01/25/11 DavisFred Lelstiko From: FredLebstiko Sent: January 26'2D11i2:0%2 PM To: 'Jim Pierce' Subject: FW:Airport complaints \ have forwarded the most recent complaints from the Quiet Skies group for your review. We would like you toconsider having your employees act as Ambassadors for our airport by reminding transient pilots and visitors that we have a noise abatement procedure at the airport that we would lik-e them to adhere to. Since your crews (refue|ers)normally are the only ones 'Chat have a chance to talk to transient pilots and visitors, maybe they would hand them a copy of our traffic pattern procedures vvesent out last year. You know, the one toremind pilots inthe five county area around the airport about our procedures. |fyou need more copies ofthe drawings | will provide them for you. A quick reminder to these pilots might go a long way in helping Lis deal with the complaints since we are trying to upgrade our airport for the future and noise complaints are not helping our cause. Quiet Skies group acknowledges that Q696ofthe aircraft are courteous, but the S96that are not are causing usthe problems. Thanks for your cooperation, ,--red A. 6e1stiko A|rpurtK4onaaer OtyofKaUspeU P,O,BOX 1BQ7 KmUspeU,K8T�QgO3 406-250-3065 From: Theresa White Sent: Tuesday, January 25' 2011 ]:43 PM To: Duane Larson; Duane Larson; Jeff ZaVDer; JeTZaUOer; ]iO0 Atkinson; Jim Atkinson UatkinSoO@flathead.mt.00vl; Karl Gabriel; Randy Kenyon; R0bertHaffer[naD; n]beMtt@A)QOtaRa.conO;TaOlORi Fisher; Tim K|VeSAer; Wayne Saverud Cc: Jane M0wington; Fred LeigUk0 Subject: FW: Airport complaints Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 10:58 AM Subject., FW: Airport complaints From: maxwelisnortsnort@live.com Subject: FW: Airport complaints Date: Mon, 24 Jan 201113:45:37 -0700 IBM ;NMI .rot's more flying over head Scott -- --- ------- From: maxwelisnortsnort@live.com To: jhowington@kalispell.com Subject: RE: Airport complaints Date: Mon, 24 Jan 201110:01:38 -0700 ... . . .. .... From: jhowington@kalispell.com To: maxwelisnortsnort@iive.com Date: Mon, 24 Jan 201108:44:48 -0800 Subject: RE: Airport complaints I understand YOU called last week with concern over the flight p2ths of planes using the municipal airport. We have forwarded your complaints tothe parties overseeing this. |'rn sorry we didn't get back toyou immediately- with the legislature in session, several staff members were in Helena last week and | was inasettlement conference. JaneHovvngton Kalispell City Manager