Mild Fence Co Proposal_e-nglh Bind Corner Posts End Pasts Gate Posts w--�---Lrtae t'esfs D � E 1L-A �i■/F/ h'+ �5 f�� t Fence Line Sketch 1 ��_•°�, °r i � nSVJ� 5 Tor) Pail I e I _ _ _ 'Gates Flos, 1'1 .-C1 �...... _ Math �..Hei ht ~ Width f Height E..•'ew.v.-.•rn arawwe.�w..'• •�.•n Kr r r•.Sr �.. Yi. r..I�e w S nr ►tT.r.w.�..ww. � r !7 LOT SIZE r.--.....�....-.-_..n..srr a.-.�v .._ . _-..-.._ �....« .�..+.-...r ...n ..��.....'.....�.....«.. w•w.-..._--�..�+r�w.....a...._ryT•C 4 . aVX^lyMb I Q 7)�/ A, Jr ')-- [iPEC;11Fi a9\T10Nti9 Fabric: 41 l. �w f Height: Line Posts): � �f��z ������4-t_j_ Spacings: Terminal Gate Posts: Top Rail: ce Walk Gates: 14 Drive Gate,-. Barbed Wire: ic 2 VC 1 Bottom W. rC-= MILD GCS, :a jree:s, 'a roc= call :hm above work in a good workmanlike manner. We do nrel: ac —opt 1%i neri :r n Exp,,ess or credit card payment by phone. It is fultbel..a:Irc'edl ':tbare shall be the essence of this agreement, and that in the event any default be made ire the payments 0 e= re rejuirj,3d to be male, Ae. lo""-a arriount th=:rn duf! s'iall become due and parable forthwith without notice. This aore�A�ni:,, ni :,t ail no tre binding fil;ion the r,ontiaotor until signed by him in writing. All unused materials shall, under any condion... rernain Ih:� title ana profaeMy rat Jhrl conlractor. A PG?' it 'oquirprl1�= . �ist be obtained bv the owner. Owner responsible for restrictions or covenants or: property. I f s flea h:: r c rf ?r,� t gar rrac.tc. shal I not be liablt� ,for delays caused by weather conditions, obtaining materials, or any rather taus E s , ,-,yc:rad iis con-1 rc . C)wnE,,r a if .se.r I -1 -m the event of caricelle lon of tMs contract before work has started, owner shall pay to contractor on demand (2:r %; -ercent of the r..<7ntraCt a113 itS stiPr.latr-:e,1 4rvn&_- E s for breacq_ Verbal agreements other that those expressed on this contract are not binding. Fence €N111 bE bl-Wt ; 3 aVef'a;.e grade in disregard to unevenness of ground. Fence will be erected on lot line when stakes can tl• :-:af.rf)d. l f not stakes can be- will Igo thci r e�o,, rnsi:1)iMy al I he pr oparq.� owner to cieter•mine h1a property line, If survey is noc=etry, Me property owner jS FE.IgU red ic, Txs j u trigs si@rvice. ILD FEI,1s€ H-* C-03 _M110 nat be r sporialble for damaging unmarked private underground lines such as sprinklers, power.. septic, i Vic, Co.-,ts; tc locate pt'�v te l:rie-, pry, owners rep ;pcsnr )i :€ilify. [�Fl I L.D F = F: NCE CO. will notif!i UDI 3 fcr underground utility locates, A I ''I r): tf °=� :` ER �`O��D-1 F�N�NCE CHANGE CAN ALL PAST DUE AND BALANCE ACCOUNTS,