Donaldson/Kalispell City AirportROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES Transmittal Letter FROM: Rick Donaldson 19> TO: Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager DATE: September 22, 2010 FIRM/AGENCY: Kalispell City Airport PROJECT #: 07060.000 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1997 REGARDING: Kalispell City Airport CITY/STATE/ZIP: Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 TELEPHONE: 406-250-3065 Transmitted are the following items: Item Number Copies Description 1 1 March 11, 2010 Letter with Invoice 2 1 9/20/10 Leistiko email annotated F:\AIRPORTS\07006.0 KALISPELL\CORRESPD\TRANSMITTAL\1009224FL.➢OC Remarks: Fred, It was good to see you in Lewistown for the MCAA meeting. Thanks for your contributions toward that cause. It was fun for me to give a presentation to the group. I hope it was well received and the graph I sent you last week is helpful. As we recently discussed via email, I have not heard anything formally back from the City on our request to be reimbursed for land acquisition assistance work. So, as suggested, I am resubmitting this invoice again. As stated in the March 11, 2010 letter under Task Order #11, the work primarily consisted of items requested by you that included: updating the CIP several times for evolving land acquisition purchases and changing future scenarios; meetings and emails with the FAA and Sponsor; appraiser and negotiator coordinations; drafting individual exhibits for land owner negotiations; revisions to the ALP and Exhibit A related to new parcel information related to Sponsor configuration changes. All work completed was requested by Airport Manager Fred Leistiko, proceeding towards a federally eligible land acquisition project. The regular, but piece -meal trickle of items never had sufficient definition to write a reasonable Task Order with a defined scope. Had we / you been able to define a long-range scope for acquisitions, we would have developed a Task Order. RPA completed work as requested in good -faith that the cost would be included in a federally eligible land project and paid as you were reimbursed or paid at some milestone(s) if the land did not develop into a project. If it were not for RPA's assistance on the unpaid work, the land parcels acquired probably would not be where they are today. You requested "detail" in your email. Please note that the invoice has a description of the work being done for each labor entry. I believe we have transmitted to you everything requested. Thanks for your assistance on this item. cc: Jane Howington, Kalispell City Manager HELENA - CORPORATE OFFICE KALISPELL BUTTE P.O. Box 5653 P.O. Box 5100 Thornton Building 825 Custer Avenue 102 Cooperative Way, Suite 300 65 East Broadway Helena, MT 59604 Kalispell, MT 59903 Butte, MT 59701 (406) 447-5000 (406) 752-5025 (406) 533-6770 FAX (406) 447-5036 FAX (406) 752-5024 FAX (406) 533-6830 ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES March 11, 2010 Mr. Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager Kalispell City Airport PO Box 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 Re: Kalispell City Airport — Airport Layout Plan AutoCAD drawings Dear Mr. Leistiko; Enclosed is a CD containing the sheet files, reference files, and image files used in the creation of your Airport Layout Plan (ALP) drawings. Your Airport Engineer should be able to easily recreate the ALP and modify it as you see fit. The image files could be replaced, as NRIS has published newer images since the ALP was completed. As suggested in your email yesterday, below is a summary of the work performed under our contract and per your direction: Task Order #8 — Topographic and Control Survey — 100% Complete and Paid Task Order #9 — Preliminary Engineering —100% Complete and Paid Task Order #10 — Legal Land Survey — Approx 80% Complete The majority of this work has been completed and the result is reflected on the Exhibit A of the Airport Layout Plan. This work will continue serving as a basis for land acquisitions. Remaining items to complete this Task Order following land acquisitions include: + Certificate of Survey: A Certificate of Survey with the new boundary line locations should be drafted and filed along with any new easements. + Set New Property Monuments: On completion of the land acquisition and agreed upon new property boundary lines. All pertinent monuments should be set, as well as any new easements subject to and/or together with the new property. No further invoicing is necessary at this time. Upon your request, RPA could "pin" the properties you have already acquired and/or draft and file a COS on the properties actually acquired so far. We would invoice for the cost to do that work within HELENA KALISPELL BUTTE P.O. Box 5653 P.O. Box 5100 Thornton Building 825 Custer Avenue 102 Cooperative 1Nay, Suite 300 65 East Broadway Helena,MT 59604 Kalispell, MT 59903 Butte, MT 59701 (406) 447-5000 (406) 752-5025 (406) 533-6770 FAX (406) 447-5036 FAX (406) 752-5024 FAX (406) 533-6830 Robert Peccia & Associates the contract Task Order amounts. Please advise if you would like us to do this interim step, complete the items at a later date upon land acquisition completion or terminate the Task Order as is. Task Order #11 — Land Acquisition Assistance — No formal contract signed This was a Task Order set up internally with RPA accounting system to track time for Land Acquisition Assistance activities not included in the scope of work of the other Task Orders. Typically the engineer spearheads this effort but it was decided you would do that work because of the anticipated drawn out nature of the acquisition and tower issues. No formal contract has been set-up with the City of Kalispell since you were coordinating with the appraisers and performing the negotiations. However, RPA has been supporting these efforts on an as needed basis since June of 2007. Time was expended in small increments over a long period of time with the thought that a Task Order would be developed to include the work when land acquisitions became eligible. We would have rather invoiced it under a Task Order and so we did not invoice this work for a long time — thinking it would simplify things and help the City's cash flow. Slightly over 100 hours have been accumulated totaling $9,650.09 (including equipment used, our FAR overhead rate (1.5826) and 15% profit) over that time period. This amount was invoiced but not paid in December of 2008. Since no contract Task Order was in place, we provided a detailed hourly and equipment summary as part of the invoice for your review. It is attached here again. To summarize, the work primarily consisted of: updating the CIP several times for evolving land acquisition purchases and changing future scenarios; meetings and emails with the FAA and Sponsor; appraiser and negotiator coordinations; drafting individual exhibits for land owner negotiations; revisions to the ALP and Exhibit A related to new parcel information related to Sponsor configuration changes. All of the above work that was accomplished was reflected in an ALP set that was provided, but not actually part of the scope of work. (The FAA will not participate in planning work before a grant is issued.) Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely ROBFRT PECCIA ASSOCIATES Rick Donaldson, P.E. Vice President Airport Division Manager cc via email: Ryan Mitchell, PE, PLS - RPA Office Manager Jane Howington, City Manager E `.AIRPORTS\07006 0 KAJ UPELUcaRPESPD",LE,i'ERI,09101 FL. Doc 2 Robert Peccia and Associates 825 Custer Ave'. . Helena, MT 59601 RPA Tax Ib #81-0379334 Phone 406-447-6000 Invoice City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell NIT 599034997 December 24, 2008 Project No: 07006.000 Invoice No: 0000003 Project: 07006.000 KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT Professional .services from April 1. 2009to December 20, 2008 Task: 002 Preliminary_ Engineering (TO#9) Fee Total Fee. 30;080.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Earned. 30,080.00 Previous Fee Billing 24,064.00 Current Fee Billing 6,016.00 Total Fee Billing Limits. Current Prior ToLdate Total Billings 6,016.60' 24,064.00 30;080:00 Contract Amount 30,080.00 Total this task Billings to date. Current Prior- Total Fee 6,01.6.00 - 24,064-.00 30,080.00 Totals 6,616.00 24,064,00 30,080.00 Task: 004 Land. Acquisition Assistance (TO 911) aii - UP' P41 Professional Personnel Hours Rate- Amount �� Bowser, Lance 6/10108 1.50 65.81 98.72 �(ff �L •----�j.Wet with Rick CIP Estimate/ Prepare Spreadsheet for CIP construction improvements Fes} Bowser, Lance. 6/11/08 9.25 65.81. 608.74 -CIP Cost Estimate (Construction + Land + Other Improvements) Bowser,, Lance 6/12/08 1.50 65.84 9.8.72 1�(. Y CIP Cost Estimate (.Construction + Land + Other Improvements) r-�J y Burkland, William R:.. 9/12/08 . 49.69 /� /� mtg. note.review for Rick 'Burkland, William R. 10/17/08_ 1.50 99.37 149.06 phasing disc w/ Gates, Lestiko &,Donaldson- Donaldsoh,.Riehard.S.- 6/7107 6.20 115.09. 23.02 - Call from Ryaln, on City's. desire for. RPA to initiate land acquisition ; Donaldson, Richard.S: •6/14/07 . 0.50 11,5.0'9 57.55 Call with Ryan,'On meeting. next week w/City 6,016.00 6 016.00 r� Donaldson, Richard S. 6119/07 6.00 116.09 575.45 Prep for mtg (4:30-6am); Mtg at Kai City over scope of new work(10-11:30am); pre and post meetings at RPA-KAL w/Ryan; mtg w/Ryan and Jason re: survey Donaldson, Richard S. 6/19/07 3.00 115.09. 345.27 Travel to Kai (6-8am) and return (5-6pm) Donaldson, Richard S. 6/19107 3.00 116.09 345.27 Travel to Kai (8-9am) & return (3-6pm) Donaldson, Richard S. 10/29/07 0.30 122.21 36.66 Working with Nancy to get preliminary maps put together Donaldson, Richard S. 10130/07 0.20 122.21 24.44 Misc mtg w/Nancy and Discussion of Road wlRyan Donaldson, Richard S. 11/6/07 0.30 122.21 36.66 extensive email to Ryan for talking points at today's meeting. with City Donaldson, Richard S. 11114/07 0.50 122.21 61.11 emails and calls w/Jason re: reconciling Flathead GIS w/surveyfor property maps, mtg w/Nancy Donaldson, Richard S. 11/16/07 0.20 122.21 24.44 Prep and email infor to Vice for N end hangar Donaldson, Richard S. 1121/08 0.30 122.21 36.66 Call from and mtg with Ron Olson re: exhibit A; handed over 4 copies Donaldson,. Richard S. 4/24108 2.50 122.21 305.53 Archive file search for CIP and related spreadsheets Donaldson, Richard S. 4/25/08 1.00 122.21 122.21 Follow-up work and planning for new Cl P Donaldson, Richard S. 6/10/08 0.70 122.21 86.55 Got Lance started on CIP Donaldson, Richard S. 6/11108 1.00 122.21 122.21 Meetings with Lance and Nancy to instruct on completing the draft of a CIP Donaldson, Richard S. 6/12/08 0.50 122.21 61.11 Meeting with Lance to go over the draft CIP Donaldson, Richard S. 7/16/08 0.80 122.21 97.77 Cali to Gary G, email reply and forward to Ryan; Call from Ryan on city parcel south of airport and instructions to Nancy Donaldson, Richard S. 8/13108 0.20 122.21 24.44 Email to FAA and Fred L Donaldson, Richard S. 9/2108 0.20 133.65 26.73 Call from Fred on CIP and other items Donaldson, Richard S. 918108 0.20 133.65 26.73 Few emails.w/Gary Gates on CIP meeting Donaldson, Richard S. 9/9108 1.00 133.65 133.65 Meeting w/Gary Gates Donaldson, Richard S. 9/9108 1.50 133.65 200.48 Prep for mtg w/FAA Donaldson, Richard S. 9/11/08 0.90 - 133.65 120.29 Prep for meeting; CIP and other work Donaldson, Richard S. 9/12/08 2.50 133.65 334.13 Final meeting prep - meeting notes, CIP, etc Donaldson, Richard S. 9112/08 1.50 133.65 200.48 Meeting with F. Leistiko at RPA-Kal re; many topics Donaldson, Richard S. 9/12/08 3.50 133.65 467.78 Travel to Kalispell; charged return travel to marketing since open house was going on Donaldson, Richard S. 9118/08 0.50 133.65 66.83 Review Stokes news, call from Fred, email to Gates Donaldson, Richard S. 1013/08 0.20 133.65 26.73 Div mtg Donaldson, Richard S. 10/10/08 0.10 133.65 13.37 Call from Ryan on Appraisers Donaldson, Richard S. 10/13/08 0.50 133.65 66.83 find, sort and email appraiser list to Ryan Donaldson, Richard S. 10/17/08 3.00 133.66, 400.95 Prep CIP and other materials for mtg w1F.Leistiko and G.Gates; meeting after ADO conference Donaldson, Richard S. 10/21108 0.60 133.65 66.83 Call from Fred and email to G.Gates re:sequence of funding if towers mitigated by Owner only Donaldson, Richard S. 10/28/08 0.20 133.65 26.73 Div mtg Geary, Nancy 11/6/07 0.25 63.68 15.92 send files to Kalispell for meeting (Ryan) Geary, Nancy 11/14/07 0.50 63.68 31.84 . GIS parcel info Geary, Nancy 6111/08 8.00 65.10 520.80 preliminary earthwork quantities for proposed pavements Geary, Nancy 6/12/08 2.50 66.10 162.75 Land acquisition inventory Geary, Nancy 7/16/08 3.00 68.31 204.93 exhibit for Cemetery Rd relocate/Siderius property Geary, Nancy 7/22/08 4.00 68.31 273.24 ALP comments/revisions Geary, Nancy 7/23/08 2.00 68.31 136.62 ALP comments/revisions Geary, Nancy 9/9/08 2.00 68.31 136.62 Exhibit A, check thru FAA comments Geary, Nancy 9/11/08 0.75 68.31 51.23 ALP Mitchell,. Ryan E. 1/24/07 2.00 109.39 218.78 Meeting with Jim, Fred & Rick Mitchell, Ryan E. 6/19/07 1.50 109.39 164.09 Land Acquisition/Survey Meeting Mitchell, Ryan E. 6/9/08 0.50 120.07 60.04 Printing ALP for Lloyd Barrie Appraisal Mitchell, Ryan E, 7/14/08 0.50 126.52 63.26 City Property/Cemetery Road Mitchell; Ryan E. - 7/16/08 0.50. 126.52 63.26 City Property/Cemetery Road Smith, Jason 1/24/08 4.00 79.38 317.52 Draft Exhibits for land acquisition Smith, Jason 1125/08 4.00 79.38 317.52 Draft Exhibits for land acquisition Smith, Jason 1/29/08 8.00 79.38 635.04 Draft Exhibits Smith, Jason 1/30/08 2.00 79.38 158.76 Draft Exhibits Smith, Jason} 1131108. 4:00 79.38 317.52 Draft Exhibits Totals 100.75 9,418.56 Total labor 9,418.56 Reimbursable Expenses Telephone Expense 0.03 Total Reimbursables 0.03 0.03 Unit Billing Equipment Utilized (CADIPC) 231.50 Total Units 231.60 231.50 Total this task $9,650.09 Billings to date Current Prior Total NOT Labor 9;418.56 0.00 9,418.56 fl� Expense 0.03. 0.00 0.03 Unit 231.60'. 0.00 231.50 Totals 9,65009 0.00 9,650.09. ma �C" F/ec( Thanks for the charts. As for the invoice you submitted, I believe I submitted it for payment, however, the new City Administration has a strict compliance with Task Order work and compliance with task orders. Please send me the invoice again and I will try to get it justified through a Task Order that was approved by Jim Patrick, the then City Manager. If my memory is correct, the administration was having a tough time justifying the work under an approved Task Order. Let's try it again. The work performed by RPA had something to do with the old City dump site and also with the KGEZ tower situation and there was no Task Order for that work. We did have a contract with Hatfield and Dawson on some tower planning and recommendations. I think there might also have been some work on the Fireplace Store property that Jim Patrick wanted surveyed for a possible entrance to the airport from the south. Give me as much detail as you can for the work performed and we'll see what we can do. Fred A. Leistiko -- c� % ijU i/U/t✓ G Airport Manager} City of Kalispell �� r/ICJ / %/� w C P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT59903 406-250-3065 —71 # _, s,,. From Rick Donaldson [mailto:rick@RPA-HLN.COM] Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 1:27 PM l� f0lJ��i" To: Fred Leistiko Subject: PCI Curve and Invoice '71-Wlf z.A,-Y0 > (-- u l'; %%�✓� Fred, As requested, attached is the PCI aging curve illustration you requested at the MCAA conference. Also some time ago, I had re -submitted an invoice as requested in the email below: Rich The City of Kalispell, Airport Department wants to make sure we have paid for any and all work that was performed as part of our contract with RPA. To that end, please send me a reminder of the Scope, Work, and Task Order # showing the work performed on the Land Acquisition process and I will look at it. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 file:H0\Documents and Settings\rick\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4C974D2DRPA-GWDom... 9/22/2010 March 11, 2010 P,�9 1-0 r P44 IV 4VJ ks A CAY Mr. Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager �, I Kalispell City Airport PO Box 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 Re: Kalispell City Airport — Airport Layout Plan AutoCAD drawings Dear Mr. Leistiko; Enclosed is a CD containing the sheet files, reference files, and image files used in the creation of your Airport Layout Plan (ALP) drawings. Your Airport Engineer should be able to easily recreate the ALP and modify it as you see fit. The image files could be replaced, as NRIS has published newer images since the ALP was completed. As suggested in your email yesterday, below is a summary of the work performed under our contract and per your direction: Task Order #8 — Topographic and Control Survey — 100% Complete and Paid Task Order #9 — Preliminary Engineering —100% Complete and Paid Task Order #10 — Legal Land Survey — Approx. 80% Complete The majority of this work has been completed and the result is reflected on the Exhibit A of the Airport Layout Plan. This work will continue serving as a basis for land acquisitions. Remaining items to complete this Task Order following land acquisitions include: + Certificate of Survey: A Certificate of Survey with the new boundary line locations should be drafted and filed along with any new easements. + Set New Property Monuments: On completion of the land acquisition and agreed upon new property boundary lines. All pertinent monuments should be set, as well as any new easements subject to and/or together with the new property. No further invoicing is necessary at this time. Upon your request, RPA could "pin" the properties you have already acquired and/or draft and file a COS on the properties actually acquired so far. We would invoice for the cost to do that work within HELENA KALISPELL BUTTE P.O. Box 5653 P.O. Box 5100 Thornton Building 825 Custer Avenue 102 Cooperative Way, Suite 300 65 East Broadway Helena, MT 59604 Kalispell, VT 59903 Butte, MT 59701 (406) 447-5000 (406) 752-5025 (406) 533.6770 FAX (406) 447-5036 FAX (406) 752-5024 FAX (406) 533-6830 Robert Peccia & Associates the contract Task Order amounts. Please advise if you would like us to do this interim step, complete the items at a later date upon land acquisition completion or terminate the Task Order as is. Task Order #11— Land Acquisition Assistance — No formal contract signed This was a Task Order set up internally with RPA accounting system to track time for Land Acquisition Assistance activities not included in the scope of work of the other Task Orders. Typically the engineer spearheads this effort but it was decided you would do that work because of the anticipated drawn out nature of the acquisition and tower issues. No formal contract has been set-up with the City of Kalispell since you were coordinating with the appraisers and performing the negotiations. However, RPA has been supporting these efforts on an as needed basis since June of 2007. Time was expended in small increments over a long period of time with the thought that a Task Order would be developed to include the work when land acquisitions became eligible. We would have rather invoiced it under a Task Order and so we did not invoice this work for a long time — thinking it would simplify things and help the City's cash flow. Slightly over 100 hours have been accumulated totaling $9,650.09 (including equipment used, our FAR overhead rate (1.5826) and 15% profit) over that time period. This amount was invoiced but not paid in December of 2008. Since no contract Task Order was in place, we provided a detailed hourly and equipment summary as part of the invoice for your review. It is attached here again. To summarize, the work primarily consisted of: updating the CIP several times for evolving land acquisition purchases and changing future scenarios; meetings and emails with the FAA and Sponsor; appraiser and negotiator coordinations; drafting individual exhibits for land owner negotiations; revisions to the ALP and Exhibit A related to new parcel information related to Sponsor configuration changes. All of the above work that was accomplished was reflected in an ALP set that was provided, but not actually part of the scope of work. (The FAA will not participate in planning work before a grant is issued.) Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely ROB T P CIA & SSOCIATES Rick Donaldson, P.E. Vice President Airport Division Manager cc via email: Ryan Mitchell, PE, PLS - RPA Office Manager Jane Howington, City Manager F'•.A[RPORTS\0.0i1do wtL!&FELL\CORPESPD'i.E7TER\0?161!FL DOC 2 Cy' Invoice City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell NIT 599034997 Robert Peccla and Associates 825CustecAve:. , Helena, MT 69601 RPA Tax ID #81-0379334 Phone 406-447-5000 ci December 24, 2008 Project No: 07006.000 Invoice No: 0000003 Project: 07006.000 KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT Professional .services from Anril 1. 2008'to December 20, 2008 Task: 002 Preliminary. Engineering (TO 49) 4o! - PA(b Fee Total Fee. 30;080.00 Percent Complete 100.00. Total Earned. 30,080.00 Previous Fee Billing 24,064.00 Current Fee Billing 6,016.00 Total Fee Billing Limits, Current Prior To -date Total Billings 6,016.00 24,064.00 30;080:00 Contract Amount 30,080.00 Total this task Billings to date Current Prior, Total Feel 6,01.6.00 24,064-.00 30,080.00 Totals 6,616.00 24,064,00 30,680.00 Task: 004 Land. Acquisition Assistance (TO #11) ..ram--- MT Pik-/t> Professional Personnel Hours Rate- Amount � JL� Bowser, Lance 6/10108. 1.60 65.81 98.72 with Rick CIP Estimate/ Prepare Spreadsheet for CIP construction improvements 'l Bowser, Lance. 6/11/08 9.25 65.81. CIP 608.74 Cost Estimate (Construction + Land + Other Improvements) Lh� Bowser,.Lance 6I12/08 1.5¢ G5.81 98.72. " ' CIP Cost Estimate (Construction +_ Land + Ott ier Improvements) Burkland, William R. 9112/08 0.50 99.37 49.69 Mtg. note. review for Rick `` Burkland, Willlam R. 10/17/0& 1.50 99.37 149.06 phasing disc w/ Gates, Lestiko &Donaldson. Donaldsoh,.Riehard.S.. 6/7107 0.20 115.09. 23.02 - Call from Ryan. on City's. desire for. RPA to initiate land acquisition _ Donaldson, Richard-.S:. -6/14107' . 0.50 11.5:09 57.66 Call with Ryan, on meeting. next week w/City 6,016.00 S' 016.00 Donaldson, Richard S. 6/19107 6.00 115.09 575.45 Prep for mtg (4:30-6am); Mfg at Kai City over scope of new work(10-11:30am); pre and post meetings at RPA-KAL w/Ryan; mtg w/Ryan and Jason re: survey Donaldson, Richard S. 6/19/07 3.00 115.09. 345.27 Travel to Kai (6-8am) and return (5-6pm) Donaldson, Richard S. 6/19107 3.00 115.09 345.27 Travel to Kai (8-9am) & return (3-5pm) Donaldson, Richard S. 10/29107 0.30 122.21 36.66 Working with Nancy to get preliminary maps put together Donaldson, Richard S. 10/30/07 0.20 122.21 24.44 Misc mtg w/Nancy and Discussion of Road w/Ryan Donaldson, Richard S. 11/6107 0.30 122.21 36.66 extensive email to Ryan for talking points at today's meeting. with City Donaldson, Richard S. 11/14/07 0.50 122.21 61.11 emails and calls w/Jason re: reconciling Flathead GIS w/surveyfor property maps, mtg w/Nancy Donaldson, Richard S. 11/16/07 0.20 122.21 24.44 Prep and email infor to Vice for N end hangar Donaldson, Richard S. 1/21/08 0.30 122.21 36.66 Call from and mtg with Ron Olson re: exhibit A; handed over 4 copies Donaldson,. Richard S. 4/24/08 2.50 122.21 305.53 Archive file search for CIP and related spreadsheets Donaldson, Richard S. 4125/08 1.00 122.21 122.21 Follow-up work and planning for new CiP Donaldson, Richard S. 6/10108 0.70 122.21 85.55 Got Lance started on CIP Donaldson, Richard S. 6/11/08 1.00 122.21 122.21 Meetings with Lance and Nancy to instruct on completing the draft of a CIP -- Donaldson, Richard S. 6/12/08 0.50 122.21 61.11 Meeting with .Lance to go over the draft CIP Donaldson, Richard S. 7/15/08 0.80 122.21 97.77 Cali to Gary G, email reply and forward to Ryan; Call from Ryan on city parcel south of airport and instructions to Nancy Donaldson, Richard S. 8/13/08 0.20 122.21 24.44 Email to FAA and Fred L Donaldson, Richard S. 9/2/08 0.20 133.65 26.73 Gail from Fred on CIP and other items Donaldson, Richard S. 9/8108 0.20 133.65 26.73 Few emails.w/Gary Gates on CIP meeting Donaldson; .Richard S. 9/9/08 1.00 133.65 133.65 Meeting w/Gary Gates Donaldson, Richard S. 9/9108 1.50 133.65 200.48 Prep for mtg w/FAA Donaldson, Richard S. 9111/08 0.90 - 133.65 120.29 Prep for meeting; CIP and other work Donaldson, Richard S. 9/12108 2.50 133.65 334.13 Final meeting prep - meeting notes, CIP, etc Donaldson, Richard S. 9112/08 1.50 133.65 200.48 Meeting with F. Leistiko at RPA-Kal re; many topics Donaldson, Richard S. 9/12108 3.50 133.66 467.78 Travel to Kalispell; charged return travel to marketing since open house was going on Donaldson, Richard S. 9118/08 0.50 133.65 66.83 Review Stokes news, call from Fred, email to Gates Donaldson, Richard S. 1013108 0.20 133.65 26.73 Div mtg Donaldson, Richard S. 10/10/08 0.10 133.65 13.37 Call from Ryan on Appraisers Donaldson, Richard S. 10/13/08 0.50 133.65 66.83 find, sort and email appraiser list to Ryan Donaldson, Richard S. 10/17/08 3.00 133.65.. 400.95 Prep CIP and other materials for mtg w/F.Leistiko and G.Gates; meeting after ADO conference Donaldson, Richard S. 10/21108 0.50 133.65 66.83 Call from Fred and email to G.Gates re:sequence of funding if towers mitigated by Owner only Donaldson, Richard S. 10/28/08 0.20 133.65 26.73 Div mtg Geary, Nancy 1116/07 0.26 63.68 16.92 send files to Kalispell for meeting (Ryan) Geary, Nancy 11/14/07 0.50 63.68 31.84 . GIS parcel info Geary, Nancy 6/11/08 8.00 65.10 520.80 preliminary earthwork quantities for proposed pavements Geary, Nancy 6/12/08 2.50 65.10 162.75 Land acquisition inventory Geary, Nancy 7/16/08 3.00 68.31 204.93 exhibit for Cemetery Rd relocate/Siderius property Geary, Nancy - 7/22/08 4.00 68.31 273.24 ALP comments/revisions Geary, Nancy 7/23/08 2.00 68.31 136.62 ALP comments/revisions Geary, Nancy 919/08 2.00 68.31 136.62 Exhibit A, check thru FAA comments Geary, Nancy, 9/11/08 0.75 68.31 51.23 ALP Mitchell, Ryan E. 1/24/07 2.00 109.39 218.78 Meeting with Jim, Fred & Rick Mitchell, Ryan E: 6/19/07 1.50 109.39 _ 164.09 Land Acquisition/Survey Meeting Mitchell, Ryan E. 6/9/08 0.50 120.07 60.04 Printing ALP for Lloyd Barrie Appraisal Mitchell, Ryan E. 7/14/08 0.50 126.52 63.26 City Property/Cemetery Road Mitchell; Ryan E. - 7/16108 0.50- 126.52 63.26 City Property/Cemetery Road Smith, Jason 1/24/08 4.00 79.38 317.52 Draft Exhibits for land acquisition Smith, Jason 1/25108 4.00 79.38 317.52 Draft Exhibits for land acquisition Smith, Jason . 1/29/08 8.00 79.38 635.04 Draft Exhibits Smith, Jason 1/30/08 2.00 79.38 158.76 Draft Exhibits Smith, Jason 1 1/31108 4:00 79.38 317.62 Draft Exhibits Totals 100.75 9,418.56 Total Labor 9,418.66 Reimbursable Expenses Telephone Expense 0.03 Total Reimbursables 0.03 0.03 Unit Billing Equipment Utilized (CAD/PC) 231.60 Total Units 231.60 231.50 Total this task G,65iRD Billings to bate Current Prior Total R07 Labor 9;418.56 0.00 9,418.56 Expense 0.03. 0.00 . 0.03 Unit 231.66, 0.00 231.50 Totals 9,650.06 0.00 9,66t(19.