaluated. Emphasis will be placed on carrying
capabilities of habitats in the construction and immediate adjoining areas. Assessment of the
impact of each alternative will be reviewed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Endangered and Threatened Species: This work item will identify endangered or threatened
species whose geographic range included the project area. The habitat requirements of those
species identified will be compared to the available habitat in the study area. A physical
survey of the development areas may be required.
Consultation will be held with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and appropriate state
agencies to determine if sufficient habitat exists within the project area for an endangered
or threatened species and whether this habitat has been determined to be critical.
Wetlands: Potential wetland sites will be surveyed, identified, and evaluated.
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occurrence of floodplain encroachment will be identified in this section, any measures
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State and local floodplain regulations and agencies will be identified.
Wild and Scenic Rivers: Evaluation of proposed development alternatives that may have an
impact on a system afforded federal protection under the auspices of the Wild and Scenic
River Act (PL 90-542 as amended).
Farmlands: The U.S. Department • Agriculture and State • Conservation Agency will be
contacted to identify the presence of prime and/or unique farinland in the proposed project
site. Any evaluation will involve the determination of the amount of prime and unique
farmland which may be affected.
Enegy Sgpply and Natural Resources: This work item will assess the impact of the proposed
reasonable alternatives on fuel, energy, and other natural resources. Because the proposed
project relates to airport development, emphasis will be placed •' ascertaining the impact
of the project on aviation fuel consumption.
Li .. t Emissions: The installation of any light system associated with the proposed proje
will be assessed regarding potential annoyance to individuals in the vicinity of all
installation. Documentation of lighting impacts will include a description of the location
the lights, their purpose, and other pertinent characteristics. Included in the documentatio
will be a description of the locations of persons who may be annoyed by installations
*peration of the lighting systems. Measures to lessen any annoyance, such as shielding
2,ngular adjustments will also be described.
Solid Waste Impacts: Any increase in solid waste generation. resulting from a projected
increase of activity at the airport will be evaluated. The FAA stipulates Minimum distances
separating airports from a waste disposal site (including landfills). This should be evaluated
with consideration to both existing and planned waste disposal sites.
Construction Impacts: This work will also investigate short-term impacts related to
construction activities. Specific attention will be devoted to the construction impacts in soil
erosion and borrow areas, transportation of materials and air quality.
Applicable recommendations and guidelines describing construction practices will be
identified as suitable measure to avert adverse environmental 'impacts.
The project manager and support staff as necessary will attend up to six Council/Advisory
Board meetings during the preparation of the draft EA. Attendance at additional board
meetings will be billed on a time -and -materials basis.
In addition to staff meetings, the project team will attend two public information/involvement
meetings and one formal public hearing.
Informational materials shall include the preparation and printing of 1000 brochures. The
brochures will be trifled 81/2" x I I ", colored with infort-nation about the project printed on
both sides. Mailing and distribution costs will be provided by the Owner.
1. 1.9 Environmental Assessment Reports
The purpose of this task is to produce in narrative and graphic from the findings of the
Engineer for work accomplished during the EA process. The draft and final reports will be
prepared in accordance with FAA Order 5050.4A - "Airport Environmental Handbook", as
well as FAA Order 1050E - "Air Quality Provisions" as previously mentioned.
Draft Environmental Assessment Repo : The draft report shall be submitted to the City of
Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana. Aeronautics Division, and the FAA for review and
comments. Copies shall be made available to federal and state agencies and the public for
review. A final report shall be issued when a review of the draft environmental assessment
is completed. A maximum of 35 copies of the draft shall be printed.
Conduct Public Information MeetiriHearing: Following the release of the draft
Environmental Assessment a Public Hearing will be advertised and an opportunity afforded
to hear statements regarding the study efforts and proposed projects to date. The importance
of this bearing is to allow the public to express concerns for any part of the project. The
Public Hearing will be scheduled and held in accordance with federal guidelines. The Owner
will be responsible for providing a suitable location and for obtainingLa verbatim transcript
of the hearing.
Response to Comments: the draft Environmental Assessment report will be released to
numerous agencies in accordance with the federal guidelines. The study team must address
responses from agencies in the EA; comments from the public, submitted in writing or given
at the formal Public Hearing, will also be addressed by the study team. Replies to these
agency/public comments will be made a part of the final EA. The verbatim transcript of the
Public Hearing will also be made a part of the final report. Any changes proposed as a result
of the public review process or Public Hearing input will be clearly identified.
Final Environmental Assessment Repo : The project team will review comments received
on the draft EA during its circulation and prepare responses to the comments for 'inclusion
as an addendum to the draft EA and referred to as "Response to Comments". Public Hearing
testimony will also be summarized and written responses prepared. A maximum of 40
copies of the final report shall be printed.
The objective of the Environmental Assessment document is to submit sufficient
documentation to the FAA for a determination of a Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI), or recommendation by the FAA for further investigation such as an Environmental
Impact Statement.
L 1. 10 Retain the services of an archeological firm to conduct a Cultural Resource Survey.
I I Retam* the services of a biologic research firm to conduct a Biotic Community Study
and Threatened and Endangered Species Survey.
L 1. 12 Retain the services of a wetlands inventory consultant to conduct a Wetlands Survey
and Delineation Study.
1.2.1 Site Selection: Apply facility requirements to the service area and idenfify potentially
suitable sites. The adequacy of the existing site for immediate and forecasted needs
will be evaluated under this section of the Plan and will be considered one of the
potentially suitable sites. The following outlines the approach:
1. Conduct a "Table -Top -Survey" using existing mapping, existing photogrammetry and any
other existing information in order to locate three additional, potential sites within the service
2. Inspect each site (from the air) in order to analyze the sites and locate additional nearby
sites that might have been overlooked.
3. Eliminate those sites that are obviously not acceptable. The specific reasoning for the
eliminations will be documented for the study.
4. Update of the matrix will be developed which compares the sites to include the additional
three sites and the Closure of the Airport Alternative. This will include comparison of such
items as access, land ownership, initial construction cost, maintenance costs, obstruction
problems/Part 77 surface analysis, ultimate expansion potential, wind coverage, obvious
environmental problems, airspace compatibility and utility availability, and local support.
A drawing depicting FAR Part 77 surfaces and obstructions will be included for each site.
5. Preliminary airspace review on those sites indicated in the matrix will be requested from
the FAA.
6. An informal environmental update will be conducted on the final sites using the
AIRPORT ENVIRONMENT HANDBOOK (FAA Order 5050.4) as a final step before
making a recommendation for the final site selection. No coordination of this analysis shall
be made with any state or federal agency other than FAA and Montana Aeronautics Division.
7. Based upon the above matrix, preliminary airspace coordination and envirom-nen
update, the engineer shall make a final site recommendation. i
1.2.2 AiEport Site Investigation and Approval (NM 5030. 113): Following Owner and F
concurrence in the recommended site and environmental finding, the Airport Si
Investigation shall be made as per FAA Order NM 5030. 113. The objective of tNhis sectill
is to receive FAA approval of the recommended site. I
1. The chosen site will be analyzed and development alternatives will be present '
Ln order to provide for the optimum development of the selected site.
2. Address all items covered in NM Order 5030. 1B - "Airport Site Investigation and
1. Alternative Sites
1. Prepare a Site Selection Study in the lower Flathead Valley within
seven miles of the City of Kalispell for three airport sites.
2. Identify specific parcels of land that would be required for the above
airport site.
3. Retain the services of an appraiser to prepare an estimated value of the
property and identify potential relocation of residential or business
assistance properties.
2. Five Degree Re -Alignment Alternative
1. Update the land acquisition section of the Master Plan Study. Identify
parcels that will require fee simple purchase and parcels that have
potential to be leased.
2. Identify parcels that have potential for relocation.
3. Retain the services of an appraiser to provide property estimates for
each parcel identified.
3. Update Exhibit "A" Property Drawing
used on the information obtained during the update to the land
acquisition phase, update the Exhibit "A" Property Drawing.