04/06/11 Cemetary RoadFred Lelstiko E From: Fred Leistiko, Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 9:51 AM To: Jane Howington Subject: Airport - Complaint 47MITIERIT77111-77, 995 helicopter circled her house six time around 3:00 P.M. that day and it was very annoying. I asked her to describe the aircraft toitiemd I iosol"�,eck it out. not violated any FAA rules, he did violate our 'good neighbor' policy. He would be instructed by his flight instructor to fly the appropriate pattern in the future. 'ITMT-TII Nduly --'I T I L Ahmor� Manafj�e, V 0-" '0 P n, Kalispell, MT �aanq