***05/20/11 DavisFred Lelstiko i, ,i Walla [Jwalla@stellinginc.com] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 7:39 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW. AIRPORT "QUIET SKIES" 2M fizzfil�� Jeff Walla, PE Stelling Engineers, Inc. phone: 406-755-8602 Sent., Friday, May 20, 201112:46 AM Subject: AIRPORT "QUIET SKIES" O's Sorry I haven't got this News letter or report out sooner. Thanks for all the e -mailing wanting to know how the "Airport Advisory Council" meeting went. I think they are now calling them selfs " The Kalispell City Airport Technical Advisory Council" , You know the bigger title thing going on here. Maybe we should be called "State of Montana Flatheat, County City of Kalispell Residents Quiet Sides Committee Awareness Group" naw, Lets just say, The owners of the Airport. Low =-1 .. ,. #imois IN 1 04 landing and take off air park rules. We k�ep it simal there's no need ior a i.5 M"illion �ollar fix up. Our two busness can continue to operated and work with the residents of Kalispell. Kalispells problem are the ones that want to expand the airport and use F.A.A. funding. And them towers have been there for decades, no plan has crashed because of them. If student pilots can fly around them, why can't experanced pilots. Them towers were there when they started training flights and when avaonic's were a windshild wiper and a hanky. maybe we should move lone pine park. Teakettle mountain is like KGF7 towers to comersial jets as to our piper cubs. They know teakettle is there they climb and bank out of it. And theres no lights on that hill. Oh, my I'm Ranting Scott Davis 448 5th. Avenue West Kalispell, Montana 59901 406-752-1523 406-212-8439