***08/19/11 DavisFred Lelstiko—_ I
From: Jeff Walla [Jwalla@stellinginc.com"
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 8:09 AM
To: Fred Leistiko
Jeff Walla, PE
Stelling Engineers, Inc.
phone: 406-755-8602
Sent: Friday, Augu;t 19, 201110:52 PM
To: fmiele@daiiyintedake.com
Dear Quiet Skies Members and all interested ( City Manager, Mayor, Council Members)
You have resident so upset by letting this go on they now want to picket City Hall, Red Eagle, and they want to come
down there and tell you face to face ... AGAIN and AGAIN And you don't even respond back to there e-mails or phone
calls. Get your heads out of the sand!M Looks like the residents and Quiet Skies members are going to band up again
and come knocking on city hall.
Any one of you e-mail me and tell me what you are going to do ..... I can and will pass it on to the Quiet Skies group.
Contact the D.I.L. and explaine to the News Paper why the residents are so upset and what you are going to do about
Start comunacating with the peopleMH Wake up and pay attention to us or we will be down there again. We are the Tea
Party of this town, word of mouth go's a long ways.
As I told you a few weeks ago, they don't think its more than a few people complaining. They just engnore me. I'm not
an affective spokesman any longer, I will still speak for you but you need to let them know I'm not alone.
I h
V11 13
Was at school today and it sounded like Pearl Harbor. Looked out the window and saw Red Eagle Plane - looping. What
2 miscarriage of justice.
(Fred says that the developers on the north side like the airport where it is because it encourages growth on the north
side - In other words, makes downtown
less appealing - is this part of the city plan? Is this what the city wants? Get rid of Red Eagle and hire a real manager fbi-
heaven's sakOMMMMM)
Keep me posted - how do we do a picket?
Lzi rgm Loub-M—Any-Kow" I It RE It 1[;�M*Mxf A —I
M 7Z7 5 M11
Please forward this to message to others, we all know the word of mouth and the pen can change
things. Maybe our City Manager, Mayor, and Council Members respond to this. You all need to call the
police department and ask them how many complaints they have about this problem, Airport
Manager will not do his job. You have been hearing about these complaints for four years, are you
telling the people of Kalispell that you don't care also? Tell the people why you will not enforce the
F.A.A. recommended fly neighborly route. You make rules for all other parks in this city why not the
Scott Davis
448 5th. Ave. W.
V'alisngll, Jbirta-la 5991
I am Kathy XXXXXXX I live on Cemetary Rd. I have called Fred and
complained about the helicopters several times only to be told he can't tj
someone how to run their business. They use our house as a to around
point. We have to listen to the fly over from about 7:00am until about 9:00pm.
Dear Quiet Skies Members and Friends, and ALL Residents of Kalispell, D.I.L. Editor, Radio
and TV,
Again, Red Eagle Aviation employees are not following the F.A.A. recommended fly
neighborly route. Just today 18 aircraft flew low over the High school and the west side of
Kalispell. I received three phone calls from friends, neighbors and residents complaining about
I called and talked to Fred Lestico, the Kalispell City Airport Manager, he said, they are not
going to do anything about this as I'm the only one calling in and complaining. They are not
going to put up any signs, or tell anyone of any type of route to fly out of this airport.
He is tellinc, me that he / they don't care if we are concerned for our safety or the danger of
low flying aircraft taking off and flying low over our city or they / he don't care of the noise
pollution it causes from taking off over the residents, schools, business of our city. Because it's
only me that's complaining to them / him. I know that is a lie, as a number of you have told me
you have called them / him.
And he told me that he called the F.AA. and they said no one has ever been to our airport
and flew and recommend a northern flight path from this airport because of the complaint's of
the danger of low flying aircraft and noise problems from the people of Kalispell. So when I
called them they said they did, does that mean the F.A.A. lied to me or are they lying to Fred
lestico our City Airport manager? I think not! People, call the F.A.A. Flight Standards
Well Fred Lestico our City Airport Manager said that if lie receives calls from others ( other
than Me ) lie will check it out. But then he has received calls from others ..... Sounds like a run
around to me.
I'm thinking on getting in touch with Carmine Mowbray a State Senator from Polson and get
her take on our airport problem here in Kalispell. She witnessed the one aircraft crash we had
lately here in the valley. And I think she is a pilot also. No other Senator from around here is
saying anything,. People get up and do something, CALL the police and complain about the
safety and noise. Let's hear from the people that are ruraiing for City Council.
So folks that's what I need you all to do.... Call your State Senators, Don't call Fred he don't
remember you calling, but you can try, his number is 406-250-3065. Call the Kalispell City
Manager, 406-758-7703. Mayor 406-758-7704. And also make complaints to the Kalispell
Police Department 406-758-7780, Call them all........ Call your Council Member. Go
to -,,vwNv.kalisj)ell.com click on council members it will give you there phone numbers.
448 5-th. Avenue West
Kalispell, Montana 59901