09/19/10 DavisFred Lelstiko From: Jane Howington Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 9:12 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Airport Meeting Attachments: —WRD000Jpg Fred, [ou|dyou p|easeforwerdthisemai|hmSteUing. Thanks. Jane From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwelisnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:27 AM To: Jane Howington; Theresa White; bidcaller65@hotmaii.com; citizens@fiatheadcitizens.org; mcdonald; ma ryiverson@bresnan. net; mike davis; nomad 1400@yahoo.com; e KAREN RUSCH; a RICKY BIAS; Shannon Cassidy -Davis; treemendoustreeservice@gmaii.com Subject: FW: Airport Meeting Note: Our Mayor TAMMI FISHER, and council members, ROBERT HAFFERMAN, TIM KWESNER, and I think one other voted a defendant NO. I encourage you all to go to this meeting, and attend this 1/2 hour presentation. But ask the questions, Did you not hear the people when we told you NO, to Expansion for years? Did you not hear the people when we told you NO, we will not accept the 39 Assurance of the FA.A, for there money? Did you not hear the people when we told you NO, to any F.A.A. Involvement in our City Airport? Did you not hear the people when we told you NO, to any Condemnation to Peoples Property for Expansion of the City Airport? Did you not hear the people when we told you NO, to Larger, Faster, Nosier, More Polluting, and Jet Aircraft at our City Airport? kv t# neighborhoods? Now, if the Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update Kick -Off Meeting tells us, We plan to Move the Airport three to five miles out of town, or We Plan to Move it to G.P.I. or We Plan to Close it, or We plan to down grade it for only small single engine aircraft and no commercial businesses and We plan to remove All Training Operations, and we we will not accept any funding from F.A,A. Well then they got our attention. That's the kind of Master Plan Update we want and have told the City Council and Mayor for years. M11011WWWRIT41M My rA&TAJll11VV_*Gfl11i1#j1W-r4 Scott Davis 448 5th. Ave. W. Kalispell, Montana 59901 406-752-1523